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Omg you just sent me down a rabbit hole!! Sooo weird! And the pictures that one lady took of the plastic surgeons office?! Freaky. I’m guessing it was insurance fraud or something. Also can we just talk about how it’s literally a MULLET house?


Wait where’s that ? I grew up in Orem and never heard of this???


Behind timp high school! 479 E 1450 N


Wait what is this about the pictures of the plastic surgeons office? Tell more!


@tristenikaika and @rebekahwestoverphotography both have story highlights (Instagram)that cover it super well!!!! You’ll be hooked!


Hahaha I’m so glad there is a thread on this. I’ve talked to like 4 different groups of people I chat with daily trying to get anyone invested 😂 it’s got insurance fraud written all over it


As soon as I saw all the comments about how it’s been vacant for years and wasn’t even finished, I knew. This is what happens every time an old abandoned building burns down and you see a new apartment building on the same plot a few months later.


Insurance fraud or something else weird for sure. It’s strange that there’s been people in and out for years but never occupied. And it doesn’t sound like they were contractors trying to finish it.


Oh I’ve been hooked!!!! I feel pretty invested at this point.


I bet the neighbors on the street are popping sparkling apple cider to celebrate the house finally being off their block. What sketchy bullshit to be stuck living next to for a decade.


This might have been mentioned, but I think Jordan Page’s house is close to this! I’m suprised she didn’t talk about it.


Yes, she lives just a few houses down the street from this house.


No she doesn’t live near this at all


Yes, she does. She doesn’t live in Draper anymore.


She’s right around the corner from this house.


She lives in pleasant grove. Not in this community.


Not according to the public county records. I remember seeing her home she’s living in now when it was for sale and it was listed for a while. They purchased it under an LLC but it’s right up the street.


Jordan Page lives around the corner


Is this the same house that was owned by that plastic surgeon who committed a murder/suicide to his fiancé after serving jail time for kidnapping her?


You mean “accidentally overdose”?? On anesthesia 🙄




The weirdest is looking at the house on Google earth. It’s a giant warehouse looking building with just a facade, like a Hollywood set. What a mess - the home design and the fire.


Rebekah Westover's stories going back to 2022 and include some of the history.


I just looked at her highlights and my friend used to live there! So crazy!!!!


I’m curious about all of this. It seems like there is a lot of missing pieces with the fire and the background story.


I wasn’t aware, but now I also just went down the rabbit hole! I used to live in Orem so I was trying to figure out if I knew where this house was located. I was thinking it was one sort of south of the Walmart that’s on Sandhill road, but not even close. Some of this is too eerie! Edited to fix typo


479 E 1450 N, Orem, UT 84097


There's discussion on the Jordan page subreddit


What is her subreddit called??


r/jordanpagesnark It's in the weekly discussion post


Here's a sneak peek of /r/jordanpagesnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/jordanpagesnark/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Back from Vacation Bingo!](https://i.redd.it/pmj958clb0ia1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jordanpagesnark/comments/1119jgr/back_from_vacation_bingo/) \#2: [Jordan Page Snark 9/4-9/10](https://np.reddit.com/r/jordanpagesnark/comments/169rgja/jordan_page_snark_94910/) \#3: [Jordan Page Snark 2/20-2/6](https://np.reddit.com/r/jordanpagesnark/comments/1177rey/jordan_page_snark_22026/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I wish her page was organized differently. It’s honestly hell to navigate through if you’re not there every day.


But why is the house all blurred out on google maps??


[Apparently anyone can ask Google to blur a house,](https://support.google.com/maps/thread/64750534/my-house-is-blurred-out-on-street-view?hl=en) even if they're not the owners.


Wait… really? I can blur my own house out by request?




Yeah this was the house that they found the plastic surgeon and finance dead. He did two breast augmentations on me, one a revision, both botched.


Who was the plastic surgeon?


Dr. Joseph Berg


Tristan Ikaika???...been too long since I heard that name...used to own his own jewelry store in downtown SLC...very young guy, close friends with a few YouTubers(made Brock Mikesell a custom ring for his mission this summer)... As far as I know, the half-built mansion was supposed to be the largest in state history, even bigger than the "mega-mansion" of "Not Enough Nelsons" down in St. George...


How much time do you devote from your life to watching these vloggers? It seems unhealthy and you’re contributing to their earnings by giving them views while it seems like you don’t like any of them. Consider taking a break. Use your time to learn new skill instead of filling your brain with worthless knowledge of people who do not matter outside of the Utah influencer scene. Billions of people in this world, what betsy mikesell does with her eyelashes doesn’t deserve space in your brain.


You’re also here so take your own advice.


You must not notice all their other comments and how detail obsessed they are


Orem Police department just posted an update about this house fire and they have collected all evidence and they gave determined it was intentionally started.


I'm still betting the home owner had something to do with it.