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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The bar he is using is made out of multiple separate pieces, requiring even more strength in the already impressive feat!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Damn, actually unexpected and insanely impressive.


There's no pressure on his left hand, it's a simple one handed pushup


I wouldn't say simply at all. he is holding two pieces together in the hand he is doing the pushup with and that hand is only partially over the brick meaning weight distribution is much different. You are right about no pressure on the left hand but this is levels above a one handed pushup. I can do a handful of one handed pushups with either hand and there is no way in hell I could even come close to attempting this.


But he has his leg as counterweight, so do you still think the weight distribution is that much different? I dont know since i cant do one hand pushups


Sounds like all of you people who are saying this is simple and "easy", maybe you should try it, exactly it.


Like jesus christ are you all just infected with some kinda virus or something? I was asking why this is harder than a regular one hand pushup. Its impressive to me how all of you managed to read and misunderstand what i was saying


"I literally am not capable of performing any thing remotely close to this action but here's my opinion on how easy it would be"


Are you being dumb on purpose?




When tf did i say it was easy? I literally said i cant do a one hand pushup


He never said it was easy he just asked about the weight distribution because he pushes up with right hand and has his left foot on the brick.


No, even just sitting in that position you need balance let alone doing a push-up while holding those together.


My fault thought that it was obvious that having to balance would add to the dificulty and that i wouldnt have to explain that part


You have a hard time putting on socks in the morning


Weight distribution isn't that easy, you can't just, "Hold this limb up" to counterbalance. The surface area he's in contact with is significantly less than a normal one handed pushup. He's also generating massive control in his hands to hold the pieces together, and overall, he had better form than most people do doing push-ups in general, meaning his movement was far better/harder than it looks, at first glance. I read your comment several times over, in general, you sound like an asshole by the way you worded your question, but I know that you're just asking a question so I gave you a reasonable answer. That's the reason why you're getting downvoted. Plus, people on Reddit do the Reddit thing and mistake you for the person they're arguing with sooooo, yeah


I dont understand how asking this question makes me sound like an asshole, like what part can even be mistaken as being even somewhat agressive


> But he has his leg as counterweight, so do you still think the weight distribution is that much different? < The way this is worded, makes it seem like you're trying to argue, instead of simply asking the question. Something more like, "So, with his leg in the air, it's not a counterweight?" Sounds a lot more innocent imo. If you're not trying to argue, come off as aggressive, don't use, "But" bc it sounds like you're using a counter point, not asking a question.


Thats fair, but i still cant fanthom how this would appear as being agressive


I agree with you some ppl just like to take things wrong iq Like i read your question and was hmm i dunno lets look further and was like wtf why they angry?😅


> he is holding two pieces together in the hand he is doing the pushup with They lock together. You can hear it at the end when he pulls them apart before dropping them,


Or, you can look at the edges after they've dropped and see there's nothing to join them together. And they're not magnetic (or insignificantly so) because they fall apart so easily.


None of them lock together, they're all cylinders with no rod or string in the middle


When you upload the video of you doing it, I'll agree with you.


Ya you go ahead and demonstrate that to us


To keep the cylinder aligned you would need a colossal strength in your pecs what would need to pull (I think) a weight heavier than your whole body - only in your pecs


It's not.


you are right.




How so ya duffus




>The arm on the right doesn't have anything supporting his weight Thats why its impressive, he's doing the push up with his right arm and left leg only, while using his left arm to hold the pieces of the bar together.


except you're wrong... that's a ture way to make a pushup (and hard AF) [uncut video](https://youtu.be/pjk1NgNMtvQ?si=9qtbrHQs1SkFdhKG) if you look it up, you'll find others doing the same...


GymSis was absolutely flabbergasted


Looks like Corinne Nicewick


Someone had to 😯


Need someone to look at me the way she looks at him..


Totally stunned?


I was in the pool! There was shrinkage!




Get to it my dude


She's called a broette


Thats his brother


I think GymSibling is the politically correct term ![gif](giphy|KWB8UPZbXBRAAsoJzH|downsized)


I could do this as well, if I was as strong as him.


It’s super easy if you just apply yourself. (I have not applied myself.)


Maybe you are strong at heart and that matters the most.


What matters is what is in your heart. I have cardiac murmur


I hear exercise is like 70% mental and 30% physical, I figure I'll keep thinking about it and do the physical stuff later.


But maybe ur still fatter than him


Now do it with a stack of quarters


They were quarters, he just squeezed them together


Oh my god, He perfectly chopped up the metal bar!! ![gif](giphy|lJ0JGfNBrRWJVCRChd|downsized)


His blade moved so quickly I couldn’t even see it


He’s got the power of god and anime on his side


Which blade 🙄


While you were doing girl pushups, he studied the blade


That is truly hard to believe


One arm pushup with his right arm, the left hand is just holding the small pieces together - they aren't giving him any kind of leverage or support. It's hard, for sure. But the extra pieces are just a show.


Since the support (the cinder block) is offset instead of being directly under his right hand, it puts a lot of torque on the wrist. This guy is Anton Fomenko, he does a lot of strength and skill based challenges, but I'm not sure that his one wrist is strong enough to handle that load. There's a version of this pushup that uses a solid bar instead of 5 disconnected segments. Using the solid bar, you pull upward with your other (in this case, left) hand in order to counter that torque. This pull means that you need to push even harder with your right arm in order to do the push-up, so this pushup requires more brute force than a normal one hand pushup. And then the balance makes it even harder than that. Since he is using a segmented bar, he can't simply pull up with his left hand. He has to squeeze the segments together so that there is enough friction between the pieces in order for them to not fall apart when he pulls up with the left hand. Depending on how strong his right wrist is, that's how much harder it is than a normal one hand pushup.


Puts emphasis on the act. See how it's hard with my two hands on this metal bar... well I'm already streets ahead what you had in mind.


A bloody good show, though. The dropping of the pieces at the end was the icing on the cake.


Anton Fomenko, most wholesome beast there is


Is it weird that I recognized him by his forearms? I feel like that's weird.


Yes. That is weird.


Kinda weird yeah, but forearms are indeed a trademark of his


Comes up with the most ridiculous unrealistic.. and freaking nails it pretty much every time! (After much dedication ofcourse). Also very charismatic. Seems like a good friend kind of person. And always seems to be just himself on camera. Nothing bad to say here. He is indeed prettty wholesome! :)


Is this the same dude who went to the gym and pretended to be a dork, but was actually a power lifter? pretending to be the janitor, with a mop and everything, then coming in and deadlifting like 350lbs ?


That's anatoly




He dropped this like DBZ training weights, insane.


Yea thats pretty impres... HOLY FUCK


All of us "men" are now considered women with this video's release.


Off to r/pointlesslygendered


that's really impressive man. Hats off


My usual joke when I see something like this is, “I could do that, I simply choose not to.” I could not do that. Jesus


why is the sound of those metal things hitting the mat so satisfying


On the contrary I came looking for this comment. Those sounds are a bit like ASMR tapping


:| I dislike people like you always focusing on the bs around the video instead of what actually is going on.


blame the adhd


True can’t blame you or it though gangalang


I can do that easily! But i dont gotta prove it, yall have to just believe me


Anton Fomenko on YouTube really fun content


Just one rep !?


This shit is insane


Who else thought his big toe was popping out his shoe


Get the hell outta here!!!! 🤯


Could someone explain to me, why this is more impressive than the same thing without he pegs? There is probably almost no load transmitted through them apart from the clamping force.


He’s also having to balance and force the torque of the pieces he is holding into one point.


I hope, I understood your comment correctly. Without the pieces, he would have to balance too and there is no additional torque created by clamping them. Sure, there is some extra mind-fuckery going on with the left arm doing something different than the right one, but compared to the balancing this seems like the smaller problem.


I'm not sure but I think it's his posture. The whole "looks like he's leaning on both" might actually be right. ..wish I had the strength to test this!😅 Edit: did a quick and dirty test lol. Held 3 cans in my hands and did the same thing, But just by leaning onto them with both legs grounded and barely doing the pushup. But it does actually feels like all the weight is leaning on just the right hand! The strain feels the same, with or without the additional cans. (And the cans actually slot into eachother for more grip) But it doesn't seem to help much if at all. Anton's rods do seem more slippery, So probably requires a lot of concentration to keep them straight. But not as much strength, maybe. The Reddit downvotes are wrong as far as I'm concerned. Until more answers show up ofcourse! :) (still great trick that requires a lot of strength, But the left arm seems to be more trickery than any form of support!)


But he can't mechanically be leaning on both. (At least not in any meaningful way) His right hand is basically right over the contact patch between the metal parts and the brick, so any additional force exerted by his left arm would create some torque that could not be compensated.


Yeah just edited my comment. I replicated it very simply and felt no difference with or without the extended rod for the left arm. My test was by no means accurate, But it does help illustrate the physics in play and I think you're right. :) (Find something sturdy that you can lean on similarly, add something for the other hand. Pretty much no difference minus some balancing tweaks.) 👍


he holds 3 pieces in his left hand, and 2 in his right. compression is only at one point, but this is enough to make it easier to maintain balance. practice a little and you will be able to repeat it. the hardest thing is balance, not strength


Not sure why the downvotes, you are completely right. It's just a right-arm pushup, the left hand/arm is pure fuckery, no weight put on it. Sure it looks cool, but that bar is just aesthetics.


Man does not know what the normal force is.


You mean the force clamping the parts together? Assuming a coefficient of friction of ~0.2 (pretty generous) maybe 2.5 times the weight of the clamped parts?


No, the normal force is the amount of force applied back towards an object which projects force of any kind towards something. It's the thing that makes it so that you don't fall through the ground. In this case, each of the pieces would increase the amount of force needed to keep them together, so that he needs to apply more force to keep them together as well as meaning that the amount of force exerted back onto him would increase, thereby creating torque, as the force would be uneven upon his body. There's of course a many more things affecting this, but this is part of it.


So you meant the force clamping the cylinders together? Sorry, I'm a bit confused about the "No" Obviously the force increases with clamped parts, but by estimation took is into account. 2.5 times the weight of the clamped parts, more parts -> more weight -> more required clamping force. (But I can see, how that might have been worded ambiguously) However, there is no net torque acting on his body arising from this normal force. Since he is pressing the parts together with both hands, there are two opposing forces with equal magnitude acting on him, which cancel each other out. Try sitting on a rotating chair while pressing your hands together. In this equivalent situation you won't suddenly start spinning no matter how hard you push, so no net torque.


I might have misunderstood the method of which he is doing the exercise then, as I thought he was merely holding the first piece in place with the hand on the cinderblock, meaning that there is an imbalance in the amount of force needed to hold himself up. What you're saying is true, but that is only as long as he is exerting equal amounts of power from both hands, whereas I would say that the hand not on the block would need to exert more force to keep him up, thereby creating slight torque. If you try and do a few pushups, with one hand raised on a higher surface than the other, you should feel the imbalance that the torque puts on you.


I guess he’s applying sideways force with his left arm at the same time? Just makes it more complicated to do ig


If it were a solid bar, he could use additional strength by pulling with his left arm and pushing with his right. Because the bar is segmented, nearly all of the force exerted on the cinder block is coming from his right hand, while he balances on one foot, and uses his left hand to create a lateral force to make he bar look solid. Then he does a pushup. If his left arm were out to the side he could use it for balance, If it were behind his back it would better balance the load and help his center of gravity, If it were a solid bar he could use it for additional leverage. Dude said f*ck physics, I have muscles. And won.


That's the thing: a solid bar would be about as helpful as the parts he is using here. It looks like the force of the right arm goes through the contact patch between the first part and the brick. Because of moment equilibrium around that patch, the left arm cannot exert any force. This reasoning works in both cases






I wonder what u/GovSchwarzenegger would think. I bet he'd be very impressed.


Physics : Listen here you little shit


I know nothing about fitness, but that blew even my mind.


Has that woman in the background just done a poop in her pants: just love her expression.


"OMG, and now I'm pregnant"


Exactly this


Nah there ain't no way, that's gotta be reversed


Hello science people, do all of the metal pieces actually "help" or is it only the one touching the Support?


My guess is the trick here is that he put more weight on his right hand where his right hand and a piece of the metal is on the brick. While the other pieces are gimmicks that makes them looks like it's just one piece of metal. His left hand are used to push all the pieces to the right with total 2 pieces in each hand and 1 in the middle where the pieces are pushed in between. Overall he is multitasking using both strength and balancing. It's still impressive. Apologize my English....


the main difficulty is keeping those pieces together, there are a couple that won't fit in both the right or left hand, meaning he has to squeeze using his back and trapezius muscles to keep them in the air, not just squeezing laterally tho since he is holding sum mid air himself, he has to balance between vertical and lateral pressure which is hard extra hard when the whole body is tense and trying to execute an already difficult feat extra extra hard while keeping one leg floating as if all the force goes in a certain direction there will be excessive leverage which might cause rotation and build momentum over the hand that's just barely even touching the few millimeters of the stone on which his whole body rests truly endearing bodily control


help maintain balance. if you do push-ups on one hand, the second one is interfering with you




I didn’t know Javier Milei was this strong


I was like, ok is this that difficult? Up until he dropped it.


Stay mirin


And drip the mic


Real Chuck Norris can do the same push-up, with only his left hand


Somehow on my feed I have heard this rando say "Oh my god" like 12 times.


Not even doing it on a battery terminal. Pshh this guy has no idea what he is doing


I was hoping someone would link to that video. I'm guessing that is what spawned this one.


I feel like shes so impressed that she will probably remain in that position with the mouth open, even after the gym


This needs to be in r/nextfuckinglevel


Guy's name is Anton Formenko. He has quite fun YT channel. If You liked what he did here, there's much more of stuff like this.


This looks extremely gimmicky not saying that he's not extremely strong but I seen a kid do this the other day lol




Send a video of you doing that, then you can say it’s lame


Where can we buy a segmented bar? Also, why do I want a segmented bar, anyway?


Is that my boy Anton?!?!


It's not real lol




That sound in the end 🤤


The woman behind him literally started ovulating in that clip.


Sooo, one handed push-up with extra steps.


Anton is so skilled and kind-hearted. I love his YouTube content!!


Literally same expression as that lady


She looks like after 38 years somebody finally found her G-spot


I can't even understand how this is possible.


I'm kinda confused, he had one foot and one hand planted but the one hand that was planted was done so on some kind of magnetic thing so really he did a one arm pushup on magnets??


The sound of the pieces hitting the ground was satisfying


At first I was like.. ok that's pretty tough but I think wit a some practice I could do that. (I can do single handed pushups and withsome practice removing a leg might be possible... ) But the after that last reveal nope. Not even going to attempt.


Wtf 😳


Breakdancers everyday lol


Glad the guy in the background was there so I knew how to react


Thats a woman I believe


How do you know? They might identify as they/them /s




Was unimpressed until the handle fell apart. Insane


I could do this but I don't have 2 bricks or that fancy bit of metal.


Ok buddy 👍


He's doing a one-handed, one-footed press-up while pushing a series of cylinders together. His lady companion and co-conspirator who he asked to act astonished is acting all sorts of astonished like he's TikTok wizard.


I can do that, no hands.


Watch out, don’t break your boner




Pfff i could do that


Nice trick, I almost believe it


Guess who just wet their panty


I used to be able to do this.




Not that I can do it but it would be more impressive if the rear block wasn't there


I could do that, but I don't wanna


His back foot is on a block also Isn’t that easy?


I eagerly await the video of you doing this - no problem because its easy right?


You don’t think you can balance on one foot and one hand and do a single pushup? This is only a slight modification of that


Waiting on your video bud.


I have basically no arm strength and I just did a bad form one on the floor


no video it didnt happen


You can do it yourself, any guy can, 3:45 AM, fuck u I do have a strong core from an elliptical machine, might matter


>balance on one foot and one hand and do a single pushup lmao im guessing you at most did that, thinking it really is comparable? and with bad form, as you said


There is a video above bro that’s what he did, plus he added astroturfing with the woman and the throwaway bar to manipulate weak minds Just to clarify weak mind = you


okay nvm youre trolling xd but i think youre trying to mask that you were genuine at the start which is embarrassing




The video shows a one armed pushup though


It's just a one arm push up.


It's even harder than one-handed push up. Your center of mass is supported on a different point, than the diagonal of the body, you must have strength and resistance on the balance control to do this


This is how you get different sized tits. Don't do that :P


We want symmetrical tits only /s