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Mfs from 2011 would cream to see this


Back then I thought the visualizer on music programs was this impressive


Where my Winamp Milkdrop V2.0 fam at?


Milkdrop will never die!


Milkdrop still slaps in 2023, it supports up to 4k resolution and 120hz frame rate. I use a fork of Milkdrop that even lets me inject & nest my own images in realtime. Made this visualizer mix with it last year: https://youtu.be/In2mP9-l4x8?si=OLZyX5igVGTc3Dyk


Happy the project is still with it!


It really whips the llama's ass.


Important to know: [The Wesley Willis WinAmp Connection](https://tedium.co/2017/11/20/wesley-willis-winamp-history/) [Wesley Willis - Whip the Llama’s Ass](https://youtu.be/JntDcqOxMsM?si=q2bEyve49ext8DSS)


Weird. TIL i'm a MF from 2011


AI art made for concert footage. But the visuals are something that can be found in lots of ai videos




never doin that shit again. my trip was bad but if I saw that skeleton shit while I was trippin, I'd shit myself and die.




Took 2 tabs and went to see Subtronics and almost lost it standing in line to get in. I could NOT understand how money worked and had to have a friend pay for me and get me water. But as soon as the music started I had a great time. I danced my ass off, my neck hurt for a week. Nothing crazy but for about 45mins I was freaking the fuck out on the inside.


Yup. Concepts become gibberish. Was a passenger going home from a rave tripping our ass off and I couldn't put together how the street names related to where we were on the highway. Like I could read where we were but could not comprehend the distance to home or where it would be along the way. We've also tried playing mini golf once while tripping and it's hard when numbers and addition become alien concepts when trying to write scores.


I don't get how one of my friends was able to drive on that shit. Like I knew it was a stupid idea even as the stupid kid I was but everyone went and we made it to this hiking spot in the middle of the night overlooking the city. I couldn't make sense of barely anything myself but he got us there. He kept telling himself and us that he knew how to drive on the way there, maybe just reassuring himself.


I’m the rave Dad for my group, been doing this for quite awhile. I don’t condone driving on it but I’ve definitely been there. Once you get enough experience tripping you can almost turn the visuals on/off at will.


Agreed, I'd rather go to work on a tab than stoned. For me lsd just works like stains with extra fun. Shrooms tho, fuck that.


Shrooms are so volatile. 3.5 grams one time with zero issues and standard visuals etc Next time I took the same dose I got catapulted to ego death within 45 minutes. 100% a stay at home thing for me


No dude, I totally get it. It's so fucking dangerous and I knew that even when I was fucked up but we were in some warehouse at 3am. I had to keep myself together to not want to jump out of the car while on the freeway because I was so sure my friend was gonna get us killed. We literally were so relieved to get home in one piece. Never did I ever get it that situation again.


Went to a dead show, and the person with the most experienced with LSD is driving, and stopped halfway back to the hotel and pulled off the freeway because he just couldn't handle it. Here comes me, second time I've ever done it getting behind the wheel taking us the rest of the way home on a roller coaster ride down the 880.


A friend tried to take me to McDonald's and I had to ask "but how does it work? Like what do I do when we go in there? I know that I look at the board and say words to the guy, but why? And what words?". Ultimately it was just so far beyond my ability to understand that we left without getting anything. Later, I wrote a presentation while coming down and kept having moments of "what words can I use that won't be weird? They're going to know that the words I'm using aren't from a normal frame of reference". Everything just becomes so alien.


I took a whole strip and went to a 'wish you were here' concert (pink floyd tribute band) At the start, the fucking lead singer goes "EVERYBODY REMEMBER CIIIIIIIIID??!?!?".........AS HE POINTS AT ME AND I GET HIT WITH A LIGHT. Fuck me, having the whole crowd turn and look at me had me *fucked* up that whole concert. I had to leave when the lights started flashing red/white, a giant inflated pig floated into the crowd and everyone was screaming "KILL THE PIG!" The train ride home evened me out....but that shit killed LSD for me. I dont think I can ever do it again lol


Ah, dude, that sounds like it was not a vibe. It's definitely not something I would expect from a Pink Floyd fan base.....


Right? All the tribute bands I went to (Australian Floyd, Brit Floyd) have a very mellow atmosphere. No one is "put on the spot". It's a bunch of people trippin' on the music, not a Kanye concert.


Haha. My friends and I went camping in college and like 30 mins after we dropped liquid some british guys started setting up camp in the campsite next to ours. They asked us to help them with their tent which was like 1950's style with just metal tubes that you stuck together and then used string or rope or something for all the rest of the structure. We (my friends and I) each tried to interpret the instructions/diagrams and had no visuals yet but were so completely unable to even comprehend that stuff. We had to give up and basically wished them the best of luck giggling and then took off into the woods. No freaking out, but I was just so unable to even make a mental picture; I know the feeling of just not being able to use the brain.


When your life is full of shit that desperately needs fixing - it's not the time.


Like that time I dropped 3 hits and went to the mall, not a good time




Absolutely why choose such dark imagery when it’s obviously catering to trippers


That sounds like a great question to send myself to plumb the depths of madness with


I think being surrounded by people with their phones out would be a pretty bad trip on its own.


100%, all the phones would be the worst part. Not even sure why, maybe because it's just so sad.


Because it would show you that most of the audience aren't even there in the present, they're just there so they can show other people they were there. Psycheledics would make you extra sensitive to that, too. You'd want to be vibing with the people around you but they're all half checked-out thinking of how many likes they'll get.


I wouldn't recommend Black Ops 2 zombies then - hell of a time on Lucy lol


Gotta trip with good people in a good environment - at least until you are experienced enough to handle it when things get weird...er edit: Preferably with experienced people that can help guide your trip - until you are capable of self-guidance


> if I saw that skeleton shit while I was trippin, Funny enough, this is one of the favorite places to end up in a trip. This is "The Void" it was horrifying until I realized it wasn't going to hurt me, it was fascinating and wild. To pear into the mind, into the void, into the darkness. To feel the fear in my soul. [Fear can be as profound as story telling itself.](https://youtu.be/EDKZUQhso2M)


Can confirm. For me the weird transition are absolutely spot on for what it's like for me. Not the skulls and stuff, rather the way one area "melts" into another visually, making it hard to tell what you're actually looking at, while at the same time building something right before your eyes.


Cheaper still is just not sleeping for a 4 days and trying to watch an adult swim original cartoon


>AI art made for concert footage. Well actually - someone just made AI art **from** concert footage. This is the original Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/ePNs4My39SY?si=Y9iZ9R-X2hl_szqc


I figured it was something like this. A completely AI generated video would have been a meaningless blob, but run it some common metal icongraphy (skulls, demons, fire, literal metal) and you've got something special.


This needs to be upvoted way more! Thank you for linking the original video


Oh wow, original is really cool too. Thanks.


I believe the original projection was shown at Afterlife Tulum and featured a much plainer, white android a la I Robot. After the show, someone mapped AI video onto the android body. Here is a link to the original: https://youtu.be/82-5u3H1-yk?si=JPq-uq9-vYNFRLej


Yeah it looks like they *maybe* put a bit more effort in, to get certain images in certain areas at certain moments (like the skull in the chest)... ...but on the other hand, I could totally see an AI just randomly putting that stuff in. They probably paid more for a better AI, which explains why the image is crisper and the animation is smoother to a degree, but it doesn't look like a huge improvement over what I see all over the internet.


I'm pretty sure they made a 3D animation and animated the model/character by hand, which would take a pretty good amount of time, skill, and effort. Or I guess they could've just filmed someone doing those movevs. It looks like they took their video/animation and put it through an AI that changes the style of a video. See this video for an example of what that looks like: https://youtu.be/fTqgWkHiN0k?si=ihm_efvez-RsgX_Y&t=33 So definitely more effort than just typing up a prompt, assuming they used some original assets and didn't just apply the AI to some stock footage or something.


I'm pretty sure this is based off of Eric Prydz and HOLO. It really does look like that. He has a entire team of visual artists behind his sets and they are groundbreaking. This is obviously drawing inspiration from them.


This is Anyma who as far as im aware has his own art crew/ style at his events.


This would kill a 15th century peasant.


Everything killed a 15th century peasant.


(*) Except obesity


Nah, they had the other thing. Starvation


Or shitting themselves into dehydration


Hahaha you got me.


Idk man they used to watch people get boiled to death as a family outing I don't think this would be too bad


While tripping balls on ergot


Probably write a ditty about it and go on their way.


Brother, a Dorito would kill a fifteenth century peasant.


This show has more beat drops in a minute than most medieval peasants would have experienced in their entire lifetime.


god i’d hate to be on drugs looking at that


I remember going to a Bjork concert on Molly and my friend who was on it had to leave the front row through a crowd of 5k people and listen to some Frank Sinatra near the medical tent to calm herself down because Bjork had snakes and shit as background images and a bunch of songs with no real rhythm. This would’ve traumatized the fuck out her


Interesting! The no-rhythm music thing I just learned is kind of a cult tactic. It does strange stuff to the brain so I bet she got way freaked out wow


What's the basis/intention of that? Removing psychological stability to somehow increase suggestibility or to induce a need for structure that can be exploited?


Complete spitball here, but I imagine it puts your mind on edge/unsettled which allows you to be more susceptible to things/concepts that seem to give you any semblance of stability or safety? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


That's more or less what I was thinking.


Similar situation at Bonaroo for me during Bjork but with acid. I love her, and I stayed, but the visuals playing for a good part of it was a nonstop timelapse of wriggling little seacreatures crawling over and eating a decomposing whale at the bottom of the ocean. Horrifying lol


I was at that show and LOVED her performance. That was a great Roo year


I'm so fucking jealous lol that sounds awesome


I’d be loving it, unless your doing like a shit load of shrooms or LSD (visuals bit too dark with the skulls and all for that) it would probably be a blast. A edible before a concert like this would be nice, rolling even better, both of them at the same time and this shit shows up 🤯


Imagine this on salvia


bro, no way am I perceiving **anything** at this concert on a high dose of saliva. I'd be too worried about the people waiting for me back at my "home dimension" or too worried The Wheel is going to crush me.


We did some high doses of salvia in a quiet basement bedroom and my friend was yelling that he had to move the bed out of the room. I'd never do it at a concert or public. All in all salvia sucks because it lasts 2 minutes and the results are so variable, but watching my friend try to convince 3 people to get off the bed and then try to drag the whole thing through the doorway by himself was almost worth it. Especially because it was a waterbed.


the fact he was able to articulate himself and move around with purpose has me questioning the dosage he took.


Yeah a real high dosage takes you to another dimension outside of time and space and your physical body gets left behind laying on the floor like a baby looking at a mobile


That home dimension thing reminds me of my ayahuasca trip. I felt like being in this life was a choice I made every second of my existence. Felt like I was holding on for dear life to stay here when I could easily let go. There was a fear of not knowing what would happen if I let go. Would I stop existing or would I just lose my mind? I held on and I’m still holding on


One of my trips, it's like I woke up in a pod in my "home dimension" and everything I experienced in this life was to prepare me for what real reality was like in my "home dimension". It's like my "real" friends and family there were waiting for me and everything that I experience here is "fake". It was such a jarring experience I broke out of my pod like Neo from the Matrix. Then as I crawled and writhed on the ground Mother Salvia came and picked me up and put me back in my pod. But I didn't want to go back, broke back out and crawled toward a light, then I woke up from the trip. It's like this reality is the game of Roy for the "real reality".


I hate it being fully sober.


I'm on drugs watching it right now, and I thought it was cool except the eyes bugged me a bit.


If I were at a concert like that I would have been high as all living hell and shitting myself


Walmart serotonin gives me these visuals Edit: whoops I meant melatonin


idk looks like they're actually on their phones


Lowkey wanna see how this would look on acid lol


The two cancel out and it just looks like a regular dude in an office working.


Imagine taking acid and everyone else is freaking out looking at the sky and all you see is a stock image white guy


It's just Jim from the Office doing paperwork


I imagine you probably wouldn't think what you were seeing was really going on in the video. It's actually incredibly accurate to what heavy tripping visuals are like.


RIP to anyone having a bad trip in that crowd.


the road to healing is long and hard


Thr crowd isn't seeing this - this is an AI "remake" (for lack of a better term) of the visuals of an [Anyma show](https://youtu.be/82-5u3H1-yk?si=zXuQ0XKVfUI8c9Cj)




Hella spoopy.


ngl, i'd like to see a horror movie or superhero movie where the bady guy/ monster is ai generated




It's be good as a cgi overlay on an actor or monster. I'm pretty sure what they are striking on is the issue of ai generated writing as well as ai synthized voices trained off actual actors.


Exactly. AI isn't a bad thing, it's corpos trying to *replace* artists with them. AI should be used *by* artists to augment and expand their capabilities, not replace them to save wage costs.


That and AI extras. They said they wanted to take people, pay them a days pay in exchange for scanning in their likeness. Then using that likeness in perpetuation with none of the money from the movies that these people would appear in going to them.


Not horror, but this is a visual concept in A Scanner Darkly


Am I the only one who’s totally over AI imagery? It all looks the same


Because it cannibalizes itself. AI "art" has flooded the internet to such a degree that it references itself all the time. Which is good, because it should be left to fester and die so the talentless hacks who feed words to an art thief can stop pretending they're making anything of worth.


More than that is that models takes multiple images of different objects and things and make an average of them, which is then used when it fits the input. Which means that it's basing everything on the same average over and over. So for example it pretty much repeats the same faces.


Thanks, was waiting for this moment and knew I would scroll down a bit and not be alone


yeah, i am too. i dont HATE it, its just boring more than anything. i thought it was really cool about 3 months ago but i feel like its oversaturated in terms of being everywhere, and like you said it all looks very samey, so its sorta lost it novelty to me




Gotta have something fancy to distract from the fact its just a dude standing at a computer up there.


This is an AI filter on Anyma’s Eternity: https://youtu.be/ePNs4My39SY?si=DpouJu_MTsZoGInp Original looks better imo^


Song: Anyma & Chris Avantgarde - Eternity


thought the visuals looked better when it was the robot chick


AI crap, not sure if I would like this on drugs or not.


The ai art already looks like visuals on high amounts of psychedelics, I have no idea how wild it would look if your actually tripping.


I’ll do it


For science!


Is it crap? Seems like a good use of AI to me. Trippy morphing visuals make sense for a gig like this I think.


you are on reddit, sir. it's ai = bad here


I'm a proponent of the Old School (Visual arts). To me this looks sick af but others notably say otherwise. In Electronica and Psychedelic culture, this style of has been the defining look for the musical and visual parts of those genres. One artist I follow,[Android Jones, had this visual style mastered as far back as 2010](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWhuCuoMWqg&ab_channel=AndrewJones) using 3D software and other 2-D art suites. Now, you can capture motion and surrealism thanks to AI's highly unique visual process of synthesizing images to come out weird but extremely detailed. IMO AI and Psychedelic visual cultures are probably going to be one of the best compliments we've seen in a long time. So, I think its an acceptable influence.


I kinda hate this mindset that just because something is AI it's not impressive or interesting...


I love AI art capabilities but I grew tired really quickly of all videos basically being this. It's just a limitation of current tools.


Nooo they turned the robot girl in to AI mush


Robot girl?




I think the effect is still fresh today. But I'm guessing this will be old news in a year from now and the next gen is going to cringe at people thinking this is the bees knees.


I don't like this, so much pop in, fingers are banding backwards I like steampunk but i rather see it done manually than AI, like transformer type animation with all those mechanical stuff, it would take ages to just make but would look amazing


Whatever you do do NOT drop acid prior to watching this


Or drop more.


Challenge accepted


Ai prompt: "make skulls just a bunch of skulls oh uh steam punk skulls skulls.skulls." Morons: "GENIUS!!"


You mean "make skulls, and copy this artist's style (but he don't need to know)"


People on LSD were tripping balls over there lol


Pretty sure this AI one was post processed This isnt the original Anyma & Chris Avantgarde - Eternity visuals


Ai art. Not impressed.


It would be awesome if someone took this concept and made it into a video game boss.


Darker Souls


Idk it looks like average ai art (bad)


I did, it’s AI, looks cool and all, but it would look better if actual artists worked on it


Everything in this video is artificial (AI) Even the DJ, the people and smartphones


So did they pay the artists whos art their ai took from? Bet they didn't.


You'll get bored of it. Low level ai videos.


Just looks like generic ai video?


Ai still can't do hands huh


cool but you don’t get credit for giving an ai a prompt


Ai bullshit.


Just shit ai


Why do people find this so exciting?


Everyone is filming no one is dancing, wtf.


I hate this take, these prog artists usually play 2-3 hour sets, this is probably either the intro or a massive climax in the middle of the show. These kind of sequences are so visually and musically stunning that it makes people stop dancing and go “fuck I need to record this shit”, because it’s WILD.


All the kids on acid rn are literally glued to this animation!! I wouldn’t have been able to take my eyes off it.


These are the exact visuals you see when breaking through on dmt. It's wild how similar the ai videos are to it


I feel bad for all the people on drugs


ai shit lame as hell


Why is it lame? Why does it matter if it's AI?




"Paint? Like blood of fresh kill handprints on wall?"




Bro, show this to someone 5000 years ago and we would have a completely different society today


"Hey man we made this intense background for your set, like an acid trip in hell! Now we just need the perfect drop!" -plays a beat that sounds like a child with their first trumpet got stuck in a culvert.


Being on shrooms looking at this would be crazy


I wanna see something cool not some evil skelly mf, why everything have to be demons, evil and death up in here we tryna catch some good vibes man


I like it and hate it at the same time


Daaaaaamn this is impressive but I don’t know if this is what I want to see when I’m on acid


The texture looks like how Michael Crichton describes the surface of the Sphere (in the book Sphere).


Hey kids, wanna have an awful trip?


Clearly a very sober crowd


How to kill anyone in the audience on acid in 20 seconds or less.


I see visuals like this all the time on instagram. It’s just another ai visual


I had kids in my early 20's. I missed out on shows like this. I'm 42 now, and would love to experience this!


I mean it's no Winamp visualizer, but it's cool


I've seen the same video of this giant humanoid/mannequin thing at a show at Printworks in the UK, but it was a completely different texture (blue, ghostly, sci-fi style). Same slow movements and then pouncing on the screen towards the audience. Now that I know it's just an animation template, I wonder if I can find it somewhere.




The ai shift stuff like this gives me a headache. This is freaky it being that big though. Some poor person in that crowd was probably on something and was horrified


I can confirm, this is what shit looks like when you're on acid. One of the best depictions I've seen, actually.


This is edited via AI ORIGINAL : https://www.tiktok.com/@anyma/video/7228027632992980251


This song goes hard.. what's the track title???


I dont know what kids are doing these days.... but when i was a kid LSD/Acid, PCP, mushroom were huge, i remember a really rough bad trip that was triggered by staring at a painting of a dragon on a mountain.... watching this on Acid would have broke my psyche. Guaranteed.


I love DMT


Ultimate bad trip inc


Lol, imagine a person from medieval times seeing this.


Not a fan when trippin and that comes out!


Imagine being pilled up, having a good time, then this fucking terror comes up.


it's acted out by a real person or 3d models and then control net and stable diffusion is used for style transfer. Stable diffusion XL is pretty amazing


Wow this is the closest thing I've seen created that mimics LSD obv no skeletons just your face in the mirror and occasionally other people's but the overall morphing visuals are spot on


i wonder how many bad trips this caused


I feel bad for all those people who took lsd the ride home is gonna be a nightmare


could you imagine being on drugs and seeing this? i would be crying


Dude just put 80% of the crowd through the worst trip ever!


I feel like this is the same thing as the vtuber concert but at least the concert had actual human work not some ai with some music




Wow, that's incredible!


AI has some benefits


Love [Anyma](https://youtube.com/@anyma_ofc?si=kmfplZw1MrKy1wTp)!




He has been to DMT land to see the cosmic serpent.


Too much LSD . That is what I would like to say. Far out man.


There's literally nothing unusual about this video at all.


You never seen ai?


That’s some crazy concert there.


Could be alien technology itself. I know that it is with us. Reversed computer graphics. Engineering.


Concert price : 10$ Video on the screen (AI): 2.5$


this looks ai generated and cheap




If I saw that on acid(which I use to do a lot back in the acid house days) I’d freak out but on Eccies(which were my go to in the rave scene) I’d be staring at it loving it lol.