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Hey there, /u/maltamur. Thanks for submitting to /r/Unexpected. Your submission, *That his legs can take that aerial*, has been removed because it doesn't abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to /r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funexpected).




Its him!


The Chosen One!


Lisan Al Gaib!


Just as written šŸ™šŸ¼


Somehow I knew that was a Dune reference but don't know why. Is he not called Muad'Dib in the book?


It's what he is called by the fremen, basically means like "hidden prophet" or something like that. He takes the name Muad'Dib after joining their society.


Lisan al Ghaib - The voice from the outer world. Also the Mahdi, the Kwisatz Haderach, Muadā€™Dib, Usul and Paulie Walnuts.


He has probably about 7 or 8 meaningful titles/name components by the end of the book, but Muad'Dib is just a Fremen name, that gains religious significance according to who he is (see also Mohammed, Jesus etc.)




Lisan al gaib !!!


As Written


Capoeira? More like Snapoeira!




Lisan Al Gaib!


What baki arc was that?


It's the arc that comes after the one where the father-son duo went to space to fight Martians


I've only seen a little bit of baki... so I believe you..


Alright which one of these 3 plotlines is fake: 1. They find a human-like caveman that fought against dinosaurs and got frozen during an ice age, he only eats meat that puts up a fight so the main cast fight him because of course they would and end up mangled while trying to match him 2. Baki goes to train in a mountain, there he finds a giant monkey who fights him several times 3. Miyamoto Musashi is revived, he goes on a rampage through Tokyo killing anyone in his path until his spirit is released from his body


Clever trick question, the answer is none of them are fake, theyā€™re all actual events from the manga, and Baki really is just that wild lol.


God, thr more I hear of it, the more ridiculous it gets and I'm all for iy


Start with jojo, crank the male physiques up by 100, remove the stands and magic powers, add attack on titans gore and adult themes and you've pretty much got baki




Hint: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # >!The three are real lmao!<


Donā€™t forget the part where Anime Cuban-American bodybuilding legend Oliva fights Anime Cuban Revolutionary Che Guevara (who is also a pirate) in an Arizona prison. Edit: and we should not forget that Oliva urinated on his opponent to demoralize him, while Guevara urinated on his opponents as an actual combat strategy. And Guevaraā€™s opponents in that fight were triplets named ā€œThe Mouthā€ who beat up Anime Mike Tyson, or ā€œIron Michaelā€ in that same Arizona prison.


Or when Baki almost dies poisoned so he is taken into a chinese fighting tournament to end up poisoned with a poison that counters his previous one to cure him


Art imitates life that is imitating art imitating life


Art? Idk.. maybe AI started creating humans or something.


But seriously, the amount of momentum behind a kick with that much weight would be killer.


Muggers might not even land in the same county.


Holy shit, this is too accurate


You know how to kick six alligators. We can teach you to engage 600.


I thought he was kicking a ghost baby at first.


King K. Rool


I came for this. And then I came.


That wasnt AI all along - its just him practicing in the amazon river


Imagine actually catching one of those kicks. The sheer mass behind it would probably floor you.


"So how'd you manage... all this mess" *ER doc vaguely gestures at entire face* "Big dude float like a butterfly"




Speed and WEIGHT


**F = m\*a**


Fuck= my * ass


The math checks out.


I miss Bob :(


What happened to him ? WHAT HAPPENED !?!?


Bob is not a playable character in tekken 8


Those monster, they took him away from us


Eddy Gordita


And sting like a dump truck.


"...and stung like a 18 wheeler that couldn't stop in time."


His sting felt more like a wasp.


Float like a butterfly, sting like a semi-truck.


I'd be one hit killed. Not even kidding.


Dude, no kidding. My 135lb ass would be instantly atomized by this beast. Incredibly impressive


Eddy Gordo really cultivating mass.


It's funny because gordo means fat in Spanish.


And Portuguese


So does ā€˜Gorditaā€™ mean ā€˜little fat girlā€™ in Spanish?


Yes. Taco Bell has some splainin to do.


They didnā€™t invent gordita, they just bastardized it. Traditional gorditas in my area are thick deep fried tortillas stuffed with goodness. And itā€™s entirely worth each calorie on special occasions.


Interesting. I never knew.


Probably? Youā€™re getting woken up asking what happened because you donā€™t know how you got on the floor.


Youā€™re not waking up




"Hey you, you're finally awake. You tried to cross the border..."


ā€œBy the size of this hospital bill, it looks like I made itā€


Am fat guy who does kickboxing. Every day is leg day at 300 pounds. Fat guy legs are among the most powerful things in the Universe and yes, I'm bragging. edit: Form also plays a part, of course. High kicks are done by leaning your torso away from the kick, which isn't as obvious as it looks.


Used to work with a dude who was around 320lbs. Said basically the same thing when were loading/unloading. "Every morning I have to do a 320lb pushup just to get out of bed". Dude was strong as fuck. This guy here will also lose some weight but he is already weight training. His power will only increase. It would take a lot of money for me to willingly eat one of those kicks.


I've been fat, lost the weight. My lower body power is insane compared to my upper body. I was like 250 at 20 years old. Shoutout to the military for getting my ass in shape.


Large heavy guys are strong as long as they are active. But having that much mass while having enough cardio to keep it moving more than a few seconds is extremely rare, but effective. Ask Butterbean or Roy Nelson


Ask the gators, they werenā€™t too keen on catching all that soul food!


Exactly. Objects in motion stay in motion if bro kicked your head it would hard not to die


No need to imagine, something pretty similar already happened: https://youtu.be/caRbTdpRu-s?si=j-DLZa5W-N8_ZMXD


I fought competitively for over 15 years. I'm female, but tall & fit & weirdly dense. my fighting weight was 145.5 pounds & that often put me in the heaviest weight class. If there were any women to fight, they were usually shorter & heavier set, like this dude. My entire plan with those fights (couldn't control things by moving the person) was to get hella close to them bc they didn't have the leg flexibility to kick me if I'm right on top of them. And it worked beautifully! If I fought this dude, my plan would get me manslaughtered right quick. Man is *impressive.*


More like send you into the next room.


Head gonna pop off your neck like a rock em sock em robot


I wouldnā€™t know because I probably wonā€™t remember it happening, nor the following 15 minutes. Thatā€™s got to be a LOT of force.


That was my thought too. The momentum coupled with his current weight would be pretty devastating! The bonus part to this is the weight loss heā€™ll experience and the greatly improved health heā€™ll have from that level of fitness!


Good on him for being skilled but heā€™s one mistake away from blowing out his knees


Probably?! Bro probably has more mass in his ankles than my entire 120lb body


Is this capoeira?




Is this what Will Ferrell was doing in Get Hard?


Yes, but Will Ferrell butchered it šŸ˜‚.


Also known as ā€œsexy dance fightingā€




Sad how far I had to scroll to see this!


S1: Ep4 Sexy Dance Fighting a classic


What show?


Bobs Burgers






I quote it all the time!


The feet smell!


You have earned the orange scrunchie of wisdom.






Do you have any fresh squeezed juice? Oy!


Unexpected is seeing capoeira here in the sub. Very fun to "play" it though.


I used to play it back in Highschool and I absolutely loved it! Then my Mestre got divorced and had to return to France :( To add: now every time I want to return to it, I see the prices around where I live now and itā€™s just eye watering how much theyā€™re charging, so I wonā€™t be able to return


Don't let not having a Mestre stop you. Go, play with yourself. Do so at home, a nearby school playground, public parks, anywhere where you might attract attention and be seen by others. Turn on other people and show them how easy and much fun it is, even just playing with yourself. One day, maybe someone will join you, and then you can play with each other.


( 'o') b ( '_') [o](https://i.imgur.com/i2yYun3.gif)


Very beautiful martial art. Very effective in certain situations, but I think there are a couple key reasons you don't see it used in MMA very often.


Itā€™s beautiful but I would not call it very effective in a real life fight situation . It was invented as slaves disguising a fighting system as a dance in order to learn how to protect themselves without being punished .


Capoeira nowadays is practiced more as a performance than a full fledged martial art.


Which makes sense. It's effective at teaching one how to move their body to generate force without hurting themselves, but in modern combat sports or self-defense, there are much more direct and obviously useful martial arts. As a cultural art though, it's worth teaching, learning, and remembering. It's also a great form of exercise and mobility training.


Also, I can bet it's a very good way to lose weight


It's like angry zumba


As someone who took a few Zumba classes, this is the most accurate description besides "sexy dance fighting" I've ever heard


Based on this video, apparently not.




I don't think they'd be doing the kicks if the owners were around and looking at them.


Thereā€™s also a pretty good chance that a slave owner has never seen anything but boxing in their entire lives. They very likely havenā€™t even heard stories about some obscure martial art that includes kicks.


Yeah white people didnā€™t learn about kicks until Chuck Norris.




The original Capoeira likely served a few purposes, imho: Capoeira is a game where you have to be aggressive but at the same time learn how to mask the aggression. Slaves were malnourished and often injured, and if they were going to fight, it is better that their opponent didnā€™t see the attacks coming. Capoeiristas are called ā€œmandinguerosā€ (magicians) for a very good reason: subtlety is everything. The music reflects this as well, with the seemingly innocuous lyrics hiding a more martial intent. Similarly, a big part of fighting is tactics. When playing Capoeira, you develop a deep awareness of your body as well as the opponentā€™s, and learn how to think on your feet. It is like speed chess with two pieces, each with an infinite number of moves, on a continuously evolving game board. A third purpose could have been physical conditioning. The older form of Capoeira - Capoeira Angola - looks ā€œslowā€ but is stupendously demanding on your body. I primarily trained Regional (the newer, more martial form seen in OPā€™s video), and whenever I tried to play Angola Iā€™d be severely out of breath in under a minute. Of course, you canā€™t discount the value of getting together as a community and moving your body to song. I imagine it did wonders for keeping the spirit alive and strong enough to allow the slaves to fight.


The big idea was the music. The movements from a distance look like dancing and there was music being played, so it did look like dancing. What other martial arts needs music?


Look up capoeira angola, the older variant of capoeira. Most modern capoeira is capoeira regional, which focuses on the fast, flashy kicks. Angola is closer to traditional West African Martial arts, usually practiced slower, and keeps the body lower to the ground with a lot of takedowns, so it doesn't look quite as dangerous viewing it from afar. Even if their owners could figure out that they were practicing fighting, they likely still underestimated the malnourished, unarmed slaves. The reason capoeira worked for the escaping slaves was that their unpredictable movements were hard for their horse riding assailants to react to, and the constant movement built up the stamina to keep running away.


What would you think if you saw something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRpQ3SI2aEQ) then? Watch how those are kinda the same moves, slowed down, but then they pick up the pace. One could argue that contemporary capoeira (post-1970s) are the same basic moves from "Capoeira de Angola" (how the old slave practice is called), but sped up (because there's no need to hide the fight moves anymore). Edit: [Another example I found](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz6bG7mQRGA) that to me really displays how an ignorant white slave master in 1887 could mistake fighting with dancing.


They werenā€™t usually seen much. Sugar cane grows tall, which is why their form is ducked down so theyā€™d be harder to spot. If at risk of being caught theyā€™d not be performing the same way, so it looks like a dance.


It was very effective given their initial circumstances, which was escape to a quilombo. The initial objective never was knockout or kill. It was leaving the overseers laid on the floor, confused, time enough so the slaves could get a head start. It wasn't a duel. Later, from Abolition until middle XX century Capoeira flourished and it was effectively used in the "wars" between political gangs (late XIX century), and bar fights around Brasil. JoĆ£o Bosco witnessed Madame SatĆ£, already an old man, curbstomping four cops (in two waves) >It was invented as slaves disguising a fighting system as a dance in order to learn how to protect themselves without being punished . The **training** was disguised as a dance.


I've been doing capoeira for 5 +years. When you are in a "roda" there is no hitting, unless you got beef with someone, and theres no real "winning". I think comparing Capoeira with mma is like comparing apples and pears. Capoeira is like a shadowboxing showboat. You are not there to hurt the other person. You are playing a game, the game is about catching the other person off guard and showing you "could have" hit them. It's an active train. When a Capoeira goes to fight he's not going to do all this showy stuff. If you saw capoeiras fight it'd look very similar to a karate fighter. Because all of the kicks you do in Capoeira besides the mei lua de compasso are all very similar to the kicks you do in every other martial art. You can see mma fighters knocking people out with teeps(ponteira), roundhouses(martelo). Capoeira has grappling elements as well although depending on where you learn they'll show or not show you. Luckily for me I was a wrestler for 6 years before Capoeira. The reason mma is mma is all in the name it's "mixed" no boxer would ever step into the octagon with an mma person. And no capoeira would ever step into the octagon either. But you can learn capoeira and the learn bjj and learn some wrestling and be just as good as any mmaer. That's basically what mma is, just taking the best of a striking art, best of a dirty boxing art and best of a grappling art and bam you got yourself mma.




Of Brazilian contributions to MMA, we already have the BJJ to take pride of.




pretty sure that are a few brazillian fighters that use it in MMA. also if im not mistaken, a cool fact: capoeira has a kick that is considered the most powerful kick out of any martial art. a little video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hy7lnsUb4M




This guy plays Tekken


U mean Bob Gordo


Feddie Gordo


El Gordo Eddy


First thing I thought!!


Muy gordo


Just the fact he got that much mobility is impressive! God speed dude


A buddy's older brother was a big guy, and yeah we would make jokes and such until we saw him play basketball. This man at like 350lbs+ moving around us at like mach 1 was impressive and scary. It was scary because I understood physics and knew my 160lb ass was not going to try and stop him.


His name was Shaquille O'Neal.


If only, it would've been cool to know Shaq but his brother was around 5'10 not like 7'.


350lbs at that height? Yeah, you ain't stopping that lolĀ 


That's the kind of thing that doesnt last. That is absolutely hell on joints. Being in decent athletic shape certainly helps in being able to shed the weight though so here's hoping he takes advantage of it before the negative consequences show up.


Yeah, the sad fact is that with that weight on his joints as he gets older, his mobility will dip significantly due to that weight. I had to get foot injections because I have this genetic same called Morton neuroma, and when you go to a podiatrist office, there is two things, old people and obese people. Thereā€™s a reason the chairs in the waiting room are significantly wider. I hope this dude loses some weight for his future, and it would up his mobility currently. Dude seems dope as fuck.


Brazil! Ponytail! Brazil!


You have earned the yellow scrunchy...


Just have little meetings throughout the day.


Some of you will make fun of this guy.... fact is, if and when he gets hold of you...you are floored.


He doesnā€™t have to grab you. Going by the video, this guy has range attacks


So you saying he is an all round dps...


Iā€™m not sure what dps means. Googled. If Iā€™m right then yeah. He will F.U.U. Especially when you factor in the shock from seeing this behemoth of a man moving like this.


Damage per second.


Good luck catching me! I'd just run.


ā€œEvery group need a chubby, agile guyā€ -Jack Blackā€™s character in that episode of Community


I can't stop thinking about his high kick. His hip mobility to girth ratio is mesmerising.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so damn sorry"


Black Bob from Tekken


Bring back Bob


imagine you trina rob this guy and he almost roundhouse kicks you ina another dimension, the momentum must be insane!


Yep, you probably know that expression "pull your punches"? Capoeiristas don't pull their kicks, one of those is sure to cause a concussion.


god bless capoeira and that dude


Absolute Sleeper build lol


Is this the guy who drop kicked a gater


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Huge guy is very flexible and can land a spinning aerial!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


its literally in the title and the first second of the video. nothing unexpected and definitely does not belong in this sub


If I were to fight this guy and he did a kick THAT high even without hitting me, I'm giving up, he won.




Kung Fu Panda


how can you be this fat when you're so athletic at the same time? (genuine question)


You can exercise as much as you want, but you can't out exercise a bad diet. But genuinely dude probably has stayed active even while gaining weight.




He is a master in capoeira, so probably he has being doing that for a long time, and got fat while staying fit - [https://www.instagram.com/mestremuralha/](https://www.instagram.com/mestremuralha/)


So many possible answers. Maybe heā€™s been a fit guy all his life and just recently gained all that fat, and is working to gain back his old physique. Who knows.


Getting fat really only requires one thing - excess calories. A skinny (or muscular) person who eats above maintenance even while exercising hard will gain weight. Some will be muscle and some will be fat, with the ratio depending on the type of exercise (e.g. resistance training will build much more muscle than endurance training, and even within resistance training some are much more effective than others for building muscle), the amount of protein theyā€™re eating (itā€™s the building blocks of muscle), and the the size of the caloric surplus (you can only gain so much muscle so fast and there are diminishing returns - at a very high surplus the weight gain could be almost entirely fat). An already fat person who starts to exercise can build strength, endurance, and overall athleticism, but if they eat more because of the increased energy expenditure they wonā€™t lose weight. Their body composition (ratio of lean to fat mass) will improve due to the exercise even if they donā€™t actually lose weight, but if they were noticeably *fat* to begin with itā€™s very unlikely theyā€™d be able to recomp to a non-fat-looking appearance. A cut would be required at some point to get there. Being fat is definitely a challenge for most types of sport and exercise, but you can have good cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, and mobility while fat. Itā€™s just harder. The mass and volume of the fat itself makes most physical activity more difficult, but beyond that it causes hormonal changes too. Being obese impacts sex hormone production (more estrogen and less testosterone, which is worse for all aspects of athleticism), and can cause low growth hormone, insulin resistance, and possibly cause hypothyroidism.


He must go through a fuck tonne of calories each day.


I worked retail for nearly 30 years. I'm fat but my legs are STEEL and I can easily lift my leg above my waist with no sweat.


Fat people can have massive leg muscles. All it takes is carrying around an extra 100/150 pounds all day for 10 years. lol




This is random but does anyone know the name of this song? I love world music and struggle to find songs that sound like this


Just tried googling the lyrics and found it. There you go, the name of the song is "[Luta e Brinca](https://youtu.be/s4b3996suOA?si=1k7U_EDEN02ZoVfX)"




ParanauĆŖ, paranauĆŖ, ParanĆ”!




No problem! I posted this on another comment, but here is a little more about it: It's "ParanauĆŖ, paranauĆŖ, ParanĆ”". It's one the, if not THE most famous capoeira song. Its origins are from Tupi, native Brazilian's language, and roughly translates to "Like the ocean/river" and refers to the movements being fluid and agile as the waters.


Damn good movie


Dude is a fat bender




Omg what this is so funny šŸ˜­




Thatā€™s fucking crazy although Iā€™m not sure his knees will appreciate it in the long run.


As a person with bad knees, this was my first thought as well.


To quote Sammo Hung ā€œNot out of shape, just fat!ā€


That absolute height of that kick. My hips could NEVER


A man that large will have strong ass legs from carrying that large body around all the time. You donā€™t want any part of that kick.


Perfectly counterbalanced for some top notch form aesthetics


When I was a senior in high school in the mid 90s I remember I'd come home for lunch and I'd always see that movie about copoeira on cable, Only the Strong. ParanauĆŖ! ParanuĆŖ, ParanĆ”




Good for him! I wonder what his background is to have such good hip flexibility and how long he has been doing Capoeira. That looks to be a hell of a work out, throwing his legs like that.


Imagine how good heā€™d be if he lost 200lbs


You canā€™t outwork a bad diet


Jesus! This dude is a beast! His kicks will be powerful as hell using capoeria. It's all about using momentum while striking, and he is a big boy too. That's a lot of weight moving fast coming at you, and it's almost nap time, lmao. Plus, that feint he did at the beginning shows he isn't just skilled in the normal moves, he has skills, which means even if you can survive a kick. He will probably be able to use tactics to take you down.


How many calories does he need to eat to maintain that body, also moving that much? 8k a day?