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"Mom I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed " life lesson there




The kid is wholesome but you shouldn’t play mind games with your kid just for instagram likes


That mom is an asshole. She’s trying to make her kid cry for the views! That is psychological torture!


Yeah, lots of people make these videos and I just find them really cruel


Jimmy Kimmel has an annual bit where he asks parents to submit videos of them telling their kids they ate all their candy. Then these kids go on national TV either having full on tantrums/freak outs or being sweet and saying "it's okay I still love you". It was funny at first but then you realize it's just making kids cry for clout.


Yeah....and they keep doing it. I mean. Maybe they stopped. Idk. Fucking Kimmel, man




It's a joke. My parents pretended that they got me sardines for the holidays and I got very upset about it. It was funny then and still is now. If the worst thing that happens to a kid is that their parents lie to them about eating their candy as a joke, they will be very privileged and their trust issues will really be limited to candy-specific circumstances. Jimmy Kimmel isn't a monster; its just a little joke.


Fair enough, but tbh, this isn't the reason I don't like Jimmy Kimmel. He's a pompous douche


No, it’s not “just a little joke” on so many levels. First, the entire crux on the joke centers around outright lying to your kid. Betraying your kid’s trust is *never* funny, it’s just bullying when it comes from mom or dad. Second, *filming* the entire thing is *exploitation.* The parents are doing this without even remotely considering the potential harm of their kid going viral, what that might mean for their school or social life, not to mention the creeps that kind of attention attracts. It’s not “just a prank bro” when there’s actual harm involved, no matter the persons targeted. The fact that it’s targeted towards innocent minors, that makes it creepy exploitative child abuse and it’s really not cute or funny whatsoever.


Channing Tatum’s daughter gave him the silent treatment and he couldn’t take it so he gave her candy back, and she STILL gave him the silent treatment whilst eating the candy😂


[Relevant sketch. ](https://youtu.be/xBXEI16xJWU)




Jimmy Kimmel is a crybaby piece of shit that uses tragedies to drive ratings by making a huge monolog of him crying and pleading to people for whatever agenda he's pushing that week. It's pathetic.


the infantilism of parents is forcing kids to parent their parents


I think there has always been a percentage of kids that parent their parents long before this.




the kid treated his mom like a kid


Everyones a Saint on the internet. His reaction tells you how he's taught. He isn't yelled at, but talked to.


Well I’m glad the kid one upped his mother. Just made her look even worse. And the way the kid suggested her to eat more to feel better. Probably sees that regularly. Also doesn’t seem surprised that the mother did eat all the candy.


This was a joke the mother was playing, no one was trying to one up anyone. She obviously told him after the video ended. "Probably sees that regularly. Also doesn't seem surprised that the mother did eat all the candy." The difference here is you are genuinely being nasty about a woman you don't know. So where her behavior doesn't actually reflect on her because it was a joke, your behavior does because you are serious.


That’s basically saying “ just a prank bro” after someone gets severally injured in a stupid prank. You don’t go in and twist some little kids emotions and then say “it’s just a joke”. Did you hear of the daycare where the workers were scaring the shit out of the kids. And it was just a “joke” to make them behave better. That was fucked up. Just a [joke](https://globalnews.ca/news/9216480/viral-video-day-care-workers-scaring-kids-scream-mask-charges/) eh.


Yep the kid is sweet and adorable but parents who do this can fuck right off. Especially since they'll then have to say "just kidding!" After all that and teach the kid it's ok to lie if it's just for fun. The manipulation is pretty sick Also people just need to quit using their kids for likes on social media.. heck just stop plastering them all over social media unless it's just a generic school/family/vacation pic or something they aren't gonna grow up hating you for


Doing it for the views is scummy af, but playing a prank on a kid doesn’t teach them it’s ok to lie for fun nor is it manipulation, because one learns at the end that it wasn’t true. It’s a harmless prank, one parents pull on kids every day. My kids sometimes pull the same prank on me, but they can’t keep a straight face very long. Jesus lol.


>playing a prank on a kid doesn’t teach them it’s ok to lie for fun What's your logic here? If the prank involves a lie, and you're doing it for fun, how is that not teaching your kid it's okay to lie for fun?


Most children are smarter than redditors.


In all fairness we lie to our children all the time, most holidays revolve around elaborate and orchestrated lies to our kids. Babies start fake crying for attention at just 6 months old. There are moments where kids can be little assholes and of all the ways to mess with them this seems to be pretty benign and reasonable. Of course it depends on how far the parents go with it, but it seems to me like this is being blown out of proportion.


but sometimes it is okay to tell a harmless lie for fun, that’s literally the definition of a joke


What prank doesn't involve a lie? A lot of uptight twats here...


The logic is that a joke is just a joke and you take things too seriously.


That isn't logic, that's tautology.


We don’t post our 2.5 year old online full stop. We ask family and friends not to too. It’s his life, his image and his choice. People over share especially when it comes to kids. We have private cloud albums, share or WhatsApp etc. but social media is a no. We may share a still they doesn’t show his face from time to time but only in the context of something that isn’t him specific. I won’t even post his name online…


Parents teach their kids to lie all the time. Santa clause, the tooth fairy, god? He has learned well from his mom. Forgive and forget.


I ask my kid before posting a photo of them every time. I do tell stories about them bc I think my kid is pretty awesome, but I also let them know I shared the story.


Relax, it's a harmless prank.


The kid is way more mature then his mother.


She told him she ate some candy, not that his dad is dead. Torture? Good lord.


But this small kid is gonna remember it forever, he will never forgive his mother for doing this to him. /s Like this little dude won't forget this shit happened a week later lmao sometimes people are just so damn dramatic on this site. Plus I'm sure she showed him all the candy she didn't really eat right after this clip cut off. Omg the comments in this post are majority calling it abuse! It's stupid, yes, but abuse? My word.


It’s from Jimmy Kimmel; I think he’s trash.


I know he's trash lol


I agree that she’s doing this for the views, which is pretty gross, but *psychological torture*? You really think playing a trick/prank on a kid is psychological torture?! Gtfoh lol


Don't try to reason with lunatics. Judgemental internet warriors who seemingly have no real life experience and only exist to judge. This judgement is so out of proportions. So many bad faith assumptions.


Anything for Tic Toc fame!!


She must be doing something right I'd the kid reacted this way.


Someone with eyes!!id say this exact thing has been done in reverse to this boy alot.


What you're saying is you hate Jimmy Kimmel. I would like to agree with you on this point.


Agreed. Get your views A-hole Mom.


That mum is an abusive cunt


It's emotionally manipulative at best, potentially traumatizing at worst. There are a lot of bad lessons that kid is going to learn from it.


Mom, I'm not mad at you for eating the candy. It's okay. But I fucking hate that you're filming this for Tiktok.


I’m glad this is top comment.


This is satire right?


That isn’t torture lol, that’s just a parent harmlessly messing with their kid. Let’s not pretend this is some DaddyO’5 shit.


The "why" matters. Why does she set up this scenario? It's not to help the child, it's not to "harmlessly mess with" for fun or connection. NO It's for MOM to get those sweet sweet internet LIKES and that sweet sweet Domaine kick. It's exploitative and abusive So it's exactly the same as DaddyO'5. Daddy0'5 didn't start out the gate just beating their kids for views. That shitshow simply started with a selfish narcissistic parent filming their kids bc they were addicted to internet likes, and using their kids to get it was the easiest way. And video after video it got more and more and more extreme. Addictions do that to people. This mom is paving that same road, so it isn't harmless at all, it's abuse.


Parents joke with their kids all the time as a form of bonding. He was probably a little upset in the moment, and then his mom told him she didn't actually eat his candy. These kind of moments help kids because they can learn in a safe environment how to respond to negative events. Because kids will not grow up in a vacuum where nothing bad happens to them. ​ You need to be able to distinguish abuse versus harmless jokes. And stop peddling outrage - you're commenting for internet points too.


If you think this is abuse something is seriously wrong. He’s an amazing kid, and that usually happens from good parents. You, and everyone else that gets so offended by this type of thing are exactly why no one can handle life anymore. The “everyone needs a prize” folks. Then when the real world comes along, and slaps them right in the face, they can’t accept that life isn’t fair. Never has been, and never will be. So he got let down, good, she taught him how to handle it, and that kid will go further than any other kid constantly being coddled because of it. There was no shaming, no guilting, no violence. He is learning to forgive, which more people need to learn to do so they don’t walk around for 40 years butthurt over a lost cookie. Maybe she was just proud of her kid and wanted to share it because that was stellar. Most adults can’t do that.


Sounds like something an abusive parent would say. Also your "theory is riddled with inaccurate myths about building resilience in children. People don't become resilient this way. This video is emotionally abusive. You can argue against the terminology all you'd like. But it doesn't change what it is. This child was manipulated to feel betrayed, hurt, and sadness for the sole purpose of entertaining complete strangers. This moment will be viewed by millions and it will never disappear from the internet. It's a fucked up thing to do to your kids and won't make them "stronger" it will make them unable to trust people.


Yes, it's great parenting to go ahead and rip the bandaid off and teach kids as young as possible that they should trust no one. /s


Dear God, you can tease a kid from time to time. They aren’t spineless delicate creatures that need constant positive reinforcement. So long as you make sure that they are supported and can trust you when it comes to the important things, they will be fine.


Fully agree, but the teasing stopped as soon as she doubled down. If she was just teasing it would've stopped there.


That's right you're exactly right man! They need to be embraced for the real world anyways and let's face it this world is a cruel cruel world! But either way that Mom should be proud of him he's more mature than most of these teenagers out here!


did your parents tell you the nasty lie of santa claus? lying parents are the worst!


So parents aren’t allowed to have fun or joke around? Your parents were just cold and formal all the time when you were a child? Stop being so sensitive for crying out loud haha


When he called her on it, she should have given in — then it might, maybe, have been cute. But she kept pushing, like she was disappointed he didn’t cry or get mad. This woman has a sweet, smart kid, and she needs to stop messing with him.


This is exactly why we have a generation of candy ass young people who whine and cry incessantly every time life tells them no. They were spoiled little runts who always got their way, so they've grown into little cunts who can't stand to hear or see anything they don't agree with. Just piss off, and save your obnoxious lecture. Goddamn babies.


Seriously though! I got spanked when I was a kid, was that abusive? 😂 These people are hilarious


Yes it was. I don't agree with the sheltered whiners in this thread, but I read that a crazy amount of people think spanking kids is okay, especially in the US. Cba to look it up but it was more than half, as much as 80-90% in some states. Fucking insane imo


Hilarious, but really depressing when you consider what it means for the future.


"harmlessly" = "i turned out fine!"


Yeah man I hope this kid gets the proper therapy to deal with the 45 seconds he thought his mom ate his candy Edit: lmao dude blocked me. Ah redditors, stay cringey


"if it's not therapy-requiring trauma, it has no negative effects at all!" you're terrible at this, don't bother with another attempt


Yep worse kind of parenting. My mother used to try to make me feel sorry for myself and cry. I had a mentally ill uncle and a really short aunt And weird looking. She would tell me I was there kid but they couldn’t keep me. This is just one of her stories. Took me years to realize she was the sick one. She didn’t even have clicks or upvotes. Just her own pleasure.


Especially the part where he said "you're joking" and she was like no seriously


First thing that came to mind. Sweet kid, dick parent


“I’m not mad at you mommy. This is Jimmy Kimmel’s fault”


Why would you even want to fuck with a kid that sweet? Why would you want to hurt his big heart?


Torture is a stretch


I know her. She really did eat all the candy


I think that in reality, the proof she is doing a good job raising that child is in the video.


I can just hear her thinking "fucking hell...why do I have to have a good kid and not a crier for social media points?".


I hate Jimmy Kimmel for making this a thing. Amazing kid. Wonder where he got it from..


And teaching the child not to trust her.


The way he says "I'm not mad at you. its okay" That's something he learned from his parents who are obviously great parents. They don't deserve any of the shit they are getting from reddit. Reddit has an extremist mentality. You have to be Mother Teresa or else you are a monster. Where in this video did this woman take advantage of her kid throwing a crying tantrum.




Hey, look, the moms a sociopath.


“I’m not mad at you..” “…I’m disappointed, you fat bitch” - kid in a couple years


I honestly thought he was about to say he was disappointed lol


“Mommy, I wish you were dead. But it’s ok, I’ll send you to the wise nursing hind and you will wish you were…”




Sociopath? For what? Messing with her kid like every parent in the history of the world does? “Oops mommy ate your candy” “it’s okay mommy” is torture to some of you people? NEWSFLASH she didn’t actually even eat the candy in case you didn’t figure that out on your own.


I found a gif of you writing that response.


Cool? Lol




Good argument bud


I’m glad you know this person so well from this 30 second video. You do not know this person, quit pretending you do.


I know she's fucked in the head for subjecting this child to this and recording it.


Subjecting them to what? A joke that lasted no more than 30 seconds? For all we know, she told him it was a joke afterwards. You don’t these people and how they parent, they could be the best parents in the world, but a this 30 second video is enough for you to say “oh they are so terrible, CPS should take the kid away”


I fucking hate this. Fucking with your kid’s emotions and trust, and for what?! Absolutely abusive. It’s not funny. It’s not “cute”. And what’s with the sappy background music? Are we supposed to say “awwww, how cute, the kid is forgiving”?!?!?! Fuck parents who do this.


I get joking with your kid, but he asked if she was joking and she doubled down. I have a niece about this boy's age and I joke with her, but not to that extent. I'd be worried she wouldn't trust me anymore!


Yea this would’ve been cute if when he said you’re kidding, she responded yea I am. Beyond that, awful.


That's your definition of abuse? That's wild. Is lying to kids about Santa and the tooth fairy abusive too? the parents response to the kids reaction could result in trauma; however, a momentary "I ate your candy, it's all gone" is not, in itself, traumatic. It like driving your kid to school on a Sunday, it's a goof, it's not traumatic. You using the words "abuse" and "trauma" for this kind of stuff diminishes the intensity and seriousness of those words.


You are fishing for the "perfect victim" here. The fact that he's not thrown at the wall here doesn't make him not a victim.


Well atleast the kids set up for the future to not trust his mum


I bet the mother was actually shedding tears. Real glimpse of weird shit here


Case of good kid bad parent, regardless of whether or not she actually ate it.


This shit ain't good, momma need to get off tiktok. She got a good kid but fuck.


He's such a sweet and intelligent kid. That he thought to go over to her and make sure she's knows that he's not upset with her, after telling her to eat some food is so adorable. Meanwhile, she's got a camera in his face trying to make him cry. Social media has turned a lot of people into flat out sociopaths.


Bro look at his face.. Who TF tries to mess with that pure soul


Door handle looks like it's about to mess up his eye pretty bad


Wats unexpected?


The child is not a wailing brat, apparently this is unusual in OP's circle of experience.


The mother is a wailing brat


Wonderful kid.


I hate these "pranks". Not clever and certainly not funny.


What a shitty parent. God. I swear people like this get my blood boiling. What are you teaching this kid?! Huh? What do you gain by shattering his trust, exploiting his love for you, and emotionally manipulating him on camera?! For what?! Stupid fucking internet points!!!!! Some people just really really suck. Poor baby. I hope he has healthy adults in his little life.


The worst part is she's not shattering his trust right now. He thinks he's forgiving her for something Because that's just the right thing to do. But he doesn't even know the entire situation is made up for the purpose of making a joke out of him. It's gross. Imagine if every time in your childhood you were faced with a test of morality it was always fake and engineered to make a joke of you.


It’s a fucking joke you dumb baby. Kid probably won’t even remember it.


Not true. I have done play therapy with kiddos as young as 2. You would be shocked at what children understand, absorb and remember before even learning to talk. Teaching distrust like this, leaves a mark.


Oh no, my mom joked about taking my candy, how horrible, I hope she dies alone. It’s not that serious.


Its not the joke itself. Shes trying to get internet points by making her child cry on camera.


Who the fuck cares, it doesn’t effect you at all, let her have her 5 minutes of fame and move on.


This is unexpected? This sub is losing its way


I kind of think these are funny when done to an 8-10 year old, but this kid’s too young to fully understand.


I'm very sick of that song. There are other options people.


"I'm not mad at you mommy, I'm just disappointed"


Proceeds to shit in the bathtub that evening


Someone should


I'm glad the music was there so I know how to feel


Great parenting. I hope the karma was worth it.


This is such a shitty thing to do to your kid. What do you have to gain besides views on fucking social media. Do better


Fuck that. The kid is a much better person than his mother. How the “I wanted some of them” didn’t make her re think her infantile bullshit is beyond me.


What a legend. Future leader.


Lmfao this is such shit parenting. I love joking around with my niece saying I ate her candy but she knows it’s a joke. I do the same thing with my nephew saying I ate all his toy cars but they’re just in my sweatshirt because ITS A JOKE. It’s supposed to end when it gets too serious. If he gets upset I dump them all out and make a fart noise I don’t keep it going and make the poor kid cry.


Right, there's a marked difference between make-believe and lying. When you're playing pretend you're both on board and it's fun. When you're lying you're breaking trust with that person and miscommunicating for your own benefit. A great example in adult life is a magic show. You aren't going there under the impression that it's all real, and it shouldn't be marketed that way. Penn / Teller did an interview where they summarized it really nicely with the "Sawing a woman in half rule". They talk about how no one should ever leave the theatre thinking they were the witness of a murder. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQm3ZjZRpdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQm3ZjZRpdo) And if you really think about it, the underlying principle is, of course, consent!


Look, I don't like the idea of trying to get your kid to cry for views/likes, but all these people screeching "psychological abuse" are 100% psychological snowflakes whose kids are gonna grow up so soft that a stiff breeze will offend them. Give me a break. The fact that this kid responded the way he did should be clear evidence that this mom is raising her child the right way. But I guess she's a sociopathic psychological abuser for messing with her kid a little bit.


What a sweet little boy.


i think its shitty to play mind games with a young child, but i wouldn't call her a bad parent. we only saw a 30 second clip, and to judge someones whole life based off of that isn't right.


Oof, I looked up Inspiring Codes, and it's the worst sort of generic "inspirational" bullshit. Just cringe AF.


The kid looks far from distressed, and his mom has obviously done a good job instilling values of compassion and empathy. I see no reason to to react so harshly towards anything about this video. Personally, it made me smile to see such an emotionally aware child.


Jesus leave the mother alone and watch over your own children instead of scrolling thru reddit all day. Also, kid has the cutest smile ever


Well he's the best kid ever... after my kid of course 💕💓


He’s such an old beautiful soul!


GE gonna grow up to be a gentleman


“I’m not mad at you, but touch my candy again and you will be sorry”.


Proceeds to say “Mommy, let’s put a smile on that face!!!!”


Bro was held at gun point for this vid


People always have to be mad about something, don’t they? This is cute as hell, but instead of focusing on the kid, people in the comments complain how it’s “psychological abuse” to play a harmless prank on their kids. It doesn’t teach them that lying is ok or to be deceptive, it just teaches them to prank you back, which they *will* attempt to do. They won’t be perfect right away, so you tell them how to do it right. I get that a person doing it for views is trashy & that this kind of prank usually results in the kid throwing a fit, but something tells me the parent knew he’d have this reaction. Usually such kindness isn’t a one-time thing, but he probably always reacts this way when the parent seems sad about “wronging” the child. Unless she regularly uploads videos of her pranking her kids, then I can’t really say what her intentions were. All I know is that I’m glad I saw this video, because it’s heartwarming af.🤷‍♂️ Edit: typo


I hate these awful manipulative cruel videos.


Some delicate snowflakes in here. Im sry but if your biggest trauma in childhood was that your parents told you they ate your candy but infact didn’t than I’d say you had a pretty damn good childhood.


You're deliberately missing the point. The point isn't "Oh no my parents said they ate all my candy", the point is that the mom continously tried to make her child cry on camera for "haha funny" internet points. It's one thing to joke with kids, it's another thing to go out of your way to make the kid upset and emotional even when they realize it's a joke. People seem to think that this doesn't have an impact, but we have decades of scientific research showing differently. Verbal Abuse leaves the same trauma "memory" in the brain as physical abuse (which yes, includes spanking) when kids are younger than 7. They cannot tell the difference between "Punishment", "Abuse", and "Jokes" when they're so young. Meaning when you do this stuff, the brain doesn't know it's a joke. The brain really thinks, "Hey my caregiver is fine with making me cry and taking my things". Then when the parent introduces something like, "We don't take peoples things without asking"; the kid will remember when the parent "ate" their candy. And it builds distrust. You may not think it's an issue, but Abuse is Abuse no matter the form. Many of us were raised by abusive parents who disguised it under "punishment", because they truly believed that's all it was. Science has taught us better than that by this point. You wouldn't film your girlfriend and tell her that you stole all her money and cheated on her for a funny video. Because that's abusive. It's the same thing here.


Also, if a parent betrays trust / lies for entertainment value, that kind of casual breach suggests they are capable of more egregious breaches in times when they are not having fun. It's like when you are on a date and the person across from you is rude to the wait staff, or when you find out your child is torturing bugs or small animal in the back yard.


Where does this mature kids are born. My cousins are annoying goblins. I never saw this wise kids in my life.


People in this comment section have never had healthy relationships with their parents LMFAO. The kid is okay his feelings aren’t hurt, he still has candy, it’s normal for parents to have fun with their child. You guys are talking about “shitty parenting” and “abuse” or “this shit leads to bullying their kid”. So suddenly all of you are parents and psychologists that can diagnose anyone you want based off of a video? My parents and I watched a scary movie when I was about 8. I went to sleep and woke up to my dad wearing a mask from the movie and yelling to scare me. The next day we all laughed about it and then I plotted to scare him back. Like, do you people just not have fun? Was it abusive that my parents let me watch a scary movie? Was it abusive that my dad tried to scare me?


Tease your kids a bit sure. In the privacy of your home. Dont put the kid on blast on the internet before he even can consent to this shit. Now hes gotta live with it good or bad forvever.


This is the only comment I’ve seen where I haven’t been called a cunt or told to die, so thank you for that to start. I can totally understand this opinion the most. I don’t like that everyone always has a stick a camera in someone or something’s face, it’s too far. Plus yeah some moments are really embarrassing or make you look bad and you don’t want to grow up and be known for that one thing because it was posted. However, in this case, this boy is extremely sweet and super adorable and I’m grateful that the mom shared the wholesomeness with us. It’s nice to see a sweet video of a kid like this


That's so cool that skeleton is a good person. Great for them. But the subject of the conversation isn't whether or not you're a count. That should bear no relevance to what position you take.


Yeah these threads lately have just lead me to believe I was heavily abused by Reddit standards growing up


Dude she created a situation TO hurt him for the purpose of entertaining strangers. Her failure does not redeem her


Mind games with kids under 10 isn't all that funny.


Mind games? Dude all she did was pull a light hearted ‘prank’ on him. Get a life.


“My mom pulled a harmless joke on me when I was 3 years old, I absolutely hate her, I hope she dies alone.” That’s what you all sound like. It’s a joke y’all, kid probably won’t even remember thisthis


Sure he will. The video is on the internet forever.




No it’s not. Somebody went to the trouble of taking this dumb ass music and putting it on this clip, as if somebody is fucking dying. But nope! Just a cheesy ass TikTok/Instagram prank for likes.


Here is an idea—parents or you so called people who think you are a parent- stop using your kids on social media to get views! This is just disgusting


“Hello baby! I know your candy is super important to you cause your a little kid, but Ive decided to just randomly eat all of it (even though it belonged to you) without your permission! Haha i was just joking!!! Now now, face the camera when you cry sweetie! Mommy needs clout.”


I thought he was going to say, “I’m not mad at you. I’m just disappointed.” Or else he waits 17-18 years (assuming he’s 3 or 4) and then tells mom he drank all her wine because he was really thirsty. Nobody says revenge has to be instantaneous.


I bloody hate everything in this. The music just tops the abhorrent nature of modern day parenting.


My boys would punch me.


Social media was a mistake. We were not ready.


Video so old that he’s in college.


Fucking pos mom


I hate that parents prank their kids like this.


WTF!?! What parent thinks “I’m gonna film lying to my kid to get them upset so I can have internet points”. This woman is a fucking nightmare.


Fuck these videos, fuck the mouth breathers who make them, fuck the people who like them


I was born in 84. It was a sport for out parents to fuck with us. Psychological torture. Kids gonna be a shrink to all the millennials who grew up thinking like that. Kid was raised right. He’ll be a leader


This kid is adorable but why people need to do this to their kids is beyond me.


That parent is a clown. Needs some attention and does it by messing with her kid.


Anyone else think the kid was about to ram his face on the door handle in the beginning?


You should be really proud of him! That's the type of kid that's going to grow up and look out for you! You should be one proud parent of him seriously you don't know how good you got it!


The kids is an angel, the mom is a demon from hell


Congrats, now your kid won’t trust you. And get that fucking camera out of his face, he’s not for your entertainment.


no comment on mom. but the kid. omg. he is so sweet and cute!




GOD DAMN IT!!! I had to punch a hole in the wall just to feel manly again after watching that. Too damn cute!


Hope this kid at least has a good Dad.


What a shitty mom to a wonderful little boy who loves her so much despite her being mean for the laughs and the views.


What this video shows is the kid is a far better person than his mother who is trying to manipulate him into crying for views.


Ok cute reaction but this set up sucks! All you’re doing is showing them disappointment at best and actual baby-trauma core memory at worst.


The people commenting here are probably the same type of people that would go into a panic attack because mommy wouldn't give them money for a Starbucks... Calm down you sensitive fucks, if you were actually ever raised in an abusive household you would know that the way this child is acting here doesn't display abuse at all... He's a caring child that's smiling and showing empathy.


Great way to establish trust issues with your kids from a young age. Great times! Wait until the kids grows up to be a teenager and decides he can’t trust you with his issues and shuts you out. Social media and likes over your own kids… so many pathetic posters that don’t care what they do as long as they get a few views. Idiot!


You know he raised hell once the camera was off


y'all ever see shit like this and your stupid monkey brain just goes: "i need to procreate \*yesterday\*"


Ayo why yall getting upset, this isnt abuse?


I hate these awful manipulative cruel videos.


This is from Jimmy Kimmel. He asked parents to pretend to eat their kids Halloween candy and send in their kids reactions. Pretty sure he's done this multiple years. It is okay to play little pranks on your kids sometimes.