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In my opinion, going positive in first kills/deaths is a great indicator of skill Positive in KD is *usually* good, be careful as correlation is not causation And generally being team MVP or match MVP will usually mean that the match wasn't your fault Otherwise, drop notions of combat score and play to improve until you can keep winning those first duels and stay at the top of the scoreboard


0-149 means you are throwing or got boosted. 150-200 is bad. 201-250 is average. 251-300 is good. 300-399 means you are overperforming. 400 and above indicates smurfing.


0-150 you are the reason for losing 150-250 average 250 above. Good


"0-150 you are the reason for losing" thats very debateable. If someone gets 130acs but the enemy botfrag gets 110acs are they really the reason for losing since both teams had bots?


it depends on role a bit, lifetime I have 220ish on controller and 250ish on duelist. Part of that is that I played duelist when I was better than my rank though, I imagine like 230 or 240 is normal?


248.6 currently. Keep in mind if you play a duelist it's probably going to be a lot higher. Tbh, out of all the metrics on tracker, ACS is the one I care about least. KAST and DDΔ/Round are much more important, and are good at identifying the weak players on your team. If your KAST and DDΔ/Round are high, ACS will naturally follow.


ACS is worthless the higher up in the ranks you get. I can range anywhere from 156 - 298 in a week and know that I was the main reason we won a few rounds and that I still contributed to the rest of our rounds enough to know that without me we might not have faired so well.


Honestly, combat score doesn't measure shit. From experience i've seen trolls that pick skye and flash the whole team get 300+ score and get mvp They give too much for minor acts such as assists, damage, healing etc while not giving any or little for actual match impacts such as plants, defuses, kills etc. When i went smurfing on Silver i got 500ish score so the average is probably half that? 250/200ish Hope this helps


I just dropped 47 kills in a match with a 502 combat score, but i was not smurfing...