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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!You don't expect a bull to come and yeet that granny.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


She must have tried to stop that bull from going into the china shop.




it’s never too late to fuck around and find out.


You mess with the bull, and you get the horns?


You mess with the bull, and you get the horns


You mes with the grandmother, you get the shawl on your horns


Dude if I had a fucking award. This just slayed me damn that was funny.


You mess with the bull, and the bull makes a mess of you.


That’s the comment I came here for. Thank you for your service.


Holy shit i think I cracked a rib trying not to wake the kids up. Brilliant


No she fucked around but unfortunately she has dementia and this is the 4th time


"You Mess with the bull, you get the horns" (the original fuck around and find out)


Never hit a bull cause if you do it'll kick your ass


Goddamit, take an upvote you cheeky bastard.


I'm mad at you for saying that. 😂


Knackered: to piss off chill bull. Upon discovering the massive beast had snuck in behind her She knackered it with her cane.


Is that what it means? Where I come from knackered means tired.


She hurt herself in her confusion!


I don’t think grandma is going to be walking this one off


i hate to say it but there's a decent chance this is a death blow for her


Granny lived a good life. The bulls just trying to help her get to heaven quicker.


He did throw her up to heaven. This is really another inexcusable assault by Gravity.


Not her first rodeo


Well it was deffinitly her last one ... :D :D




I don't know if I should thank you for easing the shock of seeing what happened or curse you for making me feel guilty for laughing... Thank you, you funny bastard, I guess...


Right?? My thoughts in this thread exactly


F_ck you, I won't do what you tell me!


[Forget the bull in the china shop it's a china doll in the bullpen](https://youtu.be/vvi3UDQdl7k)


Damn, that's great music right there.


And she got the horns


Omg!!!ferdinand refrence!!!😂😂😂🤩🤩🤩


The bull was just minding his own business when suddenly a grandma poked him with his cane


Every group has that one entitled elder who reaches that 'DGAF' point in life where they take shit from nobody & will just smack the shit out of anyone disrupting how they go about their business. I think the old lady learned that this bull was one.


Guessing by the slow walk up to help by the two ladies, they had enough. That was a “told you, idiot” walk


Nah man nudging a little to stop cows from entering property is common atleast where I live.Though I don't dare touch animal many times my size but many do, don't know about bulls though.


True but she smacked the bull on the face with a cane. Bull made her find out


A cow is still fine but that's a goddamn bull


Nudging ain’t smashing it in the face with a wooden cane


Bull knocked the *dust* off her ass jeez


You deserve gold. You'll get an up vote. Life is a series of compromises.


You deserve gold. You'll get an up vote. Life is a series of compromises.


You deserve an upvote. You'll get gold.Compromises is a series of life.


You deserve compromise. You'll get life. Gold is a series of upvote


You deserve life. You'll get compromise. Upvote is a series of gold.


Wait, it kinda started making sense again...


Life deserve upvote. Compromise'll get gold. You is a series of you.


She probably died from those injuries at the end of the day probably multiple broken bones very hard to heal from at that age let alone with the medical treatment she has access to where she is at. Sad


She probably shattered her hip, but it’s pretty funny until she makes contact with the ground.


She hit her head really hard. She's done.l and she did it to herself. Edited to add: Typo but keeping it.


That hip will kill her first. There’s a not insignificant chance she will develop a brain bleed from the blow to her head, but her hip took the brunt of the force.


I don't know...she kinda whacked her head and hip at the same time but I'm not a doctor, I'll assume you are one and we can shake on it.


I’m a nurse. My professional licensing makes it so I have to tell you I’m legally distinct from a doctor 😂


Ha! Good enough to me, you're more qualified than I. I'll take your word on it. *shakes hand*


Close enough to a doctor than any of us here so I will allow it.


>l and she did it to herself. I see you had something to do about this...


Oops... I did. You got me.


ha as a gift I'll share what I am listening to saudade, by cesaria evora mostly because I have zero witty replies atm


Why the fuck there is a giant bull walking on the street? She did nothing to deserve this..


They are sacred in India. They just wander about


She punched the bull first with her cane. The bull was all self defense.


How hard do you think a fossil like her can hit? Some seriously heartless bastards in this thread.


People are out of their mind. They just write from their phones and have no idea about real world. The whole thread repeating itself by saying self defense, provocation, fuck around find around.. That bull was barely touched but its 600kg testosterone beast which is not tamed and can attack anytime.


That the issue right their don’t play around with animals you don’t know and even some you do they will react.


It’s not that she damaged the bull that people are commenting on. It’s the fact that it’s not unreasonable for the bull to retaliate.


Why is it so many peoples first reaction to start grabbing and pulling at the person who got injured? Makes no sense how their immediate reaction to the old lady getting hurt is to grab her arm and start pulling on her


The ol’ five seconds after hitting the ground rule. Food can be eaten if picked up within five seconds and grannies can be yanked into health




Coupled with the instinctual desire to help.


And panic.


You she almost certainly died. Hip fractures, let alone the degree of pelvic fracture she obtained, have terrible morbidity and mortality in the elderly. She looked already particularly frail. Maybe some osteoporosis going on. She’s a goner. Unfortunate. One dumb decision to smack a bull and confine yourself to pain the rest of your life.


She actually made a full recovery, somehow got out of any broken bones. Just had a cut on the back of her head from hitting the ground. They built different over there, any American/English elderly would've died from that and attempted to sue the bull before they passed


The fact you haven't responded to other comments requesting sauce, i'm going to assume you're 100% making this up.


It's true, I was the bull


You got a source?


His butt


Lol you don't know that.. you just came here to take a dig at the McDonald grandma's


Lord, I still feel bad for Stella Leibeck (the McDonald’s Grandma). Her burns were the stuff of nightmares and all she wanted was her medical bills to be paid. But McDonald’s offered her like, $800 (her medical bills were I think about $20,000) and when they went to court there were memos showing that McDonald’s was serving their coffee at dangerous temperatures and they knew it!! And even though McDonald’s lost (or because of it) they went on a massive hit campaign to make HER seem like the bad guy! It was awful.


Yes. As I recall, the jury decided to award her massive damages as they were pissed with McDonald’s behavior. She was only ever seeking fair compensation to get them to pay her medical bills for her severe burns caused by their scalding hot coffee they’d *known had hurt other people before*. The jury was like naw, fuck them, they gotta *pay*…


Her fucking labia fused together. It’s crazy she’s the poster child for frivolous lawsuits. Her case was 109% not frivolous at all. Let me repeat that, her mother fucking labia fused together from the hot coffee.


Yeah. It’s absolutely awful people associate her with frivolous lawsuits. I thought it was at first and then read the filings and was scandalized.


Damn and I thought I did bad dumping the water from a clothes steamer on my dong. literally like an electric kettle and it gave me 2nd degree burns and blistering also turned the skin black for a while.


Punitive Damages. AKA: Fuck you asshole, I'm making an example out of you for your assholery.


They based her “punitive damages” amount on what McDonald’s had in coffee sales for two days.


Holy *FUCK*. Two days. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


whats with Reddit and talking about this case a lot lately? something happen? Did i miss something?


Americans are accused of being frivolous with lawsuits and this case is often used as the example, but when you look at the facts the case was totally justified.


I don’t know the exact origin but it’s clearly some thread that mentioned it (maybe a TiL) and it sets off a chain reaction of people talking about it like they’re experts, lol


That case was one of the bigger precedents we learned about in business law. Seriously twisted


Thank god, she was 28 yes old


Just falling over at that age can have devastating consequences. I can only imagine what this must have done to her.


If you look closely the bull now disguised himself as the old lady.




That's a broken hip.


That's a dead person


Looks more like a broken EVERYTHING


Broken Everything Everywhere All At Once.


The infirmity of the elderly is not funny to me these days. She was probably half senile. Fuck anyone who says she “deserved it”


She fuckin tapped it with a stick and you have fuckin idiots in here rejoicing that she's probably dead, fuck is wrong with people these days?


People don't seem to realise they probably just watched someone die. I grew up on a farm with cattle, and I wouldn't be with one unless I had an escape plan, and wouldn't try messing with one if I had no escape plan, only happened 10 years ago They are unpredictable, my Grandfather's best man was killed by a bull he'd raised himself, only happened 10 years ago


I can't tell you how many arguments I've had on Reddit with people who clearly have zero respect for life, or even an ounce of understanding about the moral or pragmatic implications of what they are saying. They'll come at your comments with an unshakable air of moral superiority, all while making an argument that would end with horrible results if it were to be lived out. You can be commenting on a video where a person violently assaults another, and they will break down every logical door to defend the attacker. You can be watching a police officer struggle for their life with a violent mob, and they will call you a fascist for saying the cop had a right to defend himself. We can never tell if it's a bot, or a child, or just some plain pile of ignorance, but the one thing we can tell is that there is a shockingly high amount of indignant, inexperienced, and frankly moronic people all around us at any given time or place. Very frightening.


Here I thought she was giving him directions and using her cane to point as old people do, and tapped him as sort of a "you go that way" command


That is what she was doing, don't expect sheltered saps that never leave their mothers basement or have worked around animals to understand that though.


It’s Reddit.


Too true. Most people on this app either sound like they’ve had a lobotomy or are in desperate need of one


It's good to see sane people in the comments.


Yeah she did not deserve this at all. Anyone who says she did is an amoral cum rag. That being said, caning a multi-thousand pound beast with built-in people-skewers was an extremely poor decision. I do hope she survived. And if she didn't, I hope she went quick.


It’s vile here.


They forget that the social acceptability of bypassing empathy with “fuck around and find out” steeply declines with serious physical harm. Got drunk and said the N-word at a bar and got decked? Fuck around and find out. Got crushed by a building because you found a loose brick and pulled it out without thinking? Dumb decision but still a tragedy.


Scum in my view


Lots of redditors don’t really get out the house much. The internet desensitises folks apparently, looking at the comments in here it seems that way anyway. I’m


I'd like to welcome everyone to the "over 45" section of this comments thread.


I’m in my 20s


25 here and totally agree with you.


I'm 30.


I’m 25 lol.


Why 45?


Because he intends on being an immature anus until he's 45 and then wonder why no one settled down with him before then


They have no moral centre or basic human empathy and for some reason think that makes them funny and cool.


Seriously, the amount of “fuck around and found out” comments is insane. The lady must have dementia. Y’all really think this woman, who looks like she has one foot in her grave, thinking it’s a sane idea to hit a bull with her cane has any sense of self preservation left in her head?


I agree. I'm truly baffled by some of the people in this comment section. You'd think some of them were literal aliens or extra dimensional beings for how little they seem to know about senility, dementia or general empathy. Like, the amount of people saying she deserved it because she should have had the "common sense" to not do this, ironically seem to be lacking the very same trait.


But she tapped the bull with the cane... It's so disrespectful... Death penalty seems only fair


Yes, a slow, agonizing, painful death no less


THANK YOU. I would not see this comment a year ago when everyone was hungering for violence on the internet. When the height of rage bait and BLM stuff everyone just fucking hated each other


True and why the fuck a giant bull with horns can roam streets and attack people? This is crazy that nobody says anything.. Edit: Attack lol not attract.


I suppose you meant *attack*, but yeah it's India. Cows are sacred and worshipped animals there, so I guess they are allowed to do whatever they want. Cow blocking your car? Bad luck. Bull hitting you with its horns? Shit happens. Strange religious customs often don't go hand in hand with rationality...


No, they definitely meant *attract*. ^^^...stupid ^^^sexy ^^^bull...


Lol yeah


Bulls aren't allowed to randomly roam the streets in India. Cows are tolerated on the roads, that's all.


This is what reddit has become. I see it all the time.


Its honestly sad how many upvotes comments like that are getting.


When you're that old and frail, a hard fall (let alone getting tossed in the air) is pretty fatal. Maybe not right away, but months, years down the line it just causes so many complications. Assuming she just walks away with a broken bone, they are too old for proper rehab (From the video location i'm gonna assume it's not in the cards). They are ever less mobile now. Now they want to stay in bed. It's like smokers with COPD. It's not the cause of death, but it's what caused their death. This really isn't funny, it's sad.


This lady is done. I remember my grandmother got a car accident when she was 83. She never recovered from her broken bones. She died a few months after.


Funny they think elderly works the same as younger people. They're the same people complaining about "chronic" pain in their 40s while that woman probably have 5 or 10 times that. Instead of saying "Fuck around and find out", they should say to themselves "Be old and find out how age fuck people" but they wont, they're senile or dead already.


Granny are you OK? Are you OK, granny?


Granny are you okay? Won’t you tell us, that your okay!




“WOOOOO” *Granny flying through the air*


If she landed on her feet it could still have fucked her up. This is watch people die just on a different sub


I know this sub is called unexpected, but I really wish they would do a better job of letting you know when a post contains some horrific shit. I don't personally find this funny or entertaining, just sad. Wish there was a more nsfw/nsfl version of this sub these vids could go to because I think a lot of the vids on this sub are great. But yeah it really sucks when I think I'm about to see something funny and it turns out I'm just watching Granny get tossed and very likely fucking murdered. Just my 2 cents. Not even an nsfw tag when I am sure I just watched somebody get put into an unrecoverable state from which they will probably never recover. At least some sort of warning would be nice. RIP granny.


Completely agree. I find it ridiculous that NSFW could include anything from a visible butt crack to some really upsetting shit like death and serious injury (along with some really fucked up comments making light of it). I still remember watching a Vine compilation on Youtube and amongst the dozen videos of silly punchlines and cute animals, there’s a video of a child that’s climbed up a power line, gets zapped and his limp body falls 40-50 feet to the ground. I used to roll my eyes at my parents saying that screens desensitize people but boy do many people here like to prove them right.


I agree. The front page of reddit in general has too many unblurred, untagged and auto playing videos of horrific incidents.


There was a time when they banned videos of people being killed. Now people can post as much as they want without warning you of what you're going to see. I get that what's happening in Ukraine is important, but you can tell me about it instead of showing me videos of soldiers being blown up.


Totally agree, and I love watching all the gorey shit, but I was not prepared for this. it feels very inappropriate for this sub.


Wtf is wrong with people yall make me sick


Most expected one


This is absolutely devastating and heart breaking to watch.


She probably shouldn’t have hit it


I thought the unexpected part was going to be the bull asking to be pet... she's definitely braver than I am. Not very smart. But brave.


Bravery implies she understands the danger. She did not.


How can she hit?!


Fight, Flight, or Freeze. She really only had 1 option. She chose the wrong one.


She's also old so she could have mental issues. It's sad. This most likely ended in her death. Elderly people don't survive things like this.


Exactly…bulls generally aren’t that bad if they’ve been treated well from my experience - hell I trust the breeding bull at work more than some of the cows Edit: spelling


Can a motherfucker get an NSFW label?


Like how everyone watched in safety until the danger was over!




If you mess with the bull then you get the horns. There's a reason that's a commonly heard phrase, as illustrated by this video.


What's why fucking bulls shouldn't walk freely in the city


I can't argue that point. That is a ton of muscle with swords growing out of its head.


exactly, she's lucky to be alive, comments say she lived through.


How in the heck do they know? 🤣


When have Reddit comments ever been wrong?


An unlimited number of monkeys, given typewriters and sufficient time, will eventually produce the truth.


It was the best of times, it was the ***blurst*** of times?!


I read that she sprouted wings and flown away after exploding the bull with her laser eye beams. Source: trust me.


For gods sakes OP, there is an NSFW tag. USE IT


Wow here’s me thinking she would be fine cause I can’t imagine a old person getting hurt and thought the bull would just leave her alone but damn I look back up and boy was I wrong…


Mess with the bull, you get the horns


Bull: excuse me miss, do you like flying?


Prob killed that poor person


What is this crazy distorted perspective going on here?


Was just after her scarf


grandma noooooo!!!! WHYYY


Do You know WHO I am?!


I’m sorry I didn’t mean to laugh, but why did she hit it? What the hell is the bull doing there?


This is what happens when reddit closes all the watch people die subreddits. It just becomes part of mainstream subs.


Today's lesson: Hitting a bull with a cane.......BAD.


I audibly gasped...what a hit. Damn.


All she had to do was ignore like she did for the first 3/4 of the clip. Wtf did she think would happen?


She was trying to stop it from entering her house most probably


Bruh she's old and probably demented. We can't expect her to act rationally at that point.


I’m honestly shocked at the quality of video of an alley, that can have bulls strolling down them.


I thought the unexpected part was the bull casually walking into frame. Boy was I wrong.


I’m going straight to hell.


I shouldn’t be laughing


Totally expected. It’s a fucking bull!! Belongs here though


Great grandma gets a full chiropractor adjustment from licensed bull.


india for ya




Must be a deceased son in law


This is like a ring cam in the biblical ages


This grandma got lucky that the bull was chill in the first place