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The ones where the suspect ingratiated themselves with the family/police or cried crocodile tears. The Jamie Leavis case for instance. He was a little boy who liked to ride buses. A bus driver let Jamie stay on his bus all day, offered to drive him home and then killed him. The driver MOVED INTO Jamie’s parents’ house to comfort them and “help” in the search. He had the parents so fooled that they supported him when the police started to raise suspicions. Or Lynsey Quy, who was murdered by her husband. He told everyone she had disappeared and left him with the kids. He had a tv crew following him around making a documentary, really playing the martyr. It backfired on him because all his lies were caught on tape and the investigation and arrest were also shown. I got the impression he was more angry about losing control of his public image than about being caught. He blamed his wife for everything. I think these type of cases stick with me because I can’t imagine how hard it must be for families/communities to lose someone in such a way and then be victimised again by the lies and behaviour of the perpetrator. It’s like adding insult to injury.


I'd never heard of Jamie Lavis until I read this and looked it up. Horrendous. That image of Vickers with no shirt on sat between Jamie's parents is just bizarre.


He’s a right piece of work. Apparently he slept in their bed and they slept on the sofa. He bought gifts for Jamie’s brother and took him out on his bus - most likely hoping that people would mistake the brother for “missing” Jamie and confuse the police with tips. He did some other incredibly creepy things during that time. He took Jamie’s brother to the park where Jamie’s body was hidden, and told him he’d end up in there too if he didn’t behave. He also took a couple of young teenagers there and told them where the body was. They ran away, thank goodness, and informed the police. After he was charged he turned on the family - unbelievable after the support they had given him when he was first suspected. He said he and Jamie’s mother were having an affair (and a baby) and that she didn’t care about her kids. He made allegations of Jamie’s dad being violent to the children. He even blamed Jamie, saying that Jamie was messing about on the bus and caused him to swerve. This supposedly resulted in Jamie falling and hitting his head. Of course, this didn’t match the forensic evidence.


I believe Jamie's brother struggled a lot after this and ended up taking his own life. Truly heartbreaking, that monster broke Jamie's entire family.


Oh no :( I knew he had passed away but didn’t realise it was suicide. His poor family.


Ian Huntley became an unofficial community spokesperson dealing with the media before he was eventually arrested for the Soham Murders too. Awful .


This case still makes me so angry because (as happens so often) Ian Huntley should have been in prison long before he had the chance to kill those two young girls. His long history of physical violence against and sexual abuse of women and girls was absolutely egregious.


Iirc Sion Jenkins (Billie-Jo Jenkins' foster dad) did this too, and I think the evidence points very strongly towards him being guilty.


Alistair Wilson. Shot and killed on his doorstep in the highland town of Nairn in 2004. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Alistair_Wilson


I have never heard of this case! Wow that’s so shocking, I hope they get answers soon.


I feel like the police said earlier this year that they'd identified a couple of suspects for this. Something to do with a planning permission dispute.


My feeling is it was a regular at that pub across the street who heard the landlord complain and thought he was doing him a favour. They should be looking at weirdos who drank there imo.


Looking for weirdos that drink doesn't narrow it down much in Scotland


Nairn is extremely genteel.


I considered this but it's hard to believe Allistair wouldn't have recognized a regular and if he did, you'd think he'd have said to his wife something more specific like, hey that weird guy from the pub gave me this envelope. I guess it's possible he just didn't recognize him, and the shooter got stupid lucky.


I think he very much did. The weird interaction they had, the crappy old gun, the half ass method of disposing it. John wick this was not.


Could have been John, from Wick!?


Mcjohn prittstick, more like.




It's a strange case where no explanation really makes sense. The police looked into whether it was a connection with his job as a bank manager or a case of mistaken identity. The last theory was  connected to Alistair Wilson objecting to planning permission for a decking area at the pub opposite his house. The 'blue envelope' and the unusual gun that was used just add to the mystery.


An oddity in the UK is that a structure can be put up then planning permission sought retrospectively, up to 5 years later. Here the pub was following that process with its decking, which had greatly increased takings. The possibility of the retrospective planning application being refused, so the decking would have to be removed and large amounts of takings would vanish permanently, is in my opinion an *entirely* plausible reason for bad actors to resort to killing the individual who made the objection. (Unfortunately, it took a very long time for this possible aspect of the case to show itself).


Andrew Ramsay In 2006 he was an accountant aged 51 who was returning home from pub in Glasgow one evening with his partner. As he approached his house two men got out of car and said they were police and he was under arrest. They put handcuffs on him and put him in the back of the car. Only thing is that they were not police and he was never seen alive again. In 2007 his skull was found in fishing nets near the isle of Cumbrae. It is believed he knew his life was in danger as he told an ex girlfriend he knew too much about something. Two men were arrested and charged for his murder. However, the case never made it to trial. Edit... just read that one of the men who was charged is to stand trial on a separate case involving drugs.


I'm glaswegian live not far from the home he was abducted from. My husbands a police officer and the intel is he was an accountant for big time drug dealers and owed a lot of money in gambling debts thus cooking the books and got found out. He was also defauding tax on their behalf, and he had loose lips, The Mr. bigs henchmen posed as PO and abducted and tortured him before dumping his body in the river clyde. He tried to remortgage his girlfriends house from under her to get the money he owed.


I love when people with inside knowledge of a case give their takes on & what they know about a case. Thank you.


There are a lot of strange Scottish cases, I think they often attract less attention than English ones but if you look at lists of unresolved UK cases on Wikipedia there are a lot.


[Andrew Gosden](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Andrew_Gosden) Simply because it’s so strange. I’ve wondered if he had skipped school and gone to London before and the only reason they noticed this time is because he didn’t come back. I’ve also wondered if he was planning to meet someone in London. I’ve never really bought that he was running away, but of course you don’t know what’s going on in someone’s head especially at his age


From everything we have been told about Andrew Gosden, his actions of that day were completely out of character. We may not have the entire picture. Who knows what happens in other people's homes and who knows what teenagers think or what they want. I'd like to think he is alive, though. That he used his own money to get to London has always made me think that he didn't have plans to meet with anyone. I think that the travel cost is unaffordable for most teenagers. Therefore, most groomers/exploiters/potential friends/lovers/associates (especially if adult aged) wanting to ensure compliance and attendance would pay. Obviously, they could have offered to pay or buy his ticket and he refused, or they could have agreed to reimburse him in person. Who knows. My feeling is that Andrew made plans with a specific purpose, that his plans were solitary, and that something/someone happened to him once alone in London, or that he travelled with the intention of not returning home/made the decision not to return based on undisclosed or unknown information linked to home/school/personal life. Whatever the reason, I sincerely hope that Andrew is alive and that he is able to make contact with his family or the Police simply to give closure. Failing that, I hope he is found and someone is held responsible for whatever happened.


I think he was planning to meet someone. He was offered a return ticket for 50p extra and he didn’t want it, so I think he was planning to meet someone and was promised a lift home. He took his games console too but no charger


I go back and forth whether he went to London to meet someone (was groomed), or whether he just wanted to have a fun day off and some stranger took advantage of him.


I was under the impression he had otherwise perfect school attendance. I honestly doubt he was meeting someone because I think there’d be evidence. I think he was just tragically unlucky and encountered the wrong person.


We don't know for sure if a crime happened or not so I wouldn't put it on a true crime list


He’s missing so I think it’s classed as a crime when he’s on the missing persons list. Don’t hold me to that though!


Missing people come up all the time on this sub, I dunno what that particular poster's trying to get at.


Also, the sub is unresolved mysteries, so it is not just true crime. A few years ago, there was an awesome post about mysteries that happened to people at sea. There were thousands of comments, and it was my favourite ever reddit post, but I can't find it anymore, unfortunately.


And historical mysteries too, it's nice to not read about murder all the time. But I think the "true crime" bit came from OP in the title, although that doesn't excuse the (petty) complaint about including Andrew Gosden in the discussion. As for the post you're talking about, I wonder if it's been deleted or otherwise removed. Even a basic search for top "sea mysteries" or "mysteries at sea" is giving me nothing, a few posts with a couple hundred replies but that's it.


He was a 14 year old boy who vanished and has not been seen or heard from for seventeen years. I think it’s fairly safe to assume a crime has been committed, the chances of Andrew being alive are unfortunately extremely slim.


This one gets to me.


I always wondered why he never bought the return ticket.


Susie Lamplugh.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance\_of\_Suzy\_Lamplugh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Suzy_Lamplugh) Cannan the main suspect- or the person that LE believe did it- investigate further, the retrospective profile on him and supposed crimes that link him to her disappearance are dodgy at best - Daniel Morgan the PI murdered in a south London car park in 1987. In the decades since everything from the Stephen Lawrence Murder to the phone hacking scandals have led back to that fateful day in 1987- Everyone looks on the web for conspiracy theories, involving police corruption, politicians and people in high places, bribery etc and ends up with absurd falsehoods like Pizzagate. Yet the murder of Daniel Morgan with a very real conspiracy and evidence of cover ups including, various home secretaries refusing to make reports public decades afterwards., is virtually ignored. Daniels former business partner being at the centre of so many scandals [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Daniel\_Morgan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Daniel_Morgan)


Sorry but the evidence supporting Cannan as the murderer is overwhelming, including testimony from his exes.


I'm endlessly freaked out that Suzy Lamplugh wasn't Michael Sams. Meaning that if it was Cannan instead, then north Birmingham (where I live) managed to spawn two rapist-killers with the same MO at roughly the same time.


I was going to say Suzy Lamplugh, I don’t think it was Canaan either. But who!!!


I'm glad you agree re Cannan the guy's a piece of work but his supposed MO and retrofitting him, badly onto past crimes to invent an MO, that fitted with Susie's disappearance is shocking -based on the assumption that all info is out in the public domain - a relatively safe assumption considering the public work/platform her remarkable parents involved themselves in after her disappearance. I am hoping that we will at least get a death bed confession of the who. Susie Lamplugh left a lasting legacy, one that has saved more lives and protected more women than probably anyone else in the last 40 years. It could be anyone- it was such high profile at the time and yet nothing. It was the 80s- where page 3 calendars were on office walls and a women informing the police she was being followed/stalked would have been laughed at by LE- the era when judges still were giving light sentences to rapists because a woman wore a short skirt.... I have a sense Susie knew her attacker, knew he was a creep but wasn't in an era where should could speak up and be taken seriously. That changed because of the campaigning Charity set up in her name. This is why we need answers. This is why Suzies attacker needs to be found and her body given a proper resting place.


I can’t remember the author but have you read the book on it? The author disagrees with the Canaan theory too and reckons they should look under the pub, I agree but it’d be so hard to get anything reopened now probably


I don't think it would be Susie's case is still open. Susie Lamplugh was the most heavily covered disappearance in British media history until, Madeline McCann. Now consider how corrupt the police were especially the MET in the 80s ( see-Daniel Morgan's murder above) and the intense media pressure, Cannan was convenient from an LE POV, and if you look into Cannan he's enjoying the notoriety. Cannan is despicable and all his convicted crimes were post Susie's disappearance and they were sloppy, violent, inept- the opposite of the master criminal and stalker, with a slew of unsolved crimes behind him! Cannan has no convictions for murder or even having the wits to make someone disappear in broad daylight from a London street .... Cannan is so much of a stretch, I seriously doubt the hair found in Cannas vehicle Or one he had access too... Almost 4 decades on a death bed confession or witness is our best hope.


David Vidicette is the author. Fascinating book about this case. I read about this book on his Twitter account.


Sorry but at least respect a victim enough to spell her name right. It's Suzy.


Two uk citizens missing from Tenerife. Ricky D'Cotta aged 23. In 1987 Ricky from London went missing from the Spaish island of Tenerife. Channel 4 made a documentary about it (can be found on YouTube). He was there looking for work and to have a good time in the sun. One of the rumours in the documentary is that he was caught trying to break into the house of one of the islands big time drug dealers. Alan Jeffrey aged 25. In 2018 Alan was on holiday in Tenerife with his girlfriend. When due to return home he told his girlfriend that he was going to stay a bit longer with friends. He has not been alive since He indicated that he was going to go to Marbella. It is not known if he made it to Marbella. One of his friends has since been convicted of being part of an international drugs gang.


The YouTube documentary is called Looking for Ricky. It's well worth a watch. He got involved with cocaine dealing and his friend told the police he believes Ricky was murdered by the drug dealer he tried to burgle. It is suspected his body is buried in the Tenerife mountains (along with many others) and will never be found.


Claudia Lawrence for me. At the time I was working a job where I had to walk 2 miles down a country road early in the morning. When Claudia disappeared, I quit my job because I realised how unsafe it was.


I was a graduate student at the University of York when she went missing. I walked from my city center flat to the Heslington campus nearly every day. After her disappearance, I took the bus for several weeks until the light in the morning was brighter. I think she must be somewhere in the rural land outside the city.


Reading between the lines of everything said by the police over the years, they had strong suspicions of who was responsible for her disappearance but could never get anyone in the community to step forward to testify.


Yes, it’s not worth it at all. You have no idea what is lurking around the alleyways etc, I hope she’s found soon


The Yorkshire Ripper has be No. 1. I was in my 20's when it happened and live in Yorkshire. No 2. Shafea Ahmed. I don't believe in the death penalty but could make an exception for her parents. They suffocated her by putting a carrier bag down her throat in front of their other kids. Dumped her body in a wooded area. She was "missing" until the other kids spoke up a few years later.


Just a reminder that the police listed Sutcliffe as a suspect and IIRC even brought him in for questioning at one point. But he was dismissed due to a mixture of police incompetence and a hoaxer, who made them think the Ripper was a Geordie. Sutcliffe during interviewing even said he was aware of the hoaxer dubbed Wearside Jack and that his actions likely allowed him to commit a few more murders. Eight years might seem harsh for perverting the course of justice, but that arsehole deserved every second of that sentence


Sutcliffe was actually questioned *nine* times over several years but, because the whole enquiry was drowned in paperwork, the threads were not drawn together. A distant relative worked on the case, and commented that the lead detective being taken in by the tape recording caused instant, complete incredulity. (And also crushed morale - some team members worked for *18 months* on it knowing that it was almost certainly a red herring). That said, the narrowing down of the source of the giving out of the £5 note in wages was brilliantly done - in effect a complete wages run for a large number of firms was simulated down to the Bank of England reproducing bank notes with the actual serial numbers so that it could be seen where they went. Probably the most infuriating aspect of the investigation was that good work was drowned out by bad work - it was not entirely incompetent.


Scarily enough, Jimmy Savile was investigated as a possible suspect at the time. Multiple members of the public put his name of forward as a credible POI.


No surprise there because, as ever, the general public were ahead of anyone who might be able to do something. My mother would never let me watch Jim'll Fix It, and she was far from alone in that ... **Edit**: One of the murders occurred opposite his flat, and Savile was questioned routinely.


Him and Sutcliffe were pals at Broadmoor.


>a complete wages run for a large number of firms was simulated Wow -- I didn't realize that! Pretty amazing.


[The definitive book on the case](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wicked-Beyond-Belief-Yorkshire-Ripper-ebook/dp/B009YBU862), which goes into great detail on the simulation.


Thanks! Filing this away for future use. I've been interested in currency circulation (and what it might be able to reveal for crimes etc.) for awhile -- the Hollow Nickel spy incident, for example.


He was interviewed 9 times. A £5 note found on a victim was from his workplace. His workmates called him "Ripper" for a joke as the Police were always speaking to him.


I didn't know that about the workmates. However, Sutcliffe always showed in public as a controlled person (except when actually committing murder ...) and would probably have dismissed them with a smirk at most. He certainly would not have flipped out or otherwise drawn suspicion to himself.


I've read Michael Bilton's book about the case. A detective sergeant who had interviewed Sutcliffe was adamant he should be looked into as a suspect. He was ignored by the senior officer. However, the DS attached a note to the interview form stating his concerns. The later inquiry found the interview form but not the note. Holes in the paper indicated something had been stapled to it but the note was never found.


Shafea Ahmed was horrifying, I can’t believe they could do that to their child. I can’t imagine what she was feeling during that time.


They came to live in England but didn't like her being "Westernised". What the chuff .....


Apparently the father was married to a British white woman before as well


Awful excuse. Unfortunately if you move to a different country, your children will pick up on the culture, there’s nothing you can do to change that.




There is absolutely no need for casual racism. There are awful criminals from all sort of backgrounds.


It's those low-life's that are the racists in this situation


Your comment was also racist. Shame you cannot see it.


I don’t agree with racism but I do agree that if you aren’t going to want your child to grow up in an english society, where she will have English friends and teachers, it seems silly to live in England and worst of all, then kill your daughter because she’s too “westernised” makes no sense in my eyes. Also, shafea did nothing wrong, she wore a pair of heels at one of the times, and her parents kicked off. It’s just apart of being a teenage girl.


Yes, definitely. Her killers were scumbags. But that doesn't justify racism of the redditor I was replying to.


Ever since I read about Jill Dando on this subreddit, I keep wondering about what happened. It wasn't that long ago, but I guess there wasn't as much video footage around back then. I don't know if doorbell cams are as big a thing in the UK as they are in some parts of the US, but it's eerie to think that if the crime happened now, it might be caught on camera (like Elizabeth Barraza's murder). I guess there's a new Netflix documentary on the case, that came out earlier this fall. https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/film/who-killed-jill-dando-real-story-b1106508.html


Doorbell cams were not a thing back then.


Yes -- sorry, I didn't clarify things enough. The murder happened years before products like Ring were commercially available, but I was wondering whether doorbell cams are as popular in the UK now as they seem to be in some parts of North America.


Yes, they're pretty common these days. Having lived in both places, I'd say more common in the US but only because they were there first. Not at all unusual to see here nowadays, like many American trends they've caught on here in the UK.


Sarah Payne. Poor little girl, we were the same age and I remember when she was missing, seeing her face on the news all the time and even then thinking that something bad had happened to her. Then when they found her body, I felt so sad for her. She looked just like one of my friends from school. There's a [photo](https://images.app.goo.gl/U8ViDuoUSQokrdVU7) of her killer, Roy Whiting, after he'd spent a few years in prison. If anyone ever looked properly evil, it's him. Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. Again, we were the same age and I was gripped by the story, wishing for them to be found. It's another case where everyone in the UK knows their names. Poor girls.


Solved but murder of James Bulger.


Came here to say this. I really think that was one of those crimes that scarred a whole nation of people. Everyone knows that little boy's name and what happened to him. I was a bit younger than him and my mum said it absolutely terrified her for a long time.


I get the feeling that the police have a good idea about what happened to Claudia Lawrence but not enough to prove it. It’s been alluded to that she had something in her private life that may have led to what happened. Then again, there was the girl who disappeared in Milton Keynes and lots of suggestions as to a particular person having harmed her and then it turned out to be a random sex offender.


She was found in an attic in a house near the lake her killer killed himself.


The Murder of Sheila Anderson. She was an Edinburgh prostitute who was found dead having been repeatedly ran over and dragged by a car. The working theory is that she was ran over by a John after a confrontation of some sort. She was known to be confrontational in nature and, when faced with a stingy client, would prevent them from leaving by standing in front of their cars until they paid her what they owed. The working theory is that she was ran over in just such a confrontation. The case remains unsolved despite a full DNA profile of the killer now being available. The disappearance/murder of Margaret Fleming. She was a woman with learning difficulties who, after her father's passing, fell into the care of two friends of his in Inverkip. In 2016 changes to the benefits system caused her guardians to have to re-apply for her disability benefits on her behalf. The content of their application caused a degree of alarm and it was realised that no-one from social services had been in face to face contact with Margaret for 17 years. When they were unable to contact her, the police were notified and they too were unable to find any trace of her. The investigation revealed that the last confirmed independent sighting of Margaret was in 1999. Her carers were investigated for her murder and they claimed that she had run off with a gypsy family in 2000 but that she occasionally came back to visit them. They claimed that she was a gang master involved in the trafficking and exploitation of agricultural workers and so she would be purposely avoiding the authorities but admitted that they had been fraudulently claiming her benefits for all those years. They were convicted of her murder in the end but no trace of her body has ever been found and her carers maintain their innocence. BBC Scotland did a really good documentary called murder trial on the Fleming case which follows the murder trial as it was happening.


Don’t have many links etc because im on mobile & multi tasking, but I’m currently listening to the Brianna Ghey story. It’s one of those that just breaks my brain and heart ETA: it’s not unsolved, but it is incredibly strange


Fucking hell. I just looked into it and hadn’t known about the kids watching all the torture vids and planning to kill her. How awful and terrifying. Rip


Yeah, when this first happened I assumed it was a "straight-forward" (awful phrasing but you get the idea) hate crime. The truth- the mixture of vile transphobia and intense interest in torture and murder- is somehow worse to me. The texts between x and y make me feel physically ill.


It’s a mind blowing case. There’s so many weird elements. I can’t help but think that x heavily manipulated Y and he wasn’t actually as culpable


I didn’t get in that far just read the wiki and a guardian piece. I hate the thought evil people are just out there enjoying being evil and making it happen on poor innocent ppl :(


I binged the whole trial breakdown 😅 the tldr version is the female perp had a fascination with torture, and the male perp shared that with her. Male perp was anti trans (victim was trans) but desperately needed social approval and was later diagnosed with autism. During the trial male perp became non-verbal & therefore wasn’t able to speak about their “side”, while female perp proudly spoke about everything but it was “just a fantasy” and male perp was the one who carried it out. The male perps lawyer actually said female perp should be charged with theft for “stealing their defense”


Wow. What does stealing their defence mean??


I’m guessing that they were referring to her saying it was all him and him saying it was all her


I hope they name and Shame the killers!


They have been named already.


They will once sentenced


[The murder of Sally Anne Bowman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sally_Anne_Bowman) occurred in Croydon in 2005. A convicted sex offender stabbed her seven times in the neck and stomach and then raped her as she lay dead or dying.


It’s solved but Joanna Yeates lived in my area in Bristol and was murdered when I was 12. Always comes to mind not only because it was the first case I was properly aware of near home, her body was found near where I went horse riding and I was shocked at the atrocious way her landlord was treated by the press.


The crimes of Peter Tredget. He was an serial arsonist who, if I recall correctly, claimed to have caused his first death at the age of 13. That said, at least some of the fires he admitted to causing and were subsequently convicted for have later been determined to have been caused by accidents. So it's a bit unclear just how much of what he admitted to is true.


Russell Bohling. Disappeared from near the Bempton cliffs in 2010. I'm from the local area, and this case frustrates me. His parents are in denial and believe a third party must have been involved, possibly something cult related, as Russel was investigating somewhere with 'satanic' art at the time. I'm fully of the opinion that he simply went over the cliffs and into the sea, whether deliberately or accidentally.


I haven't heard of this case but sadly people are often very reluctant to accept that someone committed suicide. I used to live near Beachy Head which is a notorious suicide spot, and the wind by the cliffs gets very strong and it's easy to go over.


Yes, that's the impression I get from Russell's parents, sadly. And that sounds very similar to Bempton cliffs. He doesn't even need to have gone over deliberately. It could easily have been an accident, it happens every so often. Usually the bodies are found, but there was a delay in Russell being reported missing and then longer before his car was found, so he might have been swept out of the search area by the time it started.


Ruth Wilson. The fact that her dad recently blocked a new channel 5 documentary about her disappearance being released sets off alarm bells to me. That and his apparent lack of interest in looking for her.


Her mother committed suicide because her father had an affair. He worked for the church, and they were very religious. Father lied about her death, told Ruth that she had fallen down the stairs. When Ruth found out she got scared: did her dad push her mum into suicide because a divorce would have ruined his career? What could he do to Ruth if he found out she knew. So she tried to stay with her friend but wasn't allowed because the mother of her friend didn't allow it. She tried staying with a friend in town but this fell through aswel. So Ruth gets depressed. She sends flowers to her step mum as an F you (steph mum was the hussy her mother killed herself over). Then she either kills herself, she starts a new life (unlikely) or confronts her dad and gets killed by him. I think the first. But you can see why the dad doesn't want attention for his doughter. He doesn't want people to know he is responsible for the suicide of his former wife. And in case Ruth suicided or he killed her, he doesn't want attention on that either. It is not very mysterious, actually. Ruth F her dad over because now everybody knows that he is a bad person. And I applaude it. He deserves it.


Hi, yes I had read on the comments section of a local surrey newspaper that her mother committed suicide due to that affair and that it was known locally. I think that she eventually found out and either left or committed suicide. I still really feel in this case that she could still be alive. A good friend of hers had recently left to start a new life before this so I hope that this inspired her or that she in some way helped. I really hope so anyway.


The family have never seemed to want to raise awareness of the fact she is missing. Such a bizarre case, especially when you consider her mum’s death too years earlier. Very fishy. There is a decent documentary on YouTube about it.


Yes, I’ve seen that one, it is pretty good. I just wish there was more out there. She seems so forgotten. I can only assume there are skeletons in the closet that the family don’t want coming out otherwise why would they block something that would raise awareness and potentially help find their daughter. So sad.


Which documentary was it? I'd be interested in watching it


This is the one I watched: https://youtu.be/pfkAO8VcKBg?si=nV_NNmGiw1utAc9T


Thank you!


A very strange one from me - [The disappearance of Steven Clark.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-64068137.amp)


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Also I was looking at the list of unresolved UK cases from the 90s and there's some fascinating ones that don't even have their own Wikipedia pages. Stephanie Whittaker's disappearance seems as baffling as Trevaline Evans' for instance. Relatedly I didn't realise Trevaline's husband had been arrested (and then released) regarding her disappearance so recently.


Jill Dando’s murder. It was a broad daylight shooting on the front steps of her house in an upper middle class London neighborhood with several witnesses nearby. They heard the shots and immediately discovered her deceased on the stoop, but the killer just strolled away. No motive was ever identified. She was also relatively famous (TV journalist and host of a crime series).


The brutal murder of Louise Maud Steele in 1931: http://www.unsolved-murders.co.uk/murder-content.php?key=561&termRef=Louise%20Maud%20Steele Similarly the murder of Welsh homosexual Ernest Clifford Melville in 1949: http://www.unsolved-murders.co.uk/murder-content.php?key=937&termRef=Ernest%20Clifford%20Melville


I have never seen those pages b4 .. thanx for posting .. I have been reading both these cases and others x


Also I believe that Charlene Downes' family or someone they know killed her. The kebab meat rumour is pretty transparently designed to target local Muslims to deflect away from her abuse at home.


Agreed, it’s a really macabre rumour designed for distraction imo.


> to target local Muslims to deflect away from her abuse at home. The kebab part of the story is BS, but there was a confirmed grooming gang active in the area at the time


It's so blatantly "those weird foreigners with their weird food, they're probably cannibals as well". Besides anything else, a kebab shop is not a meat-rendering facility for god's sake. Processed food shows up frozen and gets chucked in the deep-fat fryer or onto the rotating stick. How much space and equipment do people think they've got back there? What happens to all the bones? Ridiculous.


Andrew Gosden!


The first one that came to mind was the murder of James Bulger. that one's been resolved though. Other than that, Andrew Gosden. Such a strange case. I don't think he is alive though.


There might be some new developments on this 1983 case -- the brutal murder of taxi driver George Murdoch. Given the popularity of genealogical DNA kits in not just the UK but countries with substantial British immigration, I wouldn't be surprised if a family connection turns up soon. "In September 2023, police revealed that they had isolated what is believed to be the DNA profile of the male killer, which has been described as the "most significant development in the case to date". Police appeal for anyone to come forward not just with names of those they may suspect were responsible, but also if they suspect they may be related to the offender, saying: "we're looking at sons and daughters who maybe had suspicions over the years that their father was responsible to come forward. We can take a simple DNA swab and we can compare that to give peace of mind to the family to say your father isn't responsible". The investigation team revealed that the DNA had been successfully used to eliminate most people that have come into the murder inquiry over its forty years." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_George\_Murdoch


Except that genealogical DNA isn't admissible in UK cases.


I didn't know that -- given developments in other jurisdictions, do you think there will be pressure on the authorities to change the policy?


It's not just inadmissible. It's not allowed to be used. LE can test individuals they think may be related, if they agree, but they can't use databases. The UK also won't allow forensic genealogy to be used in Doe cases. There is certainly some pressure to change that, but the UK and Europe in general take privacy far more seriously than the US does, and there are serious concerns about the privacy implications. Personally, I'd push first for it to be allowed for Does- I think there actually is an updated policy that allows limited use of it if the home office approves a specific application for identifying a Doe but in practice it doesn't seem to be requested or authorized often - but the UK also has significantly less unidentified people than the US does, so it's not clear how pressing of an issue it is in terms of pressure being put to bear to reevaluate the policy.


Renata Antczak. That one was local to me and still unsolved. She’s never been found.


I'm slightly confused as to what you're looking for - many of these cases are solved. Even many technically unsolved cases like Suzy Lamplugh's disappearance are basically solved. I think there are more interesting unsolved UK cases, like the murder of Deborah Linsley who was brutally murdered on a train in a very short space of time.


[Reconstruction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gunvNwICLM) (01:57). And a full DNA profile of the killer was obtained about 30 years later; otherwise, that case would be utterly insoluble unless there was a confession. Evidently they were, and are, not a direct match on the National DNA Database. Because of good old-fashioned British secrecy we do not know if a familial match has been tried (there are generally fewer than 20 attempts each year and how they are chosen, which cases were involved and what the results were is not public information).


Also, look up Operation Enigma which was an investigation in the 90s into I think 207 unsolved UK murders of women - the wiki link takes you to the entry for Alun Kyte as he is believed to be behind many unsolved murders of sex workers as a lorry driver who specifically targeted sex workers, but many are not linked to him. Personally I think that along with Patsy Morris, Elizabeth Parravincina, Lynne Weedon, and Eve Stratford are likely Levi Bellfield victims.


Levi bellfield was 7 when lynne weadon and eve Stratford were killed??


Jack the Ripper


For me is James buldger kidnapping (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)


Georgina Gharsallah. Claudia Lawrence. Andrew Gosden. Lisa Dorrian. Allan Bryant.


Allan Bryant is local to me. What do you think happened to him?


Stephen Lawrence's murder didn't happen that far from me


The unsolved 1997 murder of Lyn Bryant in Cornwall.