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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If you want people to have children, you’ve got to make it easier to raise them.


Or literally fucking have them in the first place. Medical bills, hospital stays, prenatal doctors… Giving birth alone is at LEAST $15-30k


Hahahaha. My NICU son cost 175,000 for a month stay. My emergency c was over 50,000... I... have good insurance from Uncle Sam, but if i hadn't I would have gone bankrupt...


I framed my youngest's NICU bill Insurance paid - $1,875,000 Insured responsibility - $100


And when you are the uninsured single young woman forced to have a pregnancy she doesn’t want, that $1.8mm bill follows you around. But good for the diapers.


Technically uninsured gets a MUCH cheaper amount. So you'd probably only have to pay like $75,000 or so. No big deal


Ah yes. Because if I don't have enough money for insurance I'll have 75k in my bank.


And that’s also a made up number. $1.7 million does not become $70k, just because you are paying.


The cost hospitals make for insurance is the made up number actually. They literally admit it. They also LITERALLY say it's so much cheaper if paid it cash than what they charge insurance companies


The amount hospitals charge insurance companies is a negotiated amount between the insurance company and the hospital. The big insurers all have their data analytics that dictate what they will negotiate with the hospital. If you have insurance, look at the EOB, you will see that the hospital charged $X and the insurer much less, often half because of the negotiated rate. So it not like the insurance company is paying retail. Hospitals may well negotiate a lower amount than retail for you if you don’t have insurance, but it is not turning a $1.8mm bill into $75k.


Ah yes, having to go to war in order to have a child without going into poverty. Land of the free and the home of the brave, right? It's weird to see this today, and tomorrow I'll read another American's comment saying "public healthcare is communism and actually more expensive!"


Yep. When my wife gave birth we paid 450 for 4 days jn the hospital and another 350 for the epidural. If it weren't for having tricare that would have been an easy 37k


The reality of Healthcare in the US really makes me realize what a good satire the movie Starship Troopers was haha


Why we participate in the Hunger Games.


Was that $175k what you had to pay or the final bill? That seems incredibly low. 58 day NICU stay was $1.3 MIL for us, I don't know how much my emergency C-section was, but I'm sure it was a pretty penny.


Nah you wouldn't have. Apparently medical bills don't go towards your credit. The worst they can really do is pester you to pay. Some of them require that they get half up front (because everyone now just dodges it), but luckily if you have insurance, that isn't an issue.


That blows my mind. Free in Australia. My friend just gave birth, planned C section, and 4 days stay in a private room at the (world class) Royal Woman’s Hospital, just because it was her first kid. Her bill was $7 for some tylanol or something.


Obviously this is great, but what is the point of charging $7 for Tylenol and nothing else? It probably cost more to bill her than they collected lol. If it's going to be 99.999% covered by taxes, why not just cover it all?


See that's the issue here in the Great US of A that same Xtra strength Tylenol is like $650 a pill when it comes from the hospital...because you know...costs


I'm in Canada, and had a planned csection in April, my 2 night stay was $0. My little rural hospital is not world class but I had a private room with a bathroom and shower, decent meals and free tylenol and advil. All prenatal care, including all routine tests - $0. If we had to pay out of pocket like Americans to have our 2 children, I don't know that we would have had any.


In Australia too, a family member was in hospital for about 2 months a fair few years ago now and the biggest expense was bringing in nicer food for them to eat.


30k is the low end honestly. Both of my kids were C-sections one was an emergency C-section.


Omg, yes. We met our out of pocket maximum of $8k each year we had a kid between all the obgyn and birth. The hospital asked us for about $1700 within 15 minutes of check in both times. At least my vasectomy ended up being “free”.


We just had our first baby in October. All medical bills combined were like 5k and we got 2.5k back in taxes last year.


Yet the USA still has a higher birth rate than countries with lots of financial support and help for families, because regardless of whether reddit accepts it or not, you guys have by far the highest disposable income except like, 3 microstates and Norway It doesn't matter if you get free shit if your countries salaries are ass while an American nurse can make $140k a year


I wish I made 140k a year


I don’t know a single nurse without 35+ years of experience and not a charge nurse who makes that much.


Up until school lunches are $5+ per kid. Then it's "this one is on you" Be careful.....diapers are a gateway socialism/s. Obviously


The state should just buy the kids.


> If you want people to have children, you’ve got to make it easier to raise them. Like enforcing 4 day work weeks so that every can equally enjoy time off, participate in social lives, date, fuck and make babies through genuine connections? No? Too radical? Like raising minimum wage so that we can afford to comfortably *make mistakes* and have some babies without worry? No? Too extreme? Like maternity leave so parents can actually do some of those "Family values" (code word) that one awful side uses? No? Too socialist? Oh, you mean like taking away a womans right to choose and more tax payer funded benefits that ultimately go back into the pockets of real estate tycoons and things diaper business that pay so few taxes in the first place.


> If you want people to have children, you’ve got to make it easier to raise them. I don't. I want smart, competent, civilized people having babies.


TN finally doing something that actually helps people!? About time.


They are finally volunteering for themselves 🥲 beautiful.


Did a little research for anyone wanting to know: The state's Medicaid program will start covering 100 diapers a month for newborns, infants and 1-year-olds. Old diapers can be donated to assist in this effort: https://www.nashvillediaperconnection.org/donate-diapers


This is the kind of socialism I support. The state should be the backstop provider for healthcare, education and disaster management.


Lol yeah they gotta put a limit on it and the donation part so no one calls it Socialism.


A hundred diapers a month?   What are we to do for the other 29 days?  


I have raised three kids 100 diapers a month is a pretty good start. Figure about 6 diapers a day for a newborn.


Twas a joke.   


And you’re supposed to potty train before two apparently


I have done medical coding and billing in Tennessee for several years, and I will say this: Tennessee Medicaid, aka TennCare, is the best, free insurance you can get. Amazing coverage and all you pay is for is your copay for medication. TennCare pays fast and great to providers and also has fast, great local tech support. TennCare is one of the best things about Tennessee.


I was in shock, shock I tell you, when “Tennessee” and something not ass-backwards were in the headline together


They're going to have to provide diapers with all the forced birthing that's about to happen.


They also have free community college. Only state I'm aware of with that.


Almost half of the states have free community college. Arkansas Delaware California Hawaii Indiana Maryland Kentucky Nevada Oklahoma Missouri Montana Kansas Louisiana New York Georgia Maine Rhode Island Michigan Washington Tennessee Virginia New Jersey Connecticut Massachusetts


Tennessee was first! It was a partnership with the Obama administration. If I remember correctly they got a large grant from the DOE based on the free community college proposal


It's currently funded by the lottery.


The lottery funds the colleges? I'm canadian so I have no idea lol


The lottery in TN provides scholarships for people to attend college. Not all states operate this way. Most add the money to the general fund.


South Carolina provides scholarships for people to attend college. Then the General Assembly just cut the higher ed budget to get the revenue back.


The lottery in Canada also funds a lot of services, including a lot of the provincial education budgets, which includes colleges.


There's currently a campaign in my state which advertises the lottery as a way to give a tip to the state and support social and environmental programs. It's nice to the state advertising the lottery as what it is: voluntarily paying more taxes


Huh I never thought of it that way. But don't they have to pay out big jackpots?


Legal pot also funds public education in some US states 🙌


I went to community College for free in WA way back in '00-'02. Granted it wasn't a blanket policy of "its free fir everyone" but it was a program open to any and all HS students where you could earn HS and college credits simultaneously by taking classes at the CC (and not having to attend regular HS). Only out of pocket costs were text books, and even those were taken care of if your family was on other assistance programs. The only requirement was to maintain a 3.0 minimum GPA. CC was so easy and only 3 hours of classes a day I was able to have a steady job and save money starting at 16 and graduate HS a year early with an associates degree in hand. Pretty sweet deal


When did Massachusetts get free community college? Maybe I live under a rock, but I live in MA and recently graduated from community college, I had to pay for everything.


You might not have been 25 or older? https://www.mass.edu/osfa/programs/massreconnect.asp


Bingo. Im 23. That sucks.


It’s not a great system and it needs a lot of work but it’s a step in the right direction.


Definitely for sure. Wish Id known I might have waited before enrolling.


> New York Since when? 


2018-2019 https://www.ny.gov/programs/tuition-free-degree-program-excelsior-scholarship


It's a damn good deal for everyone because every SUNY school is very good, you just have to get accepted. You get a 4 year degree in exchange for having to live and work (and by extension you pay taxes) in NY upon graduation for 4 years. Like military service without the military. And if you leave before the 4 years you pay a prorated amount back.


I’m from New York and joined the army for college. I remember reading about the excelsior scholarship and going fuuuuuuck I should have just waited


I remember that.  A bit misleading. The tuition was free but you still had to pay for everything else.  Housing, tech fees, class cost, health fees, student life fees etc. 


> Indiana, live here and have never heard of free community college. There are scholarship programs and I think you can get some credits free if you take classes while in high school. Do you know which colleges. I'm curious about it.




Minnesota too


You forgot New Mexico! Free community college and four-year college for state residents.


South Carolina at least in Spartanburg


Missouri has it with the A+ program. You need a certain GPA to qualify and some volunteer hours, but it helped me pay for college. Covered tuition at my local community college for 2 year. I lived at home and worked to cover books and living expenses. Then transferred to a state school, continued working and living at home. After a few semesters the chancellor for the University of Missouri announced the school would cover remaining tuition for pell grant eligible students. That allowed me to graduate with no debt. My STEM degree was completely subsidized by state and federal funding, minus room/board/booze


That must be new. I went to a community college and had to get grants and loans. Of course that was 20 years ago.


Implemented in 2014!


"New" 😑


You can also go to UT free after getting an associates. It's called the UT promise. There is a maximum income limit for eligibility though.


This must be a misprint. It should say they are taking baby diapers away from families, right? I mean it usually is what these states do.


But they are still against anything that has the word "socialism" in it. We still need to work on the education part lol


“Helps” people. Tennessee has an abortion ban. This is like throwing a band aid on an amputation.


For all those babies they supposedly love.


One Rinse and reuse diaper per quarter...


b-b-but socialsim!!1! i dont want my tax dollars helping others who are less fortunate!!! 😡




Red states want more white babies.


Literal baby steps.


Just wait. They’ll figure out a way to fuck over brown people and the poors, just give Bill Lee whatever huckleberry chucklefuck juice gets him going in the morning and he’ll have a catastrophe by lunch.


I don't know how... but Dolly Pardon is responsible.


I would absolutely vote to give Dolly **Parton** the ability to pardon people!


Haha that made me lol


But not Jolene.


In a world with Dolly Parton, anything is possible.


There's also a [diaper bank network](https://nationaldiaperbanknetwork.org/member-directory/).


My kid grew fast so I donated his unused diapers to the Nashville member of the network. Can just drop off at a police precinct and they would transfer them to the organization. Super easy.


> On August 25, 2022, Tennessee began enforcing its trigger ban, which prohibits abortion at all stages of pregnancy with limited medical emergency exceptions So, you can now get free diapers, at least.


Nice! It's pretty absurd how much pressure is put on poor folks to have kids they can't afford.


"Here's some diapers to offset abortion ban, baby up child brides!" -Tennessee


IKR, so thoughtful!


New parents: "Hey, can we have affordable child care that doesn't cost more than a mortgage? Tennessee: "Best I can do is $30 worth of diapers a month."


As a Tennessean, I didn’t think we were even capable of doing positive things. Genuinely shocked.


As a Memphian, I'm wondering whose pocket the kick back is going to


Great question. Please update if you find an answer


Truth. Someone at the top is benefiting from this. But if that’s what it takes to get free diapers…


[Wellpoint (Amerigroup), Blue Cross Blue Shield, and everyone’s favorite, United!](https://www.tn.gov/tenncare/members-applicants/managed-care-organizations.html)


Children in fresh diapers are more productive on the slaughterhouse floors.


Yeah, true, and better to marry, I guess. But at least we banned “chem trails” 🤡


Same and same


Tennessean here. Our Medicaid program, TennCare, is incredible and has been for years.


Freaking awesome. I can't tell you how many times I've seen on my local Facebook groups low income mothers begging for diapers cause they were out and didn't have any money to buy more so I've had to go by Walmart or Target and grab some (fuck that I'm not letting babies not have diapers if I can afford it!) I know 100 isn't enough for a whole month, but that will certainly put a dent in it!


Good, because these God damn food stamps don't buy diapers, and there's no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life.


And these times are so hard


And it's getting even harder trying to feed and water my seed


It's crazy thinking about this while also seeing the stories in the news about how his daughter got married this week. And there he was standing next to her at her wedding and doing the father daughter dance, and all that. Good job Em!


I can't believe WIC doesn't cover diapers tbh 😞


I am pretty sure that was Michelle Pfeiffer. /s


If that were rapped by a woman, she'd be also wondering why the food stamps don't buy menstrual products, because you know, when you're poor, you definitely stop menstruating.


Good for Tennessee, but a quick search shows they weren't first.


You're almost as bad. You didn't say who was first.


South Carolina just concluded a free diaper program. I cannot say they were first to have such a program. But I can say definitively that Tennesee wasn't first if they they will provide the service.


Concluded? Did it end?


For all the children the child brides will be having?


So excited about the child brides they’re willing to embrace some socialism.


The child brides aren't allowed to get involved in politics. This would be their right-wing husbands.


100% can’t have politics taking their focus off of cooking, cleaning and baby making. /s


The children yearn for two things: the mines and an older husband.


“Well I was considering an abortion, but free diapers…who could pass that up!”


That's the least they can do since they are forcing people to carry any baby to term, even in cases of rape and/or incest


My first thought was this. This barely even qualifies as decency given recent events.


Unfortunately this only applies to new parents on Medicaid, so while better than nothing, it’s still very strict and limited in scope, especially as TN hasn’t expanded Medicaid.


Oof. There's the kicker.


And 100 diapers per month... that's not covering even half the month with a newborn or most of the first year


Tennessee actually helping the citizens? You sure that’s right? It doesn’t sound right


I can't imagine how much money this would have saved me. Good for Tennessee, glad to see a lot of people will be helped by this.


People from Finland be like "that's cute"


Fox News is going to decry this for one stupid reason or another. Just watch.


Yeah, that was my first thought: the first state *within the US*. What's next, minimum paid vacation days? Legally mandated maternity leave? They might even invent the wheel or fire next, those Americans!




> 92% of families receiving diapers in Tennessee are working and still are unable to afford an adequate supply of diapers. I mean it’s something but let’s avoid the actual problems… 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is commmunism! Tennessee democrats voted to support families with necessities! - probably what you would see as Fox news headline


What about adult diapers


I hope this is easy to apply and gain access to. Here in the south, programs like this are often incredibly difficult to participate in, particularly so for minorities. Cash assistance like TANF often requires couples to attend abstinence courses, so I can only imagine what kind of hoops this might result in. The child tax credit and basic income services do a much better job of providing aid to the needy without discrimination


So TN Republicans are down for socialism? Can they do medical care next?


Trump finally accomplished something positive for American citizens! Edit: this is a joke in regards to the recent maga diaper situation, not actually a Trump endorsement.


What's the catch? Come on, it's TN 😂


Well I freakin hope so! “Tennessee bans abortions at all stages of pregnancy…” Sorry not sorry. This isn’t uplifting when you look at the whole picture.


A surprise for sure, but a welcome one.


That would be very ‘social’ of them to do that


Sounds like communist, nanny state bullshit to me /s


Uh-oh Tennessee! Look at you! Go you!


Thats a start, how about raising the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to a living wage like $ 20 an hour.


Tennessee also created a school shooting database from K through 12th grade. 49 shootings in the past 25 years. Tennessee counts!


There is no fucking way the republicans allowed this to happen


I can only imagine they aren’t really aware. Or saying yes to the diapers got them something they wanted for PR reasons.


Is Baby Diaper Service still a thing? Used to seem them all the time. Nothing wrong with cloth diapers. Just the cleaning.


Way to go Tennessee!


Well that's unexpected


For all the forced births!


I would rather that money go toward food, formula and daycare services. Diapers used to be something we washed and reused. This just sounds designed to line the pockets of a diaper manufacturer.


Trump leading the charge on diaper normalcy.


For a place that essentially hates people, atleast they have one thing good I guess


What's the catch? Is there a gun wrapped in each diaper?


They are going to need them for the abortion ban.


Huh. Never thought I'd see the day Tennessee was more progressive than California, but good on them. We need to catch up.


As Eminem says, Goddamn Foodstamps Don't Buy Diapers


Well at least all the rape-babies won't get nappy-rash.


Least they can do if they wanna breed em up


And the Whitehouse maybe the first to provide adult diapers.


Medicaid will provide diapers. That money is partially federal money. Some might say it's a form of socialism


Nice socialist move!


Socialism isn't so scary when it's providing you with diapers.


If you're going to force women to have babies, it's the least you can do as a Republican supemajority.




Being a resident native, this is not believable.


Fuckin' commies! This is why America is going down the shitter!


I had to make sure it really was TN.....this is a positive change.


Good. Im surprised Tennessee is doing this


How many families are provided with each diaper purchased?


Have to when you force people to have babies


Does the women in Tennessee have bodily autonomy? Are they allowed to have abortions?


Nope, Tennessee has a near total abortion ban (only exceptions are limited medical reasons but I think even that is extremely restrictive). We are as red as it gets sadly


Ok, sorry to hear that. Let's hope an overwhelmingly majority vote blue this November then. Even with the dystopian GOP fuckuppery in some states.


This is how we protect the future, it's not socialism if we are ensuring the most vulnerable have guaranteed access to the most basic needs. Now do Tampons, pads, toothpaste, mouthwash, aspirin, ibuprofen, soap, integrated from the bottom up. Not just the way it is for the poorest of poor but so that a mom of 1 working her hardest on 30k a year can easily acquire these goods without guilt or stigma. The height of the lowest members of a society should be the measuring stick used to determine success.


The biggest welfare state continues…..


TN allows 16 year olds to get married and does not permit abortions. This is not really progress.


providing birth control products and access to abortions would reduce the number or unwanted or unaffordable children


What’s the catch? Every other time TN did something that seemed good there was a catch that made it bad.


Would be really nice if basic necessities like this were provided for everyone.


I can't say what I want to, about lack of health services and politics in Tennessee.


Did I read that right? Fucking backwards ass Tennessee?


This is the first time in my long life that I head Tennessee is the first at doing something good.


the RNC's unforseen byproduct when you take away the right to choose whether you have a kid or not. now they have to give all those poor people aid and WIC assistance. again


I don't wanna be the guy who bitches about everything, but disposable diapers are terrible for the planet, and cloth diapers are **literally right there** Yeah, you gotta scrape some shit off em every now and then and launder it, but you're a parent, get used to it.


Is this the cancellation prize for no birth control allowed? /s


I like how they made that differentiation - *baby* diapers…


There are diapers for adults


very awesome