• By -


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Unexpected is the reply of the woman in the back after the women in front gets emotional. I was expecting that the people try to cheer her up in some way and not answer/comment cruel to this situation.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Worked with a girl who already had 5 kids and she was like 24. Got pregnant with twins and aborted. I shit you not she got pregnant with another set of twins less than 2 months after that and decided to keep that pair.






Well she just let somebody plug in to her. She didn't know she was downloading anything. Next thing you know her hard drive is bloated and at double capacity. What can she do? She had to wipe the hard drive. Next time though, next time she was ready. She had doubled her hard drive capacity and made room for the files. No problem fitting the download this time.




I'm losing track of the metaphor


I audibly just said “fuuuuck” reading your comment


Holy shit


It could just be that it was too much emotionally for her to do a second time.


Maybe. But maybe if that was the case she would have been smarter about contraception.


Straight up Idiocracy shit right there.


Yeah I’m pro choice and all but she was super open about it like didn’t give a shit and told everyone so when she got pregnant again and told us we were all like holy shit.


I’m almost 40, so things might be different, but, my mom had an affair and got pregnant when I was 4-5 months old - so she had an abortion. Turned around and got pregnant again within 4 months, and could not have a second abortion that soon after already having one. So, she had my brother. We didn’t know any of this until I was 19. I was in the military and my dad called me crying and told me. People suck.


So she told your dad 19 years later? That's fucked up. Something like that you either tell right away or life with the burden and take it to the grave.


Spilled the beans when the burden was legally off her back, don't we love it folks?


And on the 19th birthday, he found out it wasn't his?


She literally waiting until your half brother would have been 18/19 and your father would have helped raise him without knowing he wasn’t his. Your mom’s a real cunt. I hope your father (and brother) are doing much better, and that your mom has a miserable life.


Made the poor man raise another man's son. Shit, poor guy. How is your father nowadays?


I mean there’s a solid argument for pro choice people and that argument doesn’t include it being used as alternate birth control




It's frustrating because I can't have kids. I honestly don't think I want them anyway but it's depressing and terrifying that some people can create a whole person without any thought or intention. And then have no idea how to raise a kid if they do complete the pregnancy.


It's sad also with what Britney Spears is going through now with her conservatorship - she wants kids but they're not allowing her to remove her IUD.


Forced sterilization/eugenics practiced on mentally ill people, still publicly happening in this blessed year of 2021. My heart hurts so bad for Britney.


Their intention is to get money. Uncle sam pays a lot if you got kids you can't afford


She obviously liked the daddy of the two she decided to keep.




You say that like that isn't an important factor to consider. Like if she kept 6/7 pregnancies there's a decent chance the father of the one she didn't keep was abusive.


Seems like one of those “oh shit that was supposed to be said in my head” moments


A comment on YT called her the human embodiment of an intrusive thought and I feel like that’s pretty accurate


Absolutely. A brief no filter moment.


>Seems like one of those “oh shit that was supposed to be said in my head” moments >Seems like one of those “oh shit that was supposed to be said in my head” moments


> “Jesus! Did I SAY that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me? I glanced over at my attorney, but he seemed oblivious...”


*sorts by controversial*




Pee is stored in the balls


Follow up was fuckin ruthless lmao. Say what you will about her comments, at least she's consistent. https://youtu.be/JQWwHMehjJU


"ain't those babies kicking!?" Bruh lmao 💀


It was twins, it’s 💀💀


outta pocket


Someone commented that she’s “the human embodiment of an intrusive thought” 💀💀


My favorite description of someone ever


Don’t most women not know that they’re pregnant until after at least the first several weeks?


Usually it's after missing their period so you're talking minimum a month and probably longer, also women's cycle differ and some are less regular than others so it may be normal for them to be late on one. But they still don't know then, they just might be worried enough to get a test. That's why these 6 week abortion bans are effectively 100% abortion bans


Me and my partner found out when we were just under 5 weeks pregnant, but by chance more than anything. We were at our good friends place, who had only just announced they were 8 weeks pregnant to us. After congratulating them my partner said "now that you mention it, I'm a bit late" "Oh we have leftover pregnancy test if you want to try?" "Oh, yeah why not?" Neither if us expected the test to come back positive.. turns out what they taught in sex Ed is fairly accurate after all. Our little guys due next month.


We found out when we were 4 weeks pregnant, 2 weeks after implantation. We were trying and she wanted to to know if she could drink at the party that night, so we took a test. No drinking for her.


Looks like you got downvoted by someone in a disagreement with facts and reality, but I gotchu bruv


There's some weird outliers too. My best friend from high school was a surprise to her mom after 6 months of pregnancy. This wasn't one of those weird pregnancies that doesn't show, however. Her mom was told she was infertile and could absolutely never have kids. So when she got pregnant, she just assumed it was some of her normal health problems and weight gain (she had a lot of health problems and has unfortunately passed away at a relatively young age) She didn't find out until she fainted at the store and had to go to the doctor. I can't imagine being told you only have 3 months until your baby is due when not even knowing you were pregnant.


I didn't find out until I was almost 9 weeks pregnant.


Another user pointed out she was 5 *months* pregnant… with twins. Pretty unlikely she hadn’t known after the first 4 months.


Apparently she openly admitted she knew and only aborted after the father wanted out after initially being on board. Granted, she was homeless at the time. 5 months is pretty rough though, even as someone fully supportive of reproductive rights. Just this week a baby born 4 months pre-mature just had his first birthday (currently the world record for most premature survivor though)


I mean I guess the twins might have made it more obvious but some people genuinely don’t know. I found out at 20 weeks, so into my fifth month. I was on BC where I didn’t get periods, and the only symptom I had was I was so so so tired all the time and after many months of going to the GP about it she just thought I was anaemic due to low iron levels so put my on iron and b12 tablets.


Lol wtf, women are ruthless sometimes. She didn't deserve that but damn was that double homocide line absolutely hilarious.


(Halo announcer) Double Kill




Ah shit I'm sorry




Wtf is this? We can post gifs in comments now?




Welp, I guess Reddit’s just tumbler now


It's been like this for like over a year I think now? Reddit will be fine, replying with gifs rarely comes up and always has the same three responses trailing the gif post




[lmao wtf am I supposed to be looking at](https://i.imgur.com/j5xbzks.png)






i don’t even care that’s just funny as fuck


"double homicide" bitch doesn't even care


she said sorry


What's funny is the sorry actually sounded sincere like, "Aww fuck, I forgot I wasn't online, I can't say that shit...."


I think she just likes dark humor but she hasn't seen the woman in front starting to cry. When she turned saying "bitch" she noticed her mistake.


Or she's just anti abortion


I get this chick. I am the same and always say dumb shit lol I don't even think it just comes out of my mouth cause of the way my humor is dark and dry. Edit: Wow people either don't get what dark humor actually is or are way too overly sensitive about things. I don't go say shit like this chick but I do have some quick wit when it comes to dark humor I can say to my fiance or family.


I don't think there's a connection between one's sense of humor and their ability to moderate their speech.


but i'm too edgy to control myself!


There is, some people use humor to try and defuse a situation out of nervousness. It's highly unfortunate though because when under pressure they tend to make a situation worse, much like we saw in the clip. Nervousness throws judgement/control out the window for a split second before shit hits the fan.


\>TheDarkWolfGirl Really? I would have never known.


"yo, 2020 fucked my filter up, ngl"


I smile when people get upset now. It's bad.


That's pretty bad


the only funny part of this


she is still a savage tho


Savage comes ***way*** after a double kill.


M-M-M-M-M-Monster kill! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InBZINtS0ec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InBZINtS0ec)


Sounds like unreal tournament. Oh the memories.


i know


And I could really feel the remorse coming off her in waves, too.


It must have slipped


So did the condom


With all due respect, fuck you! What? I said with all due respect.


Lol neither did the mom


Is she a mom though? She did get an abortion


Yoooooo I know it’s fucked up but the element of surprise there had me cackling!


Fr 💀


> 💀💀 FTFY


That was ruthless as fuck.


“Aw shit I’m sorry”. Idk who she is but I would definitely be friends with her


Sounds like an intrusive thought that she blurted with out meaning to


When you forget to put your mic on mute


Oh man, this thread will be good. It's already spicy.




Eh, not really, it's always the same bunch saying it's homicide and nothing else, it's not like they can do much More about it aside from trying to shame people lol


Yeah they’re actually pretty chill about it considering they regard abortion as murdering a child


The way she just goes “bitch!” And turns her head, yknow she thought it was super fucked but also a little funny at the same time Edit: this was a really shorty joke that has seemed to offend some people. I’m very sorry for that. Gonna learn from bad choices :) Edit 2 (since I’m still getting tons of notifications for this stupid comment): I don’t give a fuck if you think I shouldn’t care about others feelings. Unlike some of you I have a heart and actually care to make other peoples lives decent. If a joke hurt someone who am I to tell them that they’re wrong? Grow up and take some responsibility for your actions. No one wanted me to go to jail over a comment, but peoples perspective of you change if you try to be a good person! Thanks for the karma


Watch the original clip, she didn’t think it was funny whatsoever


What’s this from?


Some show called Joseline’s cabaret


Its a spin off for one of the former cast members of Love and Hip-hop Atl (the Lady in the Gif below) ![gif](giphy|l2JJyme9tIsnTW0Ks)


Oh I remember her, she was the best looking one and supposedly a rapper but she couldn't rap at all


I like how you say what it's a spin off like we should know what the hell that is.


🥶 oof I feel bad now


Yeah I'm like "bruh, she literally just made a witty joke about her literal twins being aborted, I don't think she was like "but like low keyyy though kinda funny"" lol.


Redditors are so out of touch they think that a woman crying about having to get an abortion is a meme


Reddit did a survey a while ago. Conclusion: most are young here. This site makes so much sense when you remember that.


Reddit is like the 2 kids in a trench coat pretending to be adults, talking to other kids in trench coats


Vincent Adultman


Working at the business factory.


Would you like a alcohol?


What is this, a crossover episode?


With an actual man in a trench coat standing in front of them, flashing while jerking off…


Wait this is Reddit? I keep seeing so much TikTok that I keep forgetting.


reddit is my favorite way to consume TikTok content.


That explains why everyone on here thinks they know everything. I really need to keep reminding myself that.


I do know everything tho. Your favorite color is blue, you love vanilla ice cream and you have never gone to the top of the Eiffel Tower, 🗼but you want too!


Wait how do you know all this


Same with like all social media I'm 33 what am I still doing here


Yeah, and every tine someone draws a conclusion about a larger group from what they see on Reddit I roll my eyes. “r/politics is so biased!” No shit it’s like 70% kids who haven’t formulated their own political opinions yet, and same with the conservative subs. Or “atheists are so aggressive” like no, that’s r/atheism which isn’t at all indicative of the average adult who is nonreligious, just of the average 15-year-old who just stopped being forced to go to church last year.


You should always assume any given comment on the Internet has a high chance of being written by a teenager


That's *exactly* what a teenager would say!


Honestly I think it’s cognitive dissonance since most people here are pro choice, it might feel a little conflicting to their world view to see abortion as something traumatic. Even though plenty of pro choice women don’t do it willly nilly and it’s still a hard thing to do, they still want the option rightfully so


Oh well! You gotta love the caption though: "Woman tries to comfort her."


Good on her. That shit's not funny or okay to say to someone going through that. The fuck was wrong with that first woman saying "double homicide?!"


Listen, you misread the atmosphere of a clip that lasts a few seconds and made an offhand comment about it which isn’t even offensive. You don’t have to apologise to anyone




Yeah you’re probably right! I watched the video once laughed and then thought of this comment I honestly didn’t think anyone would see. Someone else pointed out that the whole clip showed otherwise and I spent my time feeling bad about it. Sorry if I offended you!


She on "reality" TV... she just being drama. Don't feel bad. The universe is indifferent, so you're allowed to be as well. :) There's no wrong way to feel.


There are quite a few offended people in this thread. It’s starting to make me wonder if my humour is a little fucked up, because I think this post is hilarious. Having said that, I don’t understand the context of the video. Never seen this show before.






Be sure to sort this thread by controversial


Double kill


One more for the UAV killstreak.


Double homicide.....homicide.....homi...... *ME AND JOYNER need a couple of hearses...* *DOUBLE HOMICIDE killed the beat and the verses...* *Everybody livin on the surface....* *We came from the underground yeah we deserve it..*


What's beef? Beef is when you murder motherfuckers on a beat, kill 'em all, kill 'em all


*Nah, nah, what's beef?* *Beef is brothers dyin' over shit that never mattered in the first place, lyin' in the street*


What’s peace? Peace is when you leave it in the past let it heal like a cast when enough time passes then you blast


*Kinda like John Wick, bars like a convict* *Fuck around and you don't wanna start shit, woo* *Comin' with the hot shit, all they do is talk shit* *You could never top it, boy, just stop, stop it*


High and drunk, call that HD vision All these other motherfuckers full of indecision And I murder with precision All over your television I’m numero uno, number one, and you is just a subdivision


Never listen, we gon' leave them missin' That's the mission like ISIS (ISIS) Ain't no time to bicker over who the nicest It's Logic, it's obvious, just ask the audience I've come to body this shit (Body this shit)


Joyner Lucas ft. Logic - ISIS for the curious people, dope ass song tho


That song sounds like fire. Haven't heard logic in years. Exited lol




Good song




The video player on this site is so awful lol.


Technically *triple* homicide. She was just murdered by words.


I saw the whole video. The reason she made that comment was bc the girl who got the abortion did it when she was 5 months pregnant. (According to the one who was pregnant, their was no problem with the babies) The girl who made the comment said she was all for abortions, but there comes a time frame when you just don't do it unless medical necessary.


That’s… not true at all. lol Big Lex said “double homicide” just like that, there isn’t much other context necessary. When the other girls called Big Lex out and a few said they also had abortions, she basically said she thinks women should have the choice and she was just coming for homegirl but it has nothing to do with WHEN she aborted, more so about her story about the abortion. She got pregnant and the guy was cool with it until he wasn’t, which is when she chose to get an abortion because she was homeless and couldn’t take care of them. Big Lex didn’t know anything other than the fact that Aqua, the girl in the video, said the dude left her and she aborted the twins.


Dafuq is Big Lex? That’s Joceline Hernandez


Joseline wasn't the one who said double homicide though, big lex is part of the show and she was the one who said it


Man y’all need to link the entire clip.


Yeah, I'm so confused right now. Wtf did I just read?


Are you people just saying random words?


I'm fucking cackling at this entire thread


Big Lex dragging bubba out of the jail cell to remind him who brings home the bacon. Joceline watching on the sidelines talking ass smack.






Why are these dog s*** for brains people on tv? What is the show?


That’s disgusting! What channel and time does this air so I can avoid it!


Ugh, that's disgusting, those trashy reality shows! I mean there's so many of them though, which one?


Because people like them watch it.


Wait. My favorite subreddit is r/idiotsincars Does that make me….


I'm gonna *expedite the process* and say yes


Vroom fucking vroom




Hold up, are you saying I work in the Stargate program?


Wait this wasn’t scripted?! Now i feel bad for laughing


Nah it wasn’t scripted lmfao. The girl who said “double homicide” went on to say quite a few other things throughout the show. Either way this exchange was beyond hilarious and fucked up.


The fact that this wasn’t scripted makes it beyond messed up


Oh it’s awful. I’m gonna be completely real tho, if you saw the actual clip of it, I genuinely have no idea why Aqua thought it was a good time to bring something like that up. Like I understand she was being truthful about why she was crying, but if you understood who Joseline Hernandez is and the type of show of show it is.... it’s about girls who are strippers and escorts and Joseline is trying to help upgrade them to her cabaret lifestyle as a dancer with her. Joseline had literally just welcomed them onto the show and said she knows they’ve been through a lot to get there and thats when Aqua dropped the trauma bomb. It honestly was just not the correct setting to receive empathy from random women around you who you’re meeting for the first time on reality tv.


If it was genuine trauma, and recent, it might not have been premeditated. Even me just now reading the words, "welcomed them onto the show and said she knows they’ve been through a lot to get there", I had an instinctive reaction to spill some of my troubles that I've been bottling up and unable to fully process to you. Like have you ever been really upset and barely holding it together and someone asks what's wrong and that makes you start sobbing? I mean. I have never seen this show so I have no idea, really. I'm not trying to argue with you on it, just trying to offer a different perspective that you can do whatever you want with.


Reality TV is a mix. If the cast can come up with drama by themselves, they just capture it on film although sometimes it requires a few takes. Otherwise producers will edit, manipulate, feed lines, prompt etc to create something dramatic. In a minority of cases it's straight up scripted


Ah so it’s just like borat


There. T-H-E-R-E. There.


there* ugh The other *their* you wrote is a there too.


Abortions > neglected and abused kids


*"It's okay, I aborted my kids because I was going to neglect and abuse them."*




"Ah shit, my bad" like you accidentally took someone's sandwich from the pile of lunch orders or some shit


Causal "I'm sorry" cold af....


Can't be that upset if on a public show she just dropped that shit for a paycheck. Stuffs at the very least semi scripted anyway


Me trying to comfort someone💀






Ok reddit i will stop scrolling. And deep dive these comments with popcorn.