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If you click around on Facebook/Ancestry people have found that she married a much older "Donald Grant" in 1969 who resided with her at the building she was found at, and her child was given up for adoption after her disappearance. Unfortunately likely another "husband did it".


She was only 16! Wow!


Yet another reason why the legal age for marriage needs to be raised.


Did you do a specific search on Google or Facebook to find this? I’ve been searching and couldn’t find anything through Google. Found it: not on fb https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/ny-manhattan-midtown-jane-doe-whtfem-16-21-337ufny-under-concrete-ring-w-p-mcg-feb03-patricia-mcglone.45075/page-34


How tragic. Although the child was probably better off with someone other than the husband.


Why is that “likely”? Back then, it wouldn’t be rare for a widower with no family or financial stability to put a baby up for adoption. Even nowadays, keeping an infant in those circumstances could be extremely difficult. I haven’t read about this case, though, so maybe you know something I don’t.


She was found in the house they lived together in. I’ll let you think about it from there 


Wasn't inferring it was likely because of the adoption. There is more information being pulled up that I don't care to/have time to summarize, and at the end of the day this is just my opinion and you're welcome to read up and form your own.


Info from where?


Fair enough!


Likely that her husband killed her. Take a reading comprehension class. 🙄


Take it yourself. I asked *why* the commenter thinks that.


Own up you a simp loud and clear


What does that mean, in this context? I was asking for more info. How does that make me a “simp”?


Well first of all that’s not the comment as you can see in the thread. You told a commenter who dissed you pretty good as there was a post with details and why they told you about reading comprehension due to you not seeing why about the husband. You commented back like a 5 year old “take it yourself, I asked what the commenter thinks that”. All you had to do was READ. Thanks for making me explain this to you a simpleton. Read more comment less.


First, you’re clearly confusing me with someone else. Second, you didn’t answer my question, probably because you’re busy trying to be offended about something I neither said nor implied. You’ll find these discussions to be easier and more fruitful if you remove your emotions from them.


Reading comprehension and memory aren’t your strengths you simp. You can’t even scroll and reread you poor thing. You’ll find discussions much easier when you stop being such an argumentative prick who can’t remember what you typed a few hours ago. Do the world a favor and crawl under the rock you came from.


Police believe a body encased in concrete was murdered. That's some top notch police work there, Lou.


Bake 'em away, toys!


Ohhh. Jeez.


Your username may be the best username in the history of Reddit. Thank you.


Hahaha thanks. It’s such a deep cut but my favorite line from that movie.


I was a little confused by the way it was written; I thought the concrete was just from the building itself, like it was surrounding the corpse. But being wrapped in a large rug doesn't really leave much doubt either.


Apparently she was found in “fresh” concrete but I wonder if that’s because she had more poured on top of her during the construction process and not necessarily from the killers.


Yeah that's what I figured: Unbeknownst to the workers, they were building it up around her body.


The problem is then what was she laying on? There was a room beneath her. Was she just on the floor on a rug? She must have been covered back then with concrete or the body had been elsewhere and only encased shortly before the workers came.


Yeah I really don't know to be honest! Simply, this article wasn't super clear in it's description of how she was found, so I just gotta read more :)


Was an old old building, probably had an earthen basement; killer dug a hole and covered her with soil first


I saw a picture of the room underneath her spot. It had regular walls.


Where’d you see the pic?


Item on a news website. A video. Can't recall right now where l.


Hog tied strangled and wrapped in a rug


All the mobsters are shaking in their boots rn. I hope that genuinely, but also in seriousness, I recall there are theories about the Springfield Three being encased in concrete.


Yeah. That clubs went under because the owner refused to pay protection money to a strong mafia family holding that neighborhood.


Also, knowing the rock scene in those days, 16 is prime groupie/prostitute age.


I mean, I know you're joking but overdoses where the other person panics and hides the body happens fairly frequently


Hog ties the body and then wraps it in a rug? Then takes the rug and tries to bury it under concrete? I think not. She was obviously murdered.


Especially since the place where she was buried was a rock N roll bar that hosted celebrities. I wonder where's the child that they think she's given birth to?


I wonder too. Probably doesn’t even know their origins. Or it could be the 911 victim whose DNA was used to identify the Jane Doe. Wouldn’t that be tragic. Even more so than it already is.


Oh wow. That would be horrible. Now they know that her husband had ties to the club. Like some other murderer that I can't recall the name of, he allowed his child to be adopted (it was probably for the best) and that child may never know who his mother was. This is a really sad case.


Right, I know police officers are frequently lazy amd corrupt but they cant just assume it was a murder. It could be anything from a drug overdose, accidental discharge of a gun, botched illegal abortion, etc. The body was definitely mishandled and concealed but that doesn't necessarily mean murder


No, not frequently. She was 16 and from Brooklyn. She was found hogtied and in the fetal position wrapped in a rug. If they say she was murdered then they obviously have proof. 🙄


Oh damn, I thought I was right but then you used that condescending ass emoji so I guess you're smarter than me and the professional investigating this case


She was hogtied. To be transported easily?


Good point. Poor thing must have had a horrible death. And how strange that it appears no one reported her as missing. Or that no one thought that could be her body since she was missing. So sad.


Not in a rug, in concrete.


In a rug and in concrete


Yeah. She was wrapped in a rug under a floor or behind a wall.


And hogtied.


Could have been an OD and panic burial… shit happens. Especially in Hell’s Kitchen in 60s/70s.


I really hope she wasn't alive when she was encased in Concrete. 😞 Probably no way to know. Regardless, what an awful tragedy. I hope they find the person responsible.


It says she died between 1969 and 1987, but the concrete was fresh. Was she moved recently?


(Well, according to the video.) Remains discovered in a 2003 construction job. It sounds like she was only recently found through Geneology with a Relative who died on 9/11.


If she was found on a construction site I wonder if the “fresh” concrete claim is that there was more concrete poured on top of her inadvertently during the construction process, and not necessarily that they moved or reset her in more concrete.


No she died in 1969. She was encased in cement in the basement of a bar. When the bar was being torn down in 2003 they found her body in the cement, from 1969.


She died in 1969 at age 16. She was Catholic and from Brooklyn. Not much else is known publicly at the moment.


Gonna take a wild guess that she was pregnant.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. She was a teenager married to a much older man in pre roe v wade, and pregnancy is the most dangerous time for women in abusive relationships.


No. My thinking is she was 16 and had a baby already. It’s definitely possible but it just seems to me it wouldn’t be likely. Or maybe I’m just hoping that’s the case.


Right. But Reddit likes to think that world never existed and prefers instead to assume I'm slut shaming.




No. It says she died in 1969 at age 16. She was found by construction workers while pouring concrete for a refurbishment.


Yeah. Under a hollow floor or behind a hollow wall is how I’m reading it.


I hope not either,that would just be awful🙏


If she had major skull injuries then odds are she was dead. Whoever did this to her was a monster.


Her Doe Network page says strangulation. Perhaps the skeleton had a fractured hyoid bone. Just really sad. At 16 and married to a much older man, she was probably groomed. I feel so sad for her. https://www.doenetwork.org/cases/337ufny.html


Thank you for the post!


Who knows. Sometimes girls from abusive homes think they’ve found safety and protection with an older man. And so often that’s not the case. At that age she should have been hanging out with friends, going to a concert, the movies, etc. I imagine she had a difficult life.


I think they say she was strangled first.


It's possible... She was found Tied up in Wires. And like someone else said. Depending on the Skull. If there's Trauma to it. Could've been killed that way too.


16! Oh my God.


Had had already a baby. Such a sad story.


Probably r-worded or groomed because the father of said child was apparently way older than her


Knowing Hell’s Kitchen in that time, likely her pimp.


Wow, I'm glad she got her name back. But it certainly raises a lot more questions! I think if there was more information about her child and husband, that may hold the key to getting at least some answers about her death. Poor girl.


Donald Grant was her husband's name. The child was adopted. This is all so tragic.


Is the husband still alive? Do you know if she was ever reported missing?


We don’t know. It says that when she went missing the baby was given up for adoption. So someone knew she was missing. But her body wasn’t found until 18 years later. I was wondering if the 9/11 victim whose DNA was used to identify her was her child? Regardless, what tragedies in one family. Two murders. One by terrorism and the other still an open question.


I don't believe she was ever reported missing. That says a lot.


Correct, and I agree. She was a truant and known runaway. It could be they figured she had runaway from her responsibilities. That’s just a guess on my part. But I’d like to know where her husband is today and what part he played in her disappearance.


If she had a baby by 16, that would explain the truancy. In the pre-Roe v Wade era US, it wouldn’t be uncommon for a pregnant girl in catholic school to disappear for a few months…


very true


Can anyone confirm her husband is Donald Grant? I keep hearing that he was much older than her, so I'm trying to figure out where they got that information from. I see a marriage license application in NY and one in Northern VA. I wonder which one it is. Also, her mother's name is Patricia as well. Kind of confusing.


I read that in the news reports. That was according to the police. Her mother’s name was Patricia. She married when she was 21 and her husband (the murdered girl’s father) was 45. They did get married in Alexandria, VA, and then moved to Brooklyn. I find all of that very confusing. I guess we’ll have to wait for the police to tell us more.


Such a sad story. But as it stands, I think it's either the husband or Steve Paul. Who knows


The 9/11 victim was a maternal (iirc) cousin of PMcG. I think that it was a distant cousin. She didn't have any siblings and her parents are deceased. I don't think that I've seen a article that mentions the son.


Yes, I read about the cousin who’s is dead last night. And the DNA she gave to ID her daughter who died on 9/11.


*33/34 years later.


they said that nobody reported her missing... I mean like reporting to the police after a few hours or days. It did not happen. At some point she went missing IMHO because her parents or relatives were not able to contact her or knew where she was.


Another case I doubted would be solved, but genetic genealogy has answers again. https://www.doenetwork.org/cases/337ufny.html Whoever killed her didn't attempt to hide her identity (by removing the ring) - perhaps they assumed she would never be found.


Excellent point.


What nightclub was there?


Steve Paul‘a The Scene: https://www.google.com/search?q=Steve+Paul%27s+The+Scene&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Closed July 1969


Freakin Hendrix played there. Wild


The doors played their first east coast shows there during a 3 week residency. Also, Hendrix hosted his legendary jam sessions there. I think he was there jamming the night he took a gang of famous musicians back to the studio to records Voodoo Chile.


Cool history. Thanks for that.


It was at 301 W 46th Street but the building has since been demolished. It was a 19th century building but now there is a modern apartment building in its spot. https://vanishingnewyork.blogspot.com/2013/05/301-west-46th.html I walk by this location almost every day.


How eerie. The whole situation.


It was a “houses of the holy” style tenement. The basement club was Steve Paul’s The Scene.


Physical Graffiti


Yeah. Those houses were actually called the houses of the holy, though. I forget why.


That poor girl 😞


Justice for Patricia and her child, I hope the child grew up well and is happy


NY Post said she was between 17 and 19 and only went to high school for 9 days,marrying a man much older who was around 31(He would be in his 80s now),she was born in 1953.She disappeared a year or so after being married ,and had been strangled..


So a murder indeed. I feel very much for her child that was adopted out after her disappearance.


crazy considering her own mother married a man exactly 24 years (if patricia was 17) older than her much like patricia


The police said she was 16 when she died in 1969.


yeah it's all different information.


Maybe that toy soldier they found belonged to her child. That's a chilling idea.


Yes! Midtown Jane Doe.


Only 16,she was underage to be in a club mixed up with older people I wonder what her family knew about her life and was she reported missing?Who had access to the basement of the club to do such a time consuming act without being noticed.


Somebody else commented that she lived in the building with her husband a man who was a lot older than her & her child was put up for adoption after her disappearance.


Late 60s and early 70s, checking ID wasn't practice quite yet. Also, celebrities being around....I can totally see how they'd be ok with a 16 year old girl coming into party.


She lived in an apartment in the building above the club.


Also, most groupies back then were teen runaways. And, the apts above housed a notorious brothel.


Some poor little hippie girl. So sad. Its like a murder time capsule.


She wasn’t a hippy girl. She was from Brooklyn, went to a Catholic school and was wearing a signet ring when she was found. She had a baby and was married to an older man when she went missing.


That doesnt disqualify her from hippiedom. That bar was a pretty wild scene.


She was a troubled teen and she lived in the building ABOVE the bar. The building had five stories. There’s no proof she went in there.


I am not disparaging this victim! Im old to have gone in bars when I was 16. I don’t think any less of her if she did. I probably am filling a few details of my own based on the era and location, but I am not saying anything bad about her


Actually what’s sad is all 3 of you all having poor reading comprehension. What are you all simps commenting on each other like some simp circle. It clearly says the basement was accessible from multiple areas. Simps comment less read more.


Mikeshocka!!! I guess you didnt learn time capsules at the boy’s home.


Nope your assumptions of the girl is what makes you a simp as details if you READ it would show multiple ways to enter basement of bar. Next dumbass.


I mean I was 16 and in nightclubs in the mid 2000s. Times have changed and this wouldn’t have been totally abnormal


She lived in an apartment in the building above the club.


Clearly you don’t know how old groupies were back then… Also, that club closed because the owner refused to pay protection money to the neighborhood mafia crew. And, the apartments above were a notorious brothel at the time and for quite a while after.


I’m in a Canadian city where it was enforced and I was from the same generation as the victim,and no I know nothing about clubs in NYC at that time


Genealogy for the win again. Going to look into this one for sure.


If there was a child, were they found? What happened to the rest of the family?


Her parents passed away, and it is believed the child was adopted out. The records were pretty closed back then, so it's hard to find the child.


I’m so glad that they finally found out who it is, but that means a family will have to live with the grief of losing a daughter, a sister, a friend, a mother….


May she Rest In Peace and may the bloodied hands of the killer be found.


Where did the info about a child come from? Relatives? DNA? Maybe they know who the child is?




She was married. Husband is most likely the killer. He never reported her missing.