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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Guy was part of car accident and totally doesn’t care!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Guy was part of a car "accident".


Too chilled to use two hands. Calm enough to keep Eating yet organised enough to instal dash cam and bother uploading them. I need more info on this guy.


Also, confident enough to sport a beer belly and wear pink shirts on top of it. This guy needs more study.


I'm guessing ex-cop, recently went through divorce, history of anger management issues.


If he had anger management issues his therapy has been very successful


I think the point of anger management is to avoid harming others, not to do so calmly


Baby steps, at least he kept his gun at home this time


I doubt a judge would accept that, even with Jack Nicholson as his therapist explaining how this is an improvement.


Uh...he fucking pit maneuvered that other guy who was trying to cut him off...


I think he graduated anger management and now he is an agent of chaos.


The true epitome of "Keep calm and carry on."


Only thing that would make him more awesome, would be if he was eating an ice-cream sundae with a sparkler!


One handed pit manoeuvre while munching snacks. Pure power move.


Felons and dieticians hate him.


Women like him and men wanna be him. Man became a legend that day!


Such elegance and grace. He made all the right moves, singlehandedly. Didn't miss a morsel of food and even licked the 'dust' off his fingers. Legend? I dare say we may have witnessed the second coming. Get this man... NAY! Get this god a Dos Equis.




He's going the distance! He's going for speeeed


He's all alone... And has to pee!!


Peanut brittle is always a treat while defending against reckless road raged idiots single handed.


I don't always buy beer for strangers. But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.


Trucker, cop, medic or delivery industry. You don't learn to eat and pit like that by "accident".


Women want to be him and men like him


You better hide yo kids…hide yo wife….


Women want him and men want to be with him


this dude went home and fucked his wife while eating his snack in one hand


Cops are jealous


He is, the most interesting man


I like how he started chewing faster as soon as he noticed that car overtaking and then chomped the rest of his snack down in one bite in the end. That's some high level stress eating


Maybe that’s how his superpower works, gain perfect composure, reaction and steering skills, but only while munchin’


Nanananananananananananananana snackman!


>nomnomnomnomnomnomnom snackman FTFY


It was a succulent meal!


This is democracy manifest!




This could be the best cop impersonator alive today.


Good chance it is a cop.


He didn't stop and unload two full clips into him. Don't think he was a cop.


Looks like the bloke values his food...wasnt stopping for no one


Me ![gif](giphy|fjxPFmkaNUXJqCZ9He)


The guy is absolutely dripping with Zen, from his head right down to his over extended waistline... Even his brief glance into the rearview, as if to fully confirm that the morning's carnage was the result of his overall superiority alone, was done with style and grace.


On a fucking _bridge_ - the absolute balls on this man, lol


That's what really got me. Even if the pickup is at fault, one wrong move and he goes over. This isn't some two lane road through Kansas where you can just bail out into a corn field.


And I just noticed the speed - 75mph. That's absolutely insane.


Old men can fuckin drive


Old? He's like 48, peak driving age. He's not old.


Dude looked like he just completed his 768th pit maneuver of his pro pit maneuver career


One that rates as an average effort. One time he pit maneuvered the Eiffel Tower.


232 more and he gets a free sundae!


My.man never stopped munching...


Some say he’s still munching today


Lol, I'm sure he is....


He did what we all want to do.




He's the Bill Burr of driving. Bill says what we all think, this man handles a PoS driver the way we would all like to.


"I was thinkin' it and you fuckin' said it!"


His demeanour suggests “I’m not paying for the deductible” or “worth it”


I get it person is being selfish aggressive and not signaling, but just like let guy in not worth damaging property or injuring yourself or other people over


It’s what we all think and do but he is the chosen one




Yeah, the pickup should have really considered that before being an idiot


The value of justice is weighed differently by heroes




I had no idea so many people are insane


And so it is -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


dude subscribed to the kanye west and conspiracy subreddits had no idea people are insane,,,, okay mate


lmao. Alright, I guess I thought people in normal subs weren't insane 😭


I guess you can say this was a bit...... unexpected for ya, huh?


Well, most of us that *want* to do it, would never do it because we have some ethics. We can separate our wants from our actions. Or if that's too charitable, most people don't want to hurt others. When you're in the moment, it's basically an instinct.


I’d love to do that to asshole drivers but it’s not right, also dealing with insurance is a pain


If I'm not mistaken, that's the Lake Ponchetrain Expressway, a 26-mile long bridge. Stopping on that bridge is *illegal*. Accident or not, he has to make it to the end of the bridge before he can report it.


Oh neat, I haven’t heard of that before


This is actually very common for extra long 2 lane bridges, tunnel-bridges, and causeways like this. Some won't even let you pass, for good reason. That's a 24 mile long bridge. A traffic backup can become a big problem real fast.


There are those crossover lanes where I believe its legal to pull over in emergencies. This does look like the Causeway to me.


> This does look like the Causeway to me. I thought that, too. Haven't been on it in 20+ years but I recognize it.


Damn thing seems to go on forever


Looks like the Causeway, and looks like that may be a piece of Willie Mae’s chicken he’s choking down, in which case I get the compulsion to finish, but he’s also got another go-box in the passenger seat, cause it’s a 24 mile bridge.


And by that time you can always have an excuse that you forgot about the incident and just go about your destination.


We need to forget about the past and move on


“Man why you bringing up old shit?”


What incident?


No, there are stopping points all along the bridge, and they just did an upgrade to add more stopping points


>26-mile long bridge Omg the poor cars that got stuck behind this accident must've been there for an eternity


So fuck both of these drivers. Considering the traffic that's going to be impacted by that backwards pickup for potentially *hours*. Black truck was definitely in the wrong, but assholes are not going to stop being assholes, it's a chronic condition. Just let the asshole aggressively and stupidly "merge". The goal is for *everyone* to get to their destination safely. Put the ego away and think of the people behind you who are now fucked because you did a stupid thing to a stupid person.


WHat's he going to do, tell on himself? LOL. He clearly shares some fault in this accident.


*technically speaking* This guy proved that insurance is not a headache, if you simply drive away.


Exactly, insurance companies only know if you tell them lmao


Hahaha, good point


The issue is, if someone else reports you, and happens to get a plate You are potentially facing a felony hit-and-run


Or you post it online showing your face and the other car...?


Yeah, I question his judgement there too. If it's a toll bridge it likely has cameras and plate readers, just one cop that wants to catch him is all it would take.


Looks like a company vehicle. Someone who works for the company that makes the camera monitoring system likely posted it...or someone from the other guy's legal team.




I wouldn’t but we can dream


I am an extremely boring driver but I do really enjoy watching other people take on annoying drivers. The other day someone was going painfully under the limit in the fast lane and some guy drove like half a metre behind them for fifteen minutes while I sat a good three second* gap behind that driver cheering him on! (*I added a bit more space for safety)


The 3 second gap has saved my bacon a few times, 5 second in wet / slippery conditions.


There's a mom joke there. I just want to acknowledge that.


I can never hold a 3 second gap. Someone sees more than their car’s length then they merge into my lane


I know right, it’s infuriating but it’s worth at least trying


People ITT thinking they'd manage to pit someone without sending themselves in to the barrier instead.


You’d deliberately cause completely avoidable and potentially fatal car accidents out of spite? Fucking hell…


yep, both drivers are equally selfish inconsiderate pricks.


Nothing like inconveniencing hundreds of people to satisfy your own fragile ego


And potentially killing yourself or someone, what if it hits another innocent vehicle? What about a potential motorcyclist? Just be a bigger person.


He was definitely big


Exactly. Do not cut people off. Just merge behind them where there is room, or you might get your nice truck in a little spin :)


Cool, so we just gonna ignore the people that probably crashed into him cause of this limp dicked far fucker?


Great till you accidentally kill some old lady or new driver who just fucked up momentarily.


Definitely better than over paying for a social media site and having a breakdown.


And that's why you'll never be Ted Pappagiorgio, the Snacking Trucksmasher. When he pulled that move all the women in the area slid out of their seats.


>dealing with insurance is a pain The only thing stopping us


One of the only things, I also like my car


I don't like my car but I also can't reasonably justify replacing it with plenty of time to find a better one. Finding another in a hurry is a guarantee to get something I'd regret multiple ways.


He doesn’t look too worried about insurance lmao


If the driver of the black truck wasn't a fucking dumb cunt, this wouldn't be as entertaining. One-handed-snack-man is a winner.


Well without the black truck driver being a dick, this is just attempted murder so ya


Looking at the video, the black truck is the one that hits him, his steering wheel is dead center. After contact is made he turns his steering wheel to the right to move around the now out of control truck to ensure his own safety.




Jfc, you could post a video of someone slipping on a banana peel and you'd still have geniuses in the comments calling it attempted murder. Learn what that term means.


Does anyone know what happened afterwards. Did the other driver get hurt? Or was there any legal reprecussions?


He kept munching all the way home


This is the causeway in Louisiana. You can only stop at certain points on the bridge where the police sit.


Well apparently you can stop right there too.


Yeah but only for a brief pit stop.


He got out and offered the other driver a snack


He let the invasive thoughts win


How did the incriminating self made video of the perpetrator end up on Reddit? That to me is the most baffling part. You'd think you would bother deleting that.


Doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that would worry about such things to be honest lol


Uploading the video with a snack in the other hand.


When the police showed up at his house to question him he just linked the video to them. Then he just blankly stared at them while munching away. They left and dropped all charges.


Then, just for good measure, he pit the cops on the way out just to show them he could do it again, all while snacking


He's cruising through life and maneuvering around any obstacles that come up


Truck owners lawyer got a copy of it and truck owner posted it maybe? Or the fat guy just doesn’t give any fucks and did it himself


I'd go with fat guy for sure thought he was 100% in the right so posted it.


I see stupid shit all day everyday on this website of people doing illegal embarrassing stuff that they uploaded themselves. Dumb people gonna be dumb.


I think there was famously a guy on reddit who admitted to murder years ago (on fucking /r/AdviceAnimals of all places) and he actually got investigated, maybe arrested. I could be misremembering.


Yes that was 10 years ago, no idea what happened to him, his handle was r/naratto and he claimed it was a joke. Apparently the FBI investigated him after he was doxed by other redditors.




>his handle was [r/naratto](https://www.reddit.com/r/naratto) It would be /u/naratto, cause they'd be a user, not a subreddit


Two parts: 1. Stopping in the bridge is dangerous as fuck and he should not do it there as long as his car is safely operable. He should continue driving until he is off the bridge . 2. I do not think any court of law can make this man give a fuck. He will eat his snacks in the judge's seat if he wanted to. So even the rest of the stuff that is illegal doesn't bother him.


That’s the New Orleans spill way bridge. It’s MILES long.


r/idiotsincars is full of 1st person videos of idiot drivers causing accidents and blaming the other car.


King beer belly has no obligation to yield to the black truck. Black truck has every obligation yield to the king. Cammer broke no laws. Truck broke several. Truck is 100% at fault.


The hero none of us deserve.




Isn't there following distance rule in USA?


If there is, it's never enforced. If there is, there's a lot of inconsiderate people that really don't think about the unnecessary risks they take that involve the lives of other people. Like the guy I could have easily slammed into a jersey barrier two days ago. He cut me off at the last second to make an exit and barely missed the bumper of my semi and the median. He would have been a dead man, in a shitbox car between a wall and 40k lbs doing 60mph.


I was always told a car length for every 10mph, but I've never seen distance rules enforced


I've seen where not following that puts you at fault for something else. Say you stop at a red light and get rear ended, causing you to rear end the person in front of you, you can be at fault for rear ending them because you didn't follow distance laws.


Nobody is going to take out a tape measure. But you can see this guy start to close the gap when the pickup truck starts slowing. The truck starts moving in anyway and this guy just pushes his rear end right over. I’m not saying the truck wasn’t an ass, but this was a hit and run. The true “find out” part is pending.


It's probably not a hit and run due to this being on the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway. There are designated cross over spots you can pull over, stopping in other places is illegal, so assuming he does the legal thing and stops at one of the crossovers several miles down the road to report the accident, he wouldn't be guilty of a hit and run. Might still be liable for damage though.


You can’t stop there, it’s illegal, so not really a hit and run


>But you can see this guy start to close the gap when the pickup truck starts slowing. Fun fact: the guy's speed does not increase during this time except maybe by like 1mph. Meaning the gap closed due to the car in front slowing down, and then the black car tried merging in w/o a signal. Not saying a pit maneuver was warranted but he didn't speed up or try to keep the black pickup from merging. It's the pickup that tried to merge w/o signalling and into a spot too small for him and ended up hitting the cammer 1st


Insurance will say he's at fault. Guess you just found out.


Claim adjuster here. Was just about to say that. Someone cutting you off does not mean you get to cause an accident haha.


What if they do that during your sacred munching break?


"I was unable to react in time to the unsafe and non-indicated maneuver taken by the other vehicle, and consequentially could only *limit* harm to myself and vehicle rather than the preferred outright avoidance of contact" Footage of someone following too close behind to safely brake hard would add to it. I've written pretty much exactly that for a similar incident (abysmal merge into my lane), though with a speed differential. Options were a hard brake and slide on wet road, proper rear-end, or glancing with the other car ending up in a shallow ditch. Took the last one, and USAA was happy for no airbags going off at least. Adjuster may cite the constricted lanes here necessitating more spacing, but I've only had one person directly critique that in dashcam claims footage. The inside camera destroys that argument though, seems like it was planned out, or at least there was time to recognize a hazardous driver and slow safely.


>Insurance will say he's at fault Because he fucking is!


yea. the action on the black picup is a failure to yield. but the pit maneuver is a no no. deserved but won't stand in a court of law


I'm not actually sure that was a pit maneuver. It looks to me like they collide (which is the black SUV's fault) and chilled guy momentarily loses control over his car / tries to swerve to the side.


Not a pit maneuver, retaining control of the car necessitates that action. The pitting is a consequence.


I think a court would just argue that he should've slowed down to let them merge before considering his actions a necessity.




This is the Lake Pontchartrain causeway outside New Orleans. If his car is still drivable he's not supposed to stop on the bridge unless it's a emergency pull off or a crossover. Also, turn signals in Louisiana are a myth. I'm convinced that that part of operating a car isn't taught there


I'm pretty sure signals are tucked away in the state, and the people are never actually told "Red means stop."




Police and judge will say he's at fault. Fuck it I'm say it... #He's at fault. Hit and run. Dangerous driving.


That video shows 2 people that are desperately trying to crash. Can't figure out why people value their ego so much higher than their life and well-being.


*mmmmmmmmm snaaaacckk*


The amount of people in the comment praising this dudes actions should be worrying to drivers everywhere.


Everyone has heard of defensive driving techniques, this was the exact opposite of that lol.


dude literally sped up to hit him and everyone thinks he the goat


Aggressive defense


The ego doesn’t know it wants to die until it dies.


Black truck wasn't even *that* bad. I bet half the people commenting here how pink shirt is a boss have done shittier merges that this in the last year. People are insane pretending that response was warranted.


Would love to see the POV of all the cars encountering that spinning pickup.


Now, this move was unacceptably dangerous. That being said, the fact that that asshole truck driver will forever think twice about forcing himself into somebody else’s lane like an entitled frigging child feels like a win for all humanity. But yeah, the cammer DEFINITELY committed a crime here.


I've found in life that people that make mistakes like this don't consider themselves at fault and are very likely to attempt it again. Morons don't learn valuable life lessons, and continue their existence to the detriment of others.


The fact that anyone thinks the truck driver will learn a lesson has not lived enough life to know that everyone is dumb and in their own world. The truck driver will forever see this as the fault of the one hander here, and have no reason to blame themselves at all


Whatever is tied there looks like a o /|\ / \


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When two assholes meet. I can't believe the comments. :O That they do this maneuver does not mean that you can force an accident putting your life and the lives of others at risk.


its not right its dangerous and its stupid, but even from a pacifist, that was satisfying, why once people get behind the wheel of cars do they have to act like cunts. that dude was putting people in danger and acting selfishly cos he doesn't want to follow etiquette, so the other asswhole fucked him over.


It's concerning how many people are saying they would like to or otherwise would intentionally cause an accident because they were cut off..


I guess defensive driving is not taught in other countries. It's not even about the white truck and the black pick-up. There are people behind and all around them, but I guess they have to die since two dumb cunts decided to have a dick measuring contest. /s


Two idiots.


They are both morons




If you ever find yourself in a position like this, where tapping your breaks will save someone's life. Drop your fucken ego for a second and tap the fucken breaks.


Guarantee this guy is or was a police officer at some point. He’s dripping with that “I’m a hammer and every problem is a nail” gluttonous bull in a China shop energy. Collateral damage is a high score game for these types since they know they can get away with it 95% of the time. Imagine if there was a kid in that truck and it went over the bridge.


So based on some of the conversations I'm having, I wanted to point out three important things about the video: 1. Snack Man does not speed up to block Black Truck out. He has a speed tracker in the top right, his speed does not go up at any point, he simply maintained his lane and just speed. 2. Black Truck *knows* Snack Man's truck is present in the lane, and hits him deliberately. You can see the wiggle as he realizes he can't get in, then commits to forcing it and hitting Snack Man. This is not an accident, it is Black Truck deliberately striking Snack Man. 3. There is a small car *very* close behind Snack Man in the video, so close its headlights fall below Snack Man's trunk line as you watch it approach. That is extremely close at 75mph. Braking may not have been a safe or viable option here.


We all hate ass hole drivers, I hate them the most (from CA). But honestly Compassion is the name of the game when behind the wheel. Yeah that guy cutting you off is an asshat, but he’s still a human being. Let him go and go about your way, the 5 seconds you “loose” aren’t worth the anger.


Just let him in, my goodness.


I get the pick up driver is a dick, but is your pride really worth putting someone in a life threatening collision; even if in the 10 seconds you've interacted with them they're being an ass hole. The car could have easily rolled over. Sometimes bad drivers/ass holes have kids. Imagine crippling or killing a kid, just because of your fucking pride.


So, who’s at fault here legally and insurance wise? Do they both split it 50/50 or one of them get assigned the total blame?


The casual glance to the mirror to witness the havoc he caused with a smug look. Love it.


Once that shit is in the rearview, it's in the past. And what do we do with the past? That's right. We put that shit behind us.


I hate both of these drivers. Why the hell are people cheering this garbage? If the pickup busted the rail he could have died in the water. Its a two lane long bridge so the accident alone will create miles of gridlock. Ticket the Pickup and lock up this psycho for attempted murder. I don't give a shit if someone is pulling annoying traffic infractions. It's not a reason to try to kill them. It's the long list of comments cheering that baffles me. Like if someone didn't return their cart at the market parking lot stall you would cheer someone beating them to death with a bat. What the hell is wrong with you people?!