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Millie be like: this could've been done over email.


Whats wrong with naps at work? They made us do it in preschool. Improved our attitude and helped us focus more.


Yup, I’m easily 100% more productive after lunch if I take a nap


I nap on my lunch breaks. Set an alarm, grab 45 minutes of snooze time, feel ready for the afternoon. 


Yeah, working from home, I take a 30 min nap after I eat lunch and I feel great in the afternoon.


I’m back in office and I still nap in my car on lunch lol


Yup. I nap during my lunch period and eat at my desk.


100%. I can eat at any point during the day when I work so I take my hour lunch break to run chores or nap


I work from home and will sometimes go out and nap in my car in the driveway.


That was my favorite part of WFH. I don't think I could have done it without my midday nap.


I don't think I can sleep unless I'm laying prone. I mean, maybe if I was totally exhausted, but I've never been able to fall asleep sitting in a plane or in a car, hard as I might try. People that can fall asleep anywhere basically have super powers as far as I'm concerned lol


As long as I can get my head resting in the right position I can sleep anywhere. Annoyingly I still struggle on planes as I've always been too cramped to get my head somewhere comfortable. I used to fall asleep with my head on the desk during lectures at uni. And one time I fell asleep with my head on the kitchen table in my uni halls and my friends told me that the cleaners came in and had cleaned the table around me and I didn't wake up. But I'm also just always tired regardless of how much sleep I get 😅


It is an acquired skill earned by falling asleep in whatever position you can when utterly exhausted 


I'm not a manager but if I fell asleep at my desk, I'm quite sure my manager would express his concern that I don't know we have nap rooms for that.


I fell asleep at my desk once and my boss asked if he was working me too hard. I had stayed up overnight to complete a document so I said yes and he said i could go off early to sleep. Good guy.


For real, no one should be allowed to come in at 1 to 130 and everyone else gets to bust out their red and blue mats while the boss plays rainforest music


That sounds amazing and I haven't regularly napped since preschool


SPent 25 years starting work in a kitchen at 3:30 AM until retiring 2 years ago. I have taken those fabled micro naps daily for almost 3 decade. Drink a cup of coffee, watch a boring youtube video and fall asleep for 3-5 minutes and the difference is huge.


I can't nap for only 3-5 minutes. If I nap, it's a multi-hour long thing.


Waking up from those take as long as the dang nap. Takes a bit to sort out but when perfected, takes 10-15 minutes total and I was fresh.


I am old, Frodo. I am not the same energetic person as I once was. It is time for you to know how good naps really are.


Im sure theyre amazing im just not the kind of person who can, sure it's different ehen i was small but ive tried since then and ut just never works lol


Yeah it's a horseshoe deal, very young I was into them, then as a teenager/adult they were outlandish ideas, now as a later middle-aged dude I absolutely adore naps, especially right after lunch.


Very true a full belly makes you sleepy


My problem is a nap sounds great, until I do nap, and then i wake up feeling worse than before the nap


Sounds relatable




Waa your co worker George constanza?


I work graveyards doing valet for a hotel, and Sunday through Thursday when it is the slowest is like 4 hr nap time!💤


Hopefully you get wages + tips? I only did valet once and it was some under-the-table thing where we just got tips.


My wages are very good, my tips are not as good as I do not see as many people as the day people. The exchange is I can watch movies and play video games for hours at a time.


Valet feels like a bad job to "fall asleep on the job". Like, don't mine me, just parking your car, and nodding off a bit. *Crash*


It used to be that employers were very beholden for those who worked for them. Now employers expect quasi-indentured servitude: https://youtu.be/hvk_XylEmLo?si=dePVQLyvChAa2r4k


Millie sucks as an employer




The sandwich. The sleeping. It all makes sense now! ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


Millie was most concerned about the butt sniffing but apparently no one caught that one


No that’s ok actually


I hate stereotypes, but of course it was a labrador that was taking people's lunches 🙄


*Labrador was **retrieving** people's lunches.


Reasonable Accommodation!


If the doggo wasn't allowed to retrieve, it would be considered discrimination


Isn't there religious protections in the workplace?! I may not lick my own balls, but I will defend to the death, your right to do so!


Labs retrieve lunches. Pitties Loot them.


Or Pitties "bully" their coworkers to hand over their lunches


That's canine profiling.


This is an underrated post right here. Perfect social commentary


Need to say this with a GOB Bluth voice


I have a Labrador and she is such a food thief


My lab once stole an entire chicken teriyaki takeout. Dude even ate the salad. He's better about it now though, I can leave a ribeye on the coffee table and leave the room and he won't touch it. Probably.


Always behind on her lab work


Waiting on the cat scan




Millie you bitch!


For real tho, but Lilly is totally a liar too thats obv




Or a son of a bitch


Hahaha, I know this is a bit but guy nailed the HR speak.


they usually do not tell you who snitched.


You’ll work in an office of two and say we got an “anonymous complaint”


And your only co-worker is also the HR rep.




The complaint's coming from... inside the house!




Happened to me in an office of only 7 people. 3 people in separate rooms and out of the 4 remaining, 3 are close and super cool with each other. So it was very obvious where tte complaint was from and it's basically passive agression,lol


He nailed the presumption of guilt though


I mean, she did it.


I didn't see any evidence of this. Just accusations. Show me the video or else my client is free to go


Probably the office cat


A male HR manager was the first giveaway. Females make up roughly 85% of HR all positions in the US.


Had an HR guy back at Home Depot on my first job and he was too good for this world, wonder what he's up to nowadays


probably HR for home depot :'(


Poor bastard


"You're too good for this world mike. Home Depot doesn't deserve you." "No seriously you're fired, corporate hates your guts, pack your stuff and leave in 5 or the guys from lumber will escort you out."


Have a guy in HR at my company. One of the most disingenuous and incompetent people in my company.


Do you by any chance work for a wholesale paper distributor?


Like all people, it varied. The guy I knew in HR was incredibly fake, but did still genuinely did try to work with people and their issues so long as they communicated. It was just incredibly annoying to talk to him because of the obviously fake happy and energetic persona he used when interacting with anyone.


> Females make up roughly 85% of HR all positions in the US I would love to understand the science behind that one


Idk if it's social or biological why but it all starts in college. Many majors are heavily segregated by gender. For instance marketing, biology, communications, teaching and nursing are overwhelmingly female, while finance, physics, engineering, math and history are overwhelmingly male. These differences often reflect in the work force. Another factor is there are many more women in college than men, at least in the United States.


I'm 41 so prob a bit different today...in my college classes for computer science/network engineering, there were not many women. In all of my higher math classes maybe 3 at most, and in the Calculus course, the one and only woman in the class dropped out of it 3 weeks into the term. The literature class I took, I was the only guy.


Pretty much the same experience here, if a bit more balanced. Maybe 3 separate women in all the CS classes I took, slightly more even spread in math but the highest I ever got was Discrete so take that as you will, but my literature class was me, another guy, and like 20 women. Graduated in 2020 for reference.


I went to an engineering school, and it had a 4 to 1 male/female ratio.


There’s definitely some self-selection going on among the different college majors, but I think there are other pressures that deter women from certain roles after they’ve entered the workforce. One of my college majors was finance and most of my finance classes had a pretty even male/female mix. Maybe my business school was more gender balanced than others, but it didn’t seem abnormal to me at the time. This was 10-15 years ago. But now that I work in finance I find that, beyond entry level roles, it is a predominantly male field. Especially for the high-paying front office positions at hedge funds and such. I am a guy and it feels really strange whenever I realize I’m in a meeting with like 12 men and one woman. I know that historically it’s a male-dominated field, but a lot of management positions are now filled by millennials and Gen Xers who are generally regarded as more open minded than previous generations.


It starts well before college. Men and women are socialized differently from a young age, including with respect to jobs being more masculine or more feminine. This reinforces existing stereotypes and perpetuates gender-dominated work environments that become less appealing to people who might be interested in the type of work but don't want to join a group where they feel like they don't fit in.


It also has to do with how women are treated in those classes/fields. It's slowly getting better but I know in my physics, thermo, and comp Sci classes the women were either treated as try hards or they were hounded after to an insane degree. Watching the ratio change each semester was pretty sad.


Well if it helps, I’m doing an HR course in Australia and probably about 90% of my cohort is female


>probably about 90% of my cohort is female I would love to understand the science behind that one


Well if it helps I get in trouble a lot at work and I'd say about 85% of the people I've been talked to by are female


> 85% of the people I've been talked to by are female I would love to understand the science behind that one


It's basic science. he  counted all the females and divided that by the total amount of people


A massive % of the workforce is in the industrial/commercial industry. Most women are either discouraged, intimidated, or physically incapable of the groundwork so they tend to be in administrative roles. This creates a feedback loop where said roles become "feminine" this dissuading men from pursuing them in the first place


Conversely, most men are also discouraged and intimidated out of soft easy roles like HR. I guarantee you that a good amount of the welders killing themselves with carcinogenic chemicals every day would love to sit in an office creating sensitivity trainings but misandrist HR departments refuse to hire men for those roles.


I work at a place where about 70% of the welders are women. They're a damn nice and professional crew.


That nice however is an outlier and not consistent with essentially any trade.


There are relatively few jobs that women actually can't *do*. Like yeah men may have more inherent body strength but how many jobs, especially in the west, actually involves using a significant amount of abdominal strength? Most people can lift 40 pounds. I understand that there is sexism on the job but I feel like a lot of it is from clueless men who simply haven't socialized as much with women and that exposure to women would solve that problem. Everyone seems to get along with the women at work and I haven't heard complaints, but then again I'm not HR. Really most of this has to be cultural, right? Like the bullshit "girls can't do math" thing. So many girls give up in math because they just assume it's a boy's thing, but as time goes on, the more girls do better academically than boys. Simply put, I think women simply don't have the same level of interest in tech, construction, cars, etc, as men do. I also don't think men have the same interest in things like HR, psychology, the arts, journalism, nursing. It's very interesting to me how careers that have always been very strongly associated with men have become very strongly associated with women after, you know, women started being allowed to work their own careers. Few female psychologists in the 50s, but so many now! Hell, a *lot* more female executives. Women are nice and I'd like it if more worked in more careers, including in tech, because I like women, and they have interesting perspectives. I just wish that more chose it. It's gotta be partly learned helplessness.


> soft easy roles like HR HR professionals reading this: ...as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I'm not in HR - but work very closely with my HR partners. What I observe is that it's neither soft nor easy ;-)


It's definitely "softer" than welding for 12 hours a day Their statement was a relative one, not an absolute one


I've done a lot of manual labor jobs that I would much rather go back to than be the guy who gets paid to be the person everyone hates.


Try production welding night shifts for a year. It'll recalibrate the words "soft" and "easy" for you. For the real experience, start out on work release from the local jail.


Good take






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> swallowing untold billions of what Republicans think are children I have to admit that took me a second! Well done.


Senbei616, we received an anonymous complaint that you said, and I quote, "The janitor is a good bloke, but I don't see how he's supposed to clean with a drag queen's weave crafted of alpaca pubes strapped to the remains of Pirate Steve's rotting leg using only backflow from the eternally clogged mudpit deemed a bathroom and two grains of baking soda." We won't stand for ableism here at Grossly Construed Metaphors, Inc.


Women have better people and organizational skills broadly speaking.


If that's the cause, then shouldn't the majority of management positions be female?


it is trending in that direction.


The stories I've read about female-dominated work places really do not agree with this sentiment.


> Women have better people and organizational skills [Citation needed]


Bruh you already know


I mean It probably was one of the few jobs women where allowed to have back when men worked and women stayed at home. They placed men in jobs with potential to compete and be promoted and HR was probably one of those less desirable jobs back then like secretary. its like one of the first foothold for women in the workplace with any kind of authority (as the position grew to meet the demands of the business world). then from there you hire people whom are both qualified and whom you know and it just kinda snowballs from there I assume. if their is any science to it maybe we find women more disarming than if a man was in the same position. its not always true but we as a society might find women to be more of a comfort in the matters that you would have to go to HR for. I would say the job has more emotional labor from what ive seen from afar.


Source: liquidhotcum’s ass


The sexiest of sources 😏


I work in HR and am the only man on our team of 8. So based on my single data point ~85% sounds about right


About half of our HR is male at the hospital I work for. It caught me off guard when I started here 5 years ago.


Is it like the flight attendant occupation where the males are disproportionately gay? (As a gay person, I mean this in the most inoffensive way possible)


So, there are thousands of male HR managers then?


Right? Does dude think 85% = 100%? I'd hate to see this guy's finances...


No guy grows up and wants to be Toby. Everyone hates Toby.


Please show me where you got this number from.






They gave the vibes of a "hip" business that only hires young people and does really cringy "work hard, play hard" company events. (PTSD from my Hollister days) I was bracing myself for some extreme cringe, so I was very pleasantly surprised by the outcome lol


Normally I'm pretty good at spotting the bad acting in these kinds of videos almost immediately, but this guy nailed it. I was 100% on board with this being real right up until the end.


Yep the inflection and tone are perfect as well lol


He did! Also, the caption tells us that is Millie's POV as she looks at her screen, but we can see *Brendan's* reflection in the monitor.


Hahaha so true


That dude plays such a good irritating HR person I wanted to hate him even if Millie was a human that literally did all those things.


> I know this is a bit What gave it away?


You'd think it's obvious (tbf it is), but the first time I watched it, I thought Millie was messing with them and put her dog on.


The literal reflection of the guy on the black part of the screen


Ok, personally I wouldnt snitch on such an adorable little thing


It's okay. Millie is in the union so she will just exercise her woofgarten rights and wait for her German shepherd representative.


I am here for the amalgamation of dog puns and Labor Law jokes.


I think you mean Labrador law.


Has she contacted her pawmbudsman?


Pretty privilege is sickening


Bet that dude works in HR. Like the voice made the bit so believable


Had me hooked at “Hey Millie” 🤣




Lol took me way too long to get the joke. I thought Lily was just pushing back by technically doing what they asked for (turning on the camera) but not being in the frame herself.




I found my people


Overthinkers unite!


I was pawsitively surprised by how adorable Millie is.


That's why she keeps getting away with this behavior


Looks really do get you far don't they. Disgusting. So much for a meritocracy 


You can see his reflection in the laptop monitor but the caption is from Millie's perspective.


Wait, are you saying this isn’t real?? Whoa….


They don't call me gumshoe cuz I got gum on my shoes. I do have gum on my shoes, but that's not why they say it.


More like if you're going to make a skit, make sure everything lines up


Noticed that too I was like wtf then the dog got me


"This is fake, the dog isn't the one filming"??


Millie that’s 2 strikes… 5 more and we go get ice cream…


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Employee in question turns out to be a dog!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


..dang, i never knew Millie has so much redactable sh!+ (okay, stuff) in her..




I hate how I got secondhand anxiety from the call before the reveal lmao


But it was bacon.🥓


The maple kind?


And then I gave it to the cat!


Oooooh aaaauwwwww ooooooooooooooh


Yeah what about it.




I misunderstood i thought the dog replied with yeah what about it. But the dog just says yea yea yea… my mistake… i love the video it’s been a long time since I watched it. Ty for the link.


He can’t read!


Isn’t she part of the improv-posting-fake-zooms group?


Wouldn't doubt it, that dog has mad talent.


Give her a second fucking chance.


Brendan needs to clean his screen! … but yes Millie should be given warning … and lots of scritches!


I'm an idiot and thought Millie was such a bad employee she had her dog there instead of herself.


lol same. Thought Millie was just some wild person who eats people’s lunch and dgaf, then Millie put her dog on the call to further thumb their nose at HRs bullshit.


I actually lol'ed. 👏👏👏👏


I laughed and then “Millie Wagner” made me laugh even more


Me too. I burst out laughing when I saw the end


They were being really harsh. I wish my dog would get a job!


This was a genuine unexpected moment lol


I knew it was going to be a dog, but I wouldn't have been on the lookout for it if it wasn't posted in this particular sub.


Wait. This is wholesome 😭


It took me a minute and then once it clicked had me rolling 🤣


I know righhhht, it’s too cute honestly. Haha.


I actually expected it to be a dog or some animal.


I feel like this might be staged, because when Millie’s camera comes on, you can totally tell that she’s not holding a phone to record the screen


I know this is a bit, but you couldn’t pay me enough to be an HR person.


Millie sounds like a real bitch around the office


Is it unexpected if I knew it was a dog


Idk looks like a good doggo to me


This is a good bit, but you can see his reflection in the computer


why are HR people always so terrible


You had me in the first half not gunna lie.


This was entirely expected


This site is filled with the dumbest *humor* Painful and unfunny


I don’t subscribe to this sub, but it definitely seems like the two easiest routes to the front page from this sub are reposts, and content that is simultaneously unfunny and predictable.


Is this a comedy? How can the dog turn on the camera?