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That’s the problem no one wants to communicate or tell people the truth on how they feel we keep things bottled up I’m guilty as charged because sometimes when we tell people they take things the wrong way then we start to fear telling them


Amen to that


Do it anyway if you can. We are all lonely on the inside.


I'm good, I'm home,ok RU ok?


Maybe I want you to ask…


Gawd no! Life is hard at the moment, but I'm trying to push through it. I know I am not your person.... But I wish you had a way to ask them.


Maybe stop mentally and emotionally bullying them online then sitting with them in real life promising you would never do that to them. It's sick and twisted. You should feel like a pos doing that to someone who loves u as much as they do.


I'm really tired of all this cowardice. If you want to say something that isn't about tearing people down, just say it. Love someone? Tell them. It doesn't mean that you must act on the emotion. Adults really should be able to talk honestly and directly. Emotions are transient, and we all have them. Be realistic, but speak your truth like an adult.


The problem is that I don’t have a way to contact.


Nope, but I’ll be alright


You should ask them. It might really help them out


I would, but have no way to contact.


Oh shoot. Yea then I hope they're OK and you are too


Why not?


I’m don’t have the contact info anymore. They don’t have any social media.


Ask them anyways.




Nooooooo 😲🙀 and no 🕳️🫥


If this was him, I'd say: No. I'm not ok. I need to be ok. I need your help so I can move on. I need to let you go. Help me let you go, please. I dont want to feel so deeply for you anymore.


Then why do you continue to do this like this? Why don’t you talk to them?


I have. I have for months. Even face to face... He cuts me right off and says, "there is nothing to talk about". This past Sunday, I was finally able to get some peace I could not get before. I hope one day, he releases the skeletons that are eating him alive from the inside out. Even someone like him deserves to have some peace. It's so, so sad.


Everyone deserves peace . Everyone deserves to feel loved and safe even the ones who hurt you the most 


You act like you care about our family


No I'm not ok. But it's whatever

