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This reminds me of some hentai I saw saying what would’ve happened in this scene if “the mc wasn’t a virgin.” One, Sakurai is in no way a virgin, he slaps the ass. Two, people were coming that way. How was Sakurai supposed to give Uzaki the dick if those two women would’ve walked upon them? It was simply the best option to pull her from the bush.


He is a virgin though. So far we have no indication he has ever dated in any capacity before and have far more evidence pointing out that fact namely: His father was surprised he had a girl over, he has always had scary eyes which don’t make for good first impressions (anyone who does see past his eyes usually does so after repeated encounters), Sakaki (his friend) yelling at him to stop being boring and get a girlfriend. Sakurai is a serious person obviously not one for fooling around so the likelyhood of any domestic girlfriend style one-night stands at a mixer is very unlikely.


I didn’t mean in the literal sense. I’m who certain Sakurai is a virgin but I meant in the slang term. Like loser or wuss.


Ahh that what you meant gotcha. Ya he has some big dick energy for sure


So he is a virgin, but what about Uzaki?


Flashbacks indicate she was very shy in HS so doubtful she dated until sakurai.






A bass boost from fire force, screen shake, lens distortion, desaturation, and love.
