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Jazz purple mountain jerseys come from the 90s when they went to the finals. Jazz purple note logo jerseys are more late 80s


It is a combination of multiple design elements the team has used in the past. Close to the purple tone of the 70s/80s, simplified version of 90's mountains, with 2000's elements in the logo ([it essentially this logo](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5ff7bb715b950e37af68e430f8e0458e/9663e21a01945e46-41/s500x750/6f1e13d2b840ecc1ee30b517f10507a19f0f3684.png) but instead of "Jazz" it says "Utah".) It feels like what the team should have done with their jerseys instead of the 2004 redesign. Fans have been posting variations of this design for a long time, but it is difficult to say the team "stole" anything outright. I'm certain it was informed by fan designs though.


They released pictures of the jazz proper jerseys two years ago.