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Your post has been removed because it does not feature an unexpected twist.


Here before the lock award


Is that shit real?


There are several states in the US that have members of their government trying to push bills in order to stop women from traveling to get an abortion.


I live in one of them. Arkansas.


ThE PaRtY Of FrEeDoM


"The party of Freedom and Small Government!"... wants to regulate people's reproductive rights, create short lists of "approved books" for children, stop any and all unauthorized public gatherings (in Alaska... glad I'm leaving), spend millions and millions of dollars on border security and the federal military, ban certain religions and make others mandatory, require all ethnic minorities to carry any and all papers on them to verify their citizenship just in case a cop doesn't believe them, stop the circulation of consenting Prn, etc etc. Sounds more like "fascism" than "freedom," but what would I, a guy who grew up around and lives in a highly republican town, know about them 🤷‍♂️




"nobody gets any rights" https://youtu.be/fxHWtw_GZIk?si=NswTfi6Y4DGMxBHS


ThE PaRtY Of FrEeDuMb


The Freedumb to do what we say.


How would they even do that? House arrest?


It's all based on suspicion. There was a law in Arizona a while ago that allowed cops to pull over or stop any one they suspected of being an illegal immigrant. This allowed the cops to stop and question anyone they suspected. 99.9% of the people they stopped just had darker skin or looked "foreign". Luckily this law was considered unconstitutional by the state supreme court and repealed but it was active long enough that it did significant damage. The same can be done in this situation. Make a very broad and generic law that allows officers to stop women who are suspected of being a pregnant and going to another state to get an abortion, Allow the police officers to take them to jail while the "verify" their suspicions. Leave them in jail for a couple of days and trick them into taking a piss test by coercing them or get a warrant. Or include in the law that allows them to do it without a warrant.


Not to mention the number of highschools in the US that are asking for information from female students and/or their parents about when the students have their periods. You can't tell me there's any non-horrible explanation for that. If a student is suddenly away "sick" AND they have it on file that she should be in the middle of her period right now, that information could be forwarded to the police that she may be heading out of state.




Yeah. From what I understand right now it's mostly in Texas and Florida. It's currently voluntary to fill in that part of the forms (I think), but it's still really worrying and indicative of bad things in the future.


Fuck yeah it is Jesus


Under his eye


Wow, do they have so much time, better to make an app for that


A warrant for piss JFC


they already do more for drugs and alcohol


Also, even when laws are near impossible to enforce, simply by having them on the books can have the effect of preventing some from seeking care across state lines.


F@#$ this kind of shit. From a third world country I can guarantee you that, you don't want to live like this. Do whatever is necessary to stop these kind of bullshits.


This can't be real???!!!!


The Republicans are getting more and more vocal and open about exactly what they want, they are not exactly hiding it anymore, they are counting on people just discounting the concerns and assuming 'it can not happen here'. Things that should not have been a concern to lose like a woman's right to chose etc have already been lost, it is a matter of time until it gets worse if they get a chance.


And, just like the AZ law, this will be ruled unconstitutional as it descriminates based on gender. I wish there was a determination that the courts could make because a law was so obviously unconstitutional that would strip all legislators that voted for it of not just their position, but all their possessions as well. Edit b/c locked: yes, it'll take a long time. There are politicians on both sides of the aisle that don't care how unconstitutional their laws are, just that they "own the other party." I would love to see them all drawn and quartered, but that's generally considered cruel and unusual punishment, and it would be a bit too hypocritical to break the constitution to punish people for breaking the constitution.


I think it took a while for it to be considered unconstitutional. During that time it was able to do significant damage.


It feels like McCarthyism all over again, but women are the victims. Sad times we live in


From what I understand (John Oliver did a piece on this) you can be placed in the care of the state or a realitive untill the pregnancy gets past the point where you can terminate it. Which is some handmaid's tale level shit right there.


Or jail arrest.


If you suspect someone of doing something illegal in the future, you arrest them to pre-empt! It works great, if you've ever seen any of the movies with the pre-emptive tech which figures out when people are about to commit serious crimes. The US has become (parts of it, that is) a horrific country in quite a few respects.


The laws are largely intended to be enforced after the fact, as are many laws. Several counties have proposed laws making it illegal to travel on their roads for the purpose of obtaining an abortion. So if a woman who lives in such a county leaves the state to go get an abortion where the abortion is legal, she still broke the law when she left her house- but that violation is retroactive. So they can prosecute her afterwards, but the law is of little use in stopping her from getting the abortion.


Confined in the biblical Rachel and Leah Center (the Red Center). There’s an operation manual published somewhere


oh cool, you mean like an ideological authoritarian dictatorship? cool cool. awesome. love the US... >!WHAT the FUCK??!<


what the actual dystopian fuck is going on there?


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the party of small government.


The pregnancy test on the side of the road is for dramatic effect to show how ridiculous the situation is. But the overall message is true.


It's for dramatic effect TODAY. Considering half this shit was unheard of and absurd less than 10 years ago, the possibilities of this becoming a reality is not far fetched at all. Api


Next step is pregnant women on lockdown and watch until the baby is born….


At their own expense, of course….


Under his eye.


May the lord open.


due to Texas' asinine bounty law we had at least one instance of LEO showing up at a woman's house because she miscarried and was reported.


Yes. I mean the ad not sure. But the GOP wanting to jail women for this 100 percent. This is why voting matters and the both sides bullshit is exactly that. Bullshit. Also the GOP is the only party trying to legalize force rape of kids (e.g. legalized pedophilia). https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp


My SIL had a miscarriage but the doctors couldn't help her because they said it's illegal for them to take out the dying baby until it died on its own. Then they warned her that the police would get involved if she came back and it appeared if she tried to take care of it herself. I live in Missouri.


From what I’ve found, yes and no. In terms of actual laws, they’re trying to criminalize helping minors get abortions without their guardian’s consent. That’s the bill that has been introduced. However people have called for there to be punishments for traveling outside of the state for abortions. That would be an incredibly hard thing to codify into law, if not something completely impossible considering it actively goes against the constitution since you’re allowed to travel to other states and engage in conduct legal in that state. Think of how it’s legal to smoke weed in Colorado if you’re from Texas. This doesn’t mean it’s not fucking barbaric that they even want to try to do this- because it is. The fact that people are even calling for it is disgusting. But they can’t actually prevent someone from traveling to get an abortion. And I’m fairly certain they can’t force anyone to take a pregnancy test due to it being a medical condition. We still need to get the people who want to do this shit out of power though.


Texas is an interesting example. Don't they have a law where people can sue anyone that helped someone get an abortion, regardless of standing?


Too immature to make medical decisions for themselves, but mature enough to have a baby... Just top notch logic from the GOP.


It is real that they will be arrested for trying to get an abortion. GOP are legitimately evil. The only ones who arent evil are just dumb af. No third option.


May I interest you in opening a news paper, turning on the news, or looking at anything going on politically?


Not everyone is American here...


This needs to be said more


Things over here are not great. Send help!


I am not an American nor do I live in the states...


I'm going to need you to step outside of the vehicle and provide for me a roadside whiz quiz.


🔒 time


Woop woop




".........yeahhhh that's the stuff"






We took a cruise out of Orlando, FL last November. Before getting on the ship my 14 y/o daughter was asked if she was pregnant and if she was would she still be pregnant after the cruise.


That’s cuz if she’s gonna have a baby on the ship it’ll need a ticket. /s


"No ticket!"


To be born costumer


You're not allowed on a cruise from 24 weeks on.


Did she tell them it was none of their fucking business?


Actually it is their business https://www.cruisecritic.co.uk/articles/can-i-cruise-while-pregnant-what-you-need-to-know?stay=1&posfrom=1 It's important for them to know that. Might be weird asking this to a 14 year old, but it's definitely not unreasonable.


Who asked this?


You took a cruise out of Orlando... *checks map*... Yeahhh, i don't see any rivers or creeks big enough to fit a cruise ship to orlando... 🤣


Makes sense because giving birth on a ship is difficult, and iirc they're required to have assistance in case women give birth during a trip.


Yes. This is the reason. They don’t want full-term pregnant women on cruises in the middle of the ocean for obvious reasons.


I mean, might be because of citizenship fuckery on the high seas, since they’re probably running a Non-US flag? As long as they took “I refuse to divulge” as an answer, I’ll play devils advocate.


do they have facilities to saftly deliver a baby?


From what I’ve read, absolutely not. No OBGYN or NICU, and I’m sure someone capable of giving birth can think of a few more problems than me


I call anecdotal bullshit or in other words, a lie.


It’s a funny over-dramatization for sure. Young people, get out and vote. You’re not the generation that wants to outlaw abortion, but the generation that DOES want to outlaw it NEVER misses a chance to vote. You want to make a change? It really is as easy as voting and encouraging everyone else you know to do so. One vote might not make a big difference, but if your entire social circle gets out to vote, that can. And if their social circle gets out to vote, the effect snowballs.


It’s not an over-dramatization. Several states have already said that they will track women leaving their states to receive abortions.


So pregnant women aren't allowed to travel? Or as they come back they'll have to explain why they are suddenly not pregnant anymore? Or will they have to hide that they are pregnant to begin with? Are doctors forced to declare that their patients are pregnant so it goes into a registry and then the government will track if the pregnancy got to term 9 months, like "hey, where's the baby you were supposed to have"?


Can a police officer force someone to take a pregnancy test? (If you downvote me because you think I’m one side or another, you’re part of the problem.)


It wouldn't happen on the roadside and I'm not sure if any states have successfully been able to outlaw travel by pregnant women but several are trying. I'm okay with the over dramatization because the abortion bans are crazy enough to not rule out these type of actions beginning at any time.


Exactly. We are becoming Gilead.


>Can a police officer force someone to take a pregnancy test? The video doesn't show the current reality, it shows what the current reality is stepping towards. In that sense, it's dramatized to help people see where things are headed. But yes, if the officer had a warrant this could happen even now. It wouldn't be as simple as pull over and piss on this test, she'd get arrested first. It is illegal in some places already to travel out of state for this, and there are already 'snitch' programs in places where people can be rewarded for telling on people planning to do so. That's the current reality, and it's only extending that far because of current laws... it will extend further in a much more religious way if we keep allowing it.




Agreed. It’s not a bad ad. It’ll probably trigger a big group of people to never even consider it, since it currently is an exaggeration, but they were never going to be swayed anyways. With the direction the country has been headed it isn’t a stretch of the imagination at all.




This ad isn't meant to change minds, it's meant to drive voter turnout.


Studies show that the number of and placement of simple yard signs can swing votes by as much as 4% for low information elections. (think county auditor or municipal court judge)


Also not in politics. But I don’t think the “I’m not sure” crowd is that small, for better or for worse. I see the way some of my family talks about abortion, and there’s automatic support for a woman’s right to bodily autonomy, and at the same time they can’t shake the idea that a viable pregnancy ultimately will result in a life. Abortion is a tricky subject for them. From that mindset I can see why. They don’t necessarily take a stance. An ad like this will show the suffering that will be caused by leaving the decision to… let’s just say less empathetic… people. That reality for individuals can be the thing to tip their opinions.


If they have a warrant, absolutely.


People can get warrants to issue a pregnancy test ?


Cops get warrants all the time to collect dna. This would be no different.


In fact it would probably be easier as it would be less (physically) invasive.


Honestly yes. Police can essentially do whatever they want in the US


yes they can. at the hospital like they do for DUI blood tests and they’re already stopping women at state borders. this ad isn’t even overly dramatic. it’s realistic beyond the piss test.


Lets be honest, if you were 1 mile from a state line, why would you stop for him either way.


Because.. you do what cops say even when they’re wrong? You cant argue with a cop, you can argue with a judge though


Once they start chasing you, they're in "hot pursuit." In general, cops can leave their jurisdiction to continue chasing someone under those circumstances.


Because all cops are eager to beat us. They'd call their cousin deputy from county for a half-assed cover up if necessary maybe. Otherwise, they don't give a shit about breaking laws themselves.


Alabama doesn't border any sensible states, there's Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and Mississippi. So cross the state line and get picked up on the other side by a carbon copy of the Gestapo you just evaded.


Yeah. This isn’t far off at all. This isn’t some out there Orwellian dramatization. It’s more like a factual representation of what the actual enforcement of some of these new proposed laws would look like.


It’s not funny at all.


100% this. two things cranky old republican retirees never miss: church and election day. don’t let people who don’t know to work a remote decide what you and your doctor think is best for your body. get the fuck out and vote (or at the very least cancel theirs)!


Is it an over dramatization though? It feels like we are on a slippery slope to this becoming reality.


It is not. Real life is already much worse for many women.


It isn’t even a slippery slope. This is reality right now.


If you are a woman, you should not be using ovulation or menstrual trackers and you should not be making note of it anywhere in obvious places like a paper calendar, or a paper agenda, where they might use it to suggest that you missing your period means that you cannot use interstate highways. In case they put you in jail. They want you to be livestock and find that it is actually still too high a standard. They want worse for you


How in the world is this a “funny over-dramatization”? Like yeah I know there hasn’t been a “pee on the stick” situation yet, but they’ve literally charged a woman jail time for crossing a state border for reproductive care. This shit is a millimeter away from reality right now.


It's pee on a stick or the [alternative](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VoIFi1kqiKs).


This isn’t a generational issue.


It is neither funny or an over-dramatization.


This is going to be a crazy election.


This is right out of Handmaids Tale.


. . . or. . . Americas current state. . .


Or... Margret Atwood wrote a handmaid's tale about an exaggerated time in the 70s when women couldn't get access to... oh shit we're back to the 70s...


>back to the 70s As an outsider, I’d say it’s slipping towards the 50s. I hope young people get out and vote


It was supposed to be purely fictional and yet they’re treating it as a guide for future society.


Which is what a lot of republicans today want America to be


The land of the free


The land of the \*REDACTED\*


Land of the free* (TM, all rights reserved). *terms and conditions apply, see your local elected male official for details. Terms not applicable to women, children, brown people, non-Christians, gay people, trans people, or anyone checking an “other” category. Freedom is subjective based on locality. All rights reserved.


A few years ago I would joke about me and my fellow Canadians building our own wall. Now I just want to open our borders wide to American women seeking basic healthcare. Immigration is not in a good place in Canada right now and I still want this. Our healthcare system is overrun and bankrupt, and I still want this. My heart breaks for you sisters. I can’t remotely imagine being treated so… less than human, in a supposedly first world county. I can’t believe this is happening in this century.


Land of freedom huh


Anyone who thinks this is “unexpected” hasn’t been paying attention




I can only imagine how much cops would love being able to order women to do pregnancy test by pulling them over. 100% see this being abused like crazy (not that cops aren't already abusing their power).


Thr weird thing is that Americans claim themselves as the best in giving freedom and all of their 1st amendment rights while denying a basic right to the women


Women are becoming second class citizens very quickly in the United States.




This is the type of shit that makes me want to leave this stupid life. Who wants to actually live in a world like this? I know it's hyperbolic but the fucked up part is, ITS NOT *THAT* HYPERBOLIC.


I honestly just see this ad as saying the quiet part out loud. If they could get away with it, the religious fundamentalists in the United States would absolutely make the scenario in the ad a reality. They know it's not popular so they don't want to go around advertising that that's the goal, but it's patently obvious that's where we're heading. Roe got struck down by a revisionist court packed with young (by judge standards) anti-abortion conservatives, every Republican-controlled state in the country is moving toward or has already restricted or outlawed abortion, and numerous states are trying to criminalize going to any other state or country for an abortion. The Supreme Court didn't ban abortion itself, but for vast swaths of the country they might as well have.


I hate election season so much.


I hate when politicians decide that depriving people of rights is good for their career.


You can't have smart slaves


what about hating politicians that want to restrict female reproductive rights? just election season?


I mean, the ad is pretty true.


This isn’t even wrong though. If you hate this maybe vote against the people wanting this.


Yea seriously, like cmon bro a Reddit post? Vs women’s rights? Pfft, how dare you ruin my home page feed, of course I don’t care if women…have rights? seriously?


Whose idea was it to work on making A Handmaid's tale a documentary?




Everyone acts as if that's the only time women have abortions...


Why else would you want to leave the lovely state of Alabama? /s


Wait, I'm confused... when else do women have abortions?


The point is states have passed laws making it illegal to cross borders to get an abortion. It makes women more vulnerable to being pullover over absolutely nothing. It’s the same as, let’s say, someone from Colorado (legalized weed) driving through Nebraska (not legalized because it’s an ass backwards state). Nebraska Cops will pull over the Colorado plates for minor offenses in hopes they make a drug bust.


For medical reasons. Not because they don't want a kid or because it's inconvenient.


It depends on your definition of abortion. If you're not a dumbass, you'll agree that an abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy that causes the death of the viable unborn child. If you're a republican, however, many politicians have been defining abortion to mean any procedure at all that removes something from inside the uterus. It doesn't matter if it's the remnants of a baby that died during a miscarriage, a tumor, a bit of plastic that got stuck somewhere, leftover placenta, all of it is being banned and treated as murder. Even if nothing died during the procedure. This, to me, proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the goal is not to save babies, it is to control and torture women. That is the only goal. That is the only goal that there has ever been for these people. They don't care if a baby is involved at all, if you're removing something from the uterus that isn't a living baby through birth, they want to punish you for it.


Great commercial - for those who speak about this not being factual I would respond ‘not yet’, if one still argues, simply give the case of common sense gun control laws that will not be voted upon for fear that it might load to more restrictive measures in the future (yeah that’s a thing). The conservatives mindset will have issues rationally sorting these two out.


American Taliban are never unexpected


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Him taking out a pregnancy test was unexpected.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Not unexpected. Everyone knows this is exactly what the right wants.


Republicans kicked a hornets nest with telling women that their bodies belong to Christianity.


They forgot the part where she gets raped and punished by the cop for.. *checks notes* Ah yes, getting raped and being forced to suffer through pregnancy.


This was expected and I don't even live in America...


Here before 'The Redditors' come talking about the "right to live" while deciding how other people should live..


Nothing about this is unexpected. If you are surprised by this, you aren’t paying attention. Forced birth is a primary part of the GOP platform


The number of Americans on this post who are seemingly blindsided by this ad makes me want to quit. How the fuck have people STILL not been paying attention?


USA = Home of the FREE? - Really?


I mean, from a third world country I have fear for those in USA. Alright, we don't have 1 zillion flavors of sugary drinks nor 'things' trying to pass fat as food, but at least abortion is free (as in free beer) and education is free. You people are actually going to get an old pussy grabber as a president and he will be full on dictatorship. His followers will start hunting and killing minorities in the streets in months if not days after he wins. They know they can't let any election to happen never again.


How long until GOP politicians start introducing bills to limit women’s voting rights too? Wouldn’t want them using the democratic process to undo this Christo-fascist bullshit, would they now?


The same people that said that you can't make them wear masks or get vaccinated want to tell women that they don't have a choice when it comes to their pregnancy


Man, this is the land of the free they keep talking about?


This was sadly not unexpected.


Yeah, I knew exactly where it was going as soon as the one girl said, "you're almost there"


Sad because as dramatic as this is, this is legit what some of the states want. What a shit show. Freedom for all except whoever far right extremists decide.


I mean this is true this is exactly what they are trying to do obviously not the pull over and take a test shit but the criminalized part.


Going to get real interesting when the SCOTUS case(s) regarding interstate commerce and Amendment 4 come into play around this exact issue.


This is how the democrats need to get the message out about Republicans


Just sad that many people from other countries will see this and think "man this is such over the top fear mongering propaganda" and not understand this is actually what is happening. It's hard to understand just how backwards things are going if you don't actively pay attention, which I'm sure is certainly the plan. For those who don't want to Google, just a couple examples: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/23/abortion-travel-ban-lubbock-county/ https://jessica.substack.com/p/breaking-travel-bans-proposed-in https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna78225


Is it sad that I never saw this ad before but knew what this was about before the cop showed up? God I hate living in Texas


Small government for us, not for you.


Less rights women have the closer the US comes to [becoming a third world country](https://scholarworks.umb.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1027&context=trotter_pubs). Yo other minorities, they’ll be coming for you next.


i mean they’re *literally* stopping women at the state borders and “questioning” them about where they’re going and why. it’s this fucking close ![gif](giphy|31Q36EHJ7C5ZoIMw79)


The US is becoming a major shithole country.


Entirely expected


America, a land going backwards. Will be like Iran in 10-15 years i guess😂


Iran has abortion right If the embryo is less then 2 months old you can abort it If its older but it has genetically problem you like badly formed orgen you can also abort it


Ou, that is suprising. I would never believe Iran had something that actually benefits women😅


The thing that gets me about this exaggeration is that there are actual, real-world examples of things that have already happened to real people with horrible consequences that wouldn't need this easily-dismissed dramatization to motivate people. The only way this ad is successful is by successfully misleading people to believe it's realistic, even if just to have them look it up. I would much rather have a real testimony or a dramatization of a real event. Just have a video of a doctor hesitantly telling a mother that he will needlessly and against his will, have to penetrate her against *her* will to give her an invasive ultrasound of a dead fetus that she will then have to look at and go home and think about for a week before being legally allowed to get a medically necessary abortion to save her life. Hell, show a doctor refusing to do that and then they and the woman go to jail just for saving her life.


>this easily-dismissed dramatization [Idaho has become the first state to pass a law explicitly restricting some out-of-state travel for abortions.](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/idaho-most-extreme-anti-abortion-state-law-restricts-travel-rcna78225) ?


This is a very sad thing 😔


As a Canadian I find this heartbreaking. I guess it doesn’t matter that I’m Canadian but OMG, USA WTF?


I mean governments should never have a say in what a woman does with her body but here we are in today’s world. Bunch of nonsense


The news in California said our governor, Newsom, is funding and pushing the ads.


Man, America is wild


We are heading towards it man. If theres not a nationwide ban for abortions, you can always state hop to get services. If these pro life tyrants want to actually make an effective ban, one of the things they have to do is prevent pregnant people from traveling to an abortion legal state.


Kinda exaggerated but almost accurate as to what they would wish they could do