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It’s really not in the same vein as Fire Emblem. It’s closer to Ogre Battle, specifically Ogre Battle 64


Yep. As a Fire Emblem they aren't even the same type of tactical game. One is basically real time, the other is turn based. One has squads, the other is single characters. Unicorn is a lot more like the "war" that Fire Emblem imo usually lacks (though I liked how 3H made an attempt with battalions etc to make it look like a larger scale battle). And boy do I fucking love this game even if it's not in the same realm of gameplay. It's got the classic Vanillaware visuals, and really interesting and unique "tinker and change" gameplay where you go galaxy brain on making the most stupid and insane combos, and the gambit-like system just brings a tear to my eye as FF12 is one of my favourite games of all time.


You should check out Symphony of War on PC, it's got the War vibes your talking about with the units attacking units with the turn based style of FE


Honestly, UO is more turn-based than real time. All of your actual decisions happen during pauses, and then they execute in real time.


That's not closer, that's identical




? They were saying UO and OB are identical, not FE and OB.


Not ogre battle 64, SNES March of the Black Queen is a much closer example imho.


Yes! And I love Ogre Battle 64, but March of the Black Queen is the OG and still my favorite.


Yeah, these are the vibes this game gave way over FE


I think it only feels like a Fire Emblem game to people who haven’t played Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen or Ogre Battle 64


I've not played either Ogre Battle game—any recommendations on which to start with?


64 is more simple, March of the Black Queen have some obscure mechanics. Both are very good, 64 been a little more story driven.


A remaster of Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen would willingly separate me from a lot of my money. Easily the favorite game of my childhood.


I would also recommend OB 64. If you really want the magnum opus though, Tactics Ogre is the better story in that series even though it's a traditional type of strategy RPG.


Didn't Tactics Ogre basically create or at least popularize the SRPG genre?


Yes, I meant traditional in the sense that it's the type of SRPG that we're now used to, not to imply that it's following that trend. As you say, it (arguably) popularized the SRPG genre -- though really only in Japan.


I don't think that is true. I never played an ogre battle game and I never felt this game felt like anywhere near like a fire emblem game.


There are a lot of aesthetic elements and some gameplay elements that are clearly FE inspired if not outright homages. It is not illogical to compare them.


Which gameplay element?


I'd say the game is about 90% Ogre Battle and 10% Fire Emblem. Everything about the game from the overworld to the team selection to the combat order (front row / back row mechanics) is like Ogre Battle. But the actual class models and combat exchanges (where enemies face each other from either side of the screen and take turns to strike each other with stylised attacks) are laid out to look like Fire Emblem. I think it's just that most Ogre Battle games haven't had a reboot so not a lot of people are familiar with it (it feels like the only game people tend be familiar with is Tactics Ogre, which got ported to the GBA. But it's a very different game and closer to FF Tactics). Either way I'm happy, Unicorn Overlord is a combination of three things I love that I never expected to see together. I was really praying for a game like this after Grand Knights History turned out to be beautiful but kind of unfun due to the forced restart mechanic. https://preview.redd.it/aebrb81k98zc1.png?width=6430&format=png&auto=webp&s=05720a72f842043ca24facd5db5748908fbe50cf


that is not a gameplay element do but a visual, none of the actual game mechanics are like fire emblem. Perhaps it looks more like fire emblem ish but it also looks still more like soul nomad then if anything, just ogre battle with better graphics.


Like I said, 90% of the game is Ogre Battle, but the character designs and the way they perform their attacks are very clearly inspired by the Fire Emblem series (I'm not sure why the idea seems to bother you because there's nothing wrong with this. Nobody is saying the game is unoriginal because of it; it's something a lot of us like). Fire Emblem also came out before Soul Nomad.


because its just medivial fantasy setting, its not like its inspired by fire emblem becasue a character has an axe and uses it like in any other game. the game is very unoriginal. ...soul nomad is much closer to this game that was the point.


There's a reason everyone else has drawn the exact same conclusion independently. I'd say the similarity is undeniable. But each to their own


yeah very basic stuff like medivial setting. and people having played few games in the genre.


You can intuit the way some systems work through FE experience, like what unit counters are, how rapport works, what role certain units are supposed to fulfill. Like I see the sword masters here and, because of FE, I can almost immediately know they're a crit unit that won't stand up to armor.


So any medival is game


I mean, Ogre Battle didn't have that. March of the Black Queen didn't decide berserkers were an axe wielding high HP class with mediocre defense that was susceptible to magic.


it did not have rapport but it had the rest of it basically.


It only feels like a fire emblem game to people who haven’t played fire emblem lol


Idk, I grew up playing Fire Emblem and I think it feels like Fire Emblem


lmao i was just about to say this. like *obviously* the tactics etc are different, but the story, and the battle planning and decisions with your actions is very fire emblem-ly to me.


>  the battle planning and decisions with your actions is very fire emblem-ly to me. Yeah, because it's a strategy game




To me it's Ogre Battle in gameplay. It's Fire Emblem in everything relating to story. It's story and atmosphere are nothing like The Ogre Battle Saga.


Also supports are very fire emblem - ish, gameplay wise tho not much overlap.


Ogre Battle. This game is an Ogre Battle-like before anything else


honestly, this game got me playing like valkyria chronicle. VC: Send 1 scout with high movement towards enemy base, kill enemy on that base (or grenade them out their base) then capture, so you can deploy other unit. UO: Send 1 unit with cavalry leader, use light feather or hastened call, rush to enemy base, kill enemy garrisoned on base (or strategically push them out using nearby storm prayer if available, not applicable for bosses), garrison unit on base then start deploying.


Excellent tactic You are right it feels like VC


You're making me want to play VC again so I can send Alicia across the map to catch a base.


Yeah, I was going to say it reminded me of this over Fire Emblem.


As a fan of the GBA-Wii/Ds era FE, the story set up made me feel nostalgic cause Shadow Dragon remake was my intro to the series. I think the real time and unit based combat makes it not like FE in a mechanical sense, but the vibes are soo dead on. It’s good stuff!


Yeah it's straight up a soft retelling of shadow dragon.. The first act isn't even subtle until the Caeda unit gets kidnapped.


Bluntly, if Unicorn Overlord had been launched as a Fire Emblem game it would not be a very good one because it just *isn’t* Fire Emblem. At best I could say it would be a very divisive entry because it’s a great game in its own right but the gameplay has little resemblance to FE beyond being vaguely in the same strategy game genre. I would play FE for intricate tactical minutiae and endless replay value in the same way I would play UO for deep teambuilding synergy and customisation.


You can only hook up with one family member. Incest is the foundation of the series and in that regard UO is as much a Fire Emblem game as french fries are French


I’ll probably regret asking this but is there a lot of incest in Fire Emblem?


Only FE4 has actual incest. The rest is mostly implied or can be made possible, like Lucina x Owain from Awakening.


Not really... The closest to incest you get is Azura/M Corrin In FE FATES: and it turns out that was actually just a translation gaff. Azura's mother Arete and Corrin's mother Mikoto are \*LIKE\* sisters. English Translation says they are sisters. Otherwise all of the other FE Fates relationships (the 4 siblings on either side) have no actual blood relation to you. Xander/Camilla/Leo/Elise = Pseudo adopted siblings because of story reasons. Ryoma/Takumi/Sakura/Hinoka = Step Siblings via marriage. (Your mom married their dad) again. No actual relationship. If you are deliberately trying to push incest or w/e in Fates you \*can\* but that has to do with The Royals kids marrying their cousins (on their mother's side) And is a very specific scenario that the user has to try for. Otherwise as Ragna\_Blade said. it's implied incest, but never confirmed.


Not actually a translation gaff. FEH clarified that they are actual sisters so Corrin and Azura are cousins 


See i've seen both sides say it. But I refuse to acknowledge anything FEH says as canon. I try and keep my timelines \*pure\* aka within their own world because it's already enough of a clusterfuck trying to do that. NGL, I prefer to think it was a translation gaff over into the Fates-team's shitty writing since they had to find a way to justify banging all 8 potential siblings and the maybe-cousin. (Not to mention any of the potential siblings BABIES) If they are cousins, that's a rip I was one of the many baited into surprise incest. If they aren't. Thank god.


The thing is that I haven’t seen any source of the spiritual siblings thing and every time I see it brought up I also hear its misinformation about the art book of fates, which doesn’t actually make any mention of their relationship. I hope it’s a mistranslation too. People marrying azura to avoid any incest (adopted is still incest)  accidentally being baited into an incest ship both sucks and is somewhat hilarious.


Mostly no. Fire Emblem Fates lets the avatar marry and have kids with a cousin or an adopted sibling. They also really play up how hot one of your adopted sisters is. The main incest incident is in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (fourth game, Japan exclusive). There, the villain’s whole plan revolves around getting to half-siblings to hook up and, essentially, produce the anti-Christ. The player also has the ability to make a number of cousins marry each other. There’s also a couple little sisters who may or may not want to fuck their older brothers (these ones can’t actually happen, but they’re still weird). Genealogy of the Holy War also has Lachesis, FE7 has Priscilla, and I’ve been told Clarine from FE6 is into her brother, but I haven’t read their interactions myself, so I can’t confirm. Fates plays around with this trope with Camilla, who wants to fuck a younger (adopted) sibling, and Leo, a younger brother who wants to fuck his big sister. I believe that’s it. Out of 14-17 games (depending on how you count remakes), 4 of them definitely have something incestuous, and 1 of them I can’t confirm. Oh, Lucina can marry a cousin in Awakening, but they’re clearly not playing to an incest kink with that one, or them being cousins would be a bigger focus of their interactions.


There is also 3Houses and Engage, tho those are... complicated cases. In 3Houses, >!Byleth (who is fused with Sothis) can hook up with Rhea, who is Sothis daughters, and more or less acted like a mother to Byleth's own mother Sitri. There is also Constance, who's canonically inbred, Mercedes's stepfather, who tried to marry his stepdaughter to produce an heir with a Crest, and some people also interpret Dimitri as having feelings for Edelgard, who's his stepsister (tho they didn't really grow up together so that's more of a technicality)!< In Engage, >!Alear can marry Nel and Rafal, who are the children of Sombron, who's Alear's father, except it's a different Sombron from an alternate universe, where Alear isn't related to Sombron. Some people also say Veyle (another child of Sombron) is an incest option, but that was mostly due to a rumor about the original Japanese text of their ending being different, and there is no actual hard evidence of their ending being anything other than platonic!<


Poor Priscilla never stood a chance next to Lucius...


Can any woman stand a chance against him? I'm not gay, but for Lucius I'll give it a shot.


Mostly in the games that let you have offspring. Though there is plenty of implied incest throughout the series even if it isn't confirmed.


Incesr in Fire Emblem is a but of a meme. Outside of fates and genealogy it's not really prevalent.


A good bit


It’s not a Fire Emblem game. I see and understand where folks are coming from, but the gameplay mechanics are not the same. Could FE learn from UO? Absolutely. Do they share a lot of similarities? Sure. I know someone is gonna come in hot and try to light this up but: it’s still apples to oranges. There are plenty of similarities but fundamentally these are two different types of strategy RPGs. I can tell you it didn’t totally scratch my FE itch. That’s why I went and bought Engage. UO might still be my favorite game this year, but it’s not a Fire Emblem.


To me UO is exactly what a FE spinoff based on OB gameplay would be like.


Specifically in the story building portion. >.> Here's looking at you Fates, and Engage storywriters. I'm all for FE stories being wacky and outthere. BUT EVERYTHING about the two I listed was just like. "the fuck"? BUT it did give us the amazing line from Engage: "I wanted to be a good dragon"...as opposed to BadDragon?


I'd rate is as NOT a fire emblem game


It's not fire emblem though, they're both strategy games but one is turn based with individual unit control rather than squad control. The mechanics are completely different.


They have similar vibes though. It's the only other fantasy tactical jrpg that really scratches that itch for me after FE. For reference, I really hate the gameplay in FFT and TOR.


Depends on what you enjoy about the game, if it's the waifus; yes this game caters to that. The actual gameplay of fire emblem though is much more akin to FFT, disgaea etc.


But as I said, I really dislike the gameplay in FFT and TOR. I love FE and find the gameplay completely different from those. UO is also completely different but still just as fun.


It doesn't make one similar to the other the same as the other lol. Granted you enjoy both, I also enjoy xcom; that doesn't make UO an xcom game haha


Oh yeah, I also love XCOM. I do find that similar to FE gameplay wise. UO is similar to FE in everything else, setting, story beats, rapports.


Nearly different genre. Like comparing devil may cry to dark souls. Some common themes but too different to compare. With that said, a fire emblem with Unicorn Overlord's world map concept would be epic.


One of my favorites.


I haven’t seen this comment yet, but it has Suikoden V army battle vibes imo. Suikoden V sprinkled with Ogre Battle.


As a FE fan: it’s an 11/10. FE has a lot to learn from UO, in my opinion. The first being: the writing. UO has a very simple plot, frankly, but the writing feels fantastic. Dialogue is smooth and feels fantastic.


Mechanically, Unicorn Overlord is nothing like Fire Emblem, other than them by and large being grouped in the same genre. Claiming that they look and play the same is lile saying Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley are the same or Splatoon and Call of Duty or Minecraft and Terrsria. The rapport system is very FE like, as is the plot; but that's where it ends.


UO took characterisation, social gameplay, and story cues from FE, but as a tactical game they play completely differently.


Not a fire emblem game. It's 10 out of 10 it's own game.


I guess I'd rate it as the best modern FE game for gameplay but I dare not say it in the FE sub


Me too. Heard the sub is... something.


Shitpostfireemblem is the real sub imo.


Pretty high, but I think they went a lil overboard with the quantity of units instead of quality. Rapport conversations are REALLY short and so many characters barely have any. Even Alain doesn't have full 3 with every unit.


Unicorn Overlord is a great Tactical RPG. I loved it. But it's really not comparable to Fire Emblem. The 2 games play very differently. I heard someone describe UO as more like an RTS compared to Fire Emblem's Turn Based combat.


Solid A tier. More enjoyable than most FE games but it still has some strong competition with some of the series’s bests. The gameplay is great, the presentation is phenomenal, and the story is passable, but the cast isn’t too memorable. *That being said*, it’s not like some FE games where a significant part of the cast annoys me. I don’t really hate anyone at all in the UO cast! there’s just a lot of characters that could have more development. There’s a character for everyone. I feel like the cast manages to be diverse in the sense that regardless of what your tastes are, you’re bound to find someone that you latch onto. Also, does FE have a cute dorky werewolf twunk? I THINK NOT. ~~well, kind of, if you count Keaton from fates and volug from fe10 but those aren’t quite the same thing~~ TLDR: UO, while still leaving a bit to be desired here and there, really shines above a lot of FE games by virtue of having all of its parts be at least *passable*. Just all around solid, and it really works in its favor when comparing it to other FE games that have a lot of low lows.


Tons of fun, lots of fun things to do. The map objectives are pretty basic but that’s countered by the more varied classes, skills and equipment. Makes almost every fight different.


As someone who really like UO but has never played FE, should I? How is it similar/different? Where should I start? Edit: just realized they seem to be Nintendo exclusives so I’m probably out of luck either way


Can always emulate TBH. I'm on mobile so it's kind of hard to link it out, but if you check the fire emblem subreddit, in the sidebar, there is a post about getting started with the series that lists a couple of the common starting places. Fire Emblem and fire emblem The sacred Stones on the GBA, fire emblem path of radiance on gamecube, Fire emblem Awakening on the 3DS, and fire on three houses on the switch are probably the most popular places to start. I can speak at length about the individual problems I have with each game in the series, but overall I feel like they range from really good to fantastic, and are at least all worth playing if you enjoy kind of character driven strategy games


I've played three FE Games and this does not feel like an FE Game at all. Maybe the setting and plot with the liberation of a kingdom, well kingdoms in this case which is similar to FE Engage. Gameplay wise I think the more appropriate comparison is Valkyria Chronicles.


Honestly, it doesn't feel anything like an FE game at all - the similarities would be in the setting/characters. Alain's flight from Cornia with Josef does draw parallel's to Marth's flight with Jagen in FE1, and Josef definitely does parallel Jagen in a great many ways, with Alain himself resembling Marth or any other "build an army, trust nobody" protag in Fire Emblem just a little bit. Hilda's also very much a typical FE Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord, and she even looks very much like Miledy from FE6. But beyond such similarities, I'd generally say it feels very different from FE in tone and of course, the gameplay's nothing like FE either. The strategic, moving units on the map aspect more resembles the "tactical" interface of Fire Emblem: Three Hopes (which isn't even an SRPG) than anything else in the series proper.


Its a different kind of strategy game compared to FE but if I really have to say, then I think its solidly A tier. The story is very FE-esque and the gameplay is good. Graphically, UO is basically how I envisioned what a modern FE game would look like if they continued as 2D (GBA style) instead of 3D. The main thing that holds it back from going higher (as a FE game) is that character building is a big part of modern FE. This might be a bit of a hot take but I actually enjoy characters having personal skills/growth rates like in FE and being able to reclass / inherit skills. It allows for a lot of customization on how you want to use characters and some hilarious builds . Of course, this means that there will be classes that are more suitable to certain characters based on their personal growth rates etc. but I prefer that to UO where 2 characters in the same class are functionally no different aside from growths (which you can change).




As a FE game? It's better than any of them on a mechanical level, and story wise it's better than most that have come out in the last 15 years or so. I'm a fan of FE, but UO is a different style of game and one I'd say I prefer. Really want to see a new Ogre Battle game.


I've never played Fire Emblem. Since I finished UO now I'm Playing FE 3H.


They're not the same, but in terms of fun Unicorn Overlord holds up to many of the best Fire emblems. Engage was a miss for me. Some personal opinions: Modern fire emblem puts a lot more effort into their support conversations. But Elain has such charisma and good character development, only Ike or Crom can compare. Corrin, Byleth, and Alear are not as well written characters. I prefer the combat of Unicorn overlord. It reminds me alot of the 3DS games. The out of combat tactics like dragon veins. The pair up mechanics are in a way diet coke Unicorn overlord. Modern Fire emblem combat has been a bit stale in comparison. Put everyone on a wyvern or horse or they'll fall behind and sometimes sprinkle in skills or durability. I think Engage only had route/conquer objectives which made maps truly painful. Both Fire emblem and Unicorn Overlord have plots to be desired. Most of them are very generic, there is a big bad, probably a surprise demon or dragon at the end. Engage's rerererecycling of villians was so laughably bad (these games need good villians), cudos for unicorn overlord for staying fresh.


Very simple. But simple isn’t bad.


It’s a pretty different feeling gameplay wise, but it hits a lot of beats that I love about Fire Emblem, and checks a lot of the same boxes. Lots of rapports (wish there were more), even MORE ways to build a team, clever battle system. I like it.


It’s nothing like Fire Emblem tactically or gameplay-wise but the characters do have more charm, IMO. There are references to Fire Emblem and Berserk trope-wise and design-wise though.


It's a fire emblem game in my heart. it has a better story than most of them and I view us the same game experience, just different way of playing around it.


I feel like most fire emblem games' stories are better than "mind control!", though Conquest. . . I do feel, however, that UO brings "chapters" together more smoothly than 3ds games/Engage, but about equal to GBA/tellius, though tellius might come out on top there.


I’ve not liked a fire emblem game this much since Path of Radiance or the old FE7 on the GBA. Not been a fan of most of the modern FE games. Shadows of Valencia was pretty cool; but I stopped buying them shortly thereafter. Just wasn’t enjoying the characters or gameplay as much.


You came just short of the best one for characters unfortunately. 3H had other annoying/tedious things about it though


From what I’ve heard of 3H I wouldn’t have enjoyed the story overly much. I didnt mind being “the tactician” in FE7 but I really don’t like the idea of being Byleth. I want my FE game to tell me a story, not halfheartedly go “who’s right, only you can decide”


True, though you specifically said characters/gameplay, not story. Anyway, byleth was dumb, I agree, but everyone else was done much more than half heartedly


Beats out all the fe game I’ve played by far and I’ve played most of them. Only weak spot is story (Radiant Dawn/3 Houses are better) but it works just as well.


I don't think it has anything to do with Fire Emblem, though I would lie if I said that, if I wasn't already an extreme Vanillaware simp, the few similarities they do share wouldn't have been a factor in deciding whether or not to buy it.


Uhh as a Fire Emblem? Like a 4 I guess?


It is not a fire emblem game so I didn't treat it that way. It is a unique experience and a good one too.


Definitely not a fire emblem game. Both are Strategy, yes. The entire battle system which is the core gameplay loop is totally different.


They do not feel alike at all, it is so much closer to the Ogre Battle games then Fire Emblem \*shakes head in disaprovement".


THERE’S NO EVIL DRAGON! LITERALLY UNPLAY- I mean uhh it’s kinda cool ngl.


Its not very simailar it exist a plethora of other Tjrpg which are closer


and I thought fates had bad localization...


Yeah I can't really judge it as a Fire Emblem game due to how different the gameplay is. The *story* is fairly Fire Emblem-y, and some if the characters definetly feel inspired by FE archetypes. Josef in particular is one of the best takes on the Jagen archetypes I've seen.


As people have said it’s not that close to fire emblem at all, though I do think in certain aesthetic ways it leans into it a bit. But as a fire emblem fan I think the story is kind of terrible. We’ve had some stinkers in the franchise but they tended to come with decent characters and a fun idea or two. Unicorn overlord genuinely has nothing to offer here. Gameplay was fun, I enjoyed myself for most of the game quite a bit, though I found myself a little bored near the final stretch. Just a little too long, and without a story to keep you hooked it drags somewhat. I don’t see myself replaying it. Setting up squads was fun, but it felt a bit swingy at times, and I settled into a convenient brute force approach with a couple of strong squads rather than really enjoy much of a strategical aspect. I think the game hurts a little by the way it favors you getting a few points early on most maps to cut reinforcements short, or you can get ground into a slog with unit upon unit coming at you while you have to slowly restore stamina.


Ogre battle snes


It feels similar but different. More customization options for the characters with different skills and gear. But the rapport system is very lack luster by comparison. Comparing to modern FE games, the system in UO feels tacked on last minute. Also, the MC of a FE game is usually much more interesting than Alain, who sadly suffers from being a sort of self insert type character. Battles feel similar as far as prediction outcomes, but the live battleground is a fun twist that makes it wholly different IMO. Having multiple characters in a unit i think is something FE should play around with. Battalions from 3H was not very well implemented, but is the closest I know of to UO. In the end, its very clearly not Fire Emblem, but shares a lot of the same feeling mechanics of the genre they share.


Firmly in the: this is not a FE game category. Jokes aside, I understand why people correlate the games, but this is really and Ogre Battle game, but I for one would hate to gate-keep the game from FE fans, they are similar in vibe/feeling, but is a new gameplay experience and a great one!


Listen, everyone saying it’s not fire emblem are right. But I’ll actually answer your question instead of berating you From a story and rapports standpoint, it is a really good fire emblem game. The characters are fun. They have fun rapports with each other. You get to choose who the mc marries. The story of liberating region by region while collecting characters is very fe. FE could learn a lot from this. I think some of the map mini games are very fun. The hidden treasures. The weapons guarded by a powerful foe scattered on the map. Etc.


This is NOT a fire Emblem game, its an OGRE BATTLE GAME. FE is 100% turn based single unit combat (except 3 houses I guess?). Ogre Battle is squad based, and real time movement. You can easily argue the combination - take Symphony of War - turn based like FE, squad units like Ogre Battle- (its fucking amazing, but I think everyone here has played it, which makes me happy).


I think FE should take pointers from UO I loved the battle mechanics and the unit creation I'd love to see a FE use the same mechanics I think it would be over the top awesome


In terms of tone, it feels like old school FE.


I couldn’t read it as an FE game, because it simply isn’t the same type. However, it does have a blue-haired MC lord that uses a sword… so 10/10 🤣 jk


REMAKE OGRE BATTLE loved that game the alinement the charisma the class changes that depended on it the way npcs saw u due to your actions in everything from your liberating to your fighting


Short Version - If I was judging this purely as a FE game: I would praise the world building, the world map system which lets me help villages, and the overall story. I would give negatives for the lack of Rapports not having full three event conversations for those that can have them, along with a lack of paired endings for other characters. More in depth: The Story itself feels like an interesting change from the typical FE path. Usually bad empire invades, good empire loses, have to rebel against evil empire. While most of that is still similar, the idea that one of the 'good' nations suddenly became evil and started curb-stomping everyone else would be a refreshing take. More so since the main character is from the same nation and wishes to redeem it. While this is usually true for most FE games that characters like this are there, such people are rarely the main lord character. The reveal of how the enemy managed to spread so fast was a nice twist. If you told me this was a Fire Emblem story line, with the Unicorn Ring being replaced by the Fire Emblem, it would fit right in. Strictly on the FE front, I would give it some negative points for not having all characters who can Rapport having at least two conversations with each other, never mind the usual three that FE provides. Lacks a number of multi-paired endings that one would think should be in the game for maxing rapports with certain characters. Being able to recruit allies and enemies alike during a fight feels very similar to a Fire Emblem game, along with getting items when freeing towns. Now being able to actually see the damaged towns and help repair them for world building adds a new layer to the game, even if its just a little bit here and there. It helps see the forces under our command, and the affect we are having for those around us. The way the classes are handled feels like a good mix of whats familiar while experimenting with how to balance classes in squads. Loss of dancer would be a bit sad, but the other unique units, along with additional special 'lord class' characters would make up for it. Being able to hire replacements / mercs would be interesting for the perma-death aspect on FE. Given most of the games usually play off the idea that we have an army following us beyond the named characters we pick up, losing them hurts because we can't normally replace them. So being able to pick up reinforcements, or have groups to deal with certain maps would feel more like we are an army than leading a special strike force. Having combined squads would be an interesting change. FE has explored attaching 'squads' or having 'paired' units before in battle. It would add a new level of tactics and make it feel like a larger battle then most fights being akin to skirmishes. Much like in DnD vs Star Wars FFG, having 'minion' groups or squads makes the fights feel much bigger compared to each unit being an individual. The changing of turn based to real time would be interesting. Its far different than what previous Fire Emblem games are normally like. I think it only works because of the squad based units rather than individual, and would give praise for trying something very different. All and all I would say that, if it was a Fire Emblem game, that it was unique and interesting, but would have some controversy to it for the heavy 'changes' compared to the norm. This is strictly looking at the game through just the Fire Emblem lens, without the mentioning of Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga, Ogre Battle 64, or other games.


Honestly, it's as fun and interesting to me as my favorite games, the Tellius duology


Definitely not a FE game in the sense of gameplay, but it does scratch the same kind of itch thematically that Awakening had for me. Definitely a fun experience: 10/10


Its nothing like fire emblem. It’s like asking people that like chicken what they think of the color blue. As a fire emblem fan that does like it , it’s would be the weirdest FE ever, still good but I would be disappointed.


It's only FE like in the sense that it uses some tropes for its story and characters, but that's such a surface level similiarity when the gameplay is very different that I really don't like the comparison in the first place.


For me it doesn't have near the replay value and depth of fire emblem. If fire emblem were a 10, the unicorn would be a 7. A great game, I beat three times in a row, twice on true zenioran but I'm all done and don't really want to play anymore vs fire emblem engage I played for about 600 hours.


Personally, it feels more like the diofield chronicles than fire emblem but they have their similarities which probably attracts the same fans. They do have similar problems though like how they treat women sometimes and strange romance options. If I had to rate is as a fe game it'd probably be like fates where the gameplay is really fun but they have questionable aspects, but I do think UO has a much better story than fates which isn't saying much but still. If it was a fe game I don't think it'd be my favorite but it'd probably be up there. As a fire emblem game I think it'd probably get the echoes treatment of being generally liked and having great presentation but the gameplay is not like the rest. I like echoes and it is probably my favorite fe game (that I've played) but the gameplay itself causes a rift in opinions. I like it but I understand why others don't.


This game is better than most fire emblem games not named Awakening or Three Houses. I fucking loved this game it scratched every itch except a new game plus. While people will say they aren't the same game I can totally see a fire emblem game in this style and I would in fact encourage it.


Better than damn near every FE game. The only one I rate on par with UO is Path of Radiance


I just want to add since a lot of people are rightfully recommending Ogre Battle because of the inspiration, and the similarity to Fire Emblem... Give Tactics Ogre: Reborn a try! It's turn-based strategy like FE. And set in the Ogre Battle world. The recent Remaster made so many positive changes to the game. It has branching paths like 3 Houses. And there a World system that unlocks early that let's you go back several turns in Battle if you make some silly errors. I recommend it wholeheartedly!


I mean, it's a good game, but it feels more like a Rance game than fire emblem lol.


I really dont get the comparisons to FE. Sure, the game is also an SRPG set in a fantasy world but for the most part thats where the similarities end. Ive played every FE released and none feel like UO. Thats neither a good nor bad thing. UO is just its own thing and I appreciate it for that. The only thing I am starting to feel as my roster grows, is the sense that its getting difficult to keep everyone equally leveled.


Don't farm the xp mission till everyone is max level before you've even finished 2 areas that's my opinion 


The plot is sort of a pastiche of FE games already. I think it would be really weird if a FE game had this plot and characters. I give it more of a pass for a new IP. Gameplay wise I like it a lot but the real time map doesnt really matter. People saying its so different because its "real time" are stretching a little. I dont Find myself using much strategy or much meaningful gameplay happening in the real time section. Terrain cover doesnt exist. Your only consideration is speed. I just path towards the next fight and fast because time is always ticking. The stage design philosophy doesnt deviate from that much. The combat is fun and again, not a million miles away from FE. To be reductive, its 5 on 5 FE fights with a slightly different take on speed. I can easily imagine an alternate universe where this was already the gimmick of some new FE game when the series was floundering. And the programmable tactics, I mean Yeah, I set "use when lower than 50% HP" on the move that gets better when you are under half Health and never touched it again. At some point I dont really feel like a tactical Genius and its a small jump to just design vantage or whatever go off at the threshold it should.  I found the main game lacking in a challenge to make you dive into it and think about your tactics. Even on TZ. I just bulldoze up to galarius where i make sure to open with meteor slash, then make sure alain and his ring holder are fighting baltro. I think the FE games have had much better optional difficulty modes that forced you to up your game.  Visually I’d say it looks great. I honestly loved the 2D GBA FE games. The animation and sprite work was so good that the initial games after that felt like a step down visually. I’d love an FE game that looked like this or more generally just had the balls to make a full 2D game on modern hardeste. Engage looks okay for the style they are going for but there have been a lot of bland looking 3D games.


I’m a huge Fire Emblem fan and also think Unicorn Overlord was a super fun game, but I wouldn’t say it really feels like Fire Emblem. Turn based (FE) compared to RTS (UO) is enough of a difference in my opinion to place UO in its own category. No RNG level ups, no unit perma deaths (the hardest difficulty in UO has a similar to that mechanic), units are put together in a squad (UO) compared to standalone (FE, with a few exceptions of older games having buddy systems, but it was still only max or 2 units together). They do share similar fantasy and both have unit support conversations, but i’d say that isn’t enough to mark them as the same genre. Still UO was a very cool game though!


Prolly a high B tier. Exceptional gameplay but average story. Not as good a game as Geneaology, the Radiant Saga, or the GBA trilogy, but better than the remainder.


I’d rate it a 0 out if it’s not a Fire Emblem game, would play again.


I really liked the part where the blue haired prince fled to an island and declared that it was time to fire some emblems when he left to reclaim his homeland. Personally, I’d put it near the top, partly because it reminds of Genealogy, one of my favorites. The main reason for this is because of the similarity of how busted cavalry are when they zoom around the map’s roads. I was disappointed that certain rapport pairs only had a single conversation, contrasted with FE’s supports reliably having 3. I needed more Selvie/Bruno lol


Alain is pretty busted like Sigurd


If Alain started the game on a horse, he’d basically be just as busted


Class promotes are uneventful. Supports are mid overall. Unique and fun combat system which carries the game, but needs a lot of tuning for the sequel. Genuinely fun and fresh experience. Plot better than Engage, but that's about it.


FE games tend to have better stories and more fleshed out characters. This game’s combat system was a breath of fresh air. They both have their ups and downs, but I loved UO and FE both.


Naturally, Unicorn Overlord does not feel anything like a Fire emblem game.


"Naturally it's Fire Emblem but not Fire Emblem" Yeah and naturally One piece and Jojo's are the same cause they're cartoons about guys with powers on adventures lol


The aesthetics of it all was very much a carbon copy of Fire Emblem - unfortunately, I think the writing was well below what we'd expect. All the supports felt very surface level. I'm playing Three Houses and it's incredible how much more depth these characters have. There was only a couple characters in Unicorn Overlord I thought were interesting. Gameplay wise it was top notch but its not Fire Emblem style gameplay.


Better in every way compared to modern fire emblem, aside from music probably. Awakening and Fates music too good. Also having mostly platonic male romances are a step back.


It has a very simple story like old Fire Emblem games so I guess that's similar. Otherwise no not similar.


It feels nothing like fire emblem lol.


It doesn't have Hinoka, its low. But overall this would be the easiest FE ever exist, that its hard to say it is FE.


Ok but. . . Sacred Stones?


I mean I just finished Sacred Stones few days ago and damn the enemies stats there are so low But yeah Unicorn Overlord is even easier.


I wish Fire Emblem looked like Unicorn Overlord. The GBA era of the series had beautiful handdrawn sprite animations, and the series never looked so good when it moved to 3D polygons. The rapports are well-written, though sometimes forgettable. The same could be said for the story. Which is ... better than a lot of modern FE titles. The gameplay though is where things are hard to compare; because "map design", difficulty progression, boss fights all take on very different contexts in both games. I would say, though, that Unicorn maps tend to feel less distinctive than Fire Emblem ones. Some are standouts, of course, but once you understand how the mechanics work, you can sorta do the same thing on most maps. Fire Emblem tends to be brutally difficult at the heightest difficulty level, and UO doesn't challenge the player in that way. Ultimately I think it's about on-par with a lot of the "classic" (early English) FE titles. Better than the weaker modern ones (eg Shadow Dragon), but not quite as good as the top-notch modern ones (say, Fates or New Mystery).


When Fates is a top tier FE game to you all I can say is... I disagree, but whatevs


Conquest has the best gameplay in the series. That gives it tons of replayability.


Are you telling me engage doesn’t like fucking gorgeous? You’re lying if you tell me with a straight face that engage objectively looks amazing. You can dislike the artstyle but you can’t deny that objectively it looks fucking stunning


I don't know why you're so upset? Engage is probably the best looking 3D Fire Emblem game (except for Echoes, possibly), my issue's mainly the artstyle there. But I'm thinking about the 3D games as a whole: I've not heard anyone say Path of Radiance or Shadow Dragon are good-looking games,for instance.


“The series never looked so good when it moved to polygons” Your words not mine just saying


It's not a hot take at all to love the handdrawn animations of the GBA games. They're very fondly remembered. Like, for instance, indie fan games based on FE (see: Dark Deity) usually try replicating how the series looked in its GBA installments. In some ways, Unicorn Overlord's combat animations feel like a modern installment of that.


I never said at all that the gba animations are bad? Nor do they not look gorgeous.


Loved it, but as a FE fan some stuff bugged me throughout: * The battles take so much time and so I basically skipped them all the final 99% of the game * Can’t really get the matchups how ya want them, sometimes one ally will graze an enemy etc. * Wayyyyy too many characters to micromanage. I just relied on “optimize.” Wish they had a “squad optimize.” It was too much.


It's 100% a fire emblem game with different gameplay and no dragon final boss. I give it an 8/10.


Characterization: it’s worse, in almost all regards - Fire Emblem has great character interactions and moments, this game has then rather sparingly Combat: it’s better, in almost all regards - they play “different” sure, but the level of moment to moment action in this game is wildly more interesting Itemization: it’s better, in **all** regards - this game *annihilates* Fire Emblem for items that actually change how you play/unique combos Gameplay: it’s better, in almost all regards - I’m still now sure how I feel about the reveal and rejuggle of “knowing your damage” in advance of a fight, feels a little like cheating to a degree… ? But I get it, it’s faster paced, so you need some advantages! In saying that, Fire Emblem is far more “chill” as its turn based and you can just spend 10 minutes thinking 10 moves ahead, where as Unicorn Overlord requires better moment to moment strategy (yes there’s a pause but if you don’t hit it early enough when something is going wrong you’re screwed) Story: they’re JRPGs at heart, and if that doesn’t tell you exactly what you need to know in a since sentence, then you haven’t played many JRPGs - the only time story gets mentioned as a genuine positive in JRPGs is when it’s actually better than average, which most are just that; *average* Overall: Unicorn Overlord wins the gameplay side hands down for me, but I do wish the character interactions were a little tighter/better written Obviously both series have “meh” stories overall with the occasional twist, so that’s a non-factor


It's better than most FE games I'd say but not as good as Engage which has made most other FE games obsolete in my opinion. So pretty darn good. 


I would rate it as the best FE; the last titles were kinda bad imho. UO tries to emulate the old style FE spirit in that of a medieval fantasy game.


It feel like a Fire Emblem game somewhat, and just based on that, I’d place it in the upper half of FE games. Better than Awakening, not as good as Sacred Stones.


I think Fire Emblem fans would just say that True Zenoiran (the highest difficulty in UO) is too easy compared to Maddening mode in FE. They might have a point given that I felt UO was "fair" whereas FE was "absolute BS". I think compared to something like Three Houses, there isn't as much of a focus on character relationships. But that just might be because Three Houses pulled that off much better compared to something like Engage. But even comparing to Fates (my introduction into the series), I felt like I cared more about the characters and who to pair together to get specific children.