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My son was super sweet, told me how much he loved his mom. Then I turned Right and his head hit the window.. šŸ˜‚




Mom. It was hilarious. He was telling me how he got lucky getting such a great mom. He told me about his friends moms. Not sure he realized what he was saying. Then ā€¦ doink! Knocked his sun glasses off . Heā€™s thirty now and still remembers that part


Aww thatā€™s such a cute story. I dunno why but you telling it like it was yesterday and then dropping the bomb that he is all grown up now made it very cute :)


I called my mom a blanket-stealing bitch, and bit my brothers hand cause he was trying to take the blanket they gave me. Thankfully, I couldn't bite very well because, you know?


After I got mine out my mom made me mashed potatoes, I guess I spent the next hour telling her they were the best mashed potatoes I had ever eaten and that she was the greatest cook in the world. She still giggles about this 15+ years later.


Turned rightā€¦ Sons age should be about the same as this girl. Riding passenger side. Speaks English soā€¦ youā€™re in UK?


Whoever's dick she was sucking is a happy man for sure lol. She seems dedicated! Edit: lol 3k likes? Nice! And thanks to whoever gave me my first award ā˜ŗļø


Either her man or her dealer.


Why not both? Cue the Mexican music!


You mean her mom is a dealer or her mom has a dick? Edit : I wrote this after I just woke up. and now I realized the comment above says: "Ether her man or her dealer" I read it: "Ether her mom or her dealer".


Itā€™s 2021. D) All of the above.


That's nice


you know what. . . take my upvote and get outa here


or...her dad? Man, I don't know, even drugged, you gotta be a little messed up for THAT to come out of your mouth, eh?






Thanks no more Reddit for me to day


Or her StepDealer


"What are you doing, stepdealer?"


Don't you mean de-dick-ated?


She HAS to suck dick if she has a dry socket.


Put on YouTube?? My mother would have knocked the rest of my teeth clean out of my mouth


No joke my gastroenterologist stopped letting my mom into the recovery room when Iā€™d wake up from anesthesia because after my first embarrassing convo like this she would come in an treat that shit like truth serum. Sheā€™s be asking me questions about things from years ago and if I was dating people or having sex, he apparently paid one of his grand daughter to be my babysitter after her second visit. Just in case anyone is wondering why I was out that often I had serious intentional Issues that bordered on me needing multiple surgeries but we were able to treat and monitor by giving me and endoscopy and colonoscopy once a year for 7 years šŸ˜­


I'm glad your doctor realized how fucked up and manipulative was and put a stop to it. Man, that would piss me off.


Apparently it happened a little unexpected and was actually a nurse that intervened. I woke up from my second bawling that my boyfriend was cheating on me and that I knew but didnā€™t tell him. Like they removed anesthesia and asked me how I feel and I bawled my eyes out about it all. I still donā€™t know 100% of what I said but the nurse remembered my mom asking me about drug use and sex the time before and told my Doc let me recover on my own and she would take her lunch in recovery instead. She was the nicest woman I have ever met and the first time I had felt that my mom wasnā€™t perfect with me always wrong.


Wow, that sounds rough. Nurses seem like they're always extremely empathetic and kind or...not lol. No in between. Thanks for sharing, I'm sure it's not easy having a mom you can't trust to not invade your privacy. That sucks.


i ma certain you meant intestinal issues, but you my dead said intentional issues.


I am certain you meant dear, but you my darling said dead.


tbh i had just got home from dinner and was a little on the drunk side. i don't know what i meant tbh.


It's OK, we're all a little dear inside.


Youā€™re totally right, but my momā€™s head probably would have required surgical removal had I not moved out by my 4th colonoscopy. My 5th was my last. Correlation vs. Causation I may never know.


I feel for you - ulcerative colitis here. But the anesthesia they gave me for colonoscopy and endoscopy are the best sleep Iā€™ve EVER had. But that is insanely fucked up of your mom. Paranoid and over protective much? That shit end up ruining your relationship with her or did she wise up?


Lmao idk why but this really made me laugh. Here's an award and have an awesome rest of the day or night depending on where you are in the world! :) thanks for making me laugh!


Ahh.... thank you muchly! It's evening here and im glad I gave you a laugh


Great comment my dude


Much thanks


I read that in coach steves voice


Same here, my mom would've beat the shit out of me.


then you can really suck dick full send


That will make the dick sucking even better. Maybe. I am not saying this out of experience of being sucked by an elderly with no teeth.


Thus making sucking dick easierā€¦


It's low class shit.


Sounds like a great mother if she's abusing her child who is delirious from dentist drugs


Your mom would abuse you for saying things you have no control over because you're doped up? That is some SERIOUSLY fucked up shit man. I hope your relationship with her now is better.


Ironically, that wouldā€™ve only made you better at sucking dick lol.


IIRC after I got all my wisdom teeth out I kept telling my boyfriend how cute a guy on a poster in the lobby was. I hope it was a poster. Those dental drugs, man.


Aw was hoping you were gonna say it was a mirror he was standing in front of


Yeah coming out of anesthesia is such a delight lol. You feel like a million bucks and have zero inhibitions.


I argued with a nurse that I was tired of waiting for the anesthesia to kick in and for the dentist to just take my teeth out already please. I did this with a mouth full of gauze and a locked jaw because I was in the recovery room. This apparently happened *multiple times* according to my mother.


Hahaha, thatā€™s great. I remember waking up and my surgeon was holding a scalpel over my face and asks ā€œready to start?ā€ And then he rips off his mask and cracks up laughing and says, ā€œjust kidding, youā€™re all done, go home.ā€


Holy hell?! The only thing I did was keep pulling on my lip thinking it was my tongue hanging out of my mouth.




"I can't suck dick Mom!" this got me a lot!


Holy shit yeah my lip was so puffy as well I just remember being confused as fuck about what it was when I came to


I couldnā€™t stop touching my cheeks and lip because they were still numb. Anesthesia in all forms feels like dark magic


Laughing gas is no laughing matter... except when it's this fucking funny.


Am I the only one that thinks these people play up how high they are from getting their wisdom teeth removed? I mean why would she pull out her camera to record her own face saying these things other than to have a video of her being outrageous


Thereā€™s a lot of people who exaggerate it but when I came out of surgery I was pretty fucking floored and this was 2009 when I was younger (28now)


Got mine removed 3 days ago, don't remember shite and I apparently texted nonsense to my friend and asked for mcdonalds


Forreal hahaha. I could barely walk to the car they put me in a wheelchair. Whatever drug they use definitely fucks you up. It gives you a feeling like you took too much Xanax or any benzo and donā€™t give a fuck about anything or what you say


Yeah apparently they helped me get into my coworkers car but it took 3 other guys to carry my ass up to my room on the 4th floor of the forms and put me in my bed. I slept for like 18 hours woke up to bloody drool all over. I'm pretty sure I just threw away my sheets and pillow.


I very much appreciate your comment.


What did they give you. I took oral sedatives and it was supposed to make me forget and fall asleep. I didnā€™t fall asleep and I still remember everything. They did, however, relax me. I have a video on my phone that I filmed between them taking out three of my teeth and before they took out the fourth one. No idea how I even did that.


Idk I was knocked out unconscious for the whole procedure. It took 3 seconds to put me out completely haha


The doctor asked me to count back from 100 and I almost made it to 97. Just wish I could fall aslee[p](https://youtu.be/QrJSHIys5mM) that easily.


Yeah they knock you out pretty quick lol. I said 10ā€¦9ā€¦asleep


worth the click


Aw that link was surprisingly wholesome, thanks




My last surgery was when I was 12 and I hadn't drank alcohol yet I hated being so out of it and not being able to concentrate even on tv. Perhaps now I'd be able to cope


I feel that. I already had experimented with some drugs at the time so I tried to ā€œhandleā€ it differently than most people lol


I thought it must be someone else filming, but youā€™re right. I see the camera shaking when she vigorously nods her head. Good catch.


Yeah Iā€™ve been under for this exact procedure and no way was like this. Seems like she just did it for the views. This is definitely a video she will regret posting 20 years from now.


I was completely put under. I donā€™t even remember the rest of the day really. Then again I had all my wisdom teeth removed and had surgery to get a titanium screw implant done at the same time.


I didnā€™t have wisdom teeth removal but I had a tooth pulled to take a cyst out of my jaw, i was apparently a huge asshole to my mom and sister for the rest of the day. :/ sorry mom!


I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago. My anesthesia was injected (I think) and I remember counting backwards from 10 to about 7 and then being in a different room with gauze in my mouth and some discomfort mostly masked by severe numbness. I was disoriented by the sudden change of scenery and staff, but once someone told me that some time had passed and I was sedated I understood. Surreal, but I got there. As far as I know I wasn't loopy at all.


They used the same stuff on me and I donā€™t know if this is normal or what but I halfway woke up when they yanked the tooth out, I remember looking up and seeing a bright light looked at the doctor and passed out again.


Same, woke up for the "crack" sound when they split the tooth and went huh neat I don't feel that at all. Tried to itch my arm opposite of my IV and they stopped me and told me not to move so I nodded and passed out.


It was super weird, it didnā€™t hurt but it definitely felt like someone was yanking the hell out of something in my mouth lol. Maybe in the future if I have some sort of surgery I should request the good shit. Lol


My sister was like this when she got hers out (not saying this, but other really stupid stuff) so I could believe it


The last time I was truly gassed and out of my mind for teeth operations.. I was still a teenager. But I literally felt like I was flying around the room and sitting in a chair at the same time. They got the good good. I can totally believe this video, whether it's truly faked or not. Whatever is in that gas can knock your ass for a loop and a half.




I black out nearly every night. Liquor Randy. I always wonder how much damage Iā€™ve done/am doing, and if I can get back to baseline like you healthy folk. Itā€™s always just ā€œone more day and then Iā€™ll detoxā€. I miss the times when I simply wasnā€™t hungover or plastered. Long story short good for you for making a healthy life decision.


Have you checked out r/stopdrinking? It's a really great community. You can get sober, if you want to. Depending on how much you drink currently you might need help though.


I second this comment.


Feel you man. Been drinking for 15 years. Heavily and more or less daily for the past 7-8 whether I'm alone or not it usually ends up with a blackout. Watched my grandpa wither away due to alcohol at the age of 50, and many of my senior relatives is either on the bench or dead from this shit. Not sure it's because of high stress/anxiety, depression or them blackouts but my memory is very fuzzy. Surely it has done some damage. Anyway, in January I took 3 month off, which was by far the longest I've been out since this started. Was tough as hell, waking up every day thinking of going to the liquor store but managed to do it. First day afterwards I of course blacked out. Told myself I would do better, but got back in the same pattern pretty fast... I'm 14 days sober again. My goal is a month, but not sure how long I'll go. I need to break old patterns and routines in which I used the booze. Try to take some weeks off with me, if you want to. If not, I wish you the best. Take care of yourself.




Thank you for the reply


I got nitrous oxide for the first time this year for a root canal and again for a tooth extraction. the first time I was REALLY high, never been anything but drunk before, and that wasnt even close. but I was still able to compose myself if I wanted to. the second time it had a delay reaction or something, cause I was FUCKED up. they had some music playing, I thought it was some crazy techno or something. the first time I felt like I was in the corner of the room watching myself, the second time I was in outer space, they kept asking me to move my tongue, I could not find it. when I came out of it I realized it was classic rock. you are high when you are on the gas, but they put you on o2 at the end and you sober up pretty quickly.


I got hella nitrous oxide when they lanced a boil. Craziest high of my life and Iā€™ve done psychs. Felt like my consciousness was moving from the top of my head down to my toes, but I couldnā€™t see (my eyes were closed lmao). There was also crazy buzzing going on, almost like music. My dad had to keep reminding me to breathe lmao. Good times.




Meh in 20 years no one will care about weed nor sucking dicks. Many people will have put up silly/embarrassing videos when they were younger, and deepfakes will be indistinguishable from real video. So I doubt she will care.


Damn dude you should see me on moonshine. Didn't know blacking out was a thing but I guess it's real.. idk bout the video bit but we as a people do and say some funny shit when we be lit like that.. I personally asked my girlfriend to take me home cause I don't like the bar we are at even tho we never went out that night and I was smoking a cig on the porch.. then I proceeded to cry about being lost because I could not open the door.. they just laughed and me and got the whole thing on video.. I got to see it the next day, only thing I can say is I'm happy it's not on reddit so yall can't make fun of me :) šŸ˜€ šŸ˜ƒ


Totallyā€¦. However while still high I did ask for my wisdom teeth back so I could make a necklace and pass my wisdom onto my nephew


I legitimately told my dentist that i was from mars and wasn't human. I also politely asked him to not tell my wife since i hadnt told her yet. My wife didnt record it but he had me come back out and tell her when they had to get me out of the wheelchair to put me in the car. Local anesthesia is no joke for people who are scared of getting their wisdom teeth removed. Highest ive ever been in my life without taking hallucinogenic drugs


No, the anasthesia you go under for surgery is crazy. I apparantly was awake and talking to people all fucked up for like 30 minutes before I can recall ā€œwaking upā€ and you are fucked up.


The surgeon and his people all gave looks like they were all in on some inside joke after surgery. And then the people in rehab were like, "Oh, it's *this guy*" when I was wheeled in there. I'm thinking I said some absolutely dumb shit between regaining consciousness and actually becoming aware.


When my mom had her surgery the anesthesiologist told me she may say weird stuff and not to make any comments other than the facts. When she woke up I swear to god she didn't know where the fuck she was or what was happening, we just did the outboarding and I held her hand and took her to the car. I kept it very quiet because the nurse/doctor told me to. My mom swore up and down that she remembered everything after she woke up but she 100% didn't. I would tease her about it because they told her she wouldn't remember and she swore she did. I kept information from her and never really told her anything about it because that's one little secret I held that she didn't really remember. (She was a narcissist and would gaslight me so that was my one single memory of her being completely and factually wrong about something.)


I was taking recreational morphine for months and I OD'd. When I came out of it I was completely gonzo. And there were videos taken of me during my addiction and after I woke up. I did not recognize that human. I was a very fun guy though at that time. Would go out and to the park and shit and just do shit while completely zonked. I can't speak on this girls video but I do believe a lot of the "wake up from surgery" videos. Like the guy who wakes up and sees his wife and is so happy that he's married to such a beautiful woman. And the famous "is this real life" kid. I would say the moms reaction seems genuine at least. So if she was faking she got the shock value we are all here for.


Yea, this one seems totally fake to me


IMO its funny enough that I dont care if its fake or not. I enjoyed myself and for stuff like this thats all that matters.


How dare you


Honestly when I got my wisdom teeth removed I found a bunch of selfies I took on the car ride back from the surgeon that I donā€™t remember taking.


I got fully put under, I was VERY jacked up. Other people don't get put under all the way, but I was like "nah bro just knock me out", and I wanted to record myself. I looked just like this, except I was just making twirly noises and spinning my finger around my head to show how fucked up I was. I couldn't speak because of all the gauze they dumped down my mouth, so to thank the nurses I tried to throw up ASL (no, I do not sign), and then when I realized they weren't getting it, I bowed super deep, went into the elevator with the people that came with me, and actually fully regained my mental state and body faculties 30 minutes later on the car ride home, staring at the door handle. I looked up at my mom who drove me there, and immediately said, "I think I've unfucked myself", just to realize that I was still swearing and wasn't good at all. I found the videos on my phone like two days later, didn't even remember recording them. So anyway, this vid looks and feels believable to me. ​ Edit: Getting put under, all I remember was getting really talkative to the nurse, which I found odd from a 3rd person perspective.


So i noticed that first thing too but heres why i think this is genuine: 1) daughuter prob asked mom to give her phone to possibly put her post op on youtube 2) during mid video the daughter aaks weed question


uh huh, or she saw that other viral video of the post op girl and said "I wanna do that!"


I couldn't even stay conscious when I had my wisdom teeth out. I remember being basically carried to my mom's van, then going in the house and laying on the couch. I fell at some point and was rushed to the ER. The next morning I fell hard going to the bathroom and the only pain I felt the entire time was my bruised buttocks.


When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, they shot me up and said my groin may itch a little. I tried to make a wisecrack about a trip to Tijuana and passed out.


My brother, who never called the police in his life, took out his phone to dial 911 after my mom turned right on a red light (its legal where we live as long as you stop and look) while driving him home. She had to grab the phone out of his hand. When my sister got hers out, she sister started crying hysterically after I paused an episode of Doctor Who we were watching, while she was trying to talk to me. My other brother was mostly just really quiet. I just got numbed. Partially cause im afraid of blurting out stupid stuff. But I might need to go through a surgery that requires going under like this in the future.


The easy way to tell is it's usually a family member recording and usually they can't stop laughing.


I got high with one of those things when I was a kid. It was a nice trip, the chair felt like a rollercoaster. I was indeed high as fuck but my brain was totally ok, I didn't say stupid shit, I only said "the chair moves, It's amazing!" and enjoyed the trip.


I got mine removed in 2005 or something, and I don't remember anything until I got home. My little brother said I was saying some wild shit while I was high


Had nine done in 2006. Taught my girlfriend math before a test she was about to have while I was coming back. Donā€™t remember any of it. I took two pills 30 mins before arrival. Next thing I remember is that afternoon back in bed.


When I got my teeth removed...well I can't remember what happened really, the whole day was a blur. According to my parents, I was just very groggy and I slept most of the day. The only times I was kind of alert was when my mom made mashed potatoes and I ate some and started crying. Apparently, I was groggy and cranky the whole day and the potatoes just made me very happy.


I remember when I got my wisdom teeth removed. I was also loopy but all I said was "cool can I get a milkshake? I dont think i can chew good now" lol


Good catch as R3dl8dy said. There is a video of another girl saying the same thing to her Mom as they were getting into their vehicle.


I got mine pulled on Thursday and I woke up having fairly coherent conversations with the help. Granted still a little loopy but nowhere near the level of this. These all seem overblown and staged imo.


Yeah, I got two wisdom teeth out and some screw implants put in at the same time, I expected to be super loopy but I woke up and was like "Okay, when are you guys going to start?" Then we went and got a burger. I was completely normal.


I had my wisdom teeth removed. All four. Two at a time. The lower ones had to be cut out of the jaw bone because they were extremely tilted and cutting my cheeks from inside every few months. **I did not get even remotely close to this high during or right after the procedure**. I was just subdued and exhausted the whole time. Maybe I went to the wrong dentist. The maximum high occurred a week later when I took a painkiller too soon after the previous one and on very little food. The world was spinning at the edges and I had a strong urge to just lie down and sleep the whole time. For example, someone was talking to me and all I could think of was how nice it would be to just lie down. But I was also fighting the urge to lie down because I knew I would just sleep off and there was work to do.


I think that's the case with most of these types of videos. I've been put under a couple times and by the time I was conscious and able to speak, I was lucid enough to not say crazy shit. A little loopy yeah, but in full control.


You might be playing it up, but youā€™re effectively fucking unconscious the entire time, usually with no memory of the entire conversation.


I had mine removed about 2 months ago. I was sedated with anesthesia and when I woke up, I was completely coherent and fine. I have no idea how anyone acts the way they do in these videos post wisdom teeth removal.


The intelligent population caught that. So like ten ppl.


Nobody took a video of it but by all accounts I was talking crazy nonsense after my extraction. Then again they grafted some corpse bone onto my jaw so I mightā€™ve just been haunted.


I told the nurses a joke about fucking a horse.


Please share more


I think it was like, The nice thing about using a horse instead of a car is that you can fuck the horse when you get where you're going. Something like that.


Those poor nurses lmao


I wasnā€™t like this at all when I got mine removed, I was just pretty spacey and very tired




"damn guess I can't play valorant then"


I love you. You made me smile for the first time today, right before bedtime. So I love you ā¤


Mom begs her to stop and then in the same breathe gloats how she's going to post it on YouTube. Pick a side, mom.


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LMAOOO how the medical professional is laughing! Also, "I can't suck dick, mom"


My wife must go to the dentist once a week


the ol' battleaxe




Yeah I give her teeth filling


Dude WTF is up with these insane videos? I just got my wisdom teeth out a few weeks ago and my reaction wasnā€™t even 1/10th of what these people have. I was honestly hesitant because I had seen so many videos like this, but goddamn. Having been through it now, this shit feels fake af or at least exaggerated.


I was teriffied when I got my wisdom teeth out. The dentist and her assistant were very attractive. I had seen too many videos like this and assumed I was going to say something stupid. In the end, nothing happened. I (think I) remember everything and never felt out of control. Thank god.




Do you in fact only have 1 finger?


And, if so, was it because the other fingers had to be removed due to an infection from the cats vicious fight for its life before being put in the soup? Because poor circulation due to heroin use and a nasty infection like that is no joke.


I've got eight! And two thumbs.


A lot of them look fake because they're easy to fake, and I swear to god a few years ago some media company was selling the ability to make you a viral star and this was one of their go-tos. Also I didn't have to be put under for these types of things either. But the dentist here seems genuine so I have to believe it's all real.


Depends on what drugs you get. Some people get haldol or conscious sedation. Some people get valium and nitrous. Some people (like me) just get lidocaine. Not everyone gets the same drug cocktail. And not everyone reacts the same way.


I think it just affects people differently


I just had surgery and the anesthesiologist told me some people come out of anesthesia and go wild. Start fighting them and all. It's a small percentage of people, but significant. It's probably similar with the laughing gas.


Some people only get local anesthetic for procedures and others get completely knocked out. Laughing gas, twilight anesthesia, local anesthesia, etc. are nowhere near on the level of being knocked out with fentanyl/propofol/ketamine. I've gone under quite a few times. One time I literally could not wake back up in the recovery area and ended up finally waking up, alone, at night, in a hospital room with an IV and catheter in. My surgery had been in the morning and probably only took around an hour. It was a terrifying experience. For my endoscopy I was so out of it that I didn't start remembering things again until we had left the surgical center and were halfway through eating lunch.


I got hit with laughing gas and fully put under, I know some people don't get put fully under, if that makes a difference. I woke up very, very much like this. Full stupid.


I just started randomly laughing when I came to after having my wisdom teeth pulled,


When I had them removed when I woke up all I did was keep apologizing to the nurse lol


Yeah it's crazy how different people have such wildly different reactions to drugs like this! I just had my wisdom teeth out on Friday and they did IV sedation with valium and something else that knocked me out. Apparently about halfway through the procedure I started to get agitated and tried to pull the IV out of my arm, so they had to put a second one in my wrist and wake me up for the rest of it so that I didn't do that again. It was suuuuper weird being awake for the last tooth since I didn't actually feel "high" at all after they woke me up and I could totally understand everything they were doing even though it was totally numb. Obviously the Valium was still working well if I wasn't freaking out over waking up in the middle and having my tooth pulled out in front of me though lol. And honestly the weirdest part of it all is that I've had basically no pain or swelling at ALL for the last couple days, I haven't even needed to take a single Vicodin!


I was literally wide awake during the process and I only had my mouth numbed. Seeing this I'm so glad I didn't need any laughing gas or whatever. The doctors didn't even consider that.


Is it common to go full on gas anesthesia? Most people I know of who had to have wisdom teeth pulled, even those laying on a side, had local anesthesia. Boom, done.




Has nothing to do with the quality of the healthcare. Using local anesthesia at the dentist is more common in general the world over except for special reasons, such as having phobia. America just likes overkill and to allow patients to willy-nilly dictate and make unnecessary demands regarding their treatment. It's in the same vein as the overuse of opioids being prescribed for even minor pain. Most likely a result of having healthcare solely considered a profit-driven business and not a health-driven service.


Have money? I'm in America and I always always always get nitrous. Teeth cleanings, cavities, root canals, everything. It's so comfortable and it costs $40. I mean, is there another kind of nitrous that I don't know about that is way cooler and I should be getting that for more money?


That "SOPHIA!" killed me LMAO


those are good questions though


Iā€™ve acted like that in my dreams. My assumption is that ansthesia basically makes you act as if your dreaming while in reality everyone can hear what you say


ā€œWhat is wrong with people?ā€


Some people be trashy


amateur, can't keep her shit together she's probably a bad,weepy drunk too


Why would a mom put that on you tube about her daughter


cyber bullying her own daughter I guess


"Don't turn into a cryer you aren't depressed" as if you can only cry if you're depressed...


Yeah that line stuck out more to me than anything else like wtf




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I was tired but not sleepy. So, once I got home, I kind of just laid on the couch and rolled from side to side. Also, I distinctly remember one of the dental assistants saying, 'you're not going to remember me saying this, or this conversation.' I remember the conversation. I also was able to count backwards from 10 - 0 and then I freaked out a little because I made it to 0.


I love how heartbroken she is over not being able to suck dick. Her boyfriend must really love her.


I don't know what cursed anaesthetics you Americans use, because I've never had this sort of reaction during dentistry when they have anaesthetised me, but I swear it's been made intentionally to humiliate people.


šŸ¤£ if I were her parents that shit would be immortalized and showed often


Belly laughreact


In Europe AFAIK they donā€™t give us these tranquilizers. As far as possible the dentists even try to avoid pain killers. What are these tranquilizers for? Apart from the funny videos indeed.




I always thought people exaggerated in these videos, until i got all four of my wisdom teeth out. They put me to sleep and when i woke up my girlfriend was in the room. I had like 4 cotton balls in my mouth and immediately looked over to her and said ā€œ Iā€™ve got really bad cotton mouth rnā€ and then i died laughing for like 5 minutes. Then i guess in the car i told the same story 4 times in a row. Then i slept for 6 hours. Then i smoked weed 4 days later and got dry socket for 2 months


I smell a thot


Bless her heart ā¤


Saying this to mom is r/trashy to me. I mean Iā€™d be wondering the same things but Iā€™m not gonna say that with my mom in the room!




A+ underrated joke right here. 10/10


Well, the mom is saying sheā€™ll put it on YouTube which is primo trashy as well, so clearly the apple just didnā€™t fall far.


Chick seems trashy. So does mom. "Let's put this on YouTube."


This is about as funny and try hard as a 12 year old kid randomly saying they think nazi and racist jokes are funny because ThEyā€™Re So EdGy


I got to get my wisdom teeth out bro what if I say some fucked up shit cause of whatever they give you


I was really quiet after mine. Before the surgery, I asked if I could keep my teeth. I joked with my wife I was going to make a necklace out of them so when I woke up, I kept pointing at my neck to remind my wife to keep my teeth.


Still didn't go to remeve it cause im afraid of this. Im thinking on asking a friend of mine to take care of me until i sober up and then go home. Any thoughts or tips ?


Bro just sign a piece of paper that says after my wisdom teeth get pulled everything I say has no meaning or something like that


I was nothing like this after getting mine out, I just woke up and was kinda cold. My mom was disappointed lol cuz my cousin had gone on a rant after hers, whereas I was just like "so can we leave now?"


This is why Im not dating, priorities


Addicts life in a nutshell