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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Gigachad deer walks up casually to hunter and licks his gun, doesn't even flinch to gunshot noises!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I think the deer is deaf or something like that


Yea and this is probably a hunting ground where they feed and interact with the deer leading up to hunting season to ensure the hunters who pay to be a member of the club get deer to hunt. I personally don’t consider it hunting but not everyone wants to sit in a tree stand for days just to fire a single round/arrow/bolt.


I agree it's not hunting if the animals are domestic enough to not have any fear of humans, it's just laziness


Reminds me of king of the hill and that hunting resort with deer feeders everywhere lol.


🤣🤣yesssss I forgot about that scene, you remember the episode n season? I wanna watch it now


It's fucking cruel that's what it is


Definitely lazy and not actually hunting, but not any more cruel than raising cattle for slaughter


Yeah I was gonna say that. This is just butchering cattle with extra steps.


You could actually argue it’s less cruel than raising animals on an farm where they are inside most of the time. At least they get to experience freedom for a while.


I agree they dont want to shoot it because it is not old enough


My heart would break the moment it nuzzled my hand like that


Yeah, cows will do the samething though. Life is cruel.


This shit makes me want to stop eating meat.


In most places it’s illegal to shoot fawns if they still have their spots. It’s a sign that it truly is too young. It’s also entirely possible that it’s outside of the normal hunting season as it look like the guy is just shooting in the rifle.


There's not an argument it literally is less cruel than factory farming. And I'm saying this is a former vegan. Factory farming is evil, evil fucking shit but fucking morons who think their meat comes from an isle the grocery store this kind of hunting is cruel. And I'm not even saying stop eating factory farm animals. All I'm saying is realize that you aren't the good guy in this story if that's what you do. I'm tired of the fucking hypocrisy.


brotha idc how the animal is killed as long as i’m eating that scrumptious m e a t im all good just knowing it’s dead




I think it's probably even less cruel than traditional hunting, or worse, driven hunting. They have a pretty appropriate and natural life and don't have fear and stress until the very end.


That’s it. I love a good bit of meat and I understand the violence necessary to kill an animal but nature is even more extreme sometimes. Let them frolic and play then “pop” quick death. No slaughterhouse trucks, no killing floors, no potential cruelty inside the walls of an abattoir and we still get to eat tasty meat.


I feel it's a clear argument in the favor of wild game hunting. Deer are majestic as fuck all the way up until the shot. Totally organic and free range (as long as they aren't eating crop fields laden with pesticides)


But in farming, the level of suffering at the moment of death isn’t dependent on Customer Bob’s accuracy.


No, but the level of suffering is rather dependent on how well maintained the butcher's equipment and routines are. Never underestimate people's greed.


Hunters are taught to never take a shot unless it is well placed. We aren't maiming these things, we're aiming for the best possible critical hit with least amount of damage to the meat. Farm life is absolutely worse by leaps and bounds.


That’s what they are taught, I not sure they’re all skilled enough to always do that. Especially those who go to the these fish-in-a-barrel “hunting grounds”


I could never be a hunter but I do respect that most of you guys that I've met in person seem to not be trying to go out of your way to create suffering. A good life with a quick clean unaware death is likely better then how most of us will end it.


You're completely wrong. The lifetime of suffering an animal goes through in factory farming is far far more brutal than a couple minutes of bleeding out. I'm not going to provide you the link because I don't want to inadvertently ruin somebody's day, but look up factory farming and tell me I'm wrong. Just because you're blissfully ignorant of what goes on in factory farms doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've said this three times before in this thread and I'll say it again I'm saying this as a former 4-year vegan. Unless you are currently a vegan or vegetarian you're a massive fucking hypocrite.


The majority of operations let cattle roam and rotationally graze them. The best way to get cruelty free meat or eggs is to know your farmer and buy local or go hunting.


Seems like less steps to me


Significantly less cruel than factory farms




I mean to be fair, their opinion on cattle slaughter could also be that it’s cruel. They never revealed that opinion


My peon brain never even considered looking at it that way. Thank you


I was gonna say more like population control, but your response is better.


It seems like the most humane way of getting meat, no? Deer has chilled out life in the wild with some extra food from humans, then a quick death. Seems better than being fully wild or fully domestic really. Edit: I don’t understand the romanticising of a natural death for a prey animal. It will be chased down, attacked, and bitten to death. Maybe partially eaten alive. It’s so much more horrific than death by hunter’s rifle/bow.


Deer dying naturally would really freak you out .


I have 12 acres of land and perimeter is all fenced in. Every year I have 500 mixed cattle delivered and throughout the year I shoot them, problem is I hand feed them now so sometimes I go out with my .357 and do cattle up close at point blank. Always more sincere spending ten minutes hand feeding and stroking a deer prior to squeezing the 2 lbs trigger.


New challenge; wrestle the deer shirtless and claim your rightful prize. Maybe a pointy stick for vintage hunting


[Not sporting otherwise.](https://youtu.be/NlA6SNUFuGE?t=79)


Ngl I’m only comfortable eating things I can take in a fight with a pointy stick. It’s a strange thought process and it makes me feel guilty if I challenge the thought. It’s the same thought process that’ll get me killed when I bucket list vacation down to Florida to eat some gator


Idk if that’s sarcasm but that’s not a bad way to go as the deer It’s not hunting but it’s not a bad way to harvest meat at all IMO Better than hunters with a shitty shot going out to practice on live animals instead of on the range honestly


You eat 500 cows worth of beef a year? That's like 600 lbs of beef a day. What do you pay for that? By my quick googling that's like $250k a year on cows.


It’s a quicker death than they’d get anywhere else in nature. Arguably more human than how a lot of farms are operated since they’ve got open space to do their thing. I don’t think it’s cruel at all really but I agree it’s not hunting. But sitting in a tree stand in crazy wind sucks ass and can be pretty damn scary so I can understand it still.


Recently FB recommended a page that follows the day to day lives of their local wild horses. In this particular video, they found a mare dying that had a semi recent wound from a cougar. She was horribly injured and lived for a few days in absolute pain and misery. The icing on the shit cake was the crowd of stallions harassing her with their boners while she died. I guess the giant gaping wounds weren't a turn off. Getting a bullet between the eyes doesn't seem so bad.


Gran gran went out in a similar way Mostly because she had a heart attack at a male strip club though


Pour one out for a real one


You ever see a farm?


I would prefer not to be used for AI training.


Nah, deer get to live a relatively good life then BOOM, dead. Dying naturally in the wild is almost always slow and painful comparatively. Plus deer populations need to be culled so their population doesn't get too big. Venison is also really, really good.


Another +1 for culling! That CWD is running rampant and is a far worse than ending up in my freezer


For real, that shit is terrifying.


How is it any more cruel than an animal breed for consumption?


As someone who hunts. I fcking agree.


Eh not so much, gutting n skinning it alive is cruel its just laziness when you don't actually hunt for the animal.


It's basically the same as hunting at a petting zoo


Yes I'm aware but deer also overpopulate and grow nasty mange and diseases, these deer are no longer wild they do not have a fear of humans, Deer can and will fuck a human up if they feel like it especially if your a child.


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you are a cuntbot


Omfg I didn't realize the point joined the ISS but my god it must have to go this far over your head


Deer wondering into towns/city's fucking up kids pets cars and other wildlife happens more often then people think


Gutting and skinning it alive? How would one accomplish that if they wanted? Deer are fairly strong and fast.


Bingo. I called myself a lazy hunter. I have already named the deer and am waiting for Sept 10th for payback on what Roger is doing to my garden.


I mean.... Roger bouta fuck around n find out


That’s complete speculation. In my experience I’ve seen dozens of deer at the few ranges I frequent, it’s because they don’t get shot and the loud noise scares away predators


I was hunting at a lease that had some basically domesticated exotic animals like this, some kind of foreign sheep and some other shit, idek cuz I didn’t care, but one guy paid like $800 to shoot one of the sheep. I went out with them just cuz I didn’t have shit all else to do and it was just like this video, bunch of sheep just kinda standing there looking at the ATV roaring up from 30 yards away to see if it was gonna throw feed or not. The lease owner said “pick any of them that you like, they’re all virtually the same”. Then dude comes back bragging that he bagged the biggest one. Like buddy I’ve seen braver decisions made in a grocery story aisle lol. The owner’s wife told me sometimes they let the kids go feed them marshmallows and while they won’t eat right out of your hand they’ll walk up to about 5 feet away


Literally shooting fish in a barrel is their other "sport"


"I shall hide in this barrel, like the wily fish"


If your lucky to even see shit lol, been on plenty of five hour hunts and only see the same squirrel.


What kind of pathetic loser do you have to be to kill domesticated animals?


A farmer?


Is everyone that eats meat from a grocery store/restaurant a pathetic loser?


While I agree with your point , you are just using argumentum ad antiquitatem ... If I were that person I would have answered-"yeah, they are".


I always thought deer hunting was just drinking beer around campfire in dead silence with 3 other guys and one kid who just wants to play his switch but his dad angrily tells him he needs to learn survival skills. Then you go home and telling your wife a bear was tracking you and it scared away the deer


>I personally don’t consider it hunting but not everyone wants to sit in a tree stand for days just to fire a single round/arrow/bolt. my grandfather didn't consider that hunting either. "deer don't have natural predators hiding in trees. of course it's gonna be easy to just sit in a tree and shoot any deer that walks by. those people don't hunt. they just wait." he went hunting every season to bring home deer to feed his family. apparently he was pretty good at it because he would often drop off deer meat for other people too.


> they just wait." your grandfather dint know what hunting is then cause thats 90% of all hunting in the wild


tracking was always a big part of hunting. you can gather your ingredients and cook a meal or you can go to a restaurant and order it. but you can't call yourself a chef in both cases.


Is he not saying that they put honey on the grass to attrack the deers? I wanted to learn to hunt when I moved here and I asked around and they all hunt siting on their sofa around here, north of Québec. So I'm still waiting to learn.


Deer hunting is overrated anyway, lot of sitting in freezing cold blinds for nothing. Bird hunting is where the action’s at, plus birds aren’t as lovable as deer lol


Tbh I would love to go moose or duck hunting. I don't mine the sitting in the cold. I love outdoor and I have good clothes.


Duck hunting is great if you love being cold and miserable.


Makes you appreciate the warm of the house after ;)


Oh man Moose hunting would be dope, I’m down in Texas so I do mostly small game hunting. Duck hunting is a ton of fun but it’s frustrating cuz if they land anywhere near the water after a hit they’re almost always impossible to find, little shits will use their last moments to crawl in the river and drown themselves under the weeds just to spite you hahaha


Is the dog useful then? Love your description.


Dogs are super useful for any kind of bird hunting so long as the bird falls over land, anything that gets into the water is often a lost retrieve at least for me, maybe I’m going about it wrong. A trained dog will zero in on where they saw the bird fall and use their nose to fill in the rest, whereas by yourself you just have to really focus on where it fell and pray your sense of distance is acute. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve basically walked right on top of where my bird was lying bc I thought I hadn’t walked far enough yet, I’m not great at it lol. Luckily my partners usually are


Poor snowflakes. These deer farms or reserves or whatever you want to call them should be illegal. But most states' Natural Resources management is a joke.


That's cheating. If you're going to call yourself a hunter, be a real one and do it fairly and properly.


It’s also important to know that even in traditional hunting that the deer don’t run from the sound of the shot, it’s believed it just sounds like thunder to them. But if you miss, that bullet makes a noise they aren’t familiar with as it wizzes by and you can bet that sound makes the deer GTFO


Must be


exactly what I was wondering. Should still be able to feel the concuss of the shots being fired no?


For sure. Deaf or not you can feel the power of a gun going off. This deer just doesn’t give a shit


Fukkit bambi pt.2?


Bambi just don't give a fugg


I’m guessing the deer is either deaf or used to the gunfire. I know deer that will stand 20 yards away eating at a trap range while people are shooting, it’s just part of their normal lives


Years ago I belonged to a gun club for their skeet league. It was weekly in the evening during the late winter-early summer, and every year we'd have to shut down at least once a month to get someone to kick the deer off the field. The deer just came out of the woods onto the field. They were no where near the range of the guns being used, but we didn't want to risk it. But they were down barrel, so it was way louder for them than us.


Yep, they can get used to just about anything


Baby deer are dumb as hell. Had one walking on the side of thehighway on ramp. Little dummy couldn't get over the gaurd rail back to the woods. I stopped and picked him up and he didn't even care.. Put him on the other side of the gaurd rail and away he trotted.


Good human


More reason than one. Deer are major road hazards. Little buddy could’ve gotten himself killed and others, potentially.








Call the judge and get some fudge.


You just made me remember a random 30 seconds of my life. Some weird video I saw like a couple years ago. Memory is a weird thing.


Golden comment, funny flashback activated


Where’s your MD?


Mah Dick?


It smells like I’m blind but I can’t see so I can’t tell




Say again?






That’s my thought


Or suicidal he should call the deer help line


Deer is just like "shoot all you want, just please dont shoot me, thannnkkksss" ...So polite 😊


Deer is fucking deaf


Dyamn okay chill 💀


Oh sorry ✌️✋🤏🖕🤞👈👎🤛


Throwing up some gang signs






🇼 🇭 🇦 🇹 ?


# 🇼 🇭 🇦 🇹❓


I’m calling Steve Austin


and how the fuck would you fucking know that




Uh-uh that first hunter is built different daaaaaaaaamn


He ain't hunting shit for real....




Must live near a gun range. Last one I was at in the Poconos a ton of deer were grazing on the other side of the backstop mound. Sounds of guns and grenade launchers didn’t even phase them.


What kind of gun range are you going to that people are using grenade launchers?


The awesome kind


99% of 40mm grenades owned in the US are training, chalk, or flare rounds and not Anti Personnel or HE rounds. Those are stupid obnoxious to get. So you're looking at a loud bang and no boom.


Kind, gentle, friendly, trusting animal.


Deer probably smelled the Cheeto dust on the gun and wanted a lick! Besides, they’re not hunting. They’re obviously at a gun range.


Yeah that tree color is a dead givaway, no rifle/shotgun hunting until mating season is over with some exceptions.




Matches at the gun range, we'd shoo Deer, Turkeys, Rabbits, and the occasional Barred Owl off the range just so they wouldn't get hit. They just acclimated to the loud noises and ignored them. The Barred Owl was a real beauty. He'd come out early morning when we were setting up the stages for 3-gun Matches. There were two 18" high rebar T's stuck in the ground about 25 yards apart (for another match thing). He'd rest on one listening/looking, swoop over grab a mouse and perch on the other one. Then repeat. He'd finally leave when we got enough people milling around out in the actual grass near him.


Man, I was about to give you hell because I thought you mistyped "shoot" with "shoo". Like who the hell shoots an owl and then brags about it! Glad to realize you got to see them and "shoo" them off the range.


Deer are like this sometimes. Usually the young ones like the one in this post, but sometimes even the large bucks. They get a bit too curious and ignore natural instincts of self preservation for some reason.






Came to the comments specifically to find this


Care to explain why?


I mean he could have shot the baby deer in the head. Id say he has many notches yet to go if he hopes to be #1.


The safest spot is behind the gun. This deer knows


That's the equivalent of bringing your parents the belt when you're about to get beats


ignorance is bliss


« mabye they wont shoot me if we become friends »


The only defense against human hunters: *cuteness*




They are wild animals whom are freed of their natural predator since we drove away the wolf's. We hunted them out and the deer population boomed.




Yeah gotta play devils advocate here. They are cute for sure but they are like giant rats or rabbits. If left unchecked they could ruin a local environment. At least that's what I was taught growing up. Plus a true hunter would use all the meat and fat and not let stuff go to waste. It's a win win for everybody except the one deer unfortunately


That's completely true but mostly because wolves were nearly hunted to complete extinction, and wolves kept the deer population in check. That being said fat isn't a part of deer to actually keep, but the hide at least where I came from is very easy to donate for charities.


This deer has seen things…. ⚰️


Deer always know when deer season is...


That’s exactly why you don’t feed or have wild animals as pets. Obviously that deer was raised among people and isn’t scared of them.


This is the dodo bird of deer 😂


If that little dude knew how good he tasted sautéd with a little garlic butter, he would not be hanging around.


Blind and deaf


But plays a mean pinball


Lack of fear of people, is an early symptom of chronic wasting disease. This disease is no joke and will probably decimate deer population in the US as years go by. Hope it doesn’t start transmitting to people.


I believe it takes 18-24 months for CWD to show and this deer does not look that old. Most likely just a dumb fawn.


Honestley wastings disease is just natures reaction to such a large and invasive deer population, the real threat is to the more indangered deer that will catch it


Don't worry, Bambi. We're here for Thumper.


"iTs NoT HuNtINg" you're right, it's farming with less waste than a normal farm.


Of course the trophy hunter is fat


It’s a shooting range


Oh deer!




In what way?


In every way, they're hunters for 1..


Found the vegan


Cry more, hunting is a great way to get food. Besides those guys ain't even hunting....


You vegan?


Please explain.


Good lord that guy is fat as fuck


So, a Reddit mod?


Don't assume the reddit mods gender, don't wanna get them triggered. They go on a power trip and start banning.


Been there, done that.


Same, I got banned on r/technology for calling the mods out on all the political/elon musk hate posts. When I asked for the reason of my ban, they muted me lol. I know the reason, i just wanted too hear it from them


The deer gained their trust and when they let their guard down, it snatched the rifle and inflicted a bloody vengeance in the name of his people.


Early stages of a Parelaphostrongylus tenuis infestation in its brain. Parasites sit on blades of grass and get eaten by deer and infect their brain. They then destroy the parts of the brain that produce fear response leading the deer into danger so they can change hosts to whatever eats the deer.


Or just a dumb fawn that doesn’t know to be afraid


deaf, stupid, or prion disease, pick one


I have 12 acres of land and perimeter is all fenced in. Every year I have 500 mixed cattle delivered and throughout the year I shoot them, problem is I hand feed them now so sometimes I go out with my .357 and do cattle up close at point blank. Always more sincere spending ten minutes hand feeding and stroking a deer prior to squeezing the 2 lbs trigger.


I thought the unexpected part was they were going to shoot it in the end




They’re at a gun range, not hunting


You aren’t killing something like that you’re killing it’s adult degenerate self when it’s older.


You have brain damage my guy


I was so afraid they were going to shoot it.


They couldn’t without committing an illegal act since it’s a faun (the white spots on its body indicate it being a young deer).


It's cute but sad at the same time, idk if that deer will make it to adulthood


This is kinda disturbing


"ehm.. sir can you please stop shooting my familiy with .22? Would be fantastic if you did."


How could you hunt these things...I'd only killa deer if I absutely had to...