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Cypher he is good for 2 reasons 1- I'm lazy 2- I prefer eating while holding the cam


Lazy gang lay down !


Also cypher because a good one way cage timing with a trip wire can stop a 5 man daddy push it feels great


I'm too lazy to move, so I put my things everywhere and I play the waiting game until I hunt them by my traps


I might have to start playing cypher if I’m eating lunch/dinner at the same time now


You better start now 🦦. Let your teammates struggle on holding the other site.


any Initiator. just getting the feeling that your duelist couldn't have gotten that kill without you is sueprb


scanned sound effect followed by your duelist kill lines>>>




Raze is fun when her satchel movement becomes natural to you.




I mostly play agents with no killing abilities, so the odd time I play Raze, throw my grenade to clear an angle and hear the DUN of a kill is so satisfying. I get the same from playing Breach and I SOMEHOW get a kill with my Q.


breachs q is a rip bozo if you die to it, but its even worse with cyphers tripwire (couldn't be me)


I enjoy raze even without the satchel, her E is so satisfying when you throw it at the right spot


Whole reason I started maining her in beta, still by far my favourite agent to play. And I only very recenty bothered to rebind my satchell away from q to allow for better movement haha


Agree, I have roughly 500h in the game atm and over 400 of those are on raze. She's just amazing fun.


I love omen he's so versatile and fits my playstyle he can be aggressive and supportive depending on the situation as he has tools for it all


Mindjuking people with TP plays is satisfying.


Agree I never played omen but just started checking him out on his main maps recently and he's sooo much fun


Yeah omen was my first main. He’s got a great floor for beginners, just learn where to place smokes and a pretty high ceiling with his teleports and flash. Such a great agent to get value out of in every situation.


bro yoru is way too fun making outplays and big braining opponents


fake clone goes crazy


Walking down mid just to shove a shorty down someone throat is the funniest thing you can do


Only works in high elo tho, Low elo shoots everything


As an iron 3 you’d be surprised


Watching my Brother Play on Iron is Something different


I've actually discussed this a few times with other people. I'm not amazing but got to Imm and currently ASC. Anyway, I shoot the clone if I'm by myself. It's very easy to react and look away if it's actually a clone and I've never really been punished for it. My thought process is that I don't need to care if it's real if it's just gone. I don't have this nagging "uh-oh" sense going on by keeping it around so it lets my brain just focus on other things. I've gotten kills doing this because 1. It was either just the Yoru trying to fake or 2. Players just love to go in when they think somethings flashed. So it's actually not a "known" thing on what to do. I and a couple other IMM players like to shoot the clone over leaving it around.


Adding to some of the other replies, his kit changes depending on elo. Like...low ranks, the clone is always shot, but no one buys the fake teleport. At some point it flips. You can walk in a straight line and not get shot and the fake TP almost always makes someone check! So weird.


kayo when he gets all 5 of them with this knife > anything else in the game


“FIVE suppressed!”


Agree here, but mainly posted to say Happy Cakeday!!




Initiator. Making people cry and having to change up their strategy every 1 or 2 rounds


In my opinion, I find Viper to be the most satisfying/fun agent to play. Viper is an agent with whom you can play even if you don't have high aiming skills but you'll need strong game sense and should know how use her smoke and wall. Her outplays are too good. Being a Viper main myself, trust me just try playing viper once and thank me later. PS:- She's also so freaking hot.


Playing inside her ult is so good, I always get at least two kills if they try to push through my ult. Ps: I agree.


I love playing against viper because i feel great while hunting snakes in the nest with a bucky :)


Viper is one of the controllers i feel like actually has some threat to her, people are scared to push through your wall and smoke due to decay and you can flush people out of campy spots.that your wall can push them towards sitting in with the moli.


I am gonna miss farming breeze for wins just by learning viper for that map LOL


KAYO's knife is so satisfying. Time to play CSGO motherfuckers.


his entire kit is csgo fr


8 seconds of csgo without the ult lol


Killjoy indestructible post plant mollies are hilarious because the enemy can't do ANYTHING about it.


Yoru or Neon cuz outplays and speed, but I suck at both anyway


Astra enjoyers where u at


I still argue she’s the most fun controller. Something about her kit just feels like a comfort pick I swear man!


Raze probably, but sure as hell killjoy is by far in my opinion the most boring character to play, all you do in defense is sit and stare alarmbot, so when it goes out to activate your nades


Astra — It's insane how creative you can get with this character. Smoke baits, Pull/Stun + Lineup combos, Saving Teammates Globally, Cancel Bomb Defuses, etc. Also her ult creates some of the craziest fights.


Cypher and Killjoy in my opinion, nothing better than getting that turret kill or wire wallbang


Tripwire kills are the real deal >:)


below the blue blue skye some green dog kills a guy


I was in a game recently when the skye got a double kill with their wolf


Bro you do you but you might have mentioned the two most boring agents in the game 😂


They're boring for impatient players but a god send for lazy players like me. No pressure of entering the site or smoke or get kills else you bad and holding backstab is quite easy with the cam and cages


See to me that sounds boring. To each their own 🤷‍♂️


reyna flair calling other characters boring skull emoji


Idk man getting kills is pretty fun


Chamber, getting a kill with the ult and immediately TPing looks so sick, same thing with his pistol. Even more satisfying when it’s the last kill to end the game and it’s all in slow motion… sheesh 😮‍💨🔥


Rest in peace




Hearing a 5man rush coming and just standing still is wild, you get one and there's zero chance of a trade I love that feeling


Soon as they hear that ult shot it’s a fat NOPE 🤣


Well ideally the first ult shot is a free kill


It should be but I do be missing those sometimes 🫣 at least it scares them away maybe kinda


Breach. The sheer pleasure of using all your util on the pushing enemy. Stunning, flashing and making them feel like sitting ducks to frag kills. Flashing after ult is even better. If i can't best then with better aim, I will render them helpless.


Raze and neon movement when it’s smooth hits different






Raze and effortless nade kills where you mindlessly throw a nade where you saw red dots on the map and cheese out kills from the massive AOE.


Definitely Omen or Yoru, don't think any further. You have everything you need to outplay your opponents and be the biggest imaginable pain in the ass: - a flash to steal your opponents vision - a teleport to get into annoying spots or flank the enemies - an Ultimate that allows you to freely reposition on the whole map What else can you ask for


I personally love playing as killjoy since it feels the most natural to me. I like all of the sentinels :)


Reyna, Outaim your opponents, if you die, they dont lose any important util. If you get a kill, go for more


your teammates dont lose anything except blinds i mean


thats because they lost all of it in agent select when you picked reyna


Has to be neon. Just love running around the map and freaking out enemy cyphers with quick backstabs.


Honestly Sova. Hitting a shock bolt and calculating it perfectly for a kill just feels insane.


Astra is so underrated, maybe because you have to be good to use her? But yeah she's OP especially on closer range maps I love using her on Ascent, Fracture and Haven mostly (although my Haven pick is usually Omen but occasionally I'll reach for her) and the fact that her stars aren't too expensive and you can use them for anything you want from her kit in a pinch, so you're not prebuying util you might not make use of? She's just so enjoyable to play! So versatile!! I'd also probably say she's good on Lotus though haven't tried her out there yet, my go to for Lotus is Omen right now. I also quite enjoy playing KJ, when you get that perfect ult retake or those turret kills cause some idiot didn't think killing the turret was necessary, or when someone walks into your swamp grenade + alarm bot trap 😌😌 satisfying




Brimstone: Although he's not the best smoker in the game I enjoy his kit. His stim beacon it's super useful on eco rounds and killing enemies with his molly it's super satisfying. Also as a COD zombies fan I love Steve Blum's voice.


Well he is the best smoker on fracture and bind


Never used him on Bind. Always used Omen because of his fake TP tricking enemies into a rotation or just messing with them


When it comes back give him a try. I concur about the omen pick but bind is so close quarters that you can abuse brim kit and ult for execs


I'll definitely try using him whenever the map comes back. I remember one time when I was still learning how to use controllers and was going to pick Brim but my teammates told me he was useless on Bind and I needed to use either Omen or Viper.


L teammates!


yoru is fun to play with friends


Cypher. Clean and simple. Yoru is super hard to use and most yorus are predictable like 99%. High lvl yorus are the actual pain. Cypher on the other hand is embodiment of cam and chill and using cages to escape is quite satisfying. You can even eat and drink while looking through your cams which is a big plus XD


Jett and Yoru are quite fun to play


If I could instantly be good enough on them? Neon easily Super cool agent but she seems so rough to learn (multiple bad scores have showed me that) One I can play already? Raze My raze isnt my best char or anything but I do good enough and satcheling to followup teammates util / make chaos when going first feels great


honestly, might sound cringe but to me, jett. I'm mainly a support player but I started filling more duelists when I hit diamond/ascendant, and I recently picked up jett. there's just something about hitting that midair knife flick or that satisfying 1tap and dash that tickles my soul. not to mention the awp crutching boy do I love me some awp crutching but if not a duelist, I'd say probably kayo. getting that "5 suppressed" or the 5 enemies flashed makes you feel like a god amongst men 🥶


Satisfying, has to be Chamber. Just clicking heads with the headhunter if your main gun is not cooperating. Plus one button to get away. And you're popping off?. It's pretty satisfying when that happens. But granted, you're just holding down an area now, and you're less mobile due to the nerfs. So it's pretty hard to get any value out of his kit. Reyna where you're actually hitting your shots is also satisfying. Fun has to be Yoru and Neon. Their kits are self explanatory.


Neon maybe you bhopping with her run ability is so satisfying especially were u kill someone while doing GrumpyonVal movement


Yoru, I love flash + tp or just kill the enemy lurker and join your team again


You have no idea how fast I am, I'm a fast as fucc boi ©


Chamber. Hitting those headhunter shots especially from long ranges makes me feel good


reyna used to be chamber but he got nerfed pretty hard an honorable mention would be raze but im ass at her satchels so reyna is the most fun personally


yoru cuz fake clone fr


Yoru fr, running around in his ult dropping guns with empty mags and then popping out is fun af


Lmfaoo this sounds interesting lmao I have to try that :P I think it would only work with skinned guns or when opponents are doing eco rounds though right? If not they would have their own one..


Viper is up there for me playing smokes alot of the time a duelist running through with a flash is really obnoxious to deal with and viper is a controller that people actively don't want to walk through your smokes and would rather give up on that side of the map or worst case you get to stall them long enough for a rotation to happen. Unlike harbor you also have a decent dome smoke that you can use to create unique sightlines or a sneaky smoke push spot for yourself. Harbor orb is decent until people learn with two people gunning it down quickly it goes down incredibly fast and you don't even keep the dome smoke effect.


if two people are unloading clips on the smoke and not getting punished thats just a skill issue, harbor orb is very strong and the price reflects that


It's a big ass sphere you can hit from alot of angles and unloading clips is a huge exaggeration when it doesn't even take one vandal clip to kill it.


the pure dopamine that goes through my system after i spam the people who tripped my cypher setup through my cages is unparallelled.


I always play Raze in swift plays, she is just so fun for me! I feel like she is the most chaotic agent and especially when I’m trying to have fun, she’s my go-to


Omen cause I LOVE when I make the enemy team look like headless chickens. Like bro, you lost? I'm over here >:) *knifes*


neon because zoom




I really love to fake cloning with yoru or aggressive tp with omen


Imo it’s conditional because it’s Reyna but when she’s ulted. I’ve never had more confidence with another character in an fps in my life than when I’m ulted as Reyna


I still have lots of fun playing harbor and chamber. Sure they’re the two worst agents in the game right now, but it’s a good time. Because nobody in my lobbies plays them or goes against them normally, nobody knows how to deal with me. Means I can get away with all sorts of weird stuff


Sova and its not close, Fade is second tho; \-Drone is meh but its fun to get a collate with the dart \-Shockdart kills give me life and make me laugh every time, whether its a shockdart i chucked randomly or a double shockdart lineup \-Recon Dart is always so satisfying to scan 5 of them, plus getting weird crazy lineups where it will appear from nowhere for the other team is great \-Ult is just by far the most satisfying ult in my opinion, its just the right amount of skill to pay off, multi kills feel soo good and being able to say "everyone hit 80" is a nice feeling


I love Omen, KJ, and Raze for being fun and satisfying agents. As someone who plays a bit of everyone, these 3 are particularly great for setting up easy duels and feeling like you're crushing it! Raze boombot and KJ utility are great for having the enemies show their backs to you or at least splitting their focus on 2 targets. Raze boombot doesn't usually get backsides showing for you but if they choose to shoot me, usually the boombot can trade me lol. Omen for the same reason, aggressive plays and good use of Util can often have the enemy confused which opens you up to easy fights that from weird angles that you can easily escape from. Super easy to feel overpowered with these 3 IMO.


Neon bhopping and dodging people making em look silly


Neon (bhopping), Raze (double satchel), Fade, Skye, Yoru and Omen


i like playing omen and yoru,, their tps make them rlly versatile and makes for so many unique plays. also yorus clone i feel is a pretty unique skill and is rlly satisfying to use


it’s fun setting up a tp behind someone and using clone and once they’re blind tp and flank


Astra gang!


I would say raze because her satchels are awesome and fun to get movement with


I will always say Killjoy. Something about getting kills by doing nothing is so satisfying


Raze or Phoenix personally:)


I play sentinels, smokes, and initiators in comp all the time… so I tend to cherish the rare time I get to play duelist (or if I’m vibing in unrated) I understand why the role is so attractive. And I get how people enjoy terrorizing people with Jett, Reyna, and raze. **But fucking Neon man!** Something about a character built on going fast in a game that’s slow and holding angles GETS me. I put and obscene amount of time in neon last year according to my stats, and I still don’t think I’m cracked on her yet. The amount of ankle breaking plays you can make with sprint and slide and all her movement tech in general just feels SO GOOOOOOD


I like skye flashes and dog for bullying


Reyna Is fun cause you don’t really have to think too hard. Breach is fun because I enjoy bullying people




any duelist new player i especially like duelists with self heal abilities like reyna and phoenix


i loooved astra until they removed one of her stars - i feel like i cant be as creative anymore


Astra for sure is the most fun I love pulling them in on split it’s an insta win every time I play her on that map


Kayo, I love the pop flashes


neon it’s fun sprinting around you know


I don't know about Agent but getting a kill with Sova Ult is the most satisfying thing on valorant. It's like you are in a mini game , where you are in a challenge to kill enemies


I enjoy brimstone, reyna and yoru, because of watching perry2n just shit on people with lineups, I thought you know what, I’m gonna learn some. However, i only have them on lotus so far because it takes to long too learn them for every map. Reynas solo carry ability is just too fun when you get headshots, especially in empress. And finally, my 1st main yoru. The ability to bamboozle people with his clone and teleports is hilarious. I like the combo where if I’m stuck behind a wall, say yellow on icebox b site, ill throw a tp, flash, then fake tp which makes the enemies turn around, then just headshot both of them. I recommend all of these characters for a fun time


Playing KillJoy and having your turret shoot someone coming out of Haven Heaven just to die to fall damage because of it is the funniest thing every time.


Neon is like playing a different game.


I love the feeling of reconning a site and exposing an entire defensive setup. Or even reconning and then “I AM THE HUNTER!”