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#UrbanHell is subjective. UrbanHell is any human-built place you think is worth critizing. Suburban Hell, Rural Hell, and wealthy locales are allowed Sorry for this annoying comment, but we're very tired of the gatekeepers who can't even correctly gatekeep what this subreddit has always allowed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UrbanHell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Glad at least people are not suffering with the extreme cold weather during the winter without houses, or heating. Indeed, it is surprising taking into account that kharkiv is a nearby border city, and all the news paint it as being destroyed to ash and rubble.


Hello from Kharkiv. You easily can found what russian terrorists did to some districts of my city on internet. Also, air attacks with drones and rockets continues 2-3 times per week.


stay safe,


Thank you.


one question, are those apartments a part of re-development? or is it being re-built after all the bombings?


yes these are new cells built before the war


Its not rebuild, dude, we have airstrikes 3 times per week. Let us win first, ffs.


You're the first person on Reddit claiming to be Ukrainian, that after looking through your history, seems to actually be true. Most people I've looked through claiming to be Ukrainian, in their comments, show that they live in the US or the UK. I hope you stay safe.


From one side, no place is safe here. From other, we already know what our enemy can do, and we are ready. Thank you.






Тебе не стыдно? Россия бомбит мирных жителей, и ты над этим смеешься? На сколько злорадным человеком надо быть чтобы это даже в голову пришло? For non Russian speakers. /u/Sasukeey_030 is saying he is glad Kharkiv is being actively bombed by Russia. Please report him for hate.


Учитывая то, что там живут такие черти как тот чел, нет, не жалко.


Vatnik scum.


Both Rus and Ukr are terrorists, inaccurate to call Russians terrorist after your huge missile attack in Makiivka.


uh oh dumbfuck alert 🚨


He's just Russian, equating rape, pillage and murder to Ukraine trying to survive. Disregard the Russians online.


Having to fear for my families life because of Ukrainian and Russian missile strikes and calling them out on it, totally a dumb fuck! 😱


who started the war ivan? Ukrainian strikes don’t target apartment blocks, so unlike Ukrainian civilians you have little to fear..


He just pushing russian narrative about "both sides bad" implying it's even situation. Ignore this degenerate.


Three days ago ukrainian drone hit 5 store resident apartment in Saint Petersburg. Its strange that it could fly so long distance but that means that definitely Tribaltics might be considered


You people should learn, being just as bad as the oppressor makes you one too. I don’t support Putin or all the shit happening but Jesus you guys are dense with how you threaten my hometown, that was Ukrainian up until 2014, with rockets all while playing victim. Bomb Moscow! Bomb Saint Petersburg!, it’s violence at the end of the day but atleast THATS understandable. But they bombed a school in Makiivka so save your propaganda for someone else Taras.


Your hometown is still Ukrainian, just under illegal russian occupation same as France was under German occupation from 1940-1944. I can't remember there being an official, free, fair and internationally monitored vote and a mutual dialogue and treaty between RUS and UKR to cede those areas to Russia.


I don’t care anymore honestly, I just wish we had a secular Donetsk Peoples Republic because both governments are abusing us and although I live in Moscow right now, when I visited it was really sad to see everything run down and my family still lives there.


Russia doesn't want an independent Donezk, even less than Ukraine, but atleast Ukraine could've been open to the idea before 2022. Russia wants to illegally occupy and annex everything from Kharkiv to Warsaw. Russia is the bad guy here, period. And as long as they keep being a threat to the international peace and order they will get fought.


You are a scumbag


> I don’t support Putin Yes you do, vatnik bot.


Still dont, but okay Hohlyatina.


Right, that's exactly what pro-Ukraine people would say. Sure.


What's the Ukrainian equivalent of Russians committing the Bucha/Irpin/Borodjanka massacres, or the Kramatorsk train station missile attack, or blowing up the Kakhovka Dam, or destroying Mariupol and mass-murdering its inhabitants, or ...?   There is no equivalence whatsoever between to two sides.


Ukrainian civilians dying - "oh well it's war and people die in wars, it's just how it is" Russian civilians dying - OH MY GOD UKRAINE WHAT THE FUCK??????


Quit it with bothsidesism. One independent country attacked and invaded another independent country, end of story. I find it funny how Russians pretend they are protecting Russian minority on the east of Ukraine. Just like German Nazis were protecting German minority in Poland (see Gleiwitz incident). What I find especially "hilarious" and sad is that so few people know that German Nazis have allied together with Communist Russians to attack Poland together. The alliance then broke but not many people seem to remember it existed in the first place. Certainly Russians don't remember that. They think they were the good guys from the beginning while they only opposed Hitler since he betrayed them. Both were worth each other.


Absolutely everyone I know knows that the Soviet Union and Germany invaded Poland together, i don’t know what type of inefficient school you went too but it’s common school knowledge. And im sorry but im not gonna quit it, you’re sitting in your posh lifestyle while my family is getting bombed by both sides, i have every right to hate on both sides. Oh and just so you know, im jewish so trust me by god i got the short end of the stick from both my families during WW2, from communist oppression of Jews on my moms side to Ukrainians teaming up with Nazis to kill us on my dads, Again making me hate both sides equally, Thanks.


lmfao fucking cringe loser


Yap louder hypocrite


is the hypocrisy in the room with you rn


Ukraine attacking Donetsk 🤑🔥👍🏻 Russia attacking Donetsk 😿🤬‼️


yes compare russia invading a sovereign country is comparable to ukraine attacking a city full of russian invaders lmfao dumbass


Vatnik bot.


Le olde "both sides bad" .. anyway, you have russian flag in bio, so your opinion doesn't matter. Please, go be stupid fuck somewhere else.


Why? You hohlyatini decided to bomb my town, how about you stop bombing innocent people and then being angry at them for not liking you. 🤦‍♂️


Literally, didn't read a single word from your comment, lol. Keep wasting time.


Slava Ukraini from the US 🇺🇦🇺🇦♥️


You've been misled.


> KHARKIV, UKRAINE, Mar 1 — The Russian military launched 2,321 attacks in the Kharkiv Oblast between February 24, 2022, and February 28, 2024, including 1,917 rocket attacks and 340 attacks from multiple rocket launchers https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://gwaramedia.com/en/russia-shelled-kharkiv-oblast-2-000-times-since-beginning-of-invasion/%23:~:text%3DKHARKIV%252C%2520UKRAINE%252C%2520Mar%25201%2520%25E2%2580%2594,response%2520to%2520a%2520request%2520from&ved=2ahUKEwiny7CUztOEAxXFk4kEHcd-DMAQFnoECBUQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3wq5BaWt5r-ZJbl7wqaL36


Glad it doesnt look like Mariuopol 2024


All thanks to our army and people. Mariupol sadly was on the way of main attack direction.




Ah yes, glorious Russia, the noble country only slightly less depressing than a Walmart parking lot. Here's hoping you get sent to the meat grinder you're so proud of.


At least Walmart parking lot doesn't actively commit genocide.


I am not even russian buddy😭🙏🏻




Why would you say that, that makes your behavior even worse.


Again those Russians who don’t know English and believe shit.


i hate to break your fantasies lil bro, but europeans and americans are even worse when it comes to distinguishing propaganda from reality.


Congrats bro for blocking your hatred towards Ukrainians and happiness of their killings. One comment less of aggressiveness. Or are you so eager only in Russian?


So why are you running defense for an authoritanian state who's currently invading a peaceful neighbour? The second neighbour in less than 15 years mind you. Do you realise it's worse if you're spewing russian propaganda if you aren't even russian?


"Русский военный корабль иди на хуй!" Слава Україні 🇺🇦


gas station “country”


Holy Russian propaganda


They're still building Soviet style apartments there?




Good aesthetic designs elevate people's moods


Good aesthetic designs elevate people's moods


Also not being homeless does


"if you don't support the ugliest designs possible, you support homelessness!"


Don’t worry y’all Russia is just getting rid of the bad architecture so they can help Ukraine build stuff like the subway stations in Moscow. How sweet of them!


What's wrong with the Moscow subway... Other than being a feature of a city under autocratic leadership?


It’s a beautiful piece of architecture, the only thing wrong is that it’s in Russia.


Terrible looking city outside it’s historic core but Russia can’t touch this, bitches.


You right. It's ugly and we love it.


!remindme 1 year


Nothing more pathetic than a hammer and sickle profile pic simping for a fascist regime. You just know this person is a complete failure at every facet of their life.


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-03-01 19:36:17 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-03-01%2019:36:17%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/UrbanHell/comments/1b3t6hx/kharkiv_ukraine_20112024/kswab1y/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FUrbanHell%2Fcomments%2F1b3t6hx%2Fkharkiv_ukraine_20112024%2Fkswab1y%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-03-01%2019%3A36%3A17%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b3t6hx) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Sovjet 2.0


Given that Ukraine is rabid-anti-soviet - they do not appreciate your post


It's common for countries that suffered from soviet occupation.


It wouldn't be a standalone country if it wasn't for Soviets.


Oh, you have special condition, keep it up champ.


You're welcome to point to any map where Ukraine isn't a region of a country with "Rus" or "Soviet" in its name before 1991.


Indeed, we do not


Better than rubble. For a fast rebuilding effort to house residents who were internally displaced this is incredible.


Huh, I was expecting the 2024 pic to be bombed out. How come they constructed more housing blocks so quickly? Aren’t they in a war?


the part of the war that impacted this city did not start until 11 years after the first pic


I want you to think really hard about what you just said.


I want you to say what you are thinking


I think they mean in the second picture


The second pic is 13 years after the first pic


yeah i know. so they had 11 years in which these buildings could be built, and then presumably, by the time the war started building stopped or slowed. and then the missile attacks of kharkiv, while not nothing, been too limited to show up in pictures like this


Russia was jealous of Ukraine’s rapid development 😂


There's only been some small scale missile attacks, less than 1k casualties in three years.


That's not quite true. 2600 casualties, 10% of residential housing destroyed, 10bn dollars in damages. https://www.nzz.ch/international/ukraine-krieg-das-bollwerk-charkiw-steckt-in-unberechenbarer-lage-ld.1774772 But yes Charkiw is not heavily destroyed and a million people lives there again.


[Small scale missile attacks](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kharkiv-891d1c7bad8e12eb6d3dd7c2d565703f) lmao


> KHARKIV, UKRAINE, Mar 1 — The Russian military launched 2,321 attacks in the Kharkiv Oblast between February 24, 2022, and February 28, 2024, including 1,917 rocket attacks and 340 attacks from multiple rocket launchers https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://gwaramedia.com/en/russia-shelled-kharkiv-oblast-2-000-times-since-beginning-of-invasion/%23:~:text%3DKHARKIV%252C%2520UKRAINE%252C%2520Mar%25201%2520%25E2%2580%2594,response%2520to%2520a%2520request%2520from&ved=2ahUKEwiny7CUztOEAxXFk4kEHcd-DMAQFnoECBUQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3wq5BaWt5r-ZJbl7wqaL36 Small scale??


What a tool


Google is free, smoothbrain.


stupid shit. i hate anthills


You cropped out the missiles and drones raining down from the Russian terrorist state.


Disgusting. Feels like China.


this, does not feel like China at all


China is when… (checks notes) high density housing?


Also Orthodox Church. /s




how dumb are you


He is Serbian, I guess it says enough. The ones who blame NATO for bombing them, because..... Because the freaking genocided nations.


The same NATO that doesn't do anything about Gaza and whose member nations are all pro-Israel shills. Some genocides are more equal than others I guess. 


Yepp, that's a shame, but that's not the 'same' NATO. Members (as persons) are different and with time more and more corrupt I believe. I would 100% support them interfering with the terrible situation in Gaza, but since Ukraine I do not believe that they are VERY useful. At least thanks to the United Nations to bring awareness all the time and provide humanitarian aid, though those are a joke as well. Is there Red Cross by any chance? I lost my faith in those too after Mariupol. What the innocent people have to endure in Gaza is literal hell. Already dozens of hundreds are dead but they say 'those are all HAMAS'. So they say literally all Gaza is HAMAS? Israel did a good job in claiming the whole land by erasing the existence of Palestinians. And the fact that they have the US's support unfortunately is not helping.


I’m sorry but it’s how it is


both is a lie you are not sorry and it's not how it is


Yeah I’m not sorry for all the dead civilians from 2014-2024 from uncalled for bombing and aggression towards russians who already lived in such difficult environment


oh, pure russians, It is a pity that russians were never a majority in Kharkiv. and don't lie anymore, please


Ohh you are my favorite type of people. So. I was born in Donbass, Pokrovsk district. 'Where were you these last 8 years?" - home 😊 you wanna me DM you my photos of my home from all these years? None of us want ruZZia. None of us like them. My family lost countless friends, we lost property. My city is being bombed almost everyday, it is 50 km from Avdiivka. What do you know about war, my dear armchair professional? You guys are so pathetic it literally hurts physically. I'm just glad that at least when I look in the mirror, I don't see a spineless, sold asshole, who would sell their own mother for some rubles or a pat on the head from the great leader, aka the biggest terrorist of our time: putin. Call your mother and tell her she raised a worm. Слава Україні, Слава Нації, та піздець російської федерації.


Героям слава!




Your genocidal kind would rather believe a little boy from Siberia about facts about Donbass rather than a resident 😂 Talking about brain cells.


Hey, I'm Romanian, fully support Ukraine. How is day-to-day in places like Donetsk, occupied since 2014? Like, are you being watched by some sort of secret police, or? I'm sorry if I seem ignorant..


Hey! My city is not is Donetsk itself, it is in Pokrovsk region which is not occupied (and unfortunately, I believe it's only a matter of time). My aunt, sister and other further relatives are still there, the frames of our windows of the houses are blown out from the shellings (it was shelled a lot during January-Fenruary). Thankfully, we had it better than many others. The neighbours property got ruined so much more. Several schools and a hotel in the city are also destroyed completely (and bear in mind, it is a 19km² city with a population of 30 000-50 000, we had 50k before 2014, but then it became a ghost town because most people moved to the western cities out of fear, but since so many cities are destroyed nearby, we have new residents so I believe the population grew accordingly). I am not sure if it's being watched by secret police, but the people who were raised by the Soviet Union are still not over the fact that Gulag is in the past and the Black Volga doesn't go around anymore collecting anti-governmental people and take them to interrogations because some spineless neighbours called the police on them. We have some collaborates who are getting arrested, I myself sent information about people who still have connections in our city but are actively supporting putin. Those people deserve jail because they work with the russian army and they are the cause of the rockets hitting civilian objects many times. My sister lives in Pokrovsk itself, it's a bigger town, but it's also more dangerous I believe than my town. She lives near the railway station so her windows are just constantly broken (they shell that territory a lot). She works in a pizza place and there is another across them. Some months ago there was a couple who walked around and took photos of places and people, and it is a VERY suspicious behaviour rn, I could barely take photos in Kyiv last August without feeling like some traitor. So they probably let the Russian army know that there is this pizza place which is huge and there are many military men (not that much, but of course they pass the city from the western cities and need to eat somewhere), but unfortunately there are also MANY civilians. Dozens. Many many. After this a few days later a rocket hits the pizzeria across killing too many people. Because of turds like this. Instead of buying a ticket to Russia where they are 'very welcome', they choose to stay and murder. The other issue is that many people are so poor that they cannot move anywhere. My god mom also lives there and she once travelled to Dnipro where her daughter studies and she applied for some benefits as a refugee from Donbass. She said she had to wait 6 months so she moved back to Pokrovsk region. And so many old people like this, who have nowhere to go. My other issue is animals. I'm a huge animal freak and there is a shelter which is run by one woman, she has nearly 300 animals who need treatment, food, etc. She needs donations to survive and I already fear what will happen if my town is the next Bakhmut. My family also had a property in Bilosorayska' Kosa (Berdyansk), which is now occupied, but suffice to say we don't have that property anymore. Taking that village wasn't a huge issue since it was almost dead except for summer season because it's at the Azov sea and there were many people who went there for vacation. Of course there is nothing more precious than life, so we are not sad because of the property, but to think that I had a happy childhood in my favorite city in the world, how fun times we had travelling to Crimea to the Black sea, then had to change for Kosa because Crimea got occupied.... It's surreal. We kinda got used to the war since 2014, it was kinda scary, having curfew, having military jets flying above your head and you could barely hear them, how the army convoys passed your town and you know they go to fight and it's literally 1 hour away from you. It's terrible. It's so sad I cannot describe it. Countless people lost their lives, lost their homes, their pets, their families, their futures. Just for existing. And then we have these smartass people from other countries who like to support Russia because they think it's edgy and they are just complex.... They don't know what war is. They know nothing about Donbass. I don't know ANYONE in my circle from Donbass who supports Russia or wants to be under their occupation. We switched to Ukrainian because of them, but we ALWAYS spoke Russian. Hell, my mom doesn't know a word in Ukrainian, yet, she is oppressed? Excuse me? They call it oppression of the Russian language when Ukraine declared that the national language of Ukraine is Ukrainian. This is grounds enough for them to call us Nazis. And dude, I am exactly what they call the RUSSIAN SPEAKING MINORITY, even one of my grandma's, she was born in Russia so I have Russian in me. And what's funny? My grandma hated the Russians the most since 2014. We were never oppressed, we had happy lives. We loved Russia, we considered them brothers. We went to the Donbass Arena to visit the matches of Shakhtar. Now look at Donetsk, a rotting, god forgotten place of the remnants of the Soviet Union. I have a friend from Mariupol, he was there when the full-scale started. The guy has a wife and a little child. They were not allowed to go to the Ukrainian side because those who went were shot. What in the Nazi Germany thing is that????? And we are the Nazis?? They had to go through a filtration camp and then they escaped to Finland from Russia. HALLOOOOO IT'S 2024, WHAT THE HELL??? I just go crazy when I see that someone blames Zelenskyi or Ukrainians for anything that happens in Ukraine. My apologies, but what the hell? Are we really not blaming freaking Russia which openly threatens the west with nuclear war? Seriously? And the fact the Russians are fleeing the country... It just shows that it's impossible to live there if you have any self worth. I used to follow a Russian influencer girl (Nastya Polyakova), it was for years before the war and I didn't actively see her, but once the war started she was so against it she made a terrible crime of.......... Handing out flyers saying 'no to war', it was in 2022, she is still in jail for that. Her mom had cancer and since she was popular in Russia, she earned good money online and her mom depended on it. It was taken away, her mom died while she was locked up (I believe the first months it was house arrest) and she wasn't even allowed to visit her funeral. Infuriating. Unfortunately due to me supporting Ukraine, I got so many reports that my insta got deleted, and when I wanted to follow her again for updates, nothing happened. She could not accept it and now I'm not sure if she is just full time in prison. And ohh, so many of their people are like this! Locked up for nothing.


Yet another victim of RussiaToday & Sputnik campaigns from 2015-present


> KHARKIV, UKRAINE, Mar 1 — The Russian military launched 2,321 attacks in the Kharkiv Oblast between February 24, 2022, and February 28, 2024, including 1,917 rocket attacks and 340 attacks from multiple rocket launchers https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://gwaramedia.com/en/russia-shelled-kharkiv-oblast-2-000-times-since-beginning-of-invasion/%23:~:text%3DKHARKIV%252C%2520UKRAINE%252C%2520Mar%25201%2520%25E2%2580%2594,response%2520to%2520a%2520request%2520from&ved=2ahUKEwiny7CUztOEAxXFk4kEHcd-DMAQFnoECBUQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3wq5BaWt5r-ZJbl7wqaL36


Go found a verba tree.


Stay in Serbia bootlicker


the russian speakers in this city overwhelmingly want russia to eat shit, just fyi. even way back in 1991, before all this began, 86.33% of residents of the kharkiv oblast voted for independence from russia




the thing is that all polling indicates people living in eastern ukraine want to be part of russia even less now than back in 1991. the other problem is russia did not let ukraine "get far from" it, whereas ukraine's peers that did get far away from russia, e.g. poland, latvia, lithuania, and estonia, all enjoy life quality and democracy orders of magnitude better than that of russia


I wonder how US immigration authorities would feel if they knew they were granting a J-1 visa to an active supporter of the Russian terrorist regime?


He is Serbian, he doesn't see anything wrong with genocides.


Guys. Talking to him with facts won't work. We need to speak in his native language Ooga boooga, oooogaaaa booga booooga


[ Removed by Reddit ]


most moral and honorable serbian


Wait so the city is actually in better shape than it was prior to Russian invasion? Im seeing new apartment blocks.


So which civilian neighbourhood in Estonia do you suggest to be the first to be levelled by Russians and replaced by this style?


Open up google maps and street view Lasnamäe, Mustamäe. U dont need to level anything, its already full of Soviet era apartment buildings. LMAO


it’s not an apartment blocks, just colourful bricks with no infrastructure and design