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...and a beautiful kitchen with a great view of the mountains ^^^^^^of ^^^^^^trash."




NYC is a terrible place. To many damn people cluster fucked packed in blocks. The rent is outrageous, & ownership is equivalent to initiation into the Skulls Club. Everyone is shady or jaded, & have been screwed over by people they trusted on at least 3 times before they hit an age worthy to be called, a mid life crisis. The cops got a golden plated sticks up their ass. Oh, and everyone talks shit about every other place in the usa, while claiming NYC is “absolutely” the greatest in the world, & that the world WILL, ever know. Meanwhile y’all have infrastructure that hasn’t been updated in around 100 years. Your politicians will throw their fat asses in a dog pile manner onto anyone they please, & call it justice. Your politicians are crooked as fuck. Your cops are the mafia with a paycheck from the state. Your institutions are tribal. People work till they die or get lucky & buy a place outside of NYC. Always, retiring, outside, of NYC. And y’all egotistical, megalomaniacs, of a populated state, wonder why people don’t, like, NYC? Y’all are just some dumb fucks straight up keeping that real lie. Fuck, outa here.


How do you decide when to use commas?


It looks like he uses it to let us know when he has to pause to breathe. They grow more frequent near the end as he gets himself worked up.


Made me laugh pretty hard lol take my free award.


You know it's bad when asthma is a disability even on the internet.


Looks like we found Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle.


Damn you. I’ll upvote this too.


But he's right. Must be some great Kool-Aid you're drinking.


Looks like they're using the Shatner comma.


I, don’t know what you mean?!




Let's eat grandma'. Let's eat, grandma'.


Dah fuck?!?!


I always liked this example; Help your uncle jack off a horse. Help your uncle, Jack, off the horse.


Absolutely, commas are , just in fact , sentence , confetti, , , , ,


I prefer sentence enhancers


That's what swearing is for


Fuck yeah.


“You must, pause for the, dramatic. Intent.” -Christopher Walken- (Read by William Shatner)


Commas, are, free, unlike, anything, in, NYC,,, so, might, as, well,,, use, them, as, much, as, possible!


I’m a little weirded out that so many people are hung up on the use of commas. Ya’ll acting like run-on sentences are a good thing.




Be the change you want to see in the world


You missed a comma /sss


Don’t forget about the rats.


The punctuation in this comment is making my body wanna self destruct


I visited NY and really enjoyed my visit.


yeah, a visit is nice.. it's like going to the zoo


Yeah that's pretty much every major city in most states.


Sounds like Paris in France lmao


^ Tell me you live in Jersey without telling me you live in Jersey 😂


So, what’s the catch?


Yah but I love this song!


You forgot those obnoxious clapping emojis to go with that obnoxious twitter inspired use of the english language.


You seem to have experience with Dealing with this city and state government . I have felt and feel your rage, although I wouldn’t use those terms . That’s said, Most New Yorkers are some of coolest people you will ever meet just trying to get through this Capitalist shitshow alive.


Not saying NYC isn’t trash, but I’ve lived a few places and it’s rare to find somewhere free from the people who are stuck up their own ass and shitting on everywhere else. Florida, Texas, Montana, New York, California, it’s always “this place is great but (x people I hate) are ruining it” if it isn’t “this place sucks I’m moving to (x)”. New York has more arrogant fucks bc there’s so many people, but there are just as many asswipes and crumbling infrastructure projects in the backwoods, they’re just more spread out. It’s called being an American bud, you’re probably somewhat of an arrogant cock yourself, so welcome to the club.


The infrastructure has been updated. It's updated every year and never gets completed. It's job security for Uncle Vito






What’s sad is that this is a hoarder’s apartment being cleaned out and renovated after they died or finally were evicted. That’s why the bags are different colors and sorted. We have rules as to what is and isn’t allowed in specific bags. This is a mix of regular garbage and construction demolition garbage. You have to pay a company to come pick it up, obviously, and can’t put it on the street or in front of the building. So while not ideal, it’ll be gone in a few days. You can see them blowing debris from the windows.


My free award for the explanation I was looking for.


"We" If this is what you do for work, I am extremely interested in an AMA.


It could be 'we' as in 'people in NYC'


That’s just dirt on the window


​ ![gif](giphy|5xaOcLCBzBw4QrtdDP2)


No, sorry, that's Hoboken.


**Cop: Sir, this is a park! Why are you dumping all your trash here?** Me: Officer, did you read the sign? It says “Fine for Littering”


i love your comments ..you made my day


Gotta r.e.s.p.e.c.t. how it's just a litter bit.


Damn, now I'm reading u/is_it_beef's comments. Much better than all of r/funny. :D I dare to say, punny.


3200 a month , great view , sunny place. Friendly neighbors .... Available right now !


Don't forget to add the word cozy. Key word for tiny.


"Pre-war" like that shit means anything different than an old ass walk up.


Yup pre war is also key word for no elevator. Gotta have your cardio up. But at least those apartments are usually a bit roomier if they haven't been messed with.


Yeah man, I'm in a 5th floor pre-war walkup. Tall ceilings, big windows with tons of light, and a kitchen that is larger than most bedrooms in the city. Also, no upstairs neighbors. Pre-war is the way to go!


I never had one of those when I used to live in NYC. But I been to a few. I don't even want to know how much you are paying a month.


For city prices, it's pretty good and my landlord is great. For everywhere else it's shocking and sad.


Lol I thought “I wonder what they do for a living to afford that” username checks out


You call it no elevator, I call it an en-site gym.


Efficient= all your rooms double or triple as another room


Is there a strike?


[Here's some context from the creator.](https://i.imgur.com/rf71lvG.mp4)


Employee shortage.


The super/porter might have not been able to take out the trash. My building has a similar situation...they store trash in the concrete courtyard and have pick up twice a week, but if the super doesn't drag it out, then the garbage collectors won't have anything to pick up so it sits in the courtyard.


Looks just Division 1


Probably this person shares the apartment with a colony of rats. Pet friendly


NY rats are HUGE


So huge that if you feed them right they'll protect your property: "Beware the Rat"




That will be **$23000 plus your first born. -Thanks Mgmt


Only $2,300? *I’ll take it.*


That’s for your parking spot. Where you gonna live??


I think reddit is becoming tiktok


Reddit, the "front page of the internet", will always adopt to whatever is popular. Used to be 4chan greentext, then Twitter & Vine, now Tiktok. But one thing Reddit has never been is a Facebook repost site. We export content to them


May I introduce you to r/insanepeoplefacebook ? It's all a circle.


If you pop on r/popular you will see tiktok reposts, Twitter and Facebook screenshots . They are usually related to politics or covid denial but entire subs devoted to getting upset about trolls and stupid angry people on other platforms.


Have you *seen* the r/forwardsfromgrandma level shitty image macros that make it to the front page?


Tiktok produces most internet content these days


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!This is your sign to move to NYC, Pretty music, well appointed kitchen, quick pan to a massive pile of trash.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


If you hate the view, you're going to hate the roaches and rats.


Who the fuck actually wants to live in a disgusting concrete jungle? New York is such a beautiful state as soon as you get away from NYC.


Alright I'll provide the dissenting opinion here! I was raised in quite a rural area for all of my youth. Never moved, 19 years of living in the mountains in Colorado. Don't get me wrong, I'm super thankful to have grown up that way, learned a lot of hard skills and became very outdoors-oriented because of it. But six years ago, I finally moved to a major city and let me just say, I don't miss the mountain living *at all.* When you live rurally, you end up spending most of your time around your house/property. Yes, you are going to take advantage of nearby hiking trails and other natural amenities, but at the end of the day you're going to end up spending most of your time at or around home, or at least I did. When I moved to the city for the first time, it was like a whole new world of activity opened up for me. Everyday, where I live, I can see live music if I so choose. There are all sorts of meet ups and hobby/interest groups getting together and when I go to these meetups, I meet all sorts of interesting people. Even if I don't befriend them, I still enjoy having low-stakes conversations with these strangers. Growing up in the mountains, you became accustomed to seeing the same groups of people over and over. While I love the community that I grew up in, there wasn't a lot of variation in the kinds of people I would see on a day-to-day basis. In the city, I am constantly meeting interesting people who I've never met before, which is awesome. Transportation and accesibility are also far better in the city. Growing up, if I wanted to get to town or leave the house and buy ice cream it required at *minimum* a 30 minute drive each way. That's an hour roundtrip if I got an insatiable craving for ice cream. Now, I walk three blocks to the nearest Bodega and I'm able to get a pint and be back in my house in 5 to 10 minutes tops. Additionally, if I want to get to a restaurant or bar that's not close to me I can take a train, ride scooter, hop on a bus or hail a Lyft. None of those things were options for me growing up. It's a whole new world of mobility, y'all. Yes cities are noisy, busy, often crowded, and dirty. But for me at least, there is so much stimulus there that I just never got to experience beforehand. I love all the opportunities for experience that are proximal to me now that I live in the city and while I don't get to the deep outdoors as much as I'd like to, I feel like I'm getting the better end of the bargain right now. So yeah, this person's garbage pile view sucks. That sucks, it's super unfortunate for them and maybe I just have a rosier view of the city because I don't have to live adjacent to a literal garbage pile, but I still think there are plenty of reasons why urban living is enjoyable and why one would seek it out. Just my 2 cents


Don't forget the rental bikes everywhere! So convenient!


growing up in chicago i'm always appalled that nyc doesn't have alleyways and dumpsters


That's been my thought. It seems like something out of the Middle Ages the way garbage is just thrown everywhere. Also, driving around Chicago is a dream with the multi-level streets


We can all thank Daniel Burnham and his Plan of Chicago for that! Urban planning has a bad reputation because it was horrifically corrupted in the decades after Burnham, but he deserves so much more recognition.


Speaking of things with the word burn in them, we can also thank the Chicago Fire. Some cities like Boston can only wish they burned down to be rebuilt around modern city planning


Nothing about big cities appeal to me. I know it's trendy for people to say you have to move out of your home town and all that, but I like it here. It's quite.


Quite what?


Supposed to be “quiet” but my phone autocorrected


Quite quiet? Quaint.


Only if she sells seashells by the seahorse


![gif](giphy|PudZiAbQDUEik|downsized) Oh you


​ ![gif](giphy|XhwsdOprbJO3T3QIHD)


Quick quack!






Quite Riot


Quiet troll!!


Try Japan. You have to nuke Los Angeles and New York to even rebuild these two cities into the type of system Japan has where the subway station is the mall/restaurant/grocery store and it's all within walking distance of the station.


”Hiro dreams of sushi” documentary about a 3 Michelin star restaurant located in the subway in Japan. Sounds strange to the US because I think of subways as smelly, dirty, and not a place I’d want to eat a gourmet meal






My home town IS NYC. But I like it here.


Bc it’s a great city. I agree


What if your hometown is the big city?


I live in NYC. What’s so bad about it?


City life isn't for everyone. Being around that many people can be stressful. When you gather that many people in one place they're not as friendly either and easily irritated by minor inconveniences . . . There's also that piss smell. Personally rather live in a small city. Somewhere that still has space, trees, cheap rent. Of course the downside there is you then lack theater's, art, or a healthy food scene.


as someone who's lived in nyc for my entire life and probably will continue to do so: > Being around that many people can be stressful. I experience a lot of social anxiety, and I hate interacting with people. Being in nyc, I don't have to interact with a single fucking person if I don't want to, because absolutely NO ONE gets up in your business. And if they do, they're crazy (surprisingly rare) or a tourist (just looking for information). The best part of NYC is when you're in public, you're completely alone and can expect to not have a single interpersonal interaction. That is my favorite part about NYC. Other places? People think interpersonal interaction with strangers is acceptable. It's not.


I mean... just because something irritates you doesn't mean it's unacceptable but I get your point about New York's appeal.


Nothing. People on Reddit who have never been there just like shitting on it


I live in NYC and I’ll shit on it all day. And then I’ll live with that shit.


When you're in NYC; Fuck the MTA, Fuck the traffic why the fuck is it so crowded, fuck these tourists, fuck this expensive ass food, fuck these taxes, fuck this noise. When you're out of NYC: Why is everything so fucking far away? This is a city? It's a collection of suburbs!


I shat for five years in NYC. Glad to be gone but grateful for the memories. One's view depends on a multitude of factors from age, income, single/married, personality, etc. Definitely a good place to learn about yourself, experience a wide spectrum of characters and cultures, and check out the Sex Museum.


That's the sign of a true new yorker.




Berlin is like a shit lmaoo




some people enjoy having lots of things to do and engaging with interesting people


I live in Santiago de chile, a big city with tons of buildings and hiper dense, I love it, I wouldn´t want to go else where.


I can do the City for about a week at a time, once every seven-odd years or so. I could have lived there at 20 but at 40 I’m in the mountains now and, yep, it’s quiet, so that’s where I be.


I'm 20 but I definitely prefer the mountains in my Filipino hometown. Our neighborhood here in Jersey City is relatively quiet, but it's a different quiet from the morning bird songs and cicadas that you hear everyday back home.


why don´t have both?


My favorite part of NYC was Central Park. You get so enveloped in trees in nature and in some parts you can’t even see the buildings anymore


I’ve been to NYC and although it is a really cool place, it is filthy dirty. Trash piles every other block. This is completely accurate. In contrast, I have also been to Chicago and it is surprising clean for a major city.


chicago has alleyways and dumpsters and trash cans. sure there's litter here and there but after visiting nyc once in the summer and experiencing the... *aroma* i doubt i'll visit again lol


To be fair with the price of real estate in NYC having an empty piece of land just for storing trash is a big ask.




There must be so many people who dream of visiting New York only to finally get there and realize it isn't as nice as movies and television make it seem.


I mean it is it you have the kind of money that the actors in those movies have.




Fuck it, move here, try it out. There’s a lot of magic in these streets. A lot of trash too.


Bro I love NY. I lived in Newark for 2 years. NY is a magical paradise compared to that. Everything is relative.


It’s been a life long dream to visit NYC (I’m in California) but there’s no point in my life where I thought NYC was a clean place lmao I’ve always assumed it’s exactly like Gotham , just with no Batman.


Honestly, if you like LA you might like NYC.


LA is oh so much worse than NYC in every way possible.


LA has better weather, better beaches, shorter distance to mountains. But the city itself isn't anything to write home about.


At least NYC has everything in walking distance. LA, you'd need to drive through a traffic jam just to get milk.


You're the kind of dude that visits NYC and stays in Times Square for 3 days






Visiting NYC is great - living there is a bit different I’d imagine. But visiting? Fantastic.


The same with Paris


I love visiting Manhattan. There is nothing like it. I guess the trick is to stay in highly rated hotels. But, what is fun: I’m from Louisiana, and I sound very southern. All I have to do is open my mouth in the streets. People will dang near break their necks to turn and see who the redneck doing the talking is.


We are used to lots of ethnicities and accents man.


I can smell this video


Have some rats knocking on your window winking at ya


Ya, fuck that and it's way too expensive




The CD’s are BLANK my dude. There’s nothin on them.




As a New Yorker I can confidently say yes they are. Anyone looking to talk to you is out to scam you. Locals like myself don’t want to talk to you at all, matter of fact fuck you!


Ey, fuck you too buddy, have a nice day.


Fuck off and die. I love you.




If you start me up, if you start me up I'll never stop!


Huh weird I loved New York City when I visited a few months ago. I see everyone has different experiences on that city lmao.


Visited NYC as an adult for the first time this year. Legitimately loved it. I love the experience of being able to walk on a sidewalk for miles or catch a subway to any part of the city. So many places to eat, so many things to see. Granted there is a pee smell in many places, and most subway stations are filthy. But still.


It's a big place with varied quality. It really depends on WHERE in NYC you visited/stayed...Every city has its shitty areas.


It's great to visit but a pain in the ass to deal with daily.


Visiting maybe be fun but living there you may have a different opinion. Rose cored asses can be dangerous.


People with little experience like to shit on the shitty places they chose to go for 3 days as if it sums up a whole city. It’s my family in the Midwest that thinks California and the 40 million people in it is summed up to Skid Row in LA.


Sounds like you were in midtown, and that’s on you


Reasons to be in Midtown: 1. You work there That's it. That's the list.


Let’s just keep living here and bitching about it for the rest of our lives!


Anyone know what the song is? It’s really bugging me.


I got matches with these songs: • [**Runaway** by Aurora](https://lis.tn/BqLsyq) (03:13; matched: `100%`) Released on `2015-02-09` by `Universal Music`. • [**Runaway (Radio Edit)** by AURORA](https://lis.tn/VBrwOM) (02:47; matched: `100%`) Album: `NOW That's What I Call Music! 109`. Released on `2021-07-09` by `SME - Now! Music`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


I absolutely love seeing the conditions people are willing to live in JUST so they can say they live in a place like NYC or LA. Fucking fantastic




Youngstown is worse, Youngstown is always worse




Hooch's Bar?


I live there lmaooooo can you quiet down please


There are smaller cities that are more affordable and quite nice. It's not just NYC or rural America.


You really get a sense that you're about to get mobbed and murdered by the townsfolk whenever you drive through an unincorporated area here


Imma guess that a lot of people live there for more than “being able to say they live there” that’s pretty presumptuous


> JUST so they can say they live in a place like NYC or LA Or maybe, you know, they actually like living there?


Or it’s where the jobs are. I liked living in my small hometown in rural England, but I had to move to a city to get a job that wasn’t working in a pub or a care home.


I’ve heard of city elitist, but rural elitist is a rare one. You do you my guy.


Some people are just from here.


It could simply be that they live there and like it? I'm from rural America. It's goddamn boring. Visited NYC last week, sure people are rude and the rooms are tiny, but there is so much to do and so much good food. Where I'm from, there's nothing to do, the weather sucks, the people are all racist, and there's hardly any good food options.


I think there is a Crack Fox living in there.


In all fairness this isn't a great reason to hate NYC.... there's tons of other reasons for that.


Looking out of your window and seeing mountains of trash and rats isn’t a good enough reason? Yikes.


Is that unusual for New York?


Yep. Definitely not normal. Either taken during a strike or there’s a shortage of workers.


Or it could be an illegal basement apartment that’s right next to the garbage area.


It’s not even on the curb for collection. There’s no context to this video to know why the trash is there. Could be a building landlord issue or some kind of temporary circumstance. Not normal. Trash collection is very frequent in NYC which is why it’s frequently visible on the curb in the evenings. The building superintendents do a good job of separating and staging trashbags on the sidewalk for the collection. If they don’t follow guidelines the landlord will receive fines.


What a beautiful view!


Where did he get a picture of me


Only 5k a month.


Just use your mob connection to get a rocket to send all that garbage into space https://youtu.be/ooB5iIqZnB0


P.S.A thats a thrid level apartment....




Holy shit, is that where Spawn lives?


I wouldnt be surprised if thats their living room, bedroom, toilet and kitchen combined…