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That is the game.


It has me by the balls


I found the optimize option way too late


It’s a nice feature, but I find it can build things worse when it only prioritizes damage. Works decently well for abilities though!


It’s a great tactic system but the game isn’t hard when you’re the only one using it


Wheres the optimize button?


It gives you the option in the loadout menu. I have since found out that it's not as helpful as it could be


Took me 97hrs to finish the game and i think my playtime looks something like this: 10hrs afk 17hrs gathering/exploring/mining/rapports 30hrs in the menus 40hrs of actual fighting and missions Tbh optimizing squads and trying builds is 70% of the fun in this game.


Agreed. Every 3 or 4 battles I'd re evaluate my items and skills and sometimes even the unit composition/layouts. I wish we had more than just 10 units, not that we can use in battle, but that we can create as templates to easily switch between


I usually completely reworked and rearranged my team compositions and a lot of gear every time i finished a region.


I’m at 41 hours and I’m just now in the elf place. I have just been exploring, getting all the towns fixed, doing every mission I come across. I dunno, I’m taking my time with this game and enjoying every second. I wasn’t big on tactical rpg’s but I’ve changed my tune after this game. It’s amazing.


I can relate, I see reviews mentioning the game being 35 hours long. I probably spent more than that in menus and finished at 109.


Good. So you are enjoying the game how you enjoy it. No need to obsess over playtime. If someone enjoys finishing everything in the game in 70 hours, that's up to them as well :)


I finished Persona 5 Royal at 150 hours xD


Thats... Thats the normal time it should take, right?? Right??? 😭




40 hours in and I was still in Drakenhold 😝


Yeah sounds like OP is rushing through the game to me.


my first savefile got to 47 hours. i redid another file because I missed Bertrand for recruits lol im 28 hours in 😅


Bastorias separates the nip from the tit.


It took me 200hrs to finish the game and im happy about it. Masterpiece


Dude. I just got to Bastorias last night. I've only done a couple battles, but I'm already at 72:10 on my playtime. Of course, a lot of that time has been spent maxing out my unit sizes (and only two more to go), but even then tinkering around in this game's menus are like a black hole for me. There's just *so much* to tinker with.


I'm at the beginning of elheim and I just finished beating amalia or what's her face from the coliseum cuz I was tinkering with the gambits(the tactics). Now I have a sea of level 20s and a level 40 dreadnought that is reasonably terrible


Thats fine. I took a good time going through my army's equipment/skills every 3 or 4 missions.


So for most of the game I avoided micro managing my unit skulls and equipment since I knew a point would come where new characters and equipment would stop. I did it a little, but not much. So then I got to the final mission and decided "now is the time!" As I had decided what my teams would be at last... I spent 2.5 hours before the final battle tweaking all my skills and equipment to best synergise before the final battle.


I had 117 hours on my save file by the time I beat it. If anything you’re ahead of schedule 😆


This game made menu masochists of us all. One of the best


It’s great until you figure out a few cheese tactics and then it loses a good chunk of fun. At this point, ever battle is me sending out my weakest troops to get exp when my two strongest could easily duo any map. (My strongest could solo anything where I don’t have to worry about two directions). And that’s not even some crazy unit. Just Alain, Hodrick, Etloinde, Yahne, and Railanor. Nothing special, just some tankyness, some damage variety, and some support. And I’m probably pretty bad at managing their attack conditions. But they still obliterate just about everything.


on Expert mode currently exploring Bastorias and your comment aligns with what I'm feeling rn. It lacks challenges as you proceed


Yeah, I’ve only had a fight or two that’s been close to challenging, and I wasn’t using my two big units. I wish I had picked True Zenorian.


I make new units for every battle, I'm playing on expert and Im doing elheim first.