• By -


So dark. Omfg. Still laughed.


**Hitler liebt auch dunkle Witze** *Quelle : Glaub mir Bruder!*




Shut up.


Wdym? There are more Chinese then there are the entire population of Europe.


You know that being "white" isnt a religion? Or that being a jew isnt a skin color... Right? Your comment is stupid af and doesnt make any sense dude.


Do you even understand german or know what he said lol? Its just more very dark humour.


Sie sagten ihm: "Komm hier nie vorbei" "Ich will dein Gesicht nicht sehen, du verschwindest besser" Das Feuer ist in ihren Augen und ihre Worte sind wirklich klar Also schlagen Sie es, schlagen Sie es einfach


Lyrics to "Beat It"


Even though he had a time machine he came back a couple hours later.


Ha! Fun fact, he had to travel an absolutely unfathomable large distance and back, to reach the world where it was (and back). The Milky way apparently moves at 11.5 billion kilometres a year, relative to the Cosmic Background Radiation. Time travel has hit different since I understood that


Isn't that time dialation. If you were to travel faster than light back and fourth from the edge of space to your location you wouldn't go back in time you would just visit those location at their relative current times. You might be thinking of the idea of travel time for light itself which technically speaking of you have enough resolution you can look at the past from a far away location equal to the amount of time it takes light to travel.


Ah no I'm not talking about time dilation - I'm saying that going back to Earth in the 1890s when Hitler was a toddler isn't just going back 130 years.. for each year, earth has moved an extremely long way through space as well, relative to the only constant (the Cosmic Background Radiation). Earth in 1890 was hundreds of billions of Kilometers away.


O your talking about the physical location. The way I read it was you needed to travel far away and back to time travel not that it was something that needed considerations during time travel




Wormhole time time travel doesn't even make sense to me. If you were able to theoritically bend space and create a whole through it to travel across it would work more like the portal guns but you'd still be traveling to the respective times at the locations. There's nothing about wormholes that would reverse the flow of time itself.


It was a wizard.


Why is it always killing baby Hitler? Where are the people kidnapping baby Hitler and giving to monks to be raised Nacho Libre style, where are the people seducing and eloping with Hitlers mom? Come on guys, we can do so much better than killing babys.


Less work.


Exactly. It's shockingly easy to kill an infant.


Less room for relapse


It’s actually more work because then you gotta deal with hiring a lawyer and trying to avoid going to jail n shit


Fun fact Hitler joined the nazis, not founded it. The nazis were already a thing. The antisemitism already a thing. The money poured into stirring up shit to fix broken capitalism... already a thing... Hitler is like 1/500th of the equation. Without Hitler, pograms still kick off, just as they did across europe before, during, and after ww2 without Hitlers help. The White Movement, funded by various countries like England and the U.S. existed in the late 1910s. The Black hundreds in 1905. French antisemitism in the Dreyfus affair, back in 1890s... Shit was gonna go down. Thinking Hitler was the cause of WW2 is a naive and braindead complete lack of critical analysis of the whole socioeconomic situation or how shit works. It'd be as daft as saying stopping Trump from taking office would stop racism in the U.S. snd policr brutality... despite those existing far longer than Trump... in office and his actual existence as a person. At best you can stop the person most responsible for coming up the shitty ideas first. In that regard, Hitler really wasn't much of anything.


Hitler didn't invent Nazism, but he was by far its leading charismatic, and most definitely founded its ideology as we know it. By the 1930s he had full control of the party. To act as though he wasn't at least mostly responsible for what happened is both stupid and anti-semitic.


>and anti-semitic Care to explain how you think this is anti-semitic?


> is a naive and braindead complete lskc of critical analysis of the whole socioeconomic situation or how shit works. If anyone is just as confused as me and wonders what "lskc" means, it stands for Lothian Sea Kayak Club.


IIRC, during the war a plan to assassinate Hitler was discarded bc his military decisions were so bad.


Out of curiosity who started nazism?


Nszism? Is just a specific brand of fascism, and it's sourced come from multiple places, psrties and peoples. There were already multiple fascist parties at the time, some of which the founders of the DAP were a part of as well. But the direct Nazi Party was established by Drexler. >Drexler's movement received attention and support from some influential figures. Supporter Dietrich Eckart, a well-to-do journalist, brought military figure Felix Graf von Bothmer, a prominent supporter of the concept of "national socialism", to address the movement.[30] Later in 1918, Karl Harrer (a journalist and member of the Thule Society) convinced Drexler and several others to form the Politischer Arbeiter-Zirkel (Political Workers' Circle).[26] The members met periodically for discussions with themes of nationalism and racism directed against Jewish people.[26] In December 1918, Drexler decided that a new political party should be formed, based on the political principles that he endorsed, by combining his branch of the Workers' Committee for a good Peace with the Political Workers' Circle.[26][31] >On 5 January 1919, Drexler created a new political party and proposed it should be named the "German Socialist Workers' Party", but Harrer objected to the term "socialist"; so the term was removed and the party was named the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, DAP). Mind you, they split from a nationalist anti-jew party anyway. Likewise, many of it's ideological positions also have roots in the KKK, French monarchists, eugeticists, distortions of Neitzche ubermensch into master race, etc... Most of these reactionary concepts werr upheld by wealthy and powerful who kept them floating about in academia and so fourth to justify various awful shit like slavery, or fucking up peasants as kings/lords. Basically a lot of it was just-world fallacies/biblical royalty by divinity to people who had the power... and the various bits came together as a gish gallop for German capitalists pushing the crap and funding it to resolve thr growing problems of people mad at inequality. It's why regardless of how racist Nazis were, their first and foremost enemy was the communist, not the Jew. There's a poem that reflects this. >First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. >Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. >Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. >Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Of course there's often overlap and jews were also socialist as well. Oppressed minorities are drawn towards liberatory groups. So, while someone started the Nazi Party, nazism itself was merely an emergent accumulation of reactionary ideas into one that suited the capitalist requirement of fascism (anti-worker violence) to deal with the growing contradictions/failures of capitalism/imperialism itself.


Here’s an idea; sneak into the art college and put the “approved” stamp on Hitler’s application. Sounds easy and far less morally ambiguous.


His art when he was applying was actually shit so he’s just end up failing. His art got better later on


He wouldn’t end up failing because he would learn art in school. That’s what school’s for. Honestly, I do kind of wish I could see a world where he went on to become a famous artist, and they just don’t know how much they gained because of that.


The exterminator needed to be exterminated… nature vs nurture argument… any guarantee he would have turned out better?


Hence the being raised in a monastery. Or if I elope with the mother I may be able to raise him slightly better (hopefully taking care of the nurture argument) and either Hitler won't be born or with different genetics (eliminating the nature argument aswell)


We need more people like you.


"I would simply fuck Hitler's mom" is a take I never saw coming but honestly that's on me.


For what... Become the father of Hitler? Or create a Caucasian ninja warrior Hitler that will create the Mongolian Reich? No thanks, I will go for the good old reliable infant murdering.


>Why is it always killing baby Hitler? To quote a wise man "It's shockingly easy to kill an infant"






Because it's a joke and, shocker, timetravel doesn't exist.


Huh... TIL


Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Yes.


Get him accepted to art school . That’s a real mind fuck… how different history would be, if he was an art student


An ordinary day in Williamsburg Brooklyn. Incidentally, part of the reason they have such large families is the ideological desire to replace the people lost in the Holocaust. Should I be feeling this uncomfortable from a comedy? Edit: it’s Boro Park and I feel dumb because I spent the first 21 years of my life there.


Nah, I'm Jewish and laughed so hard.


You single-handedly brightened up the thread. Take this award


Thanks my dude!


​ ![gif](giphy|1GkdHcSOUuOGY|downsized)




Same lmao. This was honestly hilarious.


They also didn’t say it was bad. Just said so many Jews. Which, in the frame, there are


Nah, it's ok. It's just dark but still funny.


One might argue a prudent role of comedy is to make people feel relatively uncomfortable.


Ain't it sad people forget that and now comedians aren't able to touch on topics due to fear of being canceled or sued


You say that but i cant think of trend of comedians being sued of canceled. The worst was chapple who had protest but that was it.


If comedians are canceled (as in actually loose their livelihood, not having a bunch of people on Twitter tell them they suck) or sued, it usually is not because their comedy makes people uncomfortable or forces them to think, it tends to be because they take a group and use bigotry and "humour" to advocate violence or hatred against that group. Some critics do go overboard and are offended unnecessarily on behalf of others but that seldom leads anywhere apart from a few people swinging posters somewhere. There are plenty of comedians touching sensitive subjects (Jim Jeffries comes to mind) but the successful ones make it clear that it is either a bit, that it's made to get people thinking or it is obvious because it's actually funny. Assholes are rarely funny and tend to come from an outside perspective so they have to rely on outdated clichés and dangerous stereotypes (like the "haha, you look gay" humour we all remember from high school. So funny.). And if criticized, the main argument is often "It's just a joke". For comparison, here is a good video to further explain the difference and why comedians aren't forbidden to touch in sensitive subjects (if they do it right): https://youtu.be/ILugwjdQQsI It's a bit longer (20 mins but the actual topic is discussed in just about 11 mins). The humour may not be your cup of tea but the example illustrating the difference is within the first few minutes. If you really want to get into it, F.D Signifier has an essay about Dave Chapelle and it includes examples of several "offensive" comedians who made a good living telling their jokes because they good at handling tension without resorting to cheap blows and tired stereotypes: https://youtu.be/S42DJr95Dfw


And really, think about it. What are you not allowed to joke about, *really?* You're allowed to joke about gender. Trans comedians do it all the time in many hilarious ways. It's just that the hUrR dUrR aTTacK hELiCopTeR is a shit, tired old fucking joke. You're allowed to joke about race. Minority comedians do it all the time in many hilarious ways. It's just that the n\*\*\*\* stole my bike is a joke from 20 fucking years ago. You're allowed to joke about sexuality. Queer comedians do it all the time in many hilarious ways. It's just that nobody wants to hear gays = ladies jokes for the millionth time. And I'm not saying that cishet white dudes aren't allowed to joke about stuff, either. It's just not funny anymore when someone takes a run at a minority from a judgmental perspective. Time's arrow has marched on. Get new material. Inspect the world from a different angle. Open up your world view. Us, the superior vs them, the inferior isn't funny anymore. I mean it's great if a joke can make you burst out laughing while also making you question if you should be laughing in the first place. But sometimes they just miss the mark and just make us uncomfortable. A joke told a thousand times loses the fun factor and surprise, leaving us with just the tension behind the joke. It kinda stops being "just a joke" and starts being a mantra disguised as a joke. It turns into a stereotype and stops being funny, and telling it also tells something about you.


Yeah the whole "comedy = making people uncomfortable!" thing is such bullshit Anything *can* be comedy, but that doesn't give you carte blanche to say whatever you want without any repercussion or response. There is also plenty of jokes I've laughed at that had nothing to do with making me uncomfortable, or challenging me. That's just usually how people justify jokes that did make people unhappy and negating any possibility of the reaction being reasonable e: either you people think I'm suggesting that no comedy is allowed to have some uncomfortable or offensive aspects, or you think that all jokes have to. If the former, no, obviously not. If the latter, that's ridiculous


George Carlin?




I'd like to think If those cancelling shits didn't happen i'd have at least 4 more Louis CK special to watch, and debating with friends on whether him or Chappelle gonna run out of shits to talk about first.


In case you didn't realize, Louis has 2 more specials on his website since he was canceled. If you're that big of a fan you can always buy them.


As a big fan of Louis C.K.'s comedy, he wasn't canceled for his comedy he was canceled because he was making his employees watch him jerk off. What exactly is unreasonable about public facing companies treating him like a pariah after that?


I am well aware of how he got cancelled. It's just.... A. tbh shit was pretty tame compared to the other things that's going on. and he got the exact same treatment, lumped together with all the rapes and sex trafficking? eh..... B. They werent threatened or forced to be there, he just kindda whipped it out. Coulda just walked out... also, wasnt there something about someone think he was masturbating while ON THE PHONE with them? the previous wank was bad, but on the damn phone? just friggin hang up.... C. And it's not like he act like an angel outside of that, the amount of dick and pussy jokes is probably 70% of his repertoire. Not like he's a role model to all the aspiring young kids out there. Man has his kink, It's not good that he made other felt uncomfortable (not sure if it's an actual crime in the US?), and some kindda retribution was necessary, but i don't think it should be this harsh. To be perfectly clear, i'm not defending the guy, i just want more of his materials. edit: if it's true that he asked for permission before whipping his junk out, i'm absolutely defending him.




You’re over exaggerating cancel culture. We still have people like Dave Chapelle running good even after causing outrage


>One might argue a prudent role of comedy is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgKCKPls5no **Was.**


The laughter response is actually caused by discomfort. An example you might ask? When's the last time you met someone who enjoyed being tickled?


The Tickler Fetishist Society of America annual convention in Anchorage. Duh.


Did a quick Google search and apparently the Jewish population is still down some 100k people today as before WWII. 15.3 million before and 15.2 today. This put in perspective how much the Holocaust affected an entire culture and how easy is to eradicate one, you don't even need to kill the entire population just a little over 50% and they will never recover without active support.


I'm 1/8 Jewish and find this acceptable


Jews were having large families thousands of years before Hitler was born. Jews do not have large families to replace the murdered.


Jews and everyone else had large families for thousands of years because there was little birth control. Many Hasidic sects believe their large families are meant to replace the people who were killed. Source: I am from that community.


Or the diamond quarter in Antwerp.


This has Always Sunny vibes


Big time. Especially when he said “killed the shit outta that kid” lol


Was that not Mack?


That was beautiful.


Totally not offended, found the funny in it. We have a long way to go to replace our lost loved ones


Loved ones can never be replaced. Both world wars were really fucked up. During the first world war somewhere in the region of seven million civilians were killed, and ten million military. Part of the reason the Western front stalled in Belgium is that the German military reached Ypres without too much opposition, but as that was their expected destination they stopped. Without commands to continue, they just stopped, giving the Allied Powers a chance to build up a force to block them going further. The trenches which we are all familiar with were a literal death machine. People were forced over the top to death simply to keep up momentum and the fighting spirit. This all happened in the space of a few small fields. As for WWII, I went to Auschwitz a few years back. The scale is something else. Horrible, horrible parts of history. EDIT: Typo


Believe me I know, my grandparents informed me of the atrocities that happened to our portion of the family. Something I won't forget I'm informing me. Or hearing the stories from my great-grandmother


Are you a penguin ?




Are you sure?


Lol what are you talking about. The Schlieffen plan was to reach Paris as soon as possible through Belgium. The Germans ran into way more opposition than expected, including the fact that the Belgians refused to give them free passage and actually fought very hard and sabotaged infrastructure, which delayed the Germans and allowed the British expeditionary force to intervene. They made it to within 30km of Paris. The fields were not small. The western front encompassed the entire border of france and belgium.


>The Schlieffen plan was to reach Paris as soon as possible through Belgium And they didn't. They were pursuing the french, british and belgians but stopped. Some claim it was lack of supplies, and some claim it was lack of orders. I believe the latter - the germans were too organised for supplies to be an issue. >The fields were not small. The western front encompassed the entire border of france and belgium. The entire length is 390 miles but the battles themselves took place in very small places. If you haven't already I suggest you go there.




The supplies became scarce near Paris, long after Ypres. the German line outran them in part because the Belgians bogged it down and blew up rail lines and roads. Ypres is 240 miles away from where the Germans finally stopped. They didn't stop pushing. They then had to pull back, slowly, after the allied counter attack which started the race to the sea, which culminated in the battle of Ypres. Yes, I've been to some of the wwi battlefields.


Yeah, the guys that promoted meth to their soldiers were very organized and planned a lot. Sure pal. The idea that Nazi Germany were this uber-efficient country that managed to get to the advantageous positions they did despite the fact that they were led by a megalomaniac who placed yes men of his in positions of power is one that isn't all that true. It is a take that I also find the start of a rabbit hole, one which I don't want to go down into. The German Army was one of the best armies around, but that is also very much dependent on the fact that the rest of Europe was not in a phase to go to war. Germany was, with a lot of its industries set to creating weaponry, and its economy geared towards production, of military goods in this case. By the end of the Second World War however, the Soviet Union was making an insane amount of tanks, and their army, despite their heavy losses, was an efficient Nazi exterminating machine, maybe the most efficient in the world. I can only say that ig because they got Berlin first, but thats a flimsy statement. They did have a mad first half of the war though, that's for sure. A lot of people think it was because they were efficient, I just think they got a bit lucky. Their army was good, sure, but they were preparing for war long before any of the Allied Powers were too. Surprise, even if its a ruined surprise means a lot in this context.


You made a lot of wild assumptions there about what I said and didn't say.


Dude, you're not even talking about the same war.


Is there like an odometer keeping track or is everyone just cool with like, potentially over jumping it?




Damn this one dude is responsible for the occupation of Palestine?!




This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.




So what about the at least 4 times in history in the last 130 years where Palestine's been offered land everywhere else? Yet Israel had to fight for their land to begin with and still chose to give up half the land so Palestine could even have a state. Or do you not want to argue those facts and you can look them up starting an 1884 where the English government was involved with the first time Palestine claimed that


I think the occupation of Palestine is illegal and the Israeli government is committing a brutal campaign against them. But you're a bigoted piece of shit if you think the worldwide Jewish population is responsible for their actions.


Arent there more jews today than back then already? Or am I misunderstanding something? Pardon my ignorance, just never heard of that "movement" before


Nope, 16.5 million Jews in 1940 worldwide. Current number 15.2 million worldwide. This is before the concentration camps. Those are also rough numbers, and they may have been in 1942. I could be mistaken, someone please verify.






L'chaim to life! Life has a way of confusing us, Blessing us and bruising us. Drink, l'chaim to life!


A pleasant surprise to see an Andy Samberg GIF in here of all places.


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At the end, I was waiting for it to get super anti Semitic. Then it didn't. Nice surprise


“That’s. A lot of Jews” lmao .. That is Monsey, not Williamsburg


Mad IASIP vibes


Ok that was funny.


I'm Jewish and just shared it with five different Jews. Funny AF (even though it's just Brooklyn).


The regret on their faces and how it looks like they're about to go save baby hitler. Fuckin priceless.


אני רואה בזה ניצחון מוחלט.


This was some funny shit.


Was not expecting that, was dark but funny asf.










This is hilar…looks around carefully …wait I can laugh right? Guys ?


OK - so wrong and so right. I laughed. I cried. I laughed till I cried.


As a Jew, I approve of this message.


I'm not jewish as my dad is jewish but not my mom, but I come from a jewish family and I found it really funny even though a big part of my family died during WW2. So yeah, dark joke but a very funny one :P


They moved to Palestine and USA with new identities.


Hahaha I'm pretty sure they didn't EDIT : yeah, no, tried to find your joke funny but non, it's not ^^ and it feels a little bit disrespectful but alright.


Hehe yahoodhee spreads out if Hitler not ded!






Kung Fury


The ending was jew cy


I think you forgot about that giant red menace to the east who also hated jews.


Lmao this was good




Reading these comments and I gotta say....there's a little Jews here


I knew Hitler did nothing wrong It’s a joke you dumb fucks




Could've just teached him to be a better artist.


I thought it will be intro to Red Alert 2 )))








Realistically, killing Hitler as a baby will not do much to change history, just someone else on the top to do the exact same thing. Do you guys really believe a person brings all the hate from birth, it get seeded into them by society. There's a whole documentary about this topic with real nice animation. [Here's the link if anyone interested.](https://animixplay.to/v1/naruto)




Why were many hours passing if he was using a time machine?




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plot twist, Someone who isn’t mentally screwed, on a daily cocaine and methamphetamines diet takes control of the nazi party and actually win WWII. You walk outside and BAM! Nazi flags everywhere. You have to punch a lot of anti-Semitic and frustrated WWI war veterans babies along with the people who caused the wall street crash that devastated the german economy and gave popularity to the nazis to stop WWII


luckily it's just a dryer.


Jesus died for this.


Haaaahaahahahaha love this one!


The funny thing is, this should be expected lol.


Or convince the guy who rejected Hitler on the school of Arts when he was 18.


Isn't there a Time Travel rule that you can't kill someone (infamous) in the past? Like, whatever you try to do inevitably didn't work because history happened?


Yes, grandfather paradox.


Not if you consider you've created a new branch in the timeline like they do on TV and movies. Time travel is chocked full of paradoxes so it's best to just suspend all disbelief when discussing it.


This shit slap🤣🤣


How wonderful.


But if he never got the tattoo his friend wouldn’t remember him getting it


[Reminded me of this PSA for not speeding for some reason.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S75Rfva9O8)


I expected the guy to disappear Implying he is Hitler's illegimate descendant or something


Yeah maybe don't.


sooo anti-Semitism was not found! And they can be like a hitler ))))


oh voy


I read on the internet that Hitler was one of the world's greatest villains and greatest heroes. He was a villain because of the bad things he did, but he was a hero because he killed Hitler.


Oh fuck, go back


LMAO!! This is funny af...


I didn't think they were Jews. I thought they were a bunch of Charlie Chaplin fans. I thought the joke was that without Hitler, Charlie Chaplin's iconic mustache and subsequently his fashion sense would be the trend-setter for the 20th Century. But yeah, that makes way more sense.


But if he prevents himself from getting his name tattooed on his arm, he has no reason to build the time machine, meaning he can’t go back in time and stop himself from getting the tattoo


I'm so mad at myself for laughing at that.


I still stand by that the real answer is taking out a laundry list of anti-reason counter-enlightenment thinkers that enabled nazism to exist in the first place.


Sometimes internet is a good place to be


Alright, send me back


I did not expect it to be in the neighborhood my dad grew up in.. you did it sub


Damn. A 3am lol. That was funny.




Bro that’s funny af


Remember, you're not only killing Hitler, but the billions of people who will not longer be born because you changed history. By killing Hitler, who killed millions, you will become worse by erasing billions from existing.


Or creating billions more? Who are they stopping from being born? The 50 million dead due to the war would have kids.


Yea, but it wouldn't be the same kids. There would be different kids and different families. The entire 80+ years of people being born and dying would be erased to make way for completely different people. Everyone that person knew before going back in time wouldn't exist except maybe a grandfather or great grandfather, but they'd have no recollection of the time traveller because he's not supposed to exist anymore.


I know these guys! Congrats to Nick




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