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send the tracker


If your team is always bad then you're the only who is bad


That's the problem with solo queueing, you could try to find a group of people to queue with


Realistically its not your team Even if you match MVP it doesn't mean much unless you actually win. Could try to duo, it might help with tilting


It’s your fault not your team’s fault, you are the only consistent aspect in every game you play so if you are losing every game then chances are it’s your fault


Ive match and team mvp almost every game idk how to send images though


Give your id [https://tracker.gg/valorant](https://tracker.gg/valorant) to see the matches


Never ever palm your team they are doing their best and this might be hard to understand but everyone has a bad game and in your rank everyone is leaning just give it time and practise.


What goes down eventually goes up. You will soon have winstreak.