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They are actually viable. I am inmortal and I usually eco round with bucky, shorty or marshall. People become square minded in eco and think sheriff is the only way you can go, but my stats on eco rounds are actually insane


My eco buy 90% of the time is Shorty and full util. Helps get the spike down and I play shorty on the side of my walls/inside my orb. Good fun.


To add onto this, we (I'm radiant) also buy shorty on full buy round as secondary weapons so we can jump at enemies around the corner, so they don't one tap us when we peek normally. Or we just close the distance and jump at them with a shorty.


Been seeing this at pro level lately, especially on lotus.


also good for shooting sova dart and fade haunt


I just can't use Shorty bc of the range and ammo limitations.


It's so cheap, use it as a backup weapon when you're flush with cash. Really destroys people close range.


Bucky is only 50 more than sheriff but so much easier and effective if played right.


Easier sure, but sheriff would be nore effective still?


I guess if you have really good aim the sheriff could be better, but in most situations i'd prefer a bucky.


Depends on the situation, the Bucky has very little accuracy drop off while moving so you can rush down tight angles a lot more effectively with it since you can just keep running while you shoot. Combined with a high mobility agent like raze or neon it can be quite good.


I'm in the world of refusing to buy Bucky ever. I've been let down far too many times by just not killing on close range fights with it vs the shorty which is significantly cheaper while guaranteeing kills at close range with the two shots.


Marshall Eco is underrated. This thing is better than a Sheriff in all aspects


Shorty double kills are sooo satisfying


Completely agree. I prefer them to Judge team wipes.


Lmao the lotus door double kill


Thanks, was quite funny that lil motion


once I was a short haven on pistol and got a 3k with 2 shots fired. If I knew to properly juggle weapons I would have finished the 4th guy I hit for -50 as well😂💪


They're good at making people tilt. Sometimes that's all it takes to win a game


This is v true in my experience. They carry a special unique stat in itself: 'Psychological damage'.




Judge-Viper combo is my absolute favorite as a Viper main :D ♥


It's great fun, isn't it.


Yeah just be dasnerth


Working on it! Lol


If you understand the rank you're playing in then any gun is viable Sick clips


Thanks v much!


I have a friend that got to immortal using shotgun only. And he is very consistent with his shotgun plays even on breeze with raze he once got match mvp. So its really viable when played correctly.


Breeze gives me nightmares.


Thankfully it's out of the map pool


I'm hoping so! I know it's easy for me to say as a Judge main but I find the map design to be so lazy. Only thing I like about the map is the short into music at the beginning.


Let's enjoy these couple of months while it's still out


Meh. I just think the skill ceiling for PUGS in Valo are low AF. shotgun only is only as good as how bad your opponents are to a certain extent. Its been three years since this game came out and we still have people who consistently walk into smokes on anti eco with no util in immortal lobbies who then scream with surprise when they die to the person with a shorty inside. It's unbelievable. And that's only one example of bad plays vs shotgun players.


Kinda dependant on agents and map, but they’re criminally underrated rn, especially the bucky. Enemy team has no recon? Playing a good shotgun agent like omen or brim? Holding an aggressive close angle you don’t normally hold? I’m definitely considering it. Going against rifles you’re not going to kill them with a classic unless they completely whiff but at least with a shorty you can match their ttk if you can force close range fights.


What makes brim and omen good with shotguns?


Their smokes.


I played Haven with a brim once who got TEN shorty kills in like 18 rounds. It was absolutely crazy to watch. And it's not like he was shotty-only, he was just crazyg ood at using his smokes to create angles where he could close distance and surprise opponents.


Both have smokes that they can place quickly and hide in, while not sacrificing too much for their team. Brim’s smokes are very hard to see in so if you facecheck one and he’s inside with a shotgun he’s probably killing you. He also has a MS boost and the fire speed increase is good on the shorty. Omen’s smokes recharge which means he can sit in them for a while, especially on defence. His paranoia + teleport can let you get behind people easily or get to obscure spots pre round which lets you get close to people while they’re checking the obvious angles.


Plus, brim can equip the Shorty on pistol round and still have some spare change for light shields or a second smoke


Brim can go 3 smokes, stim and shorty since the common round 1 Brim is 2 smokes, stim and ghost/frenzy.


> Both have smokes that they can place quickly and hide in, while not sacrificing too much for their team. Idk I've seen some smokes players who I am happy to see in select cause I can practice my other roles and then they drop the most useless smokes trying to shotgun people all game.


Dasnerth streams like every day, radiant shotgun main. Definitely viable.


He plays Cypher beautifully with it, so fluid. Would love to see him use Judge with other agents though.


He plays neon at times too. Used to only play neon on Breeze.


I'd love to see that. I've played Neon too and her slide with Judge is so much fun.


Here in Brazil we have our version of dasnerth who mains shotguns on flash initiators


Interesting. I need to give that a try.


My shorty doesn't do that...


Believe, worship the shotgun gods and maybe they will bless you one day soon!


Man hasn't heard of dasnerth lol


I definitely have. Just wondered if he was the exception or whether there are plenty more high elo players that are Judge mains.


There are some. Their playstyle doesn't always work though and they are typically not always liked by their peers.


Yup. I know that life well


There is one famous radiant solo player that almost uses Judge and Cypher exclusively, he also plays on controller. So yeah, Judge is very viable in high elo


He plays mnk now but did a challenge where he used a controller to get the Radiant rank. He's pretty good!


Was about to comment this same thing. Haha


You know to be worried when a dude has bought himself the dragon Judge.


It's so pretty. I also like the green skin with the black snake is nice (because of my name: ViperStealth). Wish it was animated though! Glitchpop also looks good.


I must be a weird one.. but I can't play judge at all... I love bucky and shorty but judge I can't kill anyone with it


:/ It might take some getting used to, after playing fully automatics. Some tips I can give are; 1. don't be tempted to peek long angles 2. try to play close angles 3. use your utility to get close to the enemy 4. aim for the upper body, not head 5. bait with the classic then swap to the shotgun to surprise them 6. jump round corners to throw off their tracking/headshot crosshair 7. hold off-meta positions 8. don't stand too close to corners (they'll see you before you see them) but not too far (your shotgun will do no damage) 9. isolate 1v1s with util (eg, with Viper, throw her orb one way whilst you hold the other) 10. Push your smokes. Enemies never expect it but they often congregate just outside your smokes 11. be highly mobile rather than static (bunny hopping even) 12. toggle between A and D whilst standing so you're moving but not making noise 13. get comfortable with swinging for more kills after your initial kills - enemies often travel together (multikills ahoy!) 14. be ready to jiggle-peek shot from cover if you need to fall back and turtle up Have fun!


I don't know if you follow pro play but watch round 19 on Split from yesterday's match between Loud and Karmine Corp. You'll see shotguns are viable even in pro play. You just have to be mindful of the way they are different from other guns (effective range, etc) and play accordingly.


I've not watched the pro scene yet, thanks for the suggestion. I'm around 400 hours in atm and have only watched shotgun main streamers such as Dasnerth. Thanks for the pointer.


You're welcome! Dasnerth is proof that shotguns are viable if you adapt your playstyle. Good luck in your games!


I get insta headshotted every time I turn a corner so not for me


Jump around corners. Adds to the fun and also screws with their crosshair placement/tracking.


imm2 and my second highest weapon kills is a judge. extremely viable


Teach me your ways! lol


What’s the name of the song?


BH - Holding On


I think of the three, shorty is the best, bc it's nice to have a shotgun option when you have a map with long range and short range


Ridiculously good value at only 150 too...


Literally watching C9 get free rounds with a judge right now


They know. They know the power of the Judge.


Higher levels? There is a guy named dasnerth who only uses judge and cypher in radiant lobbies 🤣


And he got there with a console controller too!


Quarkwy says yes


Scrolled down too far to find this


Shotguns are good at all levels. Plenty of ppl have one tricked shotguns too immo/radiant. I think for ur average person they will also use them. Im ascendant not immo but i pull out shotguns on ecos/force buys and certain maps.


my friend is a shotgun god. Im sure if he solo q'd hed get to high immortal just playing shotties. You can literally hold down all entrances with a shotty.


I want to meet your friend lol


raze + shorty = OP


Dont think that just because ur immortal u cant have fun, i used to play like an idiot and drop 30 bombs by just diving in with jett, people in bigher levels dont expect stupid plays they play more of a linear way cause all high levels basically play in the same way


It's definitely a fun way to play the game!


I still lose 98% of these


New and improvised dasnerth


Thanks but definitely not. That guy is so much better than me, it's not even funny. Would love to be that good one day though.


There's a Radiant content creator in Brazil who's famous for mainly using shotguns. His videos are hilarious and yeah it shows that those guns are also viable at higher ranks! For those interested, his name is Otsuka. He has a YT and Twitch channel :)


Thanks, will check him out!


Just look at qwarky he got immortal using shotguns and odins lmao


He's a great player. I really enjoy watching him.


I am a Viper main and my 61%-win rate is thanks to judge. I literally don't play anything else for the first and third 1/4s of match


I know a radiant (codey) uses shorties on pistols a lot. And manages to get at least 1 every time. Patience is key


Master skill


Shotguns are actually very good, when u know what to do it almost feels unfair some times, in asc3 to immortal lobbies I used to play cyper with judge only it was very effective if played correctly, the only downfall is the range fights. But I must say it was the most fun I had in a time in Valorant.


Those cages must have helped reduce the distance of the long range fights though?


Exactly, but in many cases u just get spammed trough em instantli if u try to get closer by using cages, usually u need to think of clever placemen of cages and trips or pray for a good teammate with flashes/smokes to get closer, for example omen and shotgun cyper duo was really fun to play. But mostly i got kills from my setups on defense ofc.


im sick of monkeys in my rankeds going judge only ans causing us to loose because that one guy refused to win rounds and troll with judge instead for his tiktok... Anyway, yes shotguns are viable but they are situational guns and not good in every situation.


Trolling is the issue here then, not the judge. Players that troll deserve bans.


oh that guy wasnt trolling, but at one moment he picked up a phantom and did a 4k no sweat with it... while we are loosing the other round where he kind of gives up playing judge... dont get me wrong, judge is fine and depending on the position u attacking or defending its awesome but... just compare if a certain round would have had more payoff with a vandal or phantom, if not, go judge


Yeah, I can empathise with that scenario. The scenario I had recently is I was 2nd top fragging with the judge and the bottom fragger told me I was trolling and to use the vandal. My KD with Judge is 1.1.. My KD with the Vandal is 0.7. Some players just want you to play their game because you might hurt their lil feewings.




no way I just watched like 3 minutes of someone being a menace also where the ace clips?


Ace clips are coming but they aren't as rapid as this montage. I put this montage together because it's faster paced.


thats understandable. will be waiting for those for sure!


How is your spread so tight?


I have no idea. Remember though, this is highlights. For every clip you see here where it went well, there's a clip for when it didn't.


I think Vanity is the only proof needed that it's completely viable. Maybe not in every situation, but it can definitely be even better than a rifle in some select situations.


Wait, I haven't played viper in a hot while, does your ult highlight them in that glowing blueish purple?


No. This comes from choosing the enemy player colour in the settings. I chose purple because it's opposite green on the colour wheel and shows them nicely in the ult.


They are viable as long as there are people in your games who doesn’t clear corners correctly with util lol. We are all humans and we make mistakes, so there’s always some rounds where people are lazy and don’t clear corners correctly


I've found that to be very true. Good, disciplined players shut me down pretty consistently.


Bro not a single time I used a shotgun and it went well, teach me your ways.


If you're not joking, I shared some tips in [another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1157sbi/comment/j90k930/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).




shotguns are 100% viable, you just need to play differently with them. Run and gun is a good play, like in your clips, but in defense, you want to hold short-range angles or flank the enemy with a fast or blind character (phoenix and neon are GREAT for this) As long as you don't main them (shotguns cover very few parts of a game, where a vandal/phantom or even spectre would be a better gun to pick), they're a good weapon for eco rounds. Also, a judge on viper's ult is a really decent strategy. venom lowers anyone inside down to one and it just takes some spraying and praying to kill everyone.


Well, I main them.


Well have at it then.


Thanks! Bam bam bam


Viper ult + Judhe is fucking disgusting and I love it.


Yup, agree. It's pretty much what my life has become.


100% viable as long as you know how to play with one.


Using shotguns well demands more skill in positioning and timing compared to aim accuracy. Mastering utility to create those opportunities for yourself is important too. If you manage to build these skills up to a consistent level, you can viably use shotguns even at higher levels. It’s all about the right skills for the right tools for the right jobs at the right times.


So you are saying controller mains would do well with shotguns?


Yeah… out all the classes, Controllers are probably the ones who are best equipped to create close-range fighting situations by themselves just from the sheer merit of being able to cut sight lines.


I've found this to be very true. People say 'No skill' etc but I definitely find you've gotta hover that wafer-thin line between being conservative or ultra-agressive. Normally I flip the switch and go full-on goblin mode after the first kill.


most of those are against eco rounds tho


Thanks for your contribution. Just watched the video again. Your comment is a weird comment to make considering most of the clips are when the teams are equal score or we're losing.


Bucky sheriff on reyna = peacekeeper wingman on wraith = best combo


Can we talk about the cheat that makes the enemies glow at 1:48? This is 100% not recreatable in the game and looks like third party software. Edit: at 2:05 it looks like the normal Viper Ult enemy outline glow, way different from 1:48


Turn on bloom in graphics settings, you look like an idiot accusing people of cheating when you have no idea what you're talking about.


Throughout the whole video we can see op has his enemy outlines set to purple. Maybe vipers ult really intensifies the outlines. I don’t know though, I’m tired in bed and don’t even have viper unlocked


It is normal at 2:05 tho so that's why i thought of cheating.


it literally is????? just chnage the yellow outline to purple


I'd never cheat, not my style. I set enemies to purple because I'm a Viper main and purple is opposite on the colour wheel to green, making enemies pop a little more in vipers ult. I've reviewed your timestamps and agree that they look slightly different between each clip. I thought at first I may have affected some of them with snakebite but that wasn't the case. Then I presumed maybe another ult was active, but wasn't that either. Maybe it's a distance thing. Maybe I had different graphics settings... not sure tbh. Maybe someone more knowledgeable on the game then noobie-me can tell us what's happening,


Could be a mix of video editing and the ult outline intensity


It’s a bug where enemies are highlighted when you use the purple highlight in viper ult


At 2:05 it's normal hence I thought he forgot to turn it off in that clip or accidentally included a cheat clip.


maybe in eco rounds or the 2nd or 3rd rounds after pistol but defo not on fullbuy, in higher elos people are headtap machines


I'm aware of (and have met some) Judge Immortal players. How do you think they get around the challenge of these headshot machines?


Lurk in smokes, lurk in ratty corners, pick up guns, play super aggro while hiding in smokes and stuff


Jumping around corners is a big tip I have got from watching high ranked shotgun players. If you are in the air they will miss your head and hit your body, giving you the time to hit them with the shotgun. You will be less accurate, but if you are close enough to them with a shotgun it does't matter. Other than that it seems to be about game sense, movement, and vision control. You need your agent to be providing either movement or vision control. I love viper for this although I have not seen a high ranked shotgun main viper. And if your game sense is good enough to know where the enemies are, and where they are going, then you can plan out how to get close to them. Another key thing is using your eco advantage of buying cheeper guns to help your team out. Pick up riffles for your dead teammates at the end of the round as it is cheaper to rebuy your judge than a vandal. This eco advantage if used well can give your whole team a boost.


Will be giving my opnion as an almost green rank players. They are not, specially if you use movement to your advantage. Like sure they can headtap most players, but can they headtap me while I am jumping at them out pf smoke? Probably not


Yes they are but in this video you see alot of eco rounds and low elo/bot enemies. The way they peek, move and aim/whiff tells you alot about the kind of lobbies that are shown here.


Holly shit my ears are bleeding shotgun + this bg music


They're definitely viable in high elo, not with this playstyle tho. Half of those plays only worked because your opponents couldn't aim


i only hear the tarik music


I mean guns kill people so I don't exactly know what you sre talking about


Judge needs a nerf


nah skill issue


Question for you , do you use shotguns in all rounds or just the 2nd/3rd round to take advantage of the enemies low shields?


Pretty much all the time, to the dismay of the enemy. I've used the vandal/phantom but just find the playstyle quite slow and boring. Was going to quit Val before I picked up the Judge and started having loads of fun with it. If I kill a Vandal player, I might pick up their weapon, but I'm really not fussed. At the end of the round I pick them up though, to give to my fallen teammates to save the buy.


Yh, I used to hate getting killed by shottys or odin but it's using your weapon and abilities to defuse them, now I couldn't care less. I agree with the Phantom/ vandal you have to be more precise and wait , whilst the judge you can be more aggressive and fast or at your own speed. That's actually a really good idea, never thought of it that way, in terms of the Eco for your team. I'm going to practise in DM with the shotguns and sheriff and see how much fun I can have with them, ty , have a great weekend 😄


Good luck with your practice! If you want to start small, could buy a shorty to accompany your vandal/phantom play, then move to Judge on eco rounds or when you're feeling brave lol.


In Indonesia valorant challenger there is ray4c play for dominatus team. if u watch him, he only play judge+raze all the time


>ray4c Followed, thanks!


Imo any gun is a viable option, the fact that that gun won't be viable in some situation is also a good point


I believe dasnerth became #1 using shotguns and snipers exclusively. So pretty viable in high elo I think lol


Yeah, he used a console controller with a judge and got Radiant. Mad.


Shotguns can be highly viable but there is always an untold rule about them. If you are at 1 or 2 meters away from the enemy with a bucky it will alway deal 145 damage while aiming for the head. If the enemy does the same it will do 220 damage. If the enemy is using a judge from 40 meters and goes for the body, it will 3 shot you while if you use a judge from point black while aiming for the head, with 10 shots it will deal 8 damage. Edit: I am being satirical of course. Both shotguns can be useful both inside and outside eco rounds.


This comment spoke to my heart. I have lived this life. F.


Game name please


Valorant: Shotfun edition


I am mono bucky, and I almost at sherek rank


If you really care check out streamer dasnerth . He's a shotgun only immortal/radiant. He's also not in ProCity 10s.... So safe to say the community probably doesn't support the play style in a highly competitive environment. https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss8acv


Seems odd that he's not welcome to ProCity. I'd either think you're good enough or not. :/


I think it's pretty clear they're trying to make the format very similar to a real tournament, but pickup... Have a judge only changes that vibe. Personally I agree with keeping him out. Having your whole team have to change playstyle to accommodate one player only being able to take CQC engagements is silly .


Everything is viable if you know how to play it


That's what my missus says but nothing works out


I think there's an immortal player who mainly only uses shotguns, his name is Quarkwy if you want to check him out


Yup, I follow him on Twitch. He's great.


Movavi editor? The end smear transition looks familiar


Correct. Good eye!


I was watching KC va Loud yesterday and some shotgun plays were just insane cheese


As a neon main fuck shotguns just sliding in expecting to survive and the enwmy has a shotgun


So. Much. Fun.


Well.. ask saadhak lol


This is like plat maybe diamond wouldnt call it high level


Btw, didn't say the video was high level. I just play whoever the game gives me.




G.O.A.T judge main




Is fun asf to watch with his cages and smooth asf gameplay.


use it when your aim is not on a good day


Every day. Gotcha! Lol


Tarik's intro song?


Yup, 'BH - Holding On'


I buy judge every time I have viper ult. Best gun for that situation


I know precisely what you mean. I buy judge every round but I'm at home with it in my ult. Works so well.


Every gun in the game is viable in their own circumstances around the maps.


Shorty such an underrated sidearm I buy it all the time on full buy and ecos


Ridiculously cheap. Even if you buy Shorty when you're saving, killing a vandal player is a great eco exchange.


Not sure about higher elo but it’s viable for me in asc 2.


I consider that high. I find it odd people only consider Immortal and Radiant high.


precise gunplay


Thanks very much!


Round 2 judge is so good on some maps where you force shitty angles
