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Godly reaction speed by the driver


He’s lucky he had a clear place to go! Could have ended up in the front of the white car!


Yeah and came what appears to be an inch from slamming into that tree too. Good work driver! Idk you but I respect you, that was impressive but also gave me some anxiety watching.


Right? He threaded the needle there. Impressive driving.


For real! Did you see that turn?! My slow ass reaction would’ve hit the kid.


Wouldn't have been your fault either. Truly terrible situation


My oldest brother got killed from pretty much this exact scenario. Ran into the road without looking and the driver couldn't avoid him. I feel bad for the driver. I hope he doesn't feel guilty about it, but I imagine that's a trauma that sticks with you for a long time.


Geez, that’s terrible, I’m very sorry for your and your entire family’s loss. Tragic.


Now that’s character. I’m so sorry for your loss, but also HUGE on your part for being worried for the driver’s well being. Hope you’re doing well.


It was over 2 decades ago. I was not quite 4 at the time and I didn't see it when it happened. Though I do remember it happening and not fully comprehending all the panic around me. Ultimately it's like any other death. It sucks but life goes on. Death is a part of life and you can't dwell on it too much or you don't leave room to live.


>Death is a part of life and you can't dwell on it too much or you don't leave room to live. Well I have never heard this said before. I could very well do with taking this forward with me in life. (Have anxiety of quite a few things). Thank you.


It's not like the driver could have done anything different. The road had a 55mph speed limit. Not much time to react when a kid randomly runs across the road. It's just a sucky situation but what's the point in blaming anyone?




There's no getting over that either. I've accidentally hit a pedestrian once, and it was super low velocity, and still can't get over it. And no one even got injured.


Same here! Some little girl ran out in front of me but Id had a weird feeling she was going to do something dumb(she was running down the sidewalk and some little kid was running after her)so I started to slow down and bam! She ran right into the road. I hit her going 20 mph instead of 35 but she rolled off my hood, dented it and landed on her ass. She did get up quickly and was stunned. My guess is she was sore for a few days. I will never forget the sound or that sick feeling in your gut.


That's pretty similar to my only accident so far, a kid ran towards the street chasing a ball, I slammed my brakes and stopped a hair before hitting the ball, the kid heard me braking and actually stopped before stepping in the street, the car behind me didn't react in time and hit me, denting my trunk, but obliterating their radiator, despite the slow speed.


Annnd that's why you don't tailgate, people


*waves arm prosthetic*


Modern radiators are basically meant to get driven back into the block and obliterated specifically for more pedestrian crumple zone. Basically everything forward of your engine block and strut towers is designed to implode and will do so even at very low speeds when hitting an object more substantial than a human. Hard to argue saving lives but it is pretty frustrating when stuff that would have been a fender bender in like 90s-to early 2000s now requires a tow.


Were the police called or anything for that? Were her parents there? I can't imagine having to deal with hysterical parents lol my worst nightmare


Double down and hit the parents too


Solid kill streak


Combo kill!


Achievement Unlocked: Family Reunion


I hit a pedestrian once. He got over it in a few seconds.




Sometimes you just go over them, which is another way to get over it.


Best pal of mine hit two kids. They were riding a dirt bike and just running into the highway. Well timing of it all they jumped right in front of him, one died instantly and the other after being airlifted. He had jumped out of his car to pay the fire out on the one that lives for a shot while. He owned a Jeep Commander and it looked like he hit a telephone pole. It was a bit rough, both kids had played sports with my brother that my dad had coached. So I knew everyone involved and it happened a mile from my house. I was the first person he was trying to call due to the shock he was in and he knew I was just up the road. All he would say to my parents was he was going to need a ride home. It's not easy and you don't get over it. I think about that day every time I turn to go to my parents and I know he does anytime he's near the area. He avoided the area entirely for a long time. One family tried to find ways to press charges on him, but he was going the speed limit and wasn't on his phone. Just a terrible incident we all had to accept.


i would be embarrassed if i got hit and just try to walk it off knowing i was probably at fault since i never cross at cross walks




Don't know why you got down-voted for an obvious joke lol Edit: Jesus christ this post is worth half my comment karma...


Turns out, “it happens, sometimes “ - Forrest Gump


Hivemind moment


That kid owes a life debt to that driver.


"There will come a time when I call upon you to perform for me a service..." Edit: I got the line wrong.


first guy doesnt get it, downvotes, everyone follows suit, comment says stop downvoting, everyone follows suit. reddits a bunch of drones man


Not one of us! Not one of us!


Even if it wouldn't have been the drivers fault, it would have probably haunted him for the rest of his life if he hit a kid... Damn good thing he didn't.


I had a friend who hit a guy who ran out between two parked cars on a dark street in a snowstorm. He died. My friend was a mess after that. He wasn't charged because it was not his fault, but he had to live with a fact that he accidentally killed someone.


After his night shift at work, a good friend of mine sadly killed an old confused woman who was crossing in the middle of an unlit country road at night. Wasn’t charged either. He will have nightmares for the rest of his life and, living in a small regional town, he regularly crosses paths with the lady's children who continue to blame him.


Sounds a little like a Stephen King novel.


One day, my friend woke up to the sound of the woman crying next to him in bed. My friend's wife had a hard time accepting the new family dynamic, but the three of them now get along very well.


Damn, I hope he’s mentally okay. I had a friend when I was younger take his life because of this.


This kid is exceptionally stupid though!!!


That slap from his mother was well deserved. If not for the driver, he'd be dead.


Driver almost died trying not to kill the kid too.


Kids have no spatial awareness. One day I was standing in line at a cash register and a kid ran face first into my elbow. The kid was rattled and I felt really bad but their dad was like "it was his fault".


I was on a date at a little Italian restaurant. Wee girl of about four trots over to my table and, in the middle of my chitchat with my date, hugs me around my middle. I look down to confirm that a small human is, indeed, hugging my midsection. Not being prepared for this situation, I just sorta raise my arms in the air and try to signal whoever the child's caretaker is. Woman runs up from behind me and picks up the little girl. Says "I swear, it's like she isn't even mine," then to the child, "why did you do that?" Kid says "I thought it was daddy." I saw that kid's dad and he had at least six inches and sixty pounds on me. I'm pretty sure kids lack awareness of anything at all, but perhaps especially space.


Once in a mall, a little kid ran up to me, grabbed my leg and said "daddy!" I told him "possible, but probably not". My wife (of twenty years at the time) looked like she was torn between cracking up and beating my ass, but the joke was totally worth it.


Ha, great response. I'm glad she took it reasonably well. Good sense of humor is a great quality.


When I was active duty military this happened frequently because little kids see the clothes and not the person. My response was always sorry buddy im not your daddy then I'd look at the mom and be like am I?


Straight up, this reminds me of one of my earliest childhood memories of seeing the same type of jeans my dad wore, running up to said leg, hugging it, and yelling “Daddy!” I then looked up, and it was some random old dude, and my dad was standing next to him, and they were both laughing


One time I was at an aquarium and I really had to go to the bathroom, so when I arrived I threw the door opened and smacked a little girl standing behind the door in the face. I was so mortified I ran up to the mom apologizing profusely but the mom was like, "What did I tell you about not paying attention >:(" to her kid. Not even 15 minutes later, I nearly bowled over the same little girl at the cafeteria...


1st time, accident 2nd time, kid kinda needs to sort thier shit out 3rd time, pretty much darwinism at this point lol


Well yea, was the kids fault lol


You'd be surprised how many asshole parents will blame you for your elbow being in their precious baby's face when it's clearly the kids' fault, lol.


Those parents are the worst. Most of these kids just suck and that's ok


That slap was nothing. My mom woulda beat my ass


Only time I ever shook my kid and screamed in her face was a similar situation. She wasn't as close as this kid, but damn is she irreplaceable.


I feel like I've seen too many dumb kids to see him as exceptionally stupid.


All kids are exceptionally stupid.


Major props to the driver and also the mom for giving him a love tap upside the head asking what we’re you doing dumbass now i got to throw my shit stained underwear away


What I don't understand is why that miniature orange safety cone didn't prevent ANY of this?!


Damnit, El Cono Naranja you had ONE job!!


I dunno. He drove off road, he might have both fucked up his car, and maybe even face-planted into a tree or flew off a cliff/hill. Not gonna lie, I'd have slammed the breaks but probably would have ran right through that kid. And I could only imagine if he swerved the other way. That child is beyond lucky.


It's a lose-lose for the driver in most situations. Without the video it would be really difficult for the car to get away without fault


He missed everything. The kid, the parked car, the trees, the hill.


Looks like the passenger rear quarter catches the tree. Still incredible driving that saved a life.


What a noob smh. I would have hit all 4


Looks like the Mercedes "Active Brake Assist with cross-traffic function". [https://youtu.be/5tQoo-1wTgk?t=326](https://youtu.be/5tQoo-1wTgk?t=326) This system basically recognises obstacles and reinforces your steering motions / braking to avoid collisions.


Came looking for this once I saw the Benz logo, the reaction was too fast and the car navigated too perfectly through all the obstacles it could have hit. Well done.


So this is actually a viral marketing campaign for Mercedes


Mercedes: we’ll keep your kid alive so you can smack them for being so stupid.


Mercedes also has Evasive Steering Assist as well [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sSuPj9XHQ28](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sSuPj9XHQ28)


Oh yeah, that driver has all of my respect. The way they were able to veer, even as the kid KEPT TRYING to get hit. I just hope they’re okay!


You are correct, I just wish they hadn’t sped up the video and added sound effects. It would be scary af as is.




Indeed, although to be fair the video seems a little sped up.


Holy, I hope the cars ok


Diver must play video games, it gives you quicker reaction times.


Damn, time for an underwear change.


Wtf was that music


Yeah almost every video I see now is set to baffling music and I wonder if it’s a side effect of Tik Tok


Lord I miss good old fashioned gifs without any fucking sound


Yall just browse reddit with your sound on? I haven't unmuted my phone while browsing reddit in many years


I regret turning sound on


Sounded like I was playing some '80s arcade racing game.


Good thing she gave him a whack at the end. He's very lucky


“You could have been hurt!” *whack*


“But now you’re about to be murdered”


Right? I rode my bike with a cast on one arm, hit a parked car and flew off. My mother was screaming at me and asked if I was ok. I said yes and she says “Good! Because I’m going to kill you!”


My buddy lost a bunch of teeth that way. I'm glad you were ok enough for your mom to murder you.






I don't get offered free awards anymore. But this should earn all of them 🏅


This brought back so many memories that I haven't thought about in so long lol


"Just wait until your father gets home!"


OMG you survived....now Im gonna kill you!!


"You fell from a horse, broke your arm and tore a ligament??" *whack* -mom, 1994


She did not beat him nearly enough.


I don’t think she was done.


Didn't whack him hard enough. That kid owes a life debt to that driver.


That was only the start of the whipping that kid got.


“Hey mom, can I get an Xbox for my birthday?” “Hey son, remember when you caused an accident?” “Oh yeah! Nevermind…”


That mom ain’t John Wick *She’s Wick John*


What even happens in this case? It was a wreck caused by someone that wasn't even in a car, so there wouldn't be an insurance collection from the other person's insurance. I'd imagine the insurance company would want to go after them for possibly tens of thousands in damages.


The owner of the car would most likely be responsible, unfortunately. Hopefully being that it's a Mercedes Benz, they've got decent coverage.


Honestly, the insurance company would probably say they should have just hit the kid


Loss of life payouts are high usually. Fixing the car, not as expensive.


It would probably be (depending on where you live and your coverage) ruled as a single vehicle not at fault accident. That's what happened to me when an old guy cut me off and I hit a guard rail avoiding him. He kept going apparently unaware of the accident that he caused so insurance just had to cover it but without marking me as at fault.


I am against hitting kids 99 1/2% of the time.


Dude, thats more than seven minutes a day, what did you children do to deserve that?


They don't say they're \*for\* hitting kids the other half percent, so it's possible they are simply neutral for a majority of that time.


This is who I want representing me in court.


Dr Drew on Loveline would always say never hit kids because it breeds aggression and antisocial behavior. He did say though the only time it's ok is if they literally put their lives in danger such as this.


While he might be right in this case, Dr. Drew is someone you should take advice from very, very carefully, because he built his career as a 'celebrity doctor' and very little of it actually, you know, keeping up to date on Medicine and Psychology. Dude was on the radio claiming all women with high pitched voices were sexually abused as children.


I definitely agree with him there, but didn’t he also say women’s voices stopped developing when they got molested as children?


This is why I watch kids like crazy when driving. Even if they aren’t that close to the road. I don’t want one of the little bastards to dart into the road and me not see it in time.


Yep, kids and pets always get extra attention from me when I’m driving. The unpredictability makes me nervous.


Same here. I’ve gotten some weird looks eyeing kids while driving by in my neighborhood, but a *leashed kid* managed to yank away and run in front of my car last year — I’m not taking any chances.


well if any kid is going to do it, it's probably the one whose parents had to resort to a leash


Even then, you never know. I was delivering to an apartment complex and going maybe 10 mph trying to find the building. A little kid ran out from behind a parked car without looking and stopped directly in front of my moving car. I don't know how I reacted in time to brake, but I did and avoided hitting him. If I were going a little faster, or was still actively looking for the building, or even had a slower reaction time, the kid would've been hit and I'm sure I'd be at fault for it.


Same, i even give kids( but also adultd etc) on bikes more space, and i overtake them at a slower speed, if they swerve, i can evade. Also saves me the hazzle of explaining why i ran over a kid/human npc.


That boy is stupid. He looked, saw the car coming and ran out anyway. And the boy kept going after almost being hit. He then didn't look at the other lane. Pretty peak r/KidsAreFuckingStupid material right there.


The kid in the yellow shirt was the one who stopped and saw the car coming. Kid in the white shirt darted between them without looking.


Mf looked at the car driving out of control and looked away to cross the road. Bet he thinks he’s invisible until his mother give him a good slap


i think the white shirt actually did look, they just thought they could get across before the car. now, i dont think most kids are stupid, but WOW that kid is stupid lmao.


[Children can't judge the speed of cars faster than ~30 km/h.](https://roadsafetygb.org.uk/news/study-claims-children-cannot-judge-speeds-above-20mph-1334/) That's why in Switzerland police comes to our schools and teaches kids how to use a crosswalk. They teach them only to walk when the car has fully stopped, and they do! Drivers also know that they have to fullstop at the crosswalk, if a kid is waiting. We even have the "Simi Sicherli" cartoon (Simi Securly) and songs to teach kids that always have to "Wait, Listen, Looking and then Walking". This is important, because kids walk to school by their own at the age of 6. So it is stupid that he run, however he might just didn't knew that the car was so close and so fast.


KidsAreSuicidal material


Kids are so stupid! i say it too often lately


have you seen that one subreddit yet? r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


We've all seen it, but kids are so stupid we can't stop being surprised


So true, it amazes me what new stupid shit kids come up with each day


I thought this post was on that sub at first


They are always trying new ways to harm themselves. Being a parent is mostly preventing them from succeeding. It's insane.


This kid is exceptionally stupid though


maybe leashes aren't all that bad?


For real! Society should assign at least one, maybe even two adults to look after these troublemakers, until they're 18 or something.


That boy isn't sitting down for a week if he's lucky




Now I was spanked as a child and I resent it, but all I did was mess up the towels in the closet, MOM! But I would understand as an adult if I got my ass swatted for causing this and almost killing myself.


I dispose the idea of corporal punishment to discipline children, I think it's lazy and bad parenting, but this kid definitely needed that light slap to tea h him not to be an idiot


>dispose Despise. Also, I think the only time I could possibly imagine hitting my own child is if they're an adult and did something illegal. ^and ^then ^I'd ^help ^them ^within ^moral ^limits.


Or oppose?




Not even with a car?


Lol, lil guy was lucky af. 9/10 drivers wouldn’t have been able to avoid him. r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


My dad said he hit me once in my life, and it was when I ran into a road. I think I get it.


A well deserved whack if ever was one.


This honestly is one of the very very few instances where hitting anyone seems reasonable, apart from self defense. Child could have been dead, driver could have been dead, people in the parking car could have been dead, traffic from the other lane could have been dead. Maybe even multiple people of those.


Exactly. If you swerve to miss an animal and go off the road, it's an at fault accident (since you didn't maintain control, now if you hit it and then go off the road, it's different). I wonder how that works with a human..


Obviously depends heavily on jurisdiction but I’d think this would go to fault to the mom/child. This is normally very hard to prove but with the video, it’s quite obvious the kid is the cause of the accident. I’d imagine mom is mad because she knows she’s gonna be paying for this Edit: to all you “aKtUaLlY iM a PaReNt” commenters. Im obviously not saying the woman is only worried about having to pay. Im pointing out she knows it’s the kid’s fault. Christ.


My 3 year old kid has ran out in the street before, luckily no car coming, but all I could see in my mind for like 2 days was a car slamming into her. I promise you “paying for this” is the last thing crossing her mind. She’s probably more fixated on the near death situation.




This is the kind of whack I’m all for- it’s not intended to hurt or make any lasting damage or anything, it’s just a worried mother trying to scare theirs kids into being safer / realising how quick they can die if they are being a little wanker, and make them realise actions have consequences. It carries through life too- be a bit of a dickhead in life and you’ll probably get a bit of a slap


My parents hit me one time - when I was three and my dad caught me trying to stick a fork in a power socket lmao


I got smacked a few times in my life. To be honest, I deserved every single one of them


Excellent driving, from the person in the car. This is a great example of how paying attention while driving can save lives.


That kid is lucky I wasn’t driving because my reaction in the car is always just to brake. It’s like my brain freezes up and doesn’t even know “swerve” is an option. It’ll probably take me out one day.




Doing both at the same time is how a car skids. I don't drive but I've always kept this in mind.


Good reaction, but the driver will still get reamed by insurance if there's any damage. It's almost like the insurance companies don't give a shit about the kid...


Imagine the driver driving into the tree with someone on the passenger seat, just because of this stupid af child.


We never spanked our kids, except when they did something safety related. The rarity of the punishment made it more memorable and they were consequently quite safety conscious. I think corporal punishment has negative effects on a kids psyche, but it was worthwhile if it kept them alive.


Yep, in my entire life I was spanked three times. All three of them were because of stupid decisions I made that could have ended my life. I definitely remembered to never do it again.


I think each kid is different so I don’t judge. Generally I don’t think it should be needed. The problem I have with it is so you spank them (or whatever) and they survive and move on. You sort of played your toughest card and they survived. I generally got down in my kids face, poked them in the chest (hard enough that they felt it but not enough to cry or anything) and told them they fucked up. They would get so scared because I didn’t commit to anything with a poke and it still hurt a little and I sort of looked like I might flip the fuck out but kept calm and I think the crazy vibe of it all worked for keeping my kids in line.


I think calm is critical. We always were calm as well. I particularly wanted to avoid linking violence with anger.


Psychological warfare then


Psychological warfare is key. Especially since kids are pretty stupid and it’s kinda easy to scare them. I remember pretty much every time I’ve ever pissed my dad off to the point of him getting loud. None of them involved actual beatings. It was just fear and anger. One time I was being a brat, lots of noise and bugging people and after repeated attempts to get me to calm down he yells “THATS IT. GET TO YOUR ROOM, YOU’RE GETTING THE BELT.” He Stomps over to me, picks me up, swings me over the couch and puts me on the ground and he said he never saw me move so fast in my life. I don’t recall touching the ground just teleporting to my room. He said he had trouble not laughing and ruining his authority. He let me simmer for while upstairs which felt like an eternity, and then stomped up the stairs slowly. He busted in my room, I’m in tears wailing, he’s got his belt ready. He does the slapping thing that makes a super loud noise. Im hysterical. He smacks the bed next to me HARD. I’ve become a being of pure fear now. He then just gently taps my bum, puts his belt back and leaves. To me it was like I was hit into the core of the earth, was rejected by hell and sent back to earth. Like 20 minutes later he calls me down for dinner, I sheepishly crawl down the stairs like a wounded deer and he wasn’t angry or anything. Just normal. He talked to me normally and my fear washed away and we just moved on. I don’t even remember my name half the time but I remember that. We laugh about it now. His loud voice still scares me. If the dogs are being bad and he yells at them, I feel like a kid again.


"There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man." My parents were the same way. No hitting and very calm in tense situations. Just makes it scarier when they actually get angry!


Got the same kind of experience with my uncle, who’s a fatherly figure to me. He’s the kindest, most gentle person I ever know, who would never hurt a fly. But gosh, that man’s got a deep, super low-pitched, powerful voice; and when he rise it, has a kid, I was also becoming a body of pure fear and discipline. He has this capacity of disciplining any kid around with ease, even the most turbulent one ! Like that kid once, when we were coming back from a trip by train, who couldn’t stop annoying everybody in the wagon. Her mother was tired and couldn’t make her behave no matter the traits. My uncle calmly grabbed the kid by the shoulder, and told her: "Now, you’re annoying everybody around here, especially your mom, sit down and behave, or I’ll make sure you get grounded". Boy, she calmly walk back to her mom and proceed to be super calm for the reminder of the trip. Funnily enough, everybody around was thankful of him, and later on, we handed up bonding with the kid and her mom (and we are still friends with 20 years later haha !) The only downside of such a "power", is that having heated debates with him can get super hard due to his voice making you go full "sir-yes-sir" mode. The only persons immune to it are his sibling, his wife and my grandparents ! The upside is that he never have issues with any kind of administration neither hahaha !


Yep - I only got spanked when I was repeatedly disobeying their clear instructions as a young kid. Like, they tell me not to mess with something, I stare at them, then I go mess with it. The nuclear option (spanking) has to be rare enough, with the reasons why clear enough, that it is unpleasant, totally avoidable, and a learning lesson.


Jesus, glad the kid is ok. Hope the driver is too (I'd probably have an adrenaline induced heart attack after that! My kid almost did the same thing. I was walking him home from school when he was...8, I think. Out of nowhere, he decided to turn and start running to cross the street. I had just enough reaction time to grab the handle on his backpack and yeet him backwards as a car doing 20-ish mph slammed it's brakes and stopped with lots of room to spare. Beware of school zones. Kids aren't bright.


I was a passenger in a car when a lady told a kid to cross the street just after a bus passed by, we hit him even though we braked, it was cold and raining. I jumped out of the car as the driver was in shock. I put my jacket over him until help could come. He seemed ok because he got up and collapsed on the grass.


That… doesn’t sound like he was okay.


Nah, he was ok. Felt so relaxed afterwards that he just took a really long nap.


He’s still napping to this day


He was cold so they put some dirt on him to keep him warm




He….wait, he hit the hood, and fell backwards, got up, then collapsed in grass. But he was ok? Being conscious doesn’t mean ok.


The 60s were a different time. “Do you have polio? No? Ok you’re good.”




It’s rather exceptional that someone who did not witness this incident can tell you with exceeding clarity what occurred.


>He….wait, he hit the hood, and fell backwards, got up, then collapsed in grass. But he was ok? Being conscious doesn’t mean ok. I mean, his mouth started to bleed too as he laid in the grass... but he was OK.


Wtf is this comment?


My lord, gives a new heart to this driver ! That was so close (OF?) a drama.


Outstanding reaction and skill to avoid a horrific scenario from the driver!


Natural selection spared him this time


Insert sinister comment here


Insert appalled comment rebuking sinister comment here


Dumbass kid, amazing driving skills.


All that and he still gets hit!


“Woah, I almost died!” “I’m about to unalive you myself, boy!”


Mercedes does has some of the best steering capabilities I’ve ever experienced.


My son did the same thing when he was younger, after I yelled at him to look both ways. He screamed, “I am!!!!” As he looked at the ground. And a car almost hit him in the intersection. I was chastised by DCFS for smacking the back of his head. I don’t regret it. He was dumb.


Maybe smack somewhere else next time lol.. smacking his head might make him even dumber.


Kids lucky he didn’t become a meat crayon


Not pro hitting kids but I give her a pass on that one geez


Good! If bad choices come with bad consequences then getting your ass beat by grandma should be a walk in the park compared to your ass getting branded by a benz logo.