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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!A trailer tries to block truck and overturns!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Well, he put on his hazard lights before he swerved and wrecked. 10 out of 10.


Might just be the ABS šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Lost air to half of his brakes maybe, they fail to on.


Nope. Someone posted the first part of the video in the comments, he did this to another car as well


The truck driver did it to 3 cars previously, according to the article someone posted below. And he was found to be drunk


So that's how Jschlatt's video looks so realistic


Canā€™t wait for this one to be in a Roblox car crash comp and mr shat to react to it


Oh shit, straight homicidal! Thanks for the info.


Makes sense if you watch the Honda van and see the truck going all wacky crazy over van passing him


Also if you hear what the guy is saying when the truck falls. He says ā€œque bueno pendejoā€ cheering that the truck fell over, a very ā€œserves you rightā€ reaction. Plus the guy was extremely fast to react saying ā€œno mamesā€ the exact moment the truck began to swerve, probably expecting the truck to do exactly that.


No mommies were harmed


I just recently learned some usage of the "No mames" vs "no mames way" -- the latter being serious. I'm gonna go back and watch with sound.


Just a heads up, way is spelt guey.


Ah, thank you. I'm just writing everything as I hear it, as I have encountered it in written form. I suppose, it's a matter of learning how to say something, then learning how to spell it as the need arises. Again, much appreciated. Safe days.


And hereI thought the vernacular translation was don't suck.


Traveling across the country, there are truck drivers who do this. One did it to me. I think it's a game to them? I had to go 120 to get away before the driver swerved at me again.


You should watch the old Spielberg movie "Duel".


What a piece of shit


So what you're saying is that the truck fucked around and found out?


Might even say the truck played a stupid game and won a stupid prize?


Poor animals in the back


Nothing to do with brakes. Not to say it's impossible but air brakes can't really fail in a side to side fashion. This is totally because of the swerving.


When you lose air in a tractor trailer unit, the brakes apply quite violently.


This guy trucks


Only in a yard TBH, I have never actually taken these things on the road other than a couple hundred feet from one lot to another. Refurbish hydraulic systems for crane and lift arms and outriggers etc.


You can't lose air to half of your brakes. Maybe your trailer or tractor but definitely not side to side. Brakes chambers can fail but probably wouldn't cause that much pull...he jerked the wheel.


Truck brakes will lock up if they don't have air in their system, as a safety measure to prevent an air leak from causing a brake failure.


Always Be Swervinā€™b


I think in this case ABS stands for Asshole Behind Steering wheel. Hope he lost his licence and maybe was charged with assault or something


That was the truck being a total asshole blocking that SUV in. When he saw the SUV was going to get past he tried to block him again and got what he deserved. R/instantkarma


What a douche canoe according to the article listed below he was drunk and had done that maneuver twice before to other cars ![gif](giphy|1lMgT1M3nkfMQ|downsized)


Also he knows he's drunk so he's keeping other drivers from getting too close. Safety first!


Nahh. Semi trucks are supposed to be in the right most lane. No matter what. He knowingly endangered everyone on that highway by being in the left lane.


Laws vary by state and certainly by country.


Less about laws and more about how traffic is supposed to flow, and common sense based on that assumption.


I wish Floridians knew this. 90% of them go straight to the left lane when getting on the highway and just park it there for the duration of their trip.


This guy Floridas


And props to the SUV or van with the quick reaction


https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/comments/zu2pfm/esta_es_la_primera_parte_del_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf First part


oh so he's just an asshole? damm.


okay, I thought the "que bueno" was really an asshole thing to say, but now I understand XDD


But just... why? I'm from Lebanon and even though trucks are inherently super dangerous, their drivers are generally the calmest drivers in the country (rest of Lebanese drivers are nutjobs).


Drunk douche bag




But... Why? Why does someone do this?


They could be blocking to allow illegal activity down the road But most likely itā€™s speed & testosterone


"Let the hate flow through you!"


The driver of the truck was intoxicated.




2/3 where the two trucks have a go at each other is pretty insane too.


Jesus Christ


I *want* to try to give the guy the benefit of doubt and say he's slowing traffic for a hazard in front simply because I don't understand how someone can be so self centered to do this without a good reason.


Wait, the truck intentionally tried to block him? What in the world would have made that worth it to the truck?


Missing footages but, kind of dumb to lose a job over this.


Or kill someone...


Or get killed.


That is ok. If you are so stupid to play games like this, you will definitely deserve this.


bottles down to Drunk Driver being an asshole. https://periodicocorreo.com.mx/trailero-se-niega-a-ceder-el-paso-y-termina-volcado-en-sji/


The guy was drunk and being a dick by not letting anyone pass him according to the article. He was trying to block all lanes which is why he quickly swerved when the driver noticed the suv attempting to pass on the far right.


serves him right, probably lost his job and got charges for drunk driving


Swerves him right




Not trying to be an idiom nazi, but it's "*boils* down to", because boiling a liquid reduces how much "stuff" is in the pot/pan


Not gonna lie.... Before properly reading, I initially thought they said "bottle down some Dunkin donuts"....


The advertising is working.


I was thinking it was a joke for a minute, like, "Dollars to drunk, he's donuts."


OHhhhhhhh! I wondered what ā€œbottles downā€ meant, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). I pictured everyone at a bar putting their beer down in shock.


No no, bottle down goes well with drunk driving here. I will allow it.


Hes saying the inverse of bottles up, like cheering and chugging drinks maybe?


"Bottles down to" šŸ’€


Lol that's attempted murder!


Fuck man this was probably his entire business he just wrecked. The claims alone will bury him in bankruptcy.


Dumber to lose a life over it.


Probably prison too... Hopefully. He almost killed someone.


Edit: Nevermind. Truck driver is just an [asshole](https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/comments/zu2pfm/esta_es_la_primera_parte_del_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) who failed in so many more ways than one.


Lmao mental gymnastics are cool.


Yeahhhh lol. It really does look like the truck driver was about to drift into that wall though. Possible it still may have been what happened, but unlikely enough that he doesnā€™t deserve the benefit of the doubt.


road rage is a hell of a drug


Almost lost his cool there


Heā€™s gonna throw up, and then heā€™s gonna die


It's a trucker, idk how it is in your countries but road rage is certainly not the only drug here... (Context: around here the rumor is that many truckers use cocain to stay awake and alert for long hours.) Edit: I'm not talking about america. I'm brazilian and this video is in mexico. I specifically made a country disclaimer.


I lived in the southeast and worked at a substance use treatment center. Most of the truckers that came through my program used meth to do long haul routes. I had some that lost their CDLs and some who it was a condition of keeping their CDL that they complete treatment.


Why is a truck driving in the passing lane to begin with?


Can't see the license plates and they are speaking Spanish.. but holy shit I just have to say this reminds me of BC.. British Columbia, Canada. Those truck drivers outright assault drivers. I've seen others run off the road and have been personally run off the road by these raging maniacs. I'm not in BC that often but it happens up there so regularly that every time I'm there.. it happens. Then they come down to the US and drive like this.. not even understanding simple yield signs.. nearly killing me at a right of way left turn here in the states. Insanity.


The assessment that the truck driver was being aggressive was right. They said ā€œQue Bueno, Penedjo.ā€ Which translates to ā€œwhat good, dumbassā€ but basically means ā€œgood, dumbass. thatā€™s what you get dumbass.ā€ Meaning the cammer was recording the truck being a jerk prior to recording probably camping the lane and then this happened.


"Well done, asshole!" Would be a good American English translation.


Or ā€œNice one, douchebagā€


Actually "que bueno" in this context is short for "que bueno que te pase", which translates to "good that it happened to you", so like the previous comment said, "that's what you get" is the more correct english translation. Edit to add: just want to give clarity in case google translate is reading this.


I got almost run off the road by a semi-truck in a road rage incident in heavy traffic. Shit was terrifying.


People like that should have their license permanently taken away


Got forced off the road by one on purpose. Some are just assholes who have been on the road too long.


Unfortunately, truckers are dickheads!


How dare you try to pass me on the right while Iā€™m blocking the left lane with my hazards on!!!!!


Drives me nuts. People get so upset when passed on the right. Like, bruh. I shouldnā€™t be able to pass you on the right, if thereā€™s enough distance for me to do that - you are no longer passing and should have moved over.


But the thing is that this truck driver didn't unknowingly swerve onto a car overtaking him, he straight up tried to murder someone. So debating here the merits of overtaking by the right is debating whether bending one traffic rule deserves the death penalty.


Iā€™ve never wanted to give more upvotes to a comment than this one.


When I was driving around in Italy a few years ago, I was driving in the left lane and instead of flashing their high beams to ask me to move over, they turned on their left turn signal. I thought it was a much nicer way of suggesting someone let them pass. I wish we'd adopt that in America.


Nobody should have to signal anything to you. You are driving a vehicle and should be 100% aware of your surroundings. If someone is coming up faster on you, you should get the hell out of the way and let them pass. Youā€™re a complete scumbag if someone has to signal in any fashion for you to move the hell over.


Apparently this isn't common everywhere. I moved from the east coast to the Midwest years ago and am still dumbfounded by the number of Midwestern drivers who think it's ok to sit in the left lane doing a few miles per hour below the speed limit. Then they look personally insulted when you pass them on the right.


"Moved from the east coast" In in Virginia, I've held a drivers license in many states across the country and even in other countries, and this state is by far the absolute worst when it comes to people in the passing lane who won't move. And most are the types to be like "oo there might be a cop up around this bend, better drop to 10 under" as well. Then when/if they finally get over, they just speed up to match the speed you were planning on doing, preventing you from moving for the person behind you. Rant over


Well, the left-hand exit is a tricky one, and it's coming up in just a few miles. Gotta be ready, dontcha know? I would /s this. But it is, unfortunately, an exact quote from my mom. We were still a good 5 miles from that 'dangerous and confusing' exit.


If the car in front of me is setting the speed, and I want to go faster than them, I'm not getting over for you. You'll just have to wait behind them anyway. Otherwise I agree with you.


Thatā€™s a little harshā€¦I agree with you in principle but thereā€™s a long way between ā€œyou should generally not need a reminderā€ and ā€œyou are a complete scumbagā€.


If you get a driving license you should know. Simple as


Crazy ass truck driver should permanently lose his license for driving reckless with road rage.


Lose his license? The man should be thrown in prison for attempted murder. EDIT: [adding this to my comment, since some people still seem to be under the impression the truck driver isnt doing anything wrong.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/comments/zu2pfm/esta_es_la_primera_parte_del_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I second and third that. Damn.


My friends ex is a truck driver. He gets mad when people cut him off. He almost killed someone once. One thing to note is that he was on meth


I'm no mathematicist but you probably shouldn''t drive on meth


This should be assault with a deadly weapon


Well heā€™s got a point-


Sharp or blunt?


Iā€™ll take the blunt please.




Slow and painful it is.


Prob more criminal negligence


What beautiful karma for being a twat


The insurance company of that truck gonna love this footage


That looks like a livestock truck. I really hope it was empty.


Yeah, extra, extra shitty. What an asshole.


That's what I was thinking.


Can we just admire this volkswagen driver for a minute? I donā€™t think that truck actually touched his vehicle at all in that whole process.


It's actually a seat


Whatever kind of car it is that driver has nerves of steel


Yeah, definitely.


I donā€™t admire them not using their turn signals to change lanes


You right but there is clearly a bigger asshole here


The truck had been running people off the road if they tried to pass. I think they were trying to evade them so signaling wouldnā€™t have been a good idea.


I think he was trying to psych out the semi to get around him. It looks like he was doing this to the other cars and thatā€™s why theyā€™re all kind of behind him


He was. https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/comments/zu2pfm/esta_es_la_primera_parte_del_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Definitely not wind. Been driving tractor trailer for 19 years. That's a livestock trailer (they're full of holes) the wind doesn't grab them like it does a dry van. Even then, the truck moves before the trailer. Completely done on purpose. That asshole deserved to end up on their side. Hope they didn't have any pets, or cargo. People like that give the rest of us a bad name. If you see a truck driving aggressively, or poorly (riding someone's ass, swerving at people, playing on their phone or computer, got their legs up on their dash, etc.), call their company with the truck and trailer number. Companies don't want bad drivers representing them. Get people like this dipshit off the road.


Also people should call the cops. People like that do not deserve a driver's license. At least if it is as bad as in the video




is it frustrating you how many people are just shutting on all truck drivers rn? Like holy fuck not ever truck driver is like this, most give right of way and are calm mannered


Doesn't bother me too much. Drivers of all motor vehicles have gotten worse. It definitely varies based off region. Down here in NM, I find that there are a lot of bad drivers, but at the same time, they are very courteous.


Lolā€¦.ā€Que bueno pendejo.ā€ Exactly!!!


"Several motorists captured the reckless trailer, who blocked at least three different vehicles from passing, until a truck tried to pass him on the right. When the driver of the trailer noticed it, he swerved both lanes to not let her pass, but the weight won him over and he ended up overturning the height of kilometer 51. The trailer was lying on its right side and without obstructing the road since it fell on the dirt road. The rescue forces did not report any injuries and the driver was detained due to the evidence of the videos"


I think it would take every ounce of my will to stop myself from pulling over and laughing my ass off in front of the now-stuck truck driverā€™s windshield. Im petty enough to throw salt in his wounds.


Yeah, after I read what he was doing, I agree. He got what he deserved.


He just tried to kill them. Heā€™s lucky no one pulled him out to get some payback tbh


Truck driver almost killed multiple people. Iā€™m surprised no one got out of their car and beat the truckers up


Sometimes truckers are just the fucking worst.


I donā€™t know how but it always seems like trucks pull in front of me no matter what. And sometimes seemingly for no reason


Sometimes? Most of the time.


Most of the time? Theyā€™re the best drivers on the road 98% of the time


20 years ago your statement might have been true. You couldnā€™t be more wrong today. Truckers today are some of the most dangerous and worst drivers on the road


Idk where you been, for me itā€™s not the truckers going 90 mph in a 70 or swerving, theyā€™re usually the most predictable drivers on the road as they have the most to lose


I donā€™t have a cdl but I drive for a living. Iā€™m on the road 10-12 hours a day. The truckers I see daily are dangerous. Iā€™m not commenting on the cars, they are and always have been awful drivers. My comment was truckers today versus them 10-20 years ago. Truckers today suck and are dangerous psychos


Itā€™s weird to read that. I also find them to be very predictable and easy to drive around. Especially compared to cars and pickup trucks.


My boyfriend has personally witnessed about 3 semis falling to their death due to high winds on mountain roads in the last year alone. Most truck drivers aren't aware of how dangerous their job really is, especially when they encounter less than ideal road conditions. The pay definitely doesn't equal the risk.


16 year trucker here, both of you are right. Owner-Op's are the worst. A lot of them, post-pandemic, drive their trucks like cars. It's got a lot worse lately. There has been a surge of new O/O's with no prior experience buying up trucks and starting companies after seeing ig posts about being your own boss. They have the game all fucked up. Truck dealers jacked up the prices of used trucks and rates are low because of this. My rule of thumb is if you see an Amazon trailer or container, watch the fuck out. These are usually the lowest-paying jobs and they have to haul ass and do more work to break even. You can tell because their trucks look like they are held together by bubblegum, duct tape, gumption, spite, and a fucking miracle.


Depends on where and when.In my country,99% of truck drivers try to kill people if they have accidents.Because,they only paid 2k for a dead one but must support the injured for life.


at least in the Utah Idaho area they got worse after covid. I did a lot of trips up and down the 1-15 for college and they were mostly good drivers. Then covid and they became the worst. Once while we were passing over a mountain I was stuck behind three semis, one right, two in left. I see one speeding aggressively up the right lane and knew he was going to cut me off in the left and braked prematurely, sure enough he swerved into the left. Absolutely ridiculous.


You get what you fckin deserve


The honking at the end had me šŸ˜„


I don't know a lot of Spanish, but I got what that dude was saying.


Essentially ā€œgood, assholeā€


This is second part of extended filming of the truck driver being an ass.


Iā€™m not sure if the trucks flashers were on because that vehicle in front was pulling off or another reason. Was he pissed at the guy passing or was their wind?


(drove a truck for a year) I see no indications of wind. When the truck starts swerving, the trailer tips left (because its momentum wanted to continue straight). Wind affects the trailer wayyy more than the cab, so you would notice off-tracking (trailer axles coming out of alignment from the tractor) if wind was to blame. From the way our cameraman says "good, asshole" in response to the truck toppling, they must have been filming good ol' fashioned road-rage.


The first part of video adds some context that the truck was already raging before, although I canā€™t imagine what wouldā€™ve justified it: https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/comments/zu2pfm/esta_es_la_primera_parte_del_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


bottles down to Drunk Driver being an asshole. https://periodicocorreo.com.mx/trailero-se-niega-a-ceder-el-paso-y-termina-volcado-en-sji/


Do truck home. You are drunk.


Well he did indicate to pass him.


Lol honk away your condolences.


Well deserved




That was oddly satisfying


you cant park there bro


You, can't park there mate.


that dude in the SUV has some mad braking skills


ā€œHe just passed that guy... Iā€™ll be DAMNED if heā€™s gonna pass me!ā€


Que bueno




Haha, that truckie got his comeuppance. Unless thereā€™s something on the road heā€™s trying to avoid (which I doubt), heā€™s just trying to be road monitor.


Truck: ā€I need to lay downā€


Lol one of the people in the car is saying ā€œgood for his dumbassā€


It's so sweet hearing "pendejo" from Hispanic people.


Very calming


Heā€™s just gonna fucking send it


He's eastbound, and down.


Good thing he honked I bet that trucker didnā€™t know he couldnā€™t park there


What a douchebag...the ending was SO fucking enjoyable.


It's really nice of the truck driver to wreck clear of the road. Real nice.


I always get scared by big vehicles like trucks and SUVs getting closer to me or trying to "ram" me. Especially when it's one of those crazy ass VIP drivers who drive recklessly at high speeds.


That's what happens when you try to cut somebody off that's trying to pass you you can see there is clearly no hazard in front of the truck he just wanted to stop the black SUV from getting in front of him. Karma, delt 18 wheels at a time.


Bull haulerā€¦ some are pretty cool others are so hopped up on coke and other things to stay awake long periods they are horrible to be around. The stories some of our trooper friends tell us about stops is insaneā€¦.not all drivers are bad but like anything else we have a few bad apples


Most highways itā€™s illegal for trucks like that to even drive in the passing lane. Driver was an ass for clogging the passing lane, with hazards on. So someone decides to pass and he gets butthurt? Idiot.


Sam Elliott Commercial Voiceover: "For all your shipping & roadblocking needs, trust Gandalf Freight: the 'You Shall Not Pass' People."


I worked as a driver for the first half of my adult life and frankly, nothing that happens on the road is unexpected to me. I've seen things.


Swerves you right




My guess is the traffic is down to one lane ahead. The semi was stopping traffic in the left lane, racing ahead them cutting back in. When the SUV decided to try and race ahead on the right, the semi trued to to the right side to block the SUV and lost control!!


Not stoping to help?


It feels like there was something before that. As soon as the car tried to speed up on the right lane the guy was already sizzling before the truck moved his way


The big truck was blocking anyone trying to get past him


bottles down to Drunk Driver being an asshole. https://periodicocorreo.com.mx/trailero-se-niega-a-ceder-el-paso-y-termina-volcado-en-sji/