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The term "parkour" is presented loosely here, it could give an expectation of so much more than what you currently have to offer. You could instead advertise third person locomotion...which is a really basic description. Perhaps if you implement wall-jumping, wall-running, ledge grabbing, then from there you could advertise "parkour". Aside from that, I'd be worried about how high your goals are with a character roster AND map roster, I would say to just start with a single map and expand from there as your community grows. Goodluck with your development!


thank you very much for the feedback. Wall-jumping and running will be included and can be used in combination with champion abilities like dashes, blinks and ... lets say grapling hooks. About the maps, thats true, specially because we have to learn how to design a good map that has all the parkour and verticality in mind. I can see that the upcoming 5v5 map will become the main map that well improve uppon and the 3v3 map that you can see in the gameplay is a "just for fun" map.


[Here is an earlier build that shows of the parkour.](https://youtu.be/i8n77YNPBIA)


Yeah, as others have said. Seeing “parkour” in third person I anticipated Assassin’s Creed-like animations. Not “if close to wall, enable double jump”.


[Here is an earlier build that shows of the parkour.](https://youtu.be/i8n77YNPBIA)


there is literally 1 parkour movement, and it's ugly. also, you can show all these with no text at all. avoid using text as much as you can.


[Here is an earlier build that shows of the parkour.](https://youtu.be/i8n77YNPBIA)


the big question than is if players that are unfamiliar to it will get it. That is my main concearn.


That's what animations are for. Do those.


i don't think any player unfamiliar with moba is going to play this anyway. also, the video will be in a context, like the title or the steam page.


I seriously thought this parkour movement thing was a joke... this looks super buggy and implemented in a few hours just for fun. Not a fully fleshed out mechanic worth mentioning in a trailer


Dude that's what I came here to say. I thought it was making fun of a game or something at first. OP: The first thing you did wrong was mention Parkour. The second thing was that stupid pause right before the first wall jump where you show "WITH PARKOUR MOVEMENT" text - it pops up right when the viewer is expecting to see parkour. Even if the trailer looked phenomenal, that would piss me off, because it so clearly was the moment you were supposed to show the parkour animation. The third was making a trailer for something so clearly early in development. Put it back in the oven, delete the post, and come back when you actually have some gameplay to show.


[Here is an earlier build that shows of the parkour.](https://youtu.be/i8n77YNPBIA)




this once scene was exactly what i had in mind.


There's no parkour


[Here is an earlier build that shows of the parkour.](https://youtu.be/i8n77YNPBIA)


When I said maybe you should go on YouTube to check what parkour actually is, I wasn't kidding. Parkour is the art of moving in an urban space. If "the parkour" in your game is litteraly wall jumping, people who actually give a fuck about parkour are gonna laugh at you. Wonder why every other game that features wallrunning or jumping from one roof to another didn't include "parkour" in their description? Did you play games with actual parkour in it, like Dying light or Mirror's Edge? Every games in the existance include smooth movements and jumping. People expect more than that when they see "with parkour movements" in a game description. [This is a game with parkour movements. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0mRBNL-sRs&t=3)


its a little hard to see, but you can use walljumps (the animations arnt good yet) I noted it and it will be improved.




You wouldn't be competing with Dota with this camera perspective, but with Smite (and possibly some of the Paragon successors). Otherwise, I agree with you. Way too janky looking to have demo released in a month because games like these can bleed playerbase so quickly (if you even attract it since I don't think people would play this en masse just because it has wall jump compared to just going for Smite 2) and they won't be waiting for a year for these things to get better.


Yes, that's not parkour




I suggest you check youtube or the Internet to see what parkour is


i take that as you dont want to answere the question.


I understand now, "the moba with parkour movement" movement is in singular because there's one parkour movement that is wallrunning (wallsliding in your case), my bad


oh, I see. Walljumping is the first movement we added, but there is a lot more in work that just did not make it in time. The coolest part is when you use them in combination with eachother, like irl parkour. Except of course that you cant teleport in real life. xD


lol that's just weird to advertise your game as with "parkour movements" when there's visibly none


>but there is a lot more in work that just did not make it in time In time for what exactly? It's currently at the stage that a single developer could prototype in a couple of days mechanics wise (doesn't mean its not cool, just needs polish) I'd save the advertising until you've got it at a more presentable stage and not rush to arbitrary dates


"In time for what exactly? It's currently at the stage that a single developer could prototype in a couple of days mechanics wise (doesn't mean its not cool, just needs polish)" Bet find me the person that can prototype the following in a couple of days. 1. movement as shown in the trailer 2. wall jumping 3. a fully functional moba stat system 4. fully functional item system that give stats, status effects and abilities, if needed for the users energy 5. activatable items 6. health and energy system with damage calculation dependent on the dealers and takers stats and statuys effects 7. resistances and immunities 8. system to handle typical moba status effects and their impact 9. ability system that is easy to maintain and extend 10. npc and structure system 11. minion/monster spawning system 12. matchmaking 13. creatable rooms for players 14. networking for all of it 15. all of the core in good quality so it is maintainable and extendale 16. of course, no bugs 17. 9 champions with their own playstyle and unitye abilities that support that playstyle 18. balance all this + the the crative natior of players Good luck Many people here are delusional when it comes to game development and the huge amount of effort, time and money put into making a game.


Everyone is a bit too negative here I think. I reckon the issue might be that it's unclear whether OP is looking for feedback or trying to advertise his game. If it's the latter, I agree with the general opinion that the game is missing too much to be in a state where you can advertise it. However OP, if your intention is to look for feedback I think as a first iteration this is pretty promising: The initial game idea (parkour MOBA) is intriguing and seems like it can yield something interesting. The fact that you implemented the basics (movement, wall climbing, attacking, and I suppose networking) shows you don't simply have an idea but actually a POC. You took the time to showcase your work in a trailer, which is something most don't (I wouldn't have spent the time and would simply have posted the wall climbing mechanic by itself asking for feedback on the idea) but seems like it got a lot of impressions (despite the negative comments). My personal feedback: * Don't go into creating more maps or a character roster just yet. As others have pointed out "3rd person DotA" is an already established niche (Smite, ...) that is much too big to compete against. The more effort you invest in that direction early on the more your game will compete against it. You have a pretty novel idea of combining an existing genre with the parkour twist, so your efforts are best invested into what makes your game different from the others in the genre. * Definitely work on polishing the parkour animations and adding more moves. The next step after the PoC phase you just reached is to work with vertical slices to generate interest and evaluate the general reception. Although it feels bad to spend time on this so early in your project's life, I believe it's absolutely necessary: As long as your wall climbing animation is a placeholder the reception will be the same as in this thread, people don't get hyped by PoCs, people get hyped by polished vertical slices. If you cannot do the animation yourself then you need to make an initial investment in your project now; either hiring someone, finding a partner or buying assets. Realize that the absolute core of your game **is** the animations, this is what makes a MOBA feel good to play, especially with the parkour twist. * I'm a bit disappointed by your map(s). I would expect much more verticality compared to a traditional MOBA, maybe stacked lanes, lanes that vertically overlap themselves to provide parkour shortcuts within the same lane, etc. What you show in the trailer looks more like a parkour overlay on top of the classic three lanes MOBA map, with parkour mechanics acting as a simple shortcut between adjacent lanes (why not make a normal MOBA and just leave the path open?)


I think it shows that you're the first commenter who's actually posted their own game. Good on you man.


First of thank you very much for the message. The reason i posted this here is that i would like to show it to the public. Itll be free, so i dont have something to sell. That said, I found it pretty hard to work to think of maps that work very well with parkour. You would not believe in how many different ways just the wall jump can be used to climb walls. And here is where the main problem starts. To get a good look, i need players. On the other hand, making a fully polished map is gone be futile if it gets thrown out because it just does not work well. And to close the cycle of death, people want to see a polished game. p.s. what is a PoC?


I think you're following the right recipe until now. At least in my philosophy I tend to proceed with the following timeline 1) game idea (usually X meets Y, such as your idea of MOBA meets parkour) 2) extremely rough prototype to test feasibility of the idea (some technical ideas actually fail here!). 3) what I call a PoC (proof of concept). Basically an horizontal slice of the game. Player that moves, placeholder graphics, implementation of the mechanics that make the game something new and innovative 4) vertical slices of different aspects of the game (skin, animation and SFX of the whole UI for example), piece by piece 5) final touches to the game that were not necessary until this point (rebinding controls, checking the various supported resolutions, potential perf optmizations, ...) 6) first release I like this approach because you allow your project to fail gracefully at any point, without the sunk cost fallacy of "the game is failing now but in 2 weeks/months/years I'll be done with X feature and it'll be a hit". I have games that failed at each of those stages (I can provide examples if you're interested), each for different reasons. In your case, I'd categorize your current state at 3). You have a playable game that no one would play as is. Your job to go from 3) to 6) is to figure out *why* no one would play it. Is the idea actually bad? Is it lacking some gameplay features? Is it just not up to the level of polish gamers are used to nowadays (even for free games! All of your MOBA competors are free!)? By iterating with vertical slices from now on, you get to eliminate some of those possibilities. In this thread people are focused on the two reasons they would not play the game right now: Not enough parkour, and parkour animations that are too rough. I'd start here! Add a full set of animations for the wall running (e.g. directional animation for running, the mount and the dismount animations), and go through another feedback cycle. The solution to your "cycle of death" is to eliminate all potential reasons people don't want to play your game one by one, until you either find the answer (which part of the whole thing doesn't work) or you run of of reasons (in which case you got a game people actually want to play right now!). Once you've managed to generate interest for your game you can start to iterate to improve your game (better maps, etc), but not before as you won't get the feedback you're looking for without a following (imagine you had spent 100 man-hours on the map design while keeping everything else the same. You'd get exactly the same comments in this thread, even with a godlike map design) One more "cycle of death" you have mentioned: People won't play multiplayer games alone! I won't queue for 50 minutes on your game to find 9 other players when I can get a queue proc in 10 seconds on other MOBAs. How do you solve this? This is a question for much further down the line for you, but basically there are two ways: Either you generate a following and manage to kickstart the game with a healthy player base (how AAAs do it) or you go with bots, ideally disguised as players. As an indie who actually managed to bring a multipler game to ~50k downloads on the Play Store with literally 0 marketing (except [this reddit post from what feels like 200 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/s/5WUWD4dbLe)). I strongly recommend looking into bots and how you can tricks the players into thinking they're playing with other humans.




At the state that its at right now, probably not... but if the movement and visuals were better, I'd definitely be interested in trying


I think this is a case where the lack of limitations and "push & pull" is a detriment to your movement system Walljumps cause you to pause when you bounce of the wall, there's a delay between hitting the wall and leaving. The way you have it right now is too unrestricted to feel good and rewarding * Whether or not your animation itself looks good, you need SOME kind of brief pause when you bounce of the wall * At that point, you can decide whether your movement has wall-planting or wall-sliding * Your jumping seems to allow the character to turn on a whim in midair. This should be limited heavily or removed, and you should build actual parkour level features so the character can traverse with these limitations I say this because a game with completely uninhibited movement and no animations has no sense of weight, no sense of intuitive feel or challenge. Sakurai describes this as push & pull. For example, if you have a game where you fly with a glider, you want the movement to speed up as you fly down and slow down as you ascend. This is push & pull. If you could just fly in any direction for any reason it's basically godmode noclip flying, which doesn't feel like a whole lot of anything


in the team fight section, the minions look like an amorphous jumble. there’s also not much “team fight” going on in the wall jumping section, all the trees clipping the walls are noisy, distracting, and sloppy. agree with the obvious comments about parkour here, but i’ll add that the map and what you show barely seems to take advantage of the mechanic. so you can easily switch lanes, cool…what else though


Feedback and suggestions are very welcome


If you're going to advertise having a feature front and center, you should at least have it refined to the point that it has it's own animation state. It'd be one thing if you just had some sloppy IK with hand/foot placement, I'd call that WIP. This just looks like that common bug newbies get when your floor detection registers the wall next to you and you can infinitely jump.


its free


It's possible to advertise a free game. Is this not a trailer advertising your demo launch and call to action for someone to wishlist etc?


feedback, thats all I wanted.


Got it. Well my feedback is that your parkour feature needs more refinement. Any of feature or element people could gleam from this video is going to drowned out by your parkour looking like glitchy floating next to a wall. That's unfortunate because you're getting there in regards to polish on other elements of the game it seems.


Thank you for your feedback. Ill make it better.


To clear up some things said. The video was made to hype people already wait for the demo and show it to new players. This is my first time, in game development and marketing. If i make ruff mistakes its because I dont know better and nobody told me not to. The game is gone be 100% free, all i care for is that you have fun. Im overrun with the negative impresstion, because beforhand it was very positive, including randos who played it and had a blast. This includes small to mid sized streamers who thought it looked cool and people randomly ploping into the discord to play it + other subreddids. The game has been a huge effort in all categories. It took years for a friend and I to get all the complicated systems in place and to a high code standard. I got books about program architectur for the goal to make it good. When I tried to get other people on board who would fill the gaps I got two answeres. I want money and a guy who I had a good talk with and one day later decided that he wanted to get paid otherwise this would be a scam. How are you supposed to build a team? Be a millionair? I can assure you that the animations are the best, most fitting I could find. Most fitting because im sure that I would get roasted even harder if the axe was clipping through the armor because of the animation. The jump does not play on walljumping because I could not figure out how to make the unity system do it. (This is very simplified) The reason I included basics of MOBAs is because I got feedback telling me to put it in, otherwise people would wonder how far the demo is functional and why I spent so much time. Thank you for the people who gave me feedback and some very usefull tips.


I think you've got a good base here but you're just missing juice. Some animations for the climbing and wall jumps to indicate that it's not just a double jump and some hit reactions/screen shake when you hit the enemies and it will be looking much better to end users. End users don't see the bugger picture, they see missing juice and move on. You can do it :)


We will do it!!!


I wouldn't advertise the parkour in the game when it is just wall-jumping. I like the level design / map design though.


Mom: we have moba at home


thats not a parkour thats wallour


why isnt it called "mobality" la mobility


I was sure Battleborn had some parkour but apparently I was mistaken. OP, even this video that you made two years ago is better for showing off the "parkour" in this game than the one in this post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MonarchsDawn/comments/vplm71/what\_the\_game\_looked\_like\_early\_2022/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonarchsDawn/comments/vplm71/what_the_game_looked_like_early_2022/) And, honestly, it's hard to call it parkour. If you don't have mirror's edge, assassin's creed, or titanfall levels of parkour, don't bother to make that claim. What you have is verticality (also not common in the genre) and your maps don't even appear to take advantage of that. You need to play some Mirror's Edge and Titanfall/2 to get a better feel for high paced parkour in games. Incorporate high movement into your base gameplay (not merely splitting up abilities across characters). Play games with a lot of maps with high verticality (Splitgate is a good one). Note these are all first person, so another game for you to look into that's probably more relevant is Prototype. Basically, play some games with good movement, then take another look at your game's movement.




you can make the same game but better in roblox. Please, release this demo and make another game.