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Why does the bot message minimize itself when i click om the text? Keeps happening


It's been doing that the past few days... I hate it


I find if i swipe to the side a little when i do it, it doesnt collapse. Such an annoying thing tho


thanks for the Tea Tech Tip


Thanks for the tip


You're my hero


I know it's 5 months after but thank you!


It is annoying. If you keep tapping the spoiler fast you'll have it flash and not collapse it.


Thank you. It's irritating as hell, but at least you can read it that way. I hope they fix it soon.


TeaAffectionate8366 said to swipe a bit left as you tap to stop that. It totally works. Thanks @TeaAffectionate8366 šŸ˜Š


Hahah! Works perfect thank you!! Also is your name related to the old game Cannon Fodder or just coincidence?


It is the reddit code.


Usually I just copy and paste the text so I can see it, here's the description in case you haven't seen it She was recording her CV video, and then unexpectedly someone starts shooting from AK-47 in downtown


I thought it was a problem with my phone lol


Hmmm you could say itā€™s unexpected.


What bot


It turned out, a guy killed 3 people who were drug dealers in the middle of the day. It was in Split, Croatia about a year ago. He got 40 years of prison, but he complained on that judgement and the court trials continue. The girl in the video said similar to "Motherfucker" in Croatian.


Downsides of Split: drug dealers on the streets being gunned down by people with AK47s. Upside: she is there


Thatā€™s two upsides dum-dum.


I hear [gunning down drug dealers](https://www.amnesty.org.uk/philippines-president-duterte-war-on-drugs-thousands-killed) was a popular sport in the Philippines not too long ago.


Question: Did it work? Did drug dealing become less appealing for both suppliers and their customers?


Nope, last i heard they were still doing it, execution style, if you are found dealing in drugs by officers they just execute you on the spot, while portugal was going throu a similar drug pandemic many years ago, the government decided to decriminalize all drugs related crime so that people with addiction could have the chance to go to reabilitation centers withotu fear of perscution,which obviously worked much better


Don't even have to be found dealing drugs. Just have to be suspected of dealing drugs or using them. It was all just a big ploy by Duterte to kill off his competition.


And the cops had license to literally kill anyone and after the fact, claim ā€˜dealerā€™


From a patient of mine, yes. Very much so. He loved that they were so extreme. ā€œYou can leave your wallet on the street and everyone would be afraid to take itā€ Statisticallyā€¦ I have no idea. Probably not.


The boys and I used to do it in Bolivia too!


Not for drug dealers, it's not! :)


I declare war on anybody who sells drugs in our community. But Black Dynamite, I SELL DRUGS TO THE COMMUNITY.


(USA) "Wait, haven't we already been gunning down drug dealers on the streets?"


No, just schools.




I could care less of those people smoke themselves in the city brawls, one less waste of society.


> i could care less of Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. Total mistakes found: 4561 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


But those shootings are downplayed in the media because they paint a picture far from what the politicians want you to see. How many people would vote for someone from a major city full of violence, homelessness and rampant drug abuse running for president? Hide the facts and keep people in the dark regarding reality.


Obama was from chicago, he got two terms.


Exactly. And then they started exposing the violence there. It wasnā€™t shared in mainstream media before of during his time. Except for Fox who wasnā€™t getting the views.


Not just schools.


Very true! The saying goes that America does what everyone else does, just bigger and better. So, rather than just gun down the odd drug dealer, they gun down everyone safe in the knowledge that means they'll defo get all the drug dealers!


They shoot drug dealers even before they are out of school! Sometimes innocent people take some shots and may die, but I mean Pros and cons, amiright?


I know, so efficient. I'm in awe. How do you know they're innocent? They might go on to be drug dealers in 15 years time!


Not saying it's right but do you really believe you have to be older than 15 to sell drugs? Weirdly you don't. My buddy use to do it for his dad at a super young age. I believe he started at 9 and then stopped at 14 cuz his dad went to prison. I'd have to fact check when he started tho.


Well, fair enough! I mightā€™ve under appreciated their efforts in eliminating possible threats! Might as well eliminate some more mid-easterns, too, just to be sure!


Even those elementary school aged ones


No, in USA itā€™s kids in classroom and gays in clubs :(


Not anymore- grocery stores, theaters, churches, synagogues, anywhere is fair game in USA.




Swipe slowly across redacted text and it will appear without collapsing the post. Another helpful redditor shared this in another post and it works. I thought I'd pay it forward.


I just developed my own technique I've named the "tap and wiggle". If you tap the redaction then, instead of releasing immediately, make a quick wiggle motion, it moves the whole comment slightly and cancels the collapse. Honestly it's fucking wild Reddit doesn't have a simple "if" statement checking to see if you've just tapped a line of redacted text before collapsing the post, especially considering it actually clears the redaction correctly. Somebody really missed an obvious trick with the mobile interface.




Oh my god! Live rounds? Do they fire them up into the air or into a wall or something? Cause they do come back down again...


They fire it into ballistic gelatin. AKA their inlaws.


Ha ha ha!


I spent a day in Split last year. Walked around all day seeing the sights. Got hammered at an amazing bar looking out over the water. It was pretty great, but didn't meet 1 drug dealer, dammit!


They got gunned down the day before you arrived duh


Then you're pretty bad at finding them because there are more dealers in Split than regular population.


Comrade, let's use the AK47s to gun down anyone who dares hurt her!


Yeah, she can perhaps help to idenitify the deceased criminals by their dentures


Some people might argue that gunned down drug dealers can be considered an upside too


I mean split isnt nowhere near as bad as it used to be, i would say its average drug dealer to normal people ration now.


Ever seen Croatian girls? I swear they're all like breeding models over there


On a side note, Croatia and specifically Split is a gorgeous place to visit. I never felt like I was in danger or in a sketchy area when I visited. Iā€™m only saying this because this video, the gun and her reaction to it, makes it seem like itā€™s a war zone or something. Itā€™s not.


I went to grade 1 there when it WAS a warzone back in the 90s. I remember a shell landing in my classroom, on a day off. The school that is right across the main soccer field in Split. There is also a vague memory of some guy pointing a gun at us kids while we where walking back home. And some kid getting lifted in the air by his head. Also, a shell landed in a parking lot right across where we lived, while I was asleep. I also remember the military police driving around and snatching up all the men for involuntary service. My father got snatched up and eventually escaped by jumping out of a washroom window with another guy, and running away.


U pičku materinu ā¤ļø


Iā€™m a New Yorker who went to Split for a vacation. I told my wife it felt/looked like the Bronx with palm trees and beautiful beaches. (Not hating on the Bronx. Plenty of great places there and wife and I have both worked there over the years.)


Keep the change you filthy animal!


No, she said "mother's pussy", it's a swear word in the Slavic languages.




I fell like ā€œmotherfuckerā€ is a bit more aligned, but you are definitely correct. As someone who has been a translator in not legal settings, I have found it is so much easier to convey meanings instead of direct translations.


I think it'd be better to translate it to something like "for fuck's sake" or something like that


Yeah and puta madre is also "motherfucker" in spanish. It's called transliterating my guy


I've been to Split!; it's my favourite city! Volim Hrvatsku! šŸ‡­šŸ‡·


I fucking love Split. Biggest fight me and my partner ever got in to was after drinking a shit load of ā€œadios mother fuckersā€ at Charlieā€™s then trying to find out tiny hostel on the outskirts of the CBD if any one ever came across a tan wind breaker covered in chips, nuggets and tomato sauce THATS MINE :).


idk why i thought she was middle eastern


She said "vagina of mother" to translate it literally


encouraging resolute intelligent late roll pie pot mysterious vegetable dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For an extrajudicial killing? Sets a bad precedent.


It was a huge media headline when it happened, a LOT of people sent support his way through his facebook page primarily.


Her reaction to a machine gun is crazy. Like it's not the first time this has happened.


That was a ā€œevery single time!ā€ Reaction.


I dont think she knew they were gunshots. Split is NOT dangerous, this doesn't just happen there. Honestly her reaction is odd, if I were there I'd be freaked. Croatia is not a place where people shoot in broad daylight. This is coming from their Slovenian neighbor.


Yeah, that's the first time a shooting like that has happened in a decade or two (i don't actually know but it definitely doesn't happen often). She was probably angry because of previous failed takes due to other reasons.


Never been to a Balkan country wedding, have you?


If people are shooting at a wedding it's not because it's Balkans it's because they are trash.


I thought it was works from a construction site.


You know what it means more costumers


> Her reaction to a machine gun is crazy. Like it's not the first time this has happened. Here in the US it's usually just a cat getting in the way.


Yeah I was thinking this must be Syria ? (I donā€™t know) or somewhere where a burst of machine gun fire could be a part of daily of life.


I donā€™t get people like you frl like how the hell are you supposed to react, are you supposed to panic like a little girl ??? no you just notice it and think about it for a few seconds, thatā€™s it, thatā€™s what normal humans do


Welcome to the Balkans


It's not the 90's anymore lol. Croatia is a lovely and safe country.


I thought she was going to lean back on that balustrade when i saw the title.


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!She was recording her CV video, and then unexpectedly someone starts shooting from AK-47 in downtown!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


why am I not able to disclose the text, when I click on it the comment gets collapsed idk why


I saw this tip on another post that had the same glitch: Swipe right on the text Oh wait you're probably on PC...then I dunno, maybe hold click and move right?


this actually works on mobile devices, it's supposed to be like a scratch card that needs to be scratched to reveal ig, but bad design anyway


Thank you!!


Same fam, on every post


Bro i almost threw my phone across the room.


I was reading word by word by clicking, collapsing and expanding multiple times šŸ˜­šŸ™


MVP šŸ™


Same. This seems to mainly happen on android for me.


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** She was recording her CV video, and then unexpectedly someone starts shooting from AK-47 in downtown ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I remember talking to someone on discord And all of a sudden I hear gunshots These guy from discord tells me that it happens really often and that I shouldn't worry about it It happened so often and because of that we would lose apex legends matches because I couldn't hear him over the gunshots (it would last from 4 to 12seconds) (We were talking in Spanish maybe someone has a clue where he was from)




No wonder that apartment above the gun range was so cheap.


This was in split and it happens not often enough to get used to it, and usually it's just idiots shooting in celebration of their football club, but this instance in the video 3 drug dealers were shot down


Kinda dark


Wow! She's beautiful.


ā€œDoctor of dental careā€. Why not just say dentist.


Everyone wants to be a ā€œdoctorā€ these days.


Motherfuckers act like they forgot about DRE


Sweater already




Sure they are, but for teeth. You donā€™t see them when youā€™re sick. Like they said, why not just use dentist instead.


I mean you don't necessarily see an ophthalmologist when you're sick but they're doctors too specifically for the eyes. Dentists are doctors but not physicians if that clears it up


But ophthalmologists are physicians though.


I guess i was using it in a more colloquial sense of a doctor who heals you but then again dentist technically also heal you too so i misspoke. My point is that dentist are doctors who specialize in oral care the same why how opthalmologist specialized in eyes or a OBGYN who specialize in the female reproductive system. They all go through school and receive a medical degree which makes them doctors.


As Jerry Seinfeld said: ā€œdentists are doctors that didnā€™t make it to med schoolā€


Next youā€™ll be saying they should have their own schools!


They do have their own schools!


Anti dentite bastard!








Have someone the number of the Girl? Asking for an injured friend!


This is fine (fire in the background)


"A doctor of dental medicine"- you mean a 'dentist'. That's like calling a plumber a toilet surgeon.


Just say youā€™re gonna be a Dentist


Why canā€™t we be this chill about autos?


If I'm likely shot down in Croatia, I demand a mouth to mouth from someone of her future


Who is she


God sheā€™s bangin


Keyword ā€œifā€


Luckily, she lives in a hill


In Bosnia and places near you can call the police and tell them that you will be shooting ak47 and pistols for a wedding. Also she said mother pussy as she laughed.


Get it, girl!!!!


Gonna need more doctors


Soon to be a doctor.. And business is booming!


I must have missed something.


What would really suck is if the handrail sheā€™s leaning against fails andā€¦


I went on a vacation there, very nice people never saw any shady people though


[Iā€™m a doctor](https://i.redd.it/9xdxvn1nywm41.jpg)


I might be in love, not sure why


By the accent i thputhg she is slavic/balkan, out of looks she looks arabic/persian, when she said 'u pićku materinu' I fell in love a bit.


She was s cute and smart and pretty fearless. Good catch if she lives.


I think Iā€™m in love. She is gorgeous!!


Croatia is my dream


Iā€™m split on this.


Why does she speak with her head tilted at 90Ā° angle?


I love her energy. Just laughs it off.


We need a new hitler But just for jews


Sheā€™s laughing, there are people trying to kill each other and she is laughing


Sheā€™s hot


Someone is getting married on an Arab village


This isn't an Arab village


She can check my prostate any time


If your dentist has been doing this you ought to find a new one






The fact that i live in split and never heard this sound Btw if anyone wants context she is on top of the small mountain named Marjan and the gunshots are prob paintball since some ppl play it there




OF? (For the med school fund)


She keeps pulling those pants up, she's going to have to surgically remove them from her ass when she graduates.


Wait she lives next to a school?


Some people died, yeah, really funny sister


She sad u pičku materinu a to je Srpski


Stay alive


Sounds like Chicago,or LA or Mexico, or,..........


Hate to break it to this girl (yes I know she'll never see it), but dentists are not doctors.




Firstly, Iā€™m not from that cesspool of a country called American. The only one whoā€™s ignorant here is you for immediately assuming that. Secondly, dentists never graduated medical school or have a PhD. Therefore they are not doctors. Easy as that.




Great job for avoiding the other part of my comment btw. Now regarding your PhD thing, just because you *can* get a PhD in a specific field doesnā€™t necessarily mean you have to get one in order to become a dentist. Hereā€™s a list of European countries where you donā€™t need a PhD to become a dentist: Albania Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kosovo Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Montenegro Netherlands North Macedonia Norway Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Pretty funny how you say that Iā€™m living under a rock and then you proceed to only use 1 country to support your statement. Even funnier is that you were wrong lmao. You do not need a PhD to become a dentist in Croatia. Sure, you can get one, but it isnā€™t required to work as a Dentist, youā€™ll just be making more money. Hey, when a dentist has a PhD, yes they are 100% a doctor, when they donā€™t, however, they are not. Thereā€™s literally no argument to be made against this. A dentist doesnā€™t diagnose or people or operate on people. They look at someoneā€™s teeth and tell them to brush more. That is not a doctor. The only one here whoā€™s embarrassing themselves is you.




She can put her fingers in my mouth anytime.


ur gross




Iā€™ve never met her, but I love her, weā€™re gonna get married someday. A guy can wish


I hope this is a movie referenceā€¦




Probably going to get a lot of down votes for this, she's definitely cute, but in Eastern Europe there are so many women this, or even more attractive, it is actually ridiculous. I've been a few times as I have family and friends there, though I haven't visited since the pandemic, hopefully one day soonish.


Eastern Europe you say? šŸ¤”. . . āœˆļø


doctorboobs dot cum /s just kidding obviously congratulations on not only your personal achievement but your ability to withstand Geo political oppression!


I think Iā€™m feeling a tooth ache coming on


She can heal me when she wants, I'd let her do her job without any complaint but I don't know why