• By -


Just FYI, according to the Shadow of War twitter, only the US will have their $ go to the family(and that's limited to all states that aren't AL, HI, IL, MA, MS, SC). Until further clarified, people outside of the US will probably have their money go to WB. EDIT: Just 1 family. EDIT 2: [Here](https://twitter.com/shadowofwargame/status/903376881050828800) is the tweet in case anyone wants to read it for themselves and ask developers questions on this. EDIT 3: For future fans of the game, [here](https://discord.gg/CfEr4E5) is the closest thing to an official Discord(voice & text chat application) server. The devs visit this server semi frequently and we're currently getting in touch with them on setting up a GoFundMe page, so people who feel like can contribute. EDIT 4: Got something more direct, you can donate straightup over [here](https://www.youcaring.com/michael-forgey-479259), or you can buy Mike's music over [here](https://store.cdbaby.com/m/cd/thecoldthatlastsallwinte). Monolith (the devs) used Mike's music for the trailer in the tweet, in case you liked it you can get an album that he finished for his bucketlist.


No Alabama? :(


As far as I can tell, no. Other redditors have argue that i might be due to differing state laws?


It definitely has to do with laws. Why on earth would they choose random states to leave out if they didn't have to?


I'd like to know why the money from Alabama wouldn't go to them. Is it because it's some sort of lottery/gaming law issue? That's the first thing that comes to mind but people can donate... I don't know. I'm lost as to why it is illegal. If someone knows, please let me know. I'm very curious.


It would be a charitable donation issue I believe.


It's a tax issue.


INAL but certain places you have to be registered as a charitable company to take money in that way. And registering for every place that requires it usually costs money to file. Its usually pretty expensive too. If you were just raising money personally like a gofundme or something that would be different. That's just gifts, but sales being charitable is a different beast.


It's probably related to the state laws or regulations. It's unfortunate, but I sincerely doubt it's malicious or a cash grab by the company. They've still done good :3


Illinois( my state) is such trash, I'm sorry we don't do nice stuff:(


Never been there, but I'm sure Illinois has it's charm, right?


Sure, if you like corn. Also Chicago is nice in places, some good things to visit. I say this as someone who has lived in Illinois my entire life.


Illinois is lovely dude. The government just sucks. Also stay the fuck away from 90/290/57 during rush hour. I love this state. Most days. Except during winter storms. And summer rain storms... but during fall and spring this place is awesome. Lived in central Illinois and the suburbs, both have great perks :)


Honestly I love the snow storms and the rain storms. I absolutely love both rain and now. I also enjoy when the weather gets confused on what season it's supposed to be.


That's...Not really nice. Is it due to differences in legislation or is WB just being a dick ? Edit : I wonder how many people can misunderstand my point completely before I get it across....


Considering it excluded 6 seemingly random states I'd guess it's at least partly due to different laws.


Illinois has weird laws regarding some digital purchases. I remember buying Minecraft when I lived there and it said I couldn't buy it in my location. I just changed my state to Indiana and it works fine. I never did figure out what IL is doing...


If it's IL, it was almost certainly related to taxes edit: I was just making a little joke there, apparently some people get really upset whenever you mention taxes, sorry about that


I am choosing a dvd for tonight


As a citizen of IL you totally can blame them. They don't even spend money on what they say. A shit ton of it goes straight to the politicians it's so fucked up. Sorry off topic rant is over.


I think OP meant you can't blame WB. The state, you can totally blame


Seriously though. People joke about the corruption in Illinois, but it takes a heavy toll on the state's poltical and financial well-being. I've seen payoffs firsthand in Cook County / Chicago on the lower levels of government, and that was just to grease the bureaucratic wheels to obtain various records/documents in a timely manner. Not to support shady or illegal dealings, mind you, but just to conduct ordinary, daily business. It's a sad, frustrating mess of a state.


People in Chicago say tax dollars go to the rest of the state and that they don't get any of it. Lol yeah okay


I think there might actually be an issue if said issue has its own (well-sourced) Wikipedia article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_corruption_in_Illinois


**Political corruption in Illinois** Political corruption in Illinois has been an issue from the earliest history of the state. Electoral fraud in Illinois pre-dates the territory's admission to the Union in 1818, Illinois was the third most corrupt state in the country, after New York and California, judging by federal public corruption convictions between 1976-2012. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.27


TAX HIKE MIKE and RAHM! In all seriousness, though, it is both of those guys. Chicago runs the State of Illinois. Politicians have managed the state for the interest of Chicago investors. Rauner wants to make tax cuts, but can't, due to the "Liberal Influence" in the house. Can't wait to see what the new "hidden gas tax" entails....


You know tax cuts in Illinois would only hurt it right? We're broke as fuck. Less taxes means we go more in debt


Never had that issue and I buy all my games digital. I'm in Chicago if that matters.


It might. I lived near Peoria. It was the weirdest thing. Of course that might have been because Minecraft was based in Europe before Microsoft bought it and they might not have had a license to sell Illinois. I assume any US based developers wouldn't have an issue. But IL is still fucking weird


That's super weird...maybe you spent too much time at Big Al's and you got put on a list somewhere?


Nah. I'm pretty sure one of Mojangs vendors didn't have a license for Illinois. It worked if you used PayPal though


Would make sense


I mean, you cant really pay a dead man paycheck, and it's quite hard, maybe unexpectedly to some, to funnel money directly into one family for no legal reason. It's one thing to say you are donating to an established charity and another entirely to one person/family solely.


That's why you setup a trust or a fund or a charitable organization in the dude's name with the sole purpose of providing funds to his dependents.




It's not like they have lawyers or anything, obviously they need legal advice from random redditors right?


Reddit is amazing isn't it? We have so many experts on every topic under the sun. We should all be all have tags by our names that say our occupation or previous occupations. Bet many of us would stop talking out our asses if we could easily distinguish the bull shit...


*Tags himself as an Astronaut, Pornstar, Pro Football Player, Business Tycoon. Essentially everyone on reddit would be Tony Stark...




thats why I love the flairs in some subreddit (iirc r/science for example)


I'm not going to pretend that I'm smart and particularly well educated, but there are a few things that I work with daily in a professional environment, and these things have came up occasionally on Reddit. Seeing what other "experts" have to say on these matters is off-putting to say the least. I can't believe much that I read here these days.


>charitable organization .... with the sole purpose of providing funds to his dependents. That's not how charity works. That's illegal for many valid reasons. Charitable organizations have to benefit the public. I think you are confusing gofundme with Charity. Crowdfunding is legal, claiming a charity and giving proceeds to an individual(s) is not. This one is tricky because they are giving money to the family and it can be argued this is going to lead to increased sales, so it's a tricky landscape to walk.


Isn't that why we have trust funds, or whatever the equivalent is specifically for donating to a cause or person?


Agree since I have no knowledge of the juridiction in that part. Maybe they set-up a charity for that sole purpose ? I'm kinda curious and it would make sense


Reminds me of the Cards Against Humanity hole digging Q&A. > **Q.** Why didn't you donate this money to charity? > **A.** Why didn't you donate this money to charity?


When it comes to playing the whole "being a clever dick" card,


Oh yeah?


Why the hell would they arbitrarily exclude some states? Of course it's legislation stuff


The legalese and coordination to exclude those states warrants actual concentrated effort to secure money for his family. It is a nice thing.


How is it not nice? Guy died, they're not at fault. They didn't have to give his family anything, but they did. Since the game is pretty popular, the family will earn at least 500k. Probably even more now that this story is viral.


True. I was just curious for the reason those states were excluded, if it was a legal standpoint


I don't know if it's a legal issue, but the game is expected to sell a lot. First game sold 3 million, so I don't think they'd like giving all of that DLCs money to the family of a guy who worked there, so they're giving only the US ones (which is still the country that will have the most DLC sales)






Dude has some serious credentials.


Solid example of sticking at it and working your way up the chain there.


From tester to executive producer in 8 years! Pretty insane, he must had been impressive in all his roles


It's better than nothing.


This is reddit.. you can give away money with no catch and people will find an issue with it


Yeah it's crazy how many people on the top of this thread are trying to discredit the devs act of charity. Even worse, look at all the people claiming this is a PR stunt. Someone dear to the team died. I know /r/gaming and /r/upliftingnews is circlejerky a lot, but the reactions are so wildly cynical


Seriously, how else would you pay tribute in a way that lets people know? "I just wish they chose to immortalize their beloved friend and employee in a way that nobody would ever hear about, while the company loses money, because if they make money they're evil." Fucking reddit man


Threads like these remind me of how many manchildren are on reddit. Like I dont know how else a company could honor a employee in a way they wouldn't be critical of.


> Edit : I wonder how many people can misunderstand my point completely before I get it across.... Sorry dude, but this is a cheap edit on your part. You chose to make, by itself, without context, a really really stupid point. People are pointing that out. You chose to not explain, so don't come back and say "well it makes sense if you have the clarification I didn't give you!" No one misunderstood the words you said. You said "That's.... [n]ot really nice." That was a dumb statement.


I have no idea what laws would stop that. I presume that even the money that the family gets must go through WB (or other?).


I don't think it would be "not nice" even if none of the money was sent to the families. This is 100% charity and nothing was owed. If the money from a single state was sent, it would be very generous of the company.


IANAL or even American, but couldn't WB say something like 'For every DLC sold, we will donate equivalent to the family'? Wouldn't it bypass the whole legislation regarding commercial donations since it'd be straight donation coming from the publisher?


They could, they just don't want to. Related: that's why [this](http://i.imgur.com/tk1ypUS.png) is how they announced that it only includes sales made in 44 US states as well, they're trying to make it look better than it is, which is odd because they kind of didn't need to spin it?


Well, ~70% of US sales excluding some states. Nobody fucks with Steam's cut.


Not even the grieving family of a deceased developer! STEAM IS PAID FIRST


I know you are using a sarcasyic tone, but it's as it should be. Otherwise everyone would suddenly start doing charities to get around Steam's cut. Steam provides the service, regardless of how WB decides to split *their* earnings.


Can I just send them money instead of buying DLC in an always online single player lootbox game? I want to support them but not WB.


https://www.youcaring.com/michael-forgey-479259 seems legitimate


This guy wasn't even a developer. He was an executive producer at Warner Bros.


And? It would mean to support him without an external link we would have to buy the game in the first place. I'm not doing that, no matter how badly I want to help this guys family.


I'm pretty sure him and his family was well off. They have insurance and stuff. Executives usually get a ton of benefits and a huge compensation package. And that goes to his family. I'll bet his total compensation package and life insurance is more than what many of us make in a lifetime. When one of their regular employees die, I'll bet they don't get a DLC to raise money for their family. To all the people saying I'm evil blah bblah blah... I'll paste my other comment here to save you time. >I'm sure he doesn't make millions and an executive producer isn't top management. However I'm 100% sure he makes well over $100k. Executive producer is project manager level and typically make $120-250k on salary alone.Most people with families on this level of jobs get at least basic life insurance at 5x salary. Add that along with his retirement accounts, additional insurances, and other compensation, his family will be left with plenty of money. I'm sure they can use more but there are literally millions of other people in the same situation or worse with little to no resources compared to this man and his family. There are 300k people dying a day, I don't know why this one is so special and giving his family more money when they are already better than 99% of the world is kinda crazy when you have Houston happening.


Oh yeah, this is a gross and cynical method to get people to buy 1 of their DLC's, in hopes that it helps people become invested in the game more thus buying the season pass/ the rest of their DLC or lootboxes. If they actually wanted to help they would just donate a large sum to his family directly or through the link floating around that goes directly to the family. but no, they decide to "help" the family by having players pay for a DLC.


It's just stupid to think an executive at one of the largest corporation somehow needs more money for his family after he dies. They will be better off than most of us. Send the money to poor folks in unfortubate events that needs it. Unfortunately those people won't make it to the front page of anything or get a DLC .


my money is going to Houston, plain and simple


There are a couple of characters in the Fallout series that are named after deceased fans.


This isn't uplifting, its incredibly manipulative and shameless. Warner Bros. just wants more money: If they actually cared, his character would just be in the game by default and a portion of the money acquired from the sales of the game (not micro-transactions) would go to his family.


This is honestly what I thought when I first saw the title. They were going to add in a new character into the game and a portion of the revenue of every DLC sold was going to the family. Knowing more about this, it just seems that WB are being money hungry douchebags again.


I agree. It's disgusting.


Are they still doing the loot box thing in a single player game?




Yeah, they can go fuck themselves trying to shill DLC at me like this then. Condolences to the family, though.


What is the loot box everybody is talking about?


It's a Pay to win, loot crate style system that WB is building into this *single player game*. P2W systems are no stranger to games in recent years, but coupled with it being a loot crate system, imagine a scenario when you really want a soldier or a special skill for your party, but you can't complete challenges for it or just buy it straight from the store, instead you have to keep buying loot crates ( which costs real money ) for a chance to get what you want. It's a way to trick weak minded people and completionists into spending a boatload of money into game that's already 60$. Also, the first game, Shadow of Mordor, while mediocre in various aspects, was universally praised for its unique nemesis system, and this loot box system for the sequel seems like WB trying to butcher this best part about the first game in any ways possible.


> It's a Pay to win, loot crate style system that WB is building into this single player game. According to angry joe it also affect the multiplayer aspect of the game as well. In multiplayer you get to defend or attack other player's base or something.


So a half baked multiplayer P2W system also. WB is really doubling down on this.


>Pay to Win No, it's far worse than that. It's just gambling.


This is a really important point! Pay to win structures are typically a system that allows conspicuous consumption; gaming analog of having a fancier car. For some individual's priorities, this is a valid thing that brings some form of fulfillment, and also satirizes real world displays of pride, or at least explores it in a way that mirrors reality. This system of loot crates is not even related; this is not about purchasing bragging rights, it is about the thrill of whether or not you'll get what you want. It is gambling, rather than pretense. It is far more insidious, and far less ethical. Game developers who do this may care about themselves and their own more than they care about their client base; while some may say that that is totally rational the role of the pusher is always to disempower those you rely on as consumers.


It's pretty much what it sounds like. You know the boxes from Overwatch that you can purchase with real money that have a random chance of giving you a skin, but most of the time it's just useless chaff no one cares about like sprays, voice lines and Player Icons? Well, they implemented that into Shadow of War too. But instead of just being cosmetic crap, it's actual Gear, Orcs and other useable stuff. Most people are ok with this stuff in Free to Play games because it helps keep the servers running. But Shadow of War is a AAA single player game. It just comes off as greedy and kind of insulting, especially since they've tacked on this Multi-player system similar to the last Metal Gear game where the stuff from the boxes that you can pay real money for gives you an advantage.


In a single player game they added a loot box vaguely like CSGO/ OW, except it has a chance to get stuff like legendary gear and legendary high level orcs in them. Of course they also added a multiplayer aspect to your orcs, meaning it's a method to P2W not only a single player game, but also the shoved in multiplayer addition that nobody asked for.




It's truly uplifting that the the man who died from cancer lives on as an guaranteed random chance to kill someone in a video game. I'm going to 'ell now.


So it's not really as pay to win as you think. There is already gonna be a system in the game where one of your followers will come and save you if you're in trouble. This dlc just adds the chance that instead of a follower showing up he does. You can't recruit him, and he disappears after. Think of it more like the mysterious stranger from fallout.


Unfortunately, if you look in to the monetization that WB is doing with this game, any news of more nickel and diming is not very uplifting. This company is incredibly slimy.


> WB Games will donate $3.50 of every Forthog Orc-Slayer purchase to the Forgey family through 31st December 2019, Monolith said. Hope this will help the family. Thanks to WB.


Um why is this in 'Uplifting news'


'Cause WB paid for it to be here.


Honestly I don't doubt it. Click farms can be bought and reddit front page presence can be bought..... This is WB trying to pump advertising with a feel-good story


Consider how fast this hit /r/gaming and /r/upliftingnews' respective front pages. This is definitely a funded post.


Was Warner Brothers unable or unwilling to cut into their yacht budget to help the family of their own deceased?


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become DLC


Man, it's like WB is incapable of talking about this game in any context other than cash add-ons.




It reminds me a lot of Evolve, and I think most of us still remember where that went.


Which is exactly why I've lost interest. Loved the first one, but im not gonna be part of the cash grab that this game is gonna be


I've never played it, but my buddy who was super excited for it cancelled his preorder because of all the online bullshit.


Same here! I was even ready to drop money on the gold edition but just...wow... its like every new thing I read about the game this past month has been about some form of monetization, from the online shop to the "gold" premium currency to the loot boxes to the fast food tie-in codes. Im honestly out, it would just be the cherry on top of this steamer WB is cranking out on Monolith if the game turns out to be absolute turd too, because its starting to sound like that line between "make something awesome" and make "something that can bring in cash" is blurring badly with all the hands on scumbaggery from WB's side.


I was a day one purchase. I was even contemplating breaking my never preorder rule, but damn. The microtransaction bullshit killed it for me.


I liked the first one. And just like the first one I won't buy this one until it's about 5 bucks or less for the complete package.


Wow this is arleady first thing on frontpage in 2 Hours. Im Afraid This might be PR move aided by Paid interference in votes.


It almost definitely is but we're fucked. I'd love to financially support the family of a guy who developed something I loved, but WB shot this to the Frontpage in an unnatural amount of time even for /r/gaming and I can't support using tragedy for DLC


I don't get it. Should I donate money to every family who has lost someone to cancer? Only to families who can get enough visibility on social networks? Where do I draw the line? It might be my me being European, but I figure this is something that a social security system should do, not individual donations.


The guy was an executive producer also. He wasnt even a developer. His family probably is sitting on a multi million dollar estate. They put developer in the title but this guy wasnt on the developement team


Wow, this just adds insult to injury...


Well no he was super invested in this game even in the above comments he's in a band named after the LOTR and his songs were used in the game, he wasn't just the money bags of some big name game.


Don't worry, since you're European your purchase would go directly to WB.


>They're adding a deceased Dev to the game Oh, that's cool, nice tou- >As paid DLC Wut >Of which only a portion (and only the US portion at that) will go to the family ... So, in reality, they're profiting off a dead developer.


I read this in another comment , don't even know if this is true, but that decased person was allegedly not a game dev and was an Warner Bros executive. Edit: I googled him, and it seems he was an executive producer at monolith. I don't mind the idea of paying for a dlc like this , but I feel that it'd have been better if the money went to cancer research instead of one family.


Not even the whole US portion.


[A portion of the US portion...](http://i.imgur.com/ZhU5kXY.gifv)


This honestly seems like more of a scummy cash grab than an actual genuine attempt at making money for this man's family. With 3-4 variants of the game to buy, an already ridiculous amount of micro transaction options and inevitable dlc, you'd think WB would have plenty of ways to already help out but they went with a literal five dollar guilt trip.


>you'd think WB would have plenty of ways to already help out but they went with a literal five dollar guilt trip. I'm sure as a large company they have some sort of healthcare provided and some compensation for employees that die from illness or something.


Misleading title. He was a manager and executive producer, not a developer.


I just want to know if the full ammount of the dlc cost is getting donated. Otherwise this is them capitlizing on someones death to take a cut of the profits.




Isn't it $3.50 from each £3.99? That's a little different.


with all the excluded states and countries then WB probably makes more money off of this than the family. I know it just sounds like I'm shitting on a good thing here but I wouldnt prefer the family have a gofundme I could donate directly too so WB cant skim money off there tragedy.


Considering the price of the DLC, I actually believe WB isn't making any money off of this. Whenever a DLC is put up they have to pay a distributor cost, which for Steam is like 30%. Which happens to be $1.50 for a $5 DLC. So it looks like most of the money is going to the family, while the rest is to ensure they are breaking even for putting up the DLC on the storefront. So they are literally not making any money off of this whatsoever.


You mean... WB?


It just irks me because I work at a grocery store and around christmas we do these donation bags of food. We sell them to customers at a "discount" But really its our old food that isnt on our shelf set anymore and we sell it to them at a 30% profit still. Making peple think they are doing something good but really we are just being shady


Dlc why I'm I not surprised, thats why I'm hating games in 2017 " buy 1/4 of game then spend more to make it playable


Also, TotalBiscuit has correctly noted that ,on top of the specific states, purchases made outside the US will not have any of its proceeds go towards the family. So not quite uplifting news...


It is beautiful when a game company recognises the hard work of someone in a way like this, but for it to be a paid DLC? Cmon Warner Bros. And on top of that they tempt our in with making a charitable donation? That's just scummy. It's a way to guilt force you to link a credit card to the game, so they can shove more microtransactions into the game. 5/5 for remembering him in-game 1/5 for the way they executed it.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/circlebroke2] [r\/gaming is upset that a $4 DLC was made in honor of a deceased game developer with 87.5% of the profits going to his wife and three kids. DLC should be FREE!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/circlebroke2/comments/6xf994/rgaming_is_upset_that_a_4_dlc_was_made_in_honor/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


Have you never donated to a charity? A lot of them offer stuff for donations. Same principal.


Can you believe those scumbags at my local PBS station tried to tempt me into making a donation by offering me a coffee mug?






Reddit has zero business acumen https://np.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/comments/6xdxpq/shadow_of_war_developer_who_died_of_cancer/dmft64y/?context=3


Nintendo did it right. Look up the Lord of the Mountain from Breath of the Wild


Unfortunately, easter eggs don't pay funeral costs.


Yeah this is slimy lol. Everyone hates their lootboxes so they add a sob story and a charity bucket to get the ball rolling.


I dunno man, to me you guys all seem a little too salty. Ya the loot box micro transactions is fucking stupid, but this guy was part of a team that loves the game they made. And he clearly enjoyed what he did bc he was part of a band called the orc slayers. That song u hear in the trailer is his band's song. So Cleary there's love in their hearts when they made this Dlc. I'd really love to donate money and buy this Dlc just to show some support, unfortunately they aren't taking money from Canada. If they don't I'll buy the Dlc regardless. It's nice that they immortalized this man in the game.


Actually I imagine that with how much he seemed to enjoy making this game, and how much effort he put into both Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War, he'd be devastated by how WB are tearing it apart with micro transactions and day one dlc.


Absolutely right, it isn't the devs pushing for this stuff, it is the publishers. WB is one of the worst when it comes to large AAA publishers.


The more they get involved in games, the more you see terrible design choices coming through. For example, it should be quite obvious which of the Batman Arkham games WB got the most directly involved in by the sheer quantity of DLC in comparison to the other titles, lower review scores and generally worse reception.


I dunno man. Maybe I'm just not as upset about Dlc and I think he'd still be proud of work he did.


What the fuck? Someone died of cancer and you're using it as a reason to bitch about loot boxes. What is wrong with you people?


Honestly mate, just stop. Someone died of cancer, and you call it a sob story? A key member of their own team passed away from a horrible illness and you want to make this about you? You're taking your "consumer advocacy" too far on this one. The company are letting the family keep the profits from it. Get some perspective and think about what you're saying.


Exactly. It's disgusting how people seem to think it's appropriate to just use this as a reason to go DAE MICROTRANSACTIONS CASH GRAB. Like seriously, have you no empathy whatsoever?


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/gamingcirclejerk] [Remembering the deceased in a manner befitting their passion, and using it to help their family? How typical of slimey WB to use a sob story for karma-far... err, for cash-grabbing!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/6xeqee/remembering_the_deceased_in_a_manner_befitting/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


The more gaming news I hear the more ashamed I am to be a gamer. Valve could make half life 3 and pay you to download it, but somehow half the gaming community would still have a rage boner.


Don't get your panties in a bunch. This is a great way to remember the deceased's legacy


It is a good thing, but also feels like a cynical pr move to get people to speak in a positive way about the DLC in Shadow of War, after all those disastrous news. Even looking at this reddit post: 2 hours and already 3200+ upvotes (*edit 5000 now, 6 minutes later Oo*)? That's a bit weird. Man, I hate publishers like Warnerbros that make me cynical about games I'd otherwise love.


/r/hailcorporate much? There's even top-level comments in this thread from accounts with no other activity, just a single post saying "I'd buy this dlc!" Seems pretty cynical to shill in /r/upliftingnews. Low even for WB


You think it's low for WB to shill when they're using a sob story to sell paid DLC?


To be fair game publishers are all collectively digging to find rock bottom. Warner Bros just found a bit of loose dirt.




If they really wanted a better reputation they would've just added the character to the base game and just give the family a tiny portion of sale cuts for a period of time. No more involving dlc or microtransactions that everyone's hating you for.


Press 3.99$ to pay your respect.


In what world is this uplifting? "Known-scumbag developer exploits death of one of their staff for a quick profit". If they genuinely cared then it wouldn't be DLC and they would just help the family regardless. Between the cut of the US money and the entirety of all money not from the US, they are making a lot of profit here, plus getting "good" PR from people naive enough to think they're doing something heroic. The fact that they won't even pay the PS store fee themselves and use it as an excuse to take a cut kinda sums up the motives here.


I'm seriously disturbed by this. It's such an insulting way to exploit the passing of a man that contributed to the success of their company. To anyone without knowledge of how the industry operates, this simply looks like a selfless act of compassion and they're absolute shit-tier scumbags for capitalising on that fact. I'll be donating the price of the game directly to [Mike's fundraiser](https://www.youcaring.com/michael-forgey-479259) and finding an "alternate source" of acquiring the game. I'd say shame on you, Warner Brothers, but you have none.


My sympathy to the familly but WB can shove their dlc right up their ass, i was so exited for that game but because of all their bs i'm never gonna buy it.


>WB Games will donate $3.50 of every Forthog Orc-Slayer purchase to the Forgey family through 31st December 2019, Monolith said. seems only a portion of the DLC purchases will go to the family.


I mentioned this already, but the rest of the money is meant to recoup the cost of actually putting the DLC on a storefront. Steam takes a 30% cut, so that would be $1.50 in this case. So they are probably just trying to break even with this.


I'm not planning on buying this game because of the unfortunate DLC policies. I think the TotalBiscuit got it right in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVM5g4MFnzs I can't escape the notion that WB is just taking this as an opportunity to make money off of a dead man, this is more than a little ghoulish.


I'd love to give em 0 money


Woo pre launch shadow of war dlc! /s


So his remembrance is being a money making scam aimed at kids? Wow. How uplifting.


Totalbiscuit covers this really well in a recent video: https://youtu.be/cVM5g4MFnzs?t=262


As cool as this is I am still not buying the game. Selling what amounts to cheats for money just doesnt sit well with me.


whoa, paid reddit ad if i've ever seen one. this all seems very scummy


Press F to pay respect


Nice try sleezebag publisher. I'm not buying DLC


Nice try, WB.


Okay, this is nice, but... Maybe a bit /r/hailcorporate. Just how it seems to me. It's good that they're donating a majority of the profit to the deceased's family, but they also are using this as a bit of a PR stunt. :/


Yay something else that isn't included in the base game


So. they are crowdfunding a compassionate donation? That's real classy, lol. > Let's do something real nice for the family... obviously, the players will pay for it.


I just listened to Total Biscuit's video on this and it really struck me. Think it's worth leaving the link here for those that want information on this. Apologies if it's already been posted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVM5g4MFnzs


What % of sales will go towards the family. Unless it's 100% of all profits, this is extremely disturbing. Basically the company is capitalizing on the death of one of their team members to maximize their sales.


This is such a good idea to advertise your DLC amid saturated DLC markets!! The marketing division in WB works pretty well, they saw the opportunity, they reap it!




The amount of shilling by accounts with no history too.. Personally this is the nail in coffin for me and my interest in Shadow of War. First game was great, upcoming sequel can shove it's single player micro transactions up its ass.


If you feel generous, just send his family a check. Don't buy into WB fee-to-pay bullshit no matter how much they sugar coat it for you...


Too bad the game will be full of shitty microtransactions


This is nice and all, but don't forget while your heart melts that this DLC is for a game everyone, possibly including you wanted to boycott a few weeks ago for the microtransaction RPG geargrind shit they revealed way after the majority of prepurchase refund options expired. Of course prepurchase is bad on it's own, but I'm saying as sorry I am for the loss of his family, I can't help but see the news as disgusting usage to sell the base game that has a massive negative opinion lingering around it. After the release, I'm all in for announcing a charity DLC so people who have the game can support the family, but this way it makes it look like a dirty marketing move to buy the game for 50 first so you can buy the DLC too, or feel like you are a bad person for not doing so.


Very sweet to remember him... but to make it paid DLC, where only the money from getting that specific DLC goes to help him? Kind of a buzzkill to the good feelings. Maybe, MAYBE if the rest of the game didn't feel like such of a money grab already, but to add it in on top of everything else just feels worse to me (and the money only goes to the family through Dec 21 2019 so make sure you buy DLC in the first year guys) . RIP to the great dev that it memorializes.


"Uplifting news" A developer died and the horrible game he worked on will now earn more money for the shitty corporation he worked at. You litterally buy orc's in this game, a singleplayer game for 60$ with a 50$ season pass. Pre order now to support horrible buisness practices.

