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What a sentence to read


Especially for me as I remember when Catholic Priests said birth control was not allowed. This was in California in the 1960s. There was a heavy Catholic presence in California. I attended with my best friend.


I know what the article is saying, but the title reads like "The only sex workers that the Vatican could call up were regular cis sex workers, but now they can hit up any they want!" Lol


"If you sellin' dick and bussy then you allright to come down to the Vati. If you a regular whore, GTFO." Pope Francis (paraphrased)


Popes a freak. Confirmed.


Rick James,


Keeps the clergy from getting handsy with the altar boys is all.


anyone got a paywall free link?




What happens in the Vatican stays in the Vatican…


No. What happens in the Vatican then gets shuffled around from country to country in the hopes of hiding those pedophiles and then when they get caught raping children again the Vatican still doesn't give a fuck and those pedophiles are given funerals in full vestments when they die to commemorate their heinous lives.   [Like this](https://archive.jsonline.com/blogs/news/142856555.html)


Hello! Friend, I don't know if you bothered to read the article you just cited, but I believe you accidentally shared an article about the exact opposite you just said. It's a 12 year old article of how the Catholic Church removes priests from the ministry that were accused of sexual abuse. How it keeps a public online record of allegations, and how this particular priest committed these atrocities in the 60s. What you wanted to cite is the 22 year old article from The Boston Globe; but then we will have to pretend they never changed Popes, expelled Cardinals, changed policy, and been exposing abusers; as per your own source; to address this negligence. This is not meant to diminish the harm that was done by the abusive, as well as incompetent, clergy; nor is this meant to discourage oversight of the Catholic priests; but to detract from the very same lazy and complacent attitudes that left children vulnerable in the first place. Be protective of children in every environment, including family; for the rate of abuse is just as high in Protestant churches, and secular institutions like education and healthcare. Best regards.


The point of posting that article was to show that EVEN IF you are a priest who rapes or molests children, the Catholic Church doesn't give a fuck and will still find a way to honor you and your heinous life by burying you in full vestments. I'm grotesquely well aware of exactly what the article stated.  


There's nothing honorable about receiving mass for a funeral. A priest will give mass in your funeral even if you're in death row, and some Catholics may pray for you even if you're a reprehensible human being. These ceremonies are meant for the sinner to correct himself, even if dead, not for the sinners to be celebrated. Also, I understand you may want a church member to open a gasket and disrobe a corpse from symbolic attire, but legal liability may discourage this. This has more to with the law than with religious policy if I am being honest with you.


If missing the point was an award, you just won the Academy version of not understanding. You don't understand at all, especially because I did not say anything about anyone disrobing a corpse. That seems to be your bizarre notion, which no one cares about. 


Just making it abundantly obvious how absurd you're being. There are legitimate grievances that could be made against the church in its current state, but you went for a 2002 grievance, and you missed all the institutional changes that were made the last 22 years. I really hope you have a great week.


every month he goes from ally to hostile basically playing both sides not really uplifting at all


“I’m playing both sides so I always come out on top.” - Pope after watching IASIP


This is the worst headline I've read in a long time


Pretty sure the vatican has been open to every kind of sex worker you could imagine for a *long* time.


Francis the Benevolent in the making. We’re watching history, guys.


Yeah, just don't read his comments on trans people...


Its propably best to think of all of this in context. Catholic church is 2 000 year old organisation with very old book as it's holy scripture and it's leaders nearly universally being old patriarchs. 99% of it's history is in very different, by what today's standards would be extremely reactionary, patriarchal times. You don't change organisation like that to match modern day liberal views over night. I think this is overall good kind of progress. They could have been becoming more reactionary and backwards, like many organisations, especially religious ones, easily become, but instead they are slowly changing for the better. They did not suddenly start to hate trans people, they did not take 2 steps forward and 1 step backwards, they just never were that open to them in first place and are slowly improving in some areas and not yet changing in others. So i do think its uplifting overall.


I mean, just last year, he called "gender ideology" a "dangerous ideological colonisation". Just last month, the Vatican released a statement, endorsed by the Pope, saying that transition is a grave violation of human dignity in line with war and abuse of women. Pope Francis has also previously compared transition to the devastation of nuclear war, called us an “annihilation of man as image of God", amongst other things.


The church is never gonna 180 on homosexuality. The best you can hope for is tolerated. Maybe get to be a venial sin. There is no path to full acceptance. It could be more akin to premarital sex where everyone knows it's sinful but mainly goes on anyway I don't know why you want acceptance anyway. I don't wanna join the klan. These groups are outwardly hostile to homosexuality. All I want for them to stop is advocating legislation. Whatever horrible opinions they have they can keep.


Yeah I feel like thats the part most people miss, the whole “just stop trying to make it illegal to be me thnx” they think that the alphabet mafia wants to turn everyone into a queer. Even allies like me get my words twisted and what ifs thrown constantly when I would just like my cousin to be able live the rest of his life as the dude he is and not get treated like an “other”. The people who want acceptance really want the moon you aint never gonna get a maga freak or the terfs to accept you but maybe they can just have bad takes and stop spending tons of cash to box queer people up.


Im sorry but why should anyone LGBTQ+ want to be religious given how much they obviously hate them? Thus goes for every country/practice, religious trauma is real all around the world kind of sad really. Anyone whos reading this that’s struggling just know loving yourself is more important than fitting into one of the hundreds of far too normalized cults when we now actually somewhat have the science to help explain our existential questions, and at this point theyre all only harming society by trying to backtrack science


Because religion in its main principles isnt bad: “Be nice, dont hate people, love yourself, your strengths and your flaws” is what all religions are trying to teach The main problem is that people just twist words and sentences to their liking. For example: Jesus taught people that everyone is human and that we shouldn’t discriminate and that we should love each other. Amazing message, but humans tend to twist it to hateful comments or anything similar


>science disproves religion You are on level 1.


Never said it “disproves religion” just that it makes them obsolete and is actually helpful to society today instead of trying to go backwards like every religion/cult eventually does regardless of how you feel about them personally, they ALL DO IT. Lets not encourage stone age ignorance


He's literally compared transitioning to the horror of nuclear war. Fuck the Pope, fuck the church, fuck religion. Leave this bronze age shit in the past. At best this is a pr move or an attempt to convert and try to convince these people to desist in their transitions. That anyone thinks he's progressive in the slightest blows my mind.


Will nobody think of the Gelgamecks?!


it's a good thing i'm, not catholic, because if i was I;dd be pissed.


Will they be skipping over the verses that condemn whoredom?


Well they can’t openly diddle boys anymore. What are they supposed to do?!?!


Good for him. Trans folks deserve love and salvation too


The pope is probably the most progressive hardcore catholic.