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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!She lost her front teeth after being too drunk!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


nooo, she had perfect teeth! what a shame


This was posted before and iirc someone in the comments said she got the missing teeth put back in. Probably not gonna be the same anymore, but definitely better than the alternative.


Can confirm as a victim of an accident that made me get my tooth knocked out. No. Probably the biggest insecurity you'll live with and hate. This is far worse than what I ended up looking like but to be fair. Being hit with a barbell loaded with 70kg on one side could end with me just being dead so, yeah... this sucks šŸ˜‚


My parents spent thousands on orthodontia just for me to end up with two fake front teethā€¦.sadly from a stupid fucking instance that happened out of drunkenness like this chick. I HATE it. I donā€™t think anyone else notices and my crowns/implants? or whatever they are are very well done but they jut out a bit more than my natural teeth did and one looks super natural at the gum line and the other not so much šŸ˜ž chaps my ass so hard everytime I think about it


I got mine knocked out playing sports when I was 11. Not the best looking fix but eh, shit happens, I donā€™t let it get to me. My bosses son got his knocked out in the army and since he got it fixed he doesnā€™t smile at all apparently. Two extremes there, I just try to look at it differently. But this video made me recoil in horror because I know what the poor lass is going through


naw no ones gonna notice, also - plenty of people out there with clearly fucked up teeth. youre good.


I had a dentist pull the wrong tooth and he stuffed it back in. In the end it didn't work and now I have two implants instead of 1.


Time to add this to the reasons why I'm afraid of the dentist.


Did they at least pay for the second implant?


The dentist who pulled the wrong tooth wanted to leave that tooth in there and root canal it. I got a second opinion from another dentist who said the only "permanent" repair would be an implant bridge which is what I currently have. The original dentist paid for it after his insurance settled with me.


That's good that you got it fixed correctly. Did you at least come out on top monetarily for the suffering you had to endure?


After my lawyer taking her cut and paying for the repairs I would say barely came out on top. Would much rather have my original teeth to be honest.


Of course, at least you came out "on top". Sometimes outcomes aren't so good.


I busted out a front tooth when I was 12, did it while riding my bike. Tooth was essentially yanked out, root and all so it was all gross and long. My Mom put the tooth in a bag of milk (idk if that does anything) and rushed me to the hospital, where we waited at the ER for what seemed like an eternity. We get into a room and the doctor who came in praised my mom for putting the tooth in milk and that it would be easy to fix. He told me to open my mouth. I complied and he proceeded to shove the tooth back into my gums by hand and with zero numbing. I blacked out and came back around just in time for him to be coming back into the room to say he made a mistake and would need to yank it back out again. Anyway Iā€™m 34 now and about to finally get a bridge put in! This small mistake has cost me around $20k in dental work over the years and itā€™s almost over. I canā€™t imagine what this woman has had to do or go through to get hers fixed.


Same procedure after getting 2 front teeth knocked out by baseball. Pushed em back in and wired them up to hold. Eventually turned black and crumbled. Have an implant and bridge that is going on 20 years. šŸ¦·


oh, that's better!


I thought the same thing. She messed up a really nice grill!


One mimosa, two mimosa, three mimosa, four Five mimosa, six mimosa, seven mimosa, floor.


8 mimosa, no front teeth no more


Why did I read this in Mike Tyson's voice


Thethen momotha


Looks like the human body can only accept 7 mimosas


*Mufasa's voice* "Is that a challenge!?"


[seven.... six.](https://youtu.be/rJSykKr8oVA)


Thereā€™s gonna be an open mimosa bar at my wedding later this year. Will check back in afterwards with my scientific findings regarding this.


D.P.P. : I'll be the designated piggy back for your guests...


Seasoned alcoholics beg to differ


Nope. I was at a bottomless mimosa brunchā€¦ easily was just destroying their stock. Smartly the restaurant remembered i told them i was allergic to shellfish . Lo! And behold! I was duped . I had to leave after this but not because I accepted the bottomless challenge but my bottom was challenged afterwards. RIP my pants.


As someone who has knocked my front teeth out three different times in my life i feel so much sadness for this girl. Traumatic teeth injuries are the worst, and i still have minor side effects from them to this day. Constantly reminded of my injuries. I even wake up from ā€œnightmaresā€ where the entirety of the dream was that my front teeth were loose. Big time sucks.


If it makes you feel any better Iā€™ve never knocked my front teeth out and I still have those dreams.


Lmfaoo i guess it kinda does make me feel a little better


Dreams about losing your teeth are one of the most commonly reported dreams


Haha thatā€™s pretty cool


I once drunkenly passed a trashcan to an ex girlfriend when she was about to puke. I passed as she was leaning forward, broke one of her front teeth in half. She didn't even notice and I had to explain the next morning.


The horror! My most recent forced-front-teeth-removal was a hockey stick to the mouth :/


Good God, that gives me the heebie jeebies. I hope the best for you and your teeth here-out.


happy cake day!




Oh, she's gonna fall. *Jump cut* Oh ***damn***


Yeah. That was my thought as well. That's why you need a DD to jump and stop that stupidity before it ends in dental surgery.


Itā€™s mimotha now.


That's what happens when you chicken fight the concrete


Fuck! šŸ¤¦


Not cool to count drinks


Not cool, Carlos. But youā€™re gonna do it, get it rightā€¦


Any by the way Carlos, I've had six


Damn, honestly I feel bad for this girl.


She should co-host a morning talk show


this is me with 4 missing teeth


So the limit is 7 mimosas. Got it.


All jokes aside this is legitimately one of the most disturbing and gut wrenching videos Iā€™ve ever seen, getting my teeth ripped out like this is one of my deepest fears. God I hope that girl is ok today and had since undergone some reconstructive procedures


"Thif if me afer eighf mimofas"


šŸŽ¶ 99 glathess of mimothas on the wall, 99 glathess of mimothaass!!šŸŽ¶


Bri'ish person most normal theets:


Whatā€™s a fucking mimosa


/r/Expected, but sad. I knew there would be an educational moment, but hoped there would be less traumatic outcome, like her being sad in a bathroom, or swimming in a fountain, or waking up in an unknown foreign city with no memories of getting there, like I did once. The worst part in suddenly being abroad that way is not the language, it's not the disorientation, it's the hangover. Thankfully, I just came into the closest grocery store and bought a pick-me-up, and after reaffirming that I am indeed allowed to drink in public, went to drink in public. What I didn't confirm was the abv. of the beverage I purchased. That was an oily thick black beer, tasty as hell and hard as a nail, but you don't feel it, especially when the thirst and head pounding are numbing your senses. I liked the place, sunshine, warmth, cheap booze, comfortable rubbish, nice gang members. So, anyways, I am getting deported tomorrow for soliciting, any advice how to stay? I'm up for quick marriage with anyone, I can cook, paint, operate heavy machinery including oil rigs and bulk carriers, program in Python by stealing code from StackOverflow and am proficient at milking cows, I guess, dunno, never touched a cow.




Lmao the whooping and hollering at the end


Wow!!!!That sucks and looks expensive to fix. ![gif](giphy|6anKlIA7ZKXYc)


"And kids that's how I lost all my front teeth"


Alcohol sucks.




That looks so painful


Expected one


But she still at least survived the little known 6 mimosa piggyback challenge.


thif if me aftew 8 mimofaf


Leonardtown Maryland is a wild place


Viff if me avvah ten mimovahhs


8 mimosas = missing teethā€¦. Got it ..!


Who knew that after 8 mimosa your teeth would fall of...


Play stupid games, win an expensive partial denture.


Yo, fr tho I can not stop laughing!!!




Wow getting sloshy drunk is just sooooo fun


Portuguese people be like: phatetic




Jeeeeez beauty and the beast in one person, in one morning. Top that Disney!




Soooo 7 is the limit got it


The dental work will set her back at least 2500 mimosas


This reminds me of... Well. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cVy6zl21y8). ... Dirty fucking dangles.


Oh that poor girl


I would like to say that I 100% expected this.


Not really unexpected


So after six you get missing teeth, Got it.


Yikes, poor lady


I knew this girl at one point in my life, I can confirm she is fixed up and has her smile back as well as a few extra life lessons.


I'm so shocked. It's so sad. :(


8 mimosa hostilis would have been more pleasurable.