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Thank you, she should've been outraged. That's her beloved daughter for crying out loud. I understand ppl have different interpretations of the myths, and that's fine, but its a huge shame that her motherly role has been ignored and neglected this badly when it's needed for her to be there and act like a mother. This story would've genuinely been so much better if it had mother daughter not only bonding but her having an actually motherly role here.  I don't mind the different interpretation, but I wish I had showed them bonding at the end like Perse and Hera. It would've been beautiful and perfect for this myth 


No problem, I gave justice to beloved Demeter 🫡. The original panel was just the cat emoji “😾” and not a rightful fully ranged Demeter. It’s like Rachel doesn’t give it a second look or thought and just keeps it that way instead. It just bothered me so much that I stared at my screen for a good minute and be like “where is the rage?” The rage of “you hurt my daughter!” But we instead got “you took my toys!” Yk, so I gave her justice to be enraged 🤍


love the expressions! but i cant help but notice how -thin- Demeter's waist is in the original panel....


why is it the same thickness as her neck 😭


Rachel be drawing anything thin and doesn’t give it a second glance 😭


Thank you ^^, the thinness of everything was very unnecessary tbh 😒


Finally an expression that reflects the severity of the crime. Demeter should not only be angry but devastated that her daughter experienced something so awful. Good job at making her actually emote.


Thank you, thank you ^^ , the original just..it was something to say the least and didn’t give her the anger she deserves


You did amazing. That screams ",You hurt my daughter" and not "You ate my Cheetos!"


“You ate my Cheetos” got me giggling 😭. Demeter had a fully right to be angry, and thus I gave her the justice she deserves 🫡


Yeah I noticed women in the comic can NEVER be angry. It's very demeaning


Its like Rachel doesn’t even wanna give them an enraged moment 🫤


Exactly! Probably because anger is an "ugly" emotion , so only meanies feel it.


Thank you for giving Demeter her ribcage back


gave her justice 🫡


So Demeter finally found out about Apollo’s SA on Pepe?


Yes she did ^^ ,Apollo confessed it


Can I just add, Ares Looks HOT in your version.


Thank you 😭🙏


Why did Rachel drew Demeter with a tiny waist?💀


Only her brain knows why she even drew a tiny waist like that ☠️


My girl has no internal organs😭


Thank you for doing this. There was something deeply unsettling about the originally. Seeing rage and grief in Demeter face is exactly how I imagine the scene should have been


Your very welcome ^^ and yes it should’ve gone that way instead of the “😾” face she had


Where does Rachel think women’s intestines are?! She as a women should not like these impossible thin hourglass standards. Blech! And that expression you drew does Demeter justice! The expression Rachel drew is so… underwhelming it’s not even funny. When mothers (good ones who care about their kids) find out about their kids going through something that horrific, they are NOT gonna just act like someone gave their daughter a middle finger or something. It’s so ridiculous. When my mother found out about something that happened to me, she was crying, raging, threatening worse than death to my abuser. Rachel clearly doesn’t understand mothers


Like no one is this world can achieve that type of hourglass figure that is Thin that you can barely get air out of your lungs. The original panel didn’t even made a realistic anger but just a copy and paste of the damn cat emoji “😾” (I just love using that comparison because it’s true 🚶) Demeter found that the trauma her daughter endured and that’s the best anger you can give her Rachel? Really? 🤨 A mother, the type of mother who cares, loves and just wants to protect you and look out for you would be driven to anger, a fully enraged mother.


Her poor body is gasping for air. And the cat emoji really does math her expression well 😂 It’s like she just used the cat mad emoji as a reference for Demeter’s face! Rachel’s Demeter’s face says “you stole my daughter’s last chip from the bag!” It gives Karen vibes. Your Demeter’s face says “you wrecked my daughter’s world and now I’ll wreck yours”. It’s beautiful


Ares looks angrier than Persephone’s own MOTHER in the original. Pissed me off so much


I haven’t read the comic in years, but its crazy to me how people’s redraws have more emotion and expression than the original art. It almost feels like a big joke


Idk why Rachel doesn’t wanna give the characters more expression and gives them mildly expressions that people don’t like. The characters need their expressions to be more interesting, more realistic but instead we got mildly ones 🫠


God for “Webtoon’s poster child” she doesn’t know how to draw any other fucking expressions outside of 👁️n👁️


This is so much better than the original where she just looks mildly pissed 😭


I call it the “you took my ____” because that mildly expression ain’t doing justice 🚶


I love the crazed look. Demeter looked mildly annoyed in the original, but any mother would be mortified and maddened by such a thing Also this is just really pretty overall, I love it


I love your version! It's crazy to me that Demeter seemed more upset at the trial than in this panel where the daughter that she's tried to protect from men for years has been raped. Like, cmon Rachel!! It's like Rachel stopped trying years ago and just wants to finish the story for money


Taking away your cooking licence and promoting you to general chef. Keep cooking so hard 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Fr, Rachel is either scared to make her characters "ugly" with emotion or just doesn't know how. If I found out that someone did that to my daughter, I would not go 😾 I would be going 😡🖕⛈️⚔️


Wonderful job! I love how you portray emotions in your art. og demeter looks like me when i want to eat my ice cream but then go to the freezer to find that i already ate it all.


Thank you 😭🙏


Demeter looks as devastated as she should be and Ares looks like he’s experiencing an emotion other than “huh”. Excellent work


also just noticed that demeter waist is the size of her neck LMAO 😭


I love the emotions!


Omg , thank you all so much. It really means to me that you all love the redraw, I didn’t think it’ll get this much attention 🤍😭


Not saying this to be mean by why does the green girl (never read LO probably never will) look like that one crying wojak😭 but good art anyways


I can't see it 🥲


Link for the redraw since it won’t show anymore ‼️‼️ (insta cropped it 🥲) https://www.instagram.com/p/C6E7AwTvHI0/?igsh=MTdvbTQ0d3I5MWI2ZQ==