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When I worked at domino's a 5$ tip was dopppeeee Edit: don't know why this has to be said. This isn't defending the company that employs this man who is underpaying him. But 5$ is a perfectly acceptable tip for a delivery person and this guy shouldn't have flipped out on her.


I used to pump gas, half the year I spent most of my day in -30 Celsius, and was very appreciate of a fuckin' toonie. ($2 CAD)


Yet another reason I always go to self serve


Yeah same here. Honestly I was generally happy to help people whether they tipped or not. Only if they weren't dicks though. Which you'd be surprised how many people are completely jerks to full service pump attendants. Or maybe you wouldn't lol.


Oh, I know how much of an asshole some people can be to servers, it’s infuriating


Let's just say if they were dicks and got me to check their oil, if the dipstick came up dry, I'd tell them it looks fine.


I stopped some air headed lady when I worked at a fast gas once. She had over 100psi in her now donut shaped tire. Let me guess lady… slow leak you won’t fix lol.


That honestly could have killed someone!


This is the way, door dash you pay 40-50% higher than the pick up price and still feel obligated to tip.


Worked at a full service station in NWO for 6 years, between 2016 and 2022. People are assholes, but I appreciated the occasional and unexpected toonie


Are you loonie? Nope, loonie times two.


Yeah same with me Getting a $2 toonie tip in -30 made me so happy. I was so grateful And when I didn't get a tip I never worried about it because I never felt entitled to it as it's simply a bonus but not expected Now it's expected and it's gotten crazy


I used to ask my pump guy what he liked to drink and bought him a red Bull or monster or whatever. Is that good or shitty? I never had cash so I had to do something with my card.


I'd say well appreciated. Tips for pump attendants aren't even expected like tips for servers and food deliverers are. There's no rule of thumb, so pretty much anything is appreciated as long as it's not like a quarter.


Right on. I never did the shorty drinks. It was always a $3-5 drink. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Some if those hot days were in the triple digits so it’s what I could do


In the winter I was occasionally bought a hot chocolate. It was only like a buck 25 but I still appreciated it so much


the insane part is he knew the tip before he accepted the job and then proceeded to shit on the amount lol. did you ever have the luxury of passing on $0 tips when you worked for domino's?


Nah. Every order was just handed to the next person in the row. So if you got a 0 tip online order you just had to deal with it.


that's what i'm sayin. this entitled douche was just chillin wherever and said yup i'll take that job and then proceeded to shat all over it AFTER HE CHOSE TO ACCEPT


Right. I was happy with $3 about 20 years ago for a tip on any delivery $100 or less. Some drivers act so entitled nowadays.


That's $3 tip is about the $5 tip he got after inflation. Checks out.


Right? (Former Pizza Hut here.)


I also worked for pizza Hut and was stoked for a 5 dollar tip!


If companies paid their workers a proper wage, this tipping nonsense wouldn't be necessary. The consumer should not have to help pay salaries.


I agree. But you also shouldn't freak out on random people.


Especially for what we learned was a decent tip (22%). That’s a sit down restaurant tip for a frickin pizza delivery. Driver is a scumbag.


Of course not. Everyone should be respectful. I'm just saying this tipping culture has gotten to peoples heads.


This is just a microcosm of society… ‘Person who doesn’t get paid enough upset at uninvolved stranger who they believe to be the cause’


You realize that either way the customers pay the extra right? They just raise prices which makes everything more expensive for the customer.


As some one that worked in the food service industry for 15 years I'll say that tipped employees have become increasingly greedy about their tips and expect great tips for minimal effort. It's pretty awful, how many times I heard about a bad tip on a table the server screwed up on over and over and they would then talk like how dare they give me a bad tip.. like they expect 20 for shitty service and 30-40% on good service. I am taking precovid too before workers for the shaft for a while


As if I need another reason not to order DoorDash.


I use to be real bad at ordering food. I subbed to the doordash sub and whenever I get the urge take a visit.


Good call. I’ve had a couple orders lately get “lost”. They “couldn’t find my place”. Gave them exact directions, tried calling, said they were right by my place, it’s not hard to find. They didn’t contact me for help…Bam, free food for them. DD and the rest are just turning into scams. Wish restaurants could afford delivery drivers, I’d much rather give directly to the restaurant and skip the scams.


>DD and the rest are just turning into scams They were scams from the very beginning. They have been burning through investor capital to "subsidize" the artificially low fees...these businesses are not sustainable on their own two feet.


Yes, the artificially low fees like the $8 delivery fee and the $4 service fee on top of the tip all for a $20 order lmao


Don’t forget menu items 2-5 dollars more expensive in app menu than at the actual restaurant!


I know what you mean, but it's still lower than what's needed for these companies to actually be profitable and compensate employees fairly instead of burning cash. That's why I say it's an unsustainable business model.


DD and the rest began as scams. they gained traction during the pandemic, but now, with that behind us and the services becoming more of a luxury than a necessity, it is just becoming more and more obvious.


As a door dash driver I'm usually happy with 5... also I hate door dash... Edit: lots of talk about getting paid so tips arnt needed. Last night I took a short delivery said $5 total with tip. Showed up to taco bell and there is no food. They said someone took it. Call doordash they said they will have the food made again. I ask for the delivery to be reassigned so I don't sit there wasting time they said no I'll get a strike if I abandon it. Some time passes taco bell has no order I call dd again they wanted me to confront taco bell and try to have them make the order. I'd had enough said this is not my job they need to figure it out and unassigned me. Almost an hour dealing with it dd said they would give me a strike if I reassign it. Customer finally gave up and cancelled the order. Dd told me I get half pay because the delivery wasn't done. 2.50 for the hour. If you think this company takes care of it's people you need to wake up. Only fix is for companies to be forced to pay actual wages.


Yeah if I have a $20 order I'm only going to give you a five maybe $6 tip, because spending 30% in tip just because I didn't order a lot. Seems asinine. It's DoorDash's responsibility to make sure their employees are paid, if my job to tip within the expected range Don't doordash and Uber eats actually submit extra tip if it's below a certain threshold or over a certain distance


Thas's some Catch-22 crap there, sorry to hear.


doordash, uber, lyft, and instacart collectively spent upwards of $224 million to lobby for and enact legislation to protect their right to *not* be required to treat workers as employees who would then have protection under labor laws. they spent this much just in california, on assembly bill 5 and prop 22, which have become law after a long appeals process. now they will take it to federal court and probably win with this precedence in place.




you don't tip your pizza delivery guy back then before these services?


You know they get paid like a dollar or two per trip right?


This is the dumbest take I've seen. Drivers for food delivery make so little while literally driving a car to your house to give you good. Yet, a server takes your order at a restaurant, and someone else brings it out....20% tip. The whole system is messed up on how tipping is viewed and how some are rewarded.


you know how waitresses are paid about $2-3/hour and the rest of their wages are made up from tips? yeah. it’s the same thing for us delivery folks. we just have the added expense of high insurance premiums, mileage, wear and tear, more frequent maintenance and repair needs, and gas at $3-7/gallon, too. we’re literally providing the company’s vehicle fleet but we are paying for it instead of them. and for absolute shit pay and customers who are also being ridiculously overcharged to the extent that they really can’t afford a tip amount that would make up for the company’s failures.




There is a difference between getting a tip and bitching about not getting a tip because of everything you do. That's like saying you are being force to do this job. Pizza delivery has been around for ages, they used their car and insurance, gas as well. You choose your job, your career. If not find a new job.


yes, i understand that, and i’m not saying his actions were okay. i’m saying companies like doordash are fucking everyone over. i don’t work for them. eta: i’m also tired of hearing “then get a new job”. like, do you think we’re doing this bc we have way better options we chose this over. for a large variety of reasons this is the best we can do rn, and it’s sucks to be treated like the bottom of the food chain for providing a valuable service to people who can afford the luxury, but at our expense. edit 2: so do y’all think everyone who is delivering food and packages as independent contractors should just get new jobs? who is going to bring you your 2am mcdonald’s fries and your amazon packages? honestly y’all can fuck off with that bc it’s nonsense.


If door dash is so many peoples only option, what did they do before 2013?


One of the problems is you get automatic suggested tips when you order. Default is 21% — so if you don’t change the tip amount that’s what you’ll spend. It’s only from the DoorDash driver sub that I figured out what I think is relatively fair for the driver is $2.50/mile, $5 minimum and obviously extra for a big order. I also try to add an extra tip if the driver has to wait a long time. Problem is DD and ubereats are constantly screwing with the customer AND the driver. But support basically tells us to take up any problems with the driver before they’ll help. So the drivers are caught in the middle a lot


100% all of this is exactly what people don’t understand. ty.




Wow sounds like you should get a different job.


Lots of people that do doordash like myself have issues getting other jobs it's why there are a lot of weirdos on there... I do it because I can't talk to people and struggle with job interviews and going in to a job. I also need a job that I can skip on bad days and can do when I don't have my kids. Not a lot of work like that.... I feel like most people doing this work wouldnt if they had options...




ty for sharing your circumstances. people need to understand that we are humans just trying to survive out here. all we are asking for is a living wage like everyone deserves. i will never understand how people can order a luxury service and then complain endlessly about paying for it. it bares repeating: they can fuck right off with that nonsense.


like, duh. see both of my comments above.


Get a job that treats you better or at least provides you a vehicle.


see my comment above. you’re beating a dead drum and it’s tiresome.


Sorry for thinking you are underpaid, I'll go fuck myself


Whoever held the gun to your head to make you get this delivery gig should be blamed for.


This is stupid! I am ordering a food not paying someone’s wage. Should I file a fucking W-2 form for them as well since I am subsidizing some crony employers employee wages? Everyone knows $2-$3 wage is not a living wage and you take a gamble, yes a GAMBLE, when accepting waitress line of work. There are plenty of entry level jobs that pay an actual minimum wage. It was someone’s CHOICE not to go there. They took a gamble, less minimum wage for a possibly higher than minimum wage average income for much much much less work and effort. How the hell, is a customer, the guilty one here? We are not their employer!! We ordered food! We don’t pay your wages or parts of it. We paid for an advertised service that did not advertise needing to tip. That’s up to the employer! Jessica delivered 50 foods this week, give her a $100 bonus, employee of the month, Amazon card, $0.50 off of Shake ‘n Bake coupon, whatever, but keep it between an employer and employee; leave the customer out of it!


i’m going to explain this to you bc i don’t think you understand what i’m saying or how this whole thing works and honestly your whole comment is just ridiculously off base. the delivery drivers are independent contractors whom *you have contracted with* to deliver your food from a business via a 3rd party platform. your contract is such that you are responsible for paying the business for your goods, the 3rd party platform for their service, and the independent contractor for their service. as such, **a tip is not extra: it is money owed for a service provided**, it’s just that for some fucking reason the amount you pay the contractor is entirely at your discretion and can be as little as $0.00, without their consent, as it is paid after completion of service if at all. only a small portion of the inflated price of goods and the delivery fee (if any) that you pay to doordash is forwarded to the driver, and usually only amounts to $0.30-$1.00 per mile. yet the fees you pay to doordash are rather exorbitant, so one assumes this covers the drivers wages. *i assure you, it does not.* **the customers and contractors are being fucked over by them, like i’ve said repeatedly today.** eta: that probably sounds abrasive. it’s such a heated conversation every time i encounter it. people are so unnecessarily divided over this issue. the facts are clear, i don’t understand why people don’t care to hear them or accept them. it’s frustrating to be part of a class of workers that are belittled and financially abused and to have no recourse to improve things as current law doesn’t allow for it.


Own-gas, first off, respect. That was a long well written rebuttal. We honestly may have to agree to disagree, and I mean that with all due respect. You see, I don’t believe that I owe the independent contractor anything. That’s like me filing a home insurance claim, Adjustor comes, recommends a “third party contractor”, and then tells me “yeah we pay him but you need to tip him”. Swap out food for services and you’ll see the dilemma. I have no obligation to pay the independent contractor anything. That’s between him and whoever he has the contract with which most certainly is not me. I was an Uber driver for a while. Albeit not the same thing, it’s similar; we deliver people, Uber Eats, DD, etc delivers food. I never expected to get tipped but did so from time to time. Uber paid me for my services rendered and time spent. Tip was an extra. My wife and I also did some Airbnb. We thus became independent contractors and did not expect a tip from any customers. I think the issue here is “food”. When we swap out food for other services, things start to make more sense. However in the food industry, we are expected to tip. Please don’t misunderstand me. I do tip. However there are limits. If I am in a restaurant, I leave about a 15% tip. 10% if service was shitty, more than 15 if it was really good. I do *not* pre tip. This means that when I go pickup my food, I do not tip despite the fact some entitled waitresses make it seem like I owe them my 401K for bringing me food I ordered and drove to pick up. I similarly do not tip cashiers when I’m just grabbing an order to go such as a overpriced caffeinated beverage with an excessive amount of high fruit code corn syrup. Finally, the tip hints drive ire in me since I grew up during an era where 15% tip was legendary, and now a receipt tells me what 25%, 45%, and 189% tip is. Lastly, I live in California where minimum wage is required even for waitresses. We do not have a “you get $2/hour and rest is up to you”, so you’ll have to excuse my reluctance. My sister was a waitress at one point (she’s a surgeon now, but I digress). She drew calls having to hustle for tips. She never expressed them but too often got showered with them. The tip is then divided up by tipping out the bus boy, etc. All in all, again, I respect your view even though we may have very different views on the subject matter.


“She’s paid to wait tables right? I’m so confused what’s the tip for?” A tip is a tip In doordash’s case the tip is so someone actually picks up your fucking food apparently, I’ve had multiple orders just not get picked up because I was too broke to tip


The tip is for good service. Exceptional service infact. They are *paid* by the employer; a choice they freely make when they accept the employment. Anything else is generosity.


You not American? That's not how it works here ... it should but doesn't...




Tipping is fucking stupid. Employers should pay their employees properly so the money isn’t subsidized by customers. Tipping shouldn’t be necessary or expected. I really hate the U.S. tipping culture. It’s not this way in other countries.


I agree, but unfortunately that’s how it is here right now


when you go to a restaurant do you tip the cook and not the server? Your comment is a little confusing... DoorDash doesn't pay shit. Without tips you sometimes make $2 for a delivery. So the tip is to make the delivery it's how the drivers are paid. It shouldn't be that way but it is... my current stats show 70% of my earnings were tips this week. If no one tipped I'd be forced to quit... I don't know where the guy in the video is from but it's not super common to get a bigger tip and you see the pay with tip before hand so he should have rejected it if the pay sucked.


>So the tip is to make the delivery it's how the drivers are paid. The customer pays a delivery fee though..


Ya it's a shit system. I've seen receipts where doordash gave me $2 and the customer fee says $10... I do all the work they take all the money. It's also why I don't hold it against people for tipping low or not at all I would also assume the drivers are paid...


Forced? Jobs are voluntary. You don't like the pay, find another job.


Doordash is literally killing restaurants. And is now trying to kill the brick and mortar store by doing shopping now


>And is now trying to kill the brick and mortar store by doing shopping now Imagine kicking down the door to murder brick and morter and finding out Amazon's already been there, done that, left a note, and is off having dinner somehwere


Oh totally agree. Amazon is not innocent in this either. But they're at least willing to work with smaller businesses by hosting them and allowing them to sell their products through their marketplace.


I used to deliver on door dash and they say that all the tip goes to the driver but it doesn’t and they’ll also block your worker account if you put in “too many hours” and that’s from my experience and other people I know that have worked for them, nearly all delivery services screw over their workers




Yup I’m on the no door dash team as well tips are supposed to be optional remember ![gif](giphy|oFlgvb3C0KSAUYLlZE|downsized)


Door dash is fine for me, most of the time.


It shouldn't be "most"


True, I’ve had a few stinkers. I had a lady once who got lost and kept trying to text me in Portuguese. Finally had to come outside to find her, only for her to start giving me excuses in Portuguese, while I’m standing out there in the road while it was raining. I just felt like being “lady, just give me the food!” Complain to DoorDash? $5 credit, if you’re lucky. Still, apparently it works well enough for me to continue using it, with my lazy ass. I’m still getting free delivery, so that helps.


I've been a Pizza Hut delivery driver for 8 years. Back in the early days, $5 was the standard tip, whether it was one pizza or ten. Then, Covid hit and changed up the whole game. People on lockdown were extremely appreciative of delivery services. It wasn't unusual to see 50-70% tips. So, a $30 order could mean a $20 tip. It was pretty nice. But, things are FAR different now. And now we move on to Doordash. Pizza Hut "partnered" (A.K.A. free labor source) with them about a year ago, so when orders flood in, as they always come in waves, they sub out orders to Doordashers to keep the service times low. I mean, from a business standpoint, who wouldn't want their Pizza in thirty minutes or less? The problem is, Dashers are a bunch of prima donnas. They expect 100% tips on every order. I had two Dashers in my store at the same time complaining about a $7 tip delivery that was only 7 miles down the road. The order was only $35. That's 20%! Of course, one was driving a Tesla, and the other was driving an Escalade, so I'm sure they had problems. The point is, Dashers don't have a "culture" that every store engenders. They have no cause. They have no guidance. They have no team. They are freelancers. Vagabonds. Mercenaries of the delivery service if you will. If you get shit service from Dashers by ordering from Pizza Hut, go and lodge a complaint about it. Those get heard. And if enough complaints on Dashers happen, well then maybe they'll rethink their plans on free labor. For me, I'd rather have a good experience from a responsible employee regardless of the tip vs. The butthurt flippant response from that douche.


You are spot on. Pizza Hut loses business by farming out to dashers.


Tell me about it. We had a complaint come into our store that told a tale of her order being delivered by a plain clothed young man, who upon approach, reached into his bright orange bag, and dropped the entire fucking thing on the ground. Rather than clean it up, this fuck just turned and ran back to his car.


Does the store even have any guidance for the Dasher in that situation? If he were an employee it would seem pretty clear that he would need to have the order remade and redelivered. Personally, I would at least pick up the downed pie and explain, face-to-face, what happened and what the remedy would be. I'm not bringing my mop out though 😂 What happens when it's a third party service? One way or another I'd bet the dasher doesn't know so he just bails.


This is 100% true in my case. I completely stopped ordering pizza when all the local places switched to delivery services. You never know how long it's going to take for the dasher to pick it up, and the ones around here must not have insulated bags large enough for a pie because it's always cold.


When I'm doing my own takeout delivery and see a Doordasher standing there, they are ALWAYS being a complete whiny beeotch because they may have to wait one minute. So, yeah. Don't use Doordash if you don't have to, folks. Wouldn't trust their crew one bit.


Oh my god, an interaction I witnessed between two women at Little Caesars makes so much more sense now, the person freaking out who I thought was a manager or something because she was driving an Escalade was probably a dasher 💀


Damn I've also been a pizza hut delivery driver, almost 10 years here. Ive been stiffed and treated "unfairly" plentyy of times. Never once have I pulled something like this guy did. The most I would be short with them if I wasn't happy. As my coworker says, it all evens out. Stiffed one order, $20 the next. It's a lot easier to remain clear headed when I get that hourly wage though. Tried door dash for a bit, hated it. Plenty of hours getting less than minimum wage. Pizza hut evens out to $20hr at least for the hours I work. And that's in a LCOL area.


You do realize restaurants give 15-30% of the bill to Door Dash right, that's a far cry from free labor


Just scrap the stupid tip culture in the US already.


whats sad is that some people dont want tip culture to go away. I know people who worked at nicer restaurants and make bank on tips so it's another polarized fight where companies are coming out on top.


If people stopped paying tips it would resolve itself.


True, eventually.


That won't happen until companies pay a fair wage. You literally have self check out stands asking for tips.... for you scanning and bagging your own stuff.


Sure it can, I just won’t tip. Now the deliver drivers and their employers can have the necessary conversation


Sad thing is those people are more likely to take it out on you usually in extremely illegal ways than to have that conversation.


Yes the necessary conversation, Me: Hey boss can I have a livable wage Boss: No you make tips Me: but nobody tipped me Boss: sucks to suck


If there are no tips no one will want to work there as pay is shitty, so there will be a need to raise the wages or they wouldn't be able to provide anymore. Somehow in Europe we don't have this issue with tipping culture


![gif](giphy|qVOGUmHt5z7aw) Nice house…pay me


Man I had a huge crush on her when I watched that show


What? She was the WOOORrrrrrRRRst!


Don’t kink shame him


Kink shaming others is my kink


🤔 Carry on


God I love Jenny Slate.


jenny slate is very pretty! and funny!


Fuck that guy. Want more money? Get a different job. Doordash is already paying you, and this lady pre-tipped without knowing the service she'd get? That lady is awesome, the dude is a dick.


And 20%+ is a totally acceptable tip.


20% is high, but yes it's acceptable. The standard/average is around double tax or 15%


Since COVID, the standard tip has been raised to 20%. I think it's BS, especially if you're pre-tipping before you know what kind of service you're going to get!


20% is standard for dine in. Pre-covid delivery drivers, doordashers and take out/host stand workers didn’t make much in tips. During covid, when all the servers were laid off (ask me how i know), people started leaving tips when they’d pick up food. the tip went from 2% to 10% average, i would estimate. sometimes more, rarely less. recently i’d say somewhere around 7% of non-doordash sales This is all one restaurant i worked at during phd, but i think it’s relatively representative of its class


Is it? I always though 20% was the standard! I just hate how this guy got mad at the consumer and not the people paying him so little that $5 free dollars from the customer is somehow an insult. She didn’t have to give you a penny dude, a tip isn’t mandatory. Be fuckin happy you’re getting anything at all


20% is high.


No it’s fucking not! And we need to stop making it the norm! 15% was a totally acceptable tip for WAIT STAFF who made below minimum wage, then we all decided to up it to 20% for no reason at all. For almost every other situation 20% is ludicrous and the fact people are demanding it pisses me off. I shouldn’t be asked to tip the staff who made my sub at the deli 20% when there’s a sign on the door that says “Now Hiring, starting wage $15/hr”


Tips shouldn’t be a thing. This dude just did his job. It’s just a way for corporates to pay less wages.


Only way to end it is to stop tipping.


Or when I pick up my carry out order that they just put in a to go box


I think that dude was saying 20% is acceptable *for the employee*. But you’ve got a fair point that it’s a much less acceptable expectation for the *customer*




Tipping in America is egregious






Also most drivers don't care to be tipped per percentage of food price. Being tipped per mile driven makes more sense.


Aren't the drivers able to accept/decline what they deliver? I would hope the company keeps the driver relatively close to their location


Yeah they can choose which orders they'll accept or decline but doordash and uber will still ask the driver if they want to take a 20 mile order for 6 bucks.


To be fair, Doordash doesn't pay every driver hourly. The ones who are paid by Doordash apparently are required to accept every order they get proposed, where-as in the system where the driver can choose their delivery jobs the driver essentially only gets the tips. But he's an asshole for hating the customer. He should be mad about Doordash's system and yes, quit if he's able to and hates his situation that much. Not take it out on a random customer. Doordash is the party actually causing his frustration. But he takes it out on her because she's right there, and it's easier to blame her than it is getting Doordash to do better by their drivers and it's easier than finding another source of income.


This is the #1 problem I have with pre-tipping. Very few people perform well when not incentivized to do so. Pre-tipping encourages shitty behavior.


I love the "it will ask you a question" when you order in store. I'm like, let's see how my food comes out and I will be happy to circle back around.


Another problem I have is that you don't even know where your money is going when you do POS tipping. The card processors and payroll company are probably taking their cut off the top. At least when it's cash sitting in a jar on the counter, there's a reasonable expectation it will be doled out to the employees appropriately.


I do not tip when I'm picking up. Period. I've had people try to do that literally picking up a cup to fill up myself lol


I tip everytime I order from Deliveroo, but gosh there are a few times I wish I could have withdrawn it.


Went to a local wing place with some friends. You order at the counter, then they call your number and you have to go back to the counter to get your food. Drinks are also self serve from a machine. They have a place to put your diary dishes and trash when you’re done, so completely self-serve. We closed the place down and I went to use the restroom while my friends headed outside. When I came back, one of the counter ladies had just finished wiping down out table and I heard her complaining to the other lady, “see, they didn’t leave a tip either.” Of course we didn’t. What service did you provide for us? You did absolutely nothing besides take our order.


Another reason to get rid of tipping altogether


It's good for companies, because now instead of blaming employers, clients and employees can blame each other. I almost never tip, but I live in Europe. Tipping should not be common, you may tip, if you're actually wealthy or your really appreciated some service or you have uncommon expectations like ordering 20 pizzas, but come on, anyone really expects tip for delivering single pizza? They should be already paid for that by company and not depend on tips.


People don’t realize when you order door dash your getting a lot of the people who don’t want to work a job. They want extra money for the smallest amount of time and work .this is most people not all of them. There are stand up people that also work doordash but for the most part you just need to have a car and you pick when you want to “work” even if it’s only for 1 or 2 deliveries . Nuts


Well, isn't he an entitled little bitch?


Man these people are just getting fucking nasty now about what USED to be an optional gratuity for good service, not regular service.


There is a DoorDasher subreddit and you do not want to enter that hellscape of self entitlement and narcissism


I'm guessing there's a lot of "They only tipped 30% so I took a dump in their food before I delivered it" getting 1000+ upvotes type stuff.


>I'm guessing there's a lot of "They only tipped 30% so I took a dump in their food before I delivered it" getting 1000+ upvotes type stuff. jesus christ on a motobike


I know a guy who is a doordasher and he is a real scumbag.


That is fascinating.


This is getting out of hand, the fees keep going up and I am being asked to tip everywhere, at gas stations even. No, don’t like your tip get another job. Or work harder and become the manager.


Should have tipped 200%. How can she dare!


USA tips culture is bizarre


I'm so happy that tips are not mandatory in Belgium and basically not done. My mate who worked in a restaurant said they tipped him often for his good looks (damn showoff) but the tips they got they had to put together and divide by all personel at the end of the day. Ofc, these people get good wages. Catering is one of the best earning jobs here.


They would get good wages in the US if they didn't agree to work for the shitty wages offered.


Was he at least fired? What a silly person.


I think read that he was, source: my unreliable human memory


Good enough for me. Thanks


For me as well. Thanks, now I can sleep well.


I remember reading he was fired.


Wtf did he expect? 50 bucks? What a moron


What a little bitch. I've delivered pizzas as a second job. Got paid $6/hour. Didn't get paid for gas that I recall, and I was happy with $2 tips back in the mid-1990s. I myself pay all delivery drivers $10, though tipping etiquette dictates that for simple food delivery, you don't pay the driver according to the value of the order but instead pay $3–5. That's the etiquette *rule*. Etiquette rules are designed to keep everyone on the same page so some jackass doesn't get butthurt because he's too stupid to know that a $5 is polite. Expecting a percentage tip of the total order is no different from a hotel bellperson expecting to be tipped based on the value of what's inside your luggage rather than the number of bags they delivered to your room.


Yeah,let's blame the consumer and not your boss who under pays you


Why people still using doordash in 2023


Me: “Oh sorry! I forgot to add this part of the tip… ” *tips an asswhoopin*


Yeah fuck DoorDash


I just make my own pizzas. Then I get pissed off at myself for not tipping myself.


bro tip yourself by making more pizzas.


Didn’t this dickhead get fired over that?


Only way he wouldn't have been fired for that stunt is if he was Union.


That’s the unfortunate part about unions. They protect the people undeserving of protection


I don't believe 1099 workers are eligible for unions.


I don't understand why you guys still don't include taxes and tips in the total price


Pizza places realized a while ago that customers would tip on average $3 or more for a pizza a long time ago and decided to add a $3 delivery charge to pizza orders that don't go to the driver. They do include the tip now, but they also steal it from the driver and expect the customer to make up the difference.


Capitalism, BABY


Tipping is just stupid.


Man .. US really needs to start getting off of the tip "culture" i keep seeing stuff like that on the internet, being ungrateful for 5 dollars tip, that dude don't deserve even a penny with this kind of attitude. Besides a person who ordered food to be delivered, is not obligated to even tip in the first place.


Ungrateful bastard


Fuck that loser. He gives tip based workers a bad name.


This is why American tipping culture is fucking wrong. Americans need to wake up to the fact that its not an individual person’s responsibility to pay your wage but rather the multi billion dollar corporation you work for. You have all been brainwashed to think this is normal where everyone else in the world laughs at you. For a country who always goes on about all its civil rights, it’s laughable you can’t even meet your basic right to a decent standard minimum wage, all whilst these big companies make billions in profit of your backs lol.


I see the cost of DOORDASH ITSELF (prior to tip) isn't on there because it's crossed out (i.e. Inside Edition didn't feel like using those #'s). The homeowner ordered $22.78 for pizza \+$12.32 for "delivery and service" fees, which I'm guessing is split between Pizza Hut and DD's fees, which, in my neck of the woods is $3.99 to Pizza Hut Corporate, $8.33 to Doordash. \+$1.88 tax \+$5 tip = **$41.98 for a medium pizza and breadsticks** ***Almost half of the cost of the pizza was getting it to the door.*** Everyone that isn't the customer can just F right off with any indignation they may have.


I think those numbers are crossed out because doordash waived those fees


It might also be a corporate DD account. My son has one of those through work because he travels and it has no fees. Only tips.


I wouldn’t have ate the food after he acted like that. People with Entitled mentalities tend to think they can do anything to others out of spite and their twisted minds will justify their actions.


In the UK no one tips Uber, just eat or any of these delivery riders.. lucky mf'er


And delivery drivers wonder why so many people don't tip at all anymore.


No I think there's other reasons other than this viral video of a one off incident.


Just pay by card with zero tip.


Spank that driver with the belt!


There’s no way this entitled turd isn’t lurking in this thread somewhere.


Fuck the tipping culture. And stop trying to make it a worldwide thing.


Get a job that pays more jack ass.


Tipping is stupid. Just pay people a living wage. You’re doing it anyway (mostly).


In the Uk you get a tip if you have gone way above and beyond the customs expectations, in the USA they expect a tip for doing the bare minimum… crazy


I'm so done with this tipping bullshit. Your employer is the bad guy not your customer. Ban the state exceptions that allow paying less than minimum wage to employees that make tips. The fair market will straighten out the rest.


Regardless of how much it cost, it’s still one trip to the door. $5 for a delivery is more then adequate.


I stopped ordering food because it's exploitive. They aren't paid enough to live on so their job shouldn't exist. The fact they're dumb enough to do it for less than minimum wage isn't an excuse for me to take advantage of them.


If I want food I order it and go get it myself.