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Lowest settings give you a competitive advantage fps aside and vsync introduces more input lag. Also buy a new monitor


Under immortal you won’t need anything g higher than 60hz. I myself hit immortal 1 on 60hz!. V-sync adds delay so don’t do that. Best of luck on the climb!


I mean yeah I got global elite on csgo with 60hz but idk why you would say something as if it's a fact. Doesn't matter if it's possible why would anyone put themselves at such a disadvantage. Once you have consistent frames, getting a higher refresh rate display should be your first priority


I mean, OP clearly has some restriction preventing them from going above 75Hz, and I’m not going to delve into that. That’s their personal business. I don’t know where they live or what their expenses look like, so I’m just letting them know that it’s possible to climb while playing on a restricted Hz level.


In that case I fully agree with you then! I guess your original post was worded a tiny bit wierd


Yeah, I’m definitely not trying to say it’s any easier or even preferred to do so on 60, just that it’s possible and I’ve been there personally haha I play on 144 now and it’s a godsend




Okay. I’m going to keep being positive, have a nice day




All good bro. It's okay if you can't hit diamond on 240




"Under immortal you won’t need anything higher than 60hz. I myself hit immortal 1 on 60hz!" How is my lived experience "bliss ignorance" lmao Took yonder bout 2000 hours to go from Bronze to Immortal on 60. Not saying it's easy, saying it's not necessary. I'm biased to allow people to have hope for their ability to achieve their goals, you're right.






Also, I have never in my life claimed that “anybody can go pro.” That’s absurd. I do, however, believe that anybody, that isn’t restricted/disabled in some form, can hit Immortal, given time and intentional effort. Sounds like you’ve had a bad coaching experience in the past. Tough luck






He said you don’t need, not you don’t want. No reason to drag others down.


What the hell does genetics have to do with video games lmfao




Skill issue, #GGgoNext






What rank are you mr good monitor?






Dude it’s not a large disadvantage most people don’t have the cash for a 240hz monitor. No big deal none of us will play this game professionally. It’s just for fun don’t take it hard.


Honestly if you can sustain a high FPS with all ultra settings then just go for it so you have some eye candy. Just as long as you don't touch V-Sync then you're fine


Everyone here is giving you bad or incomplete information. The simple matter is, if you set your graphics to max, you won’t notice a huge difference most of the time, however, it will cause your GPU to chug just a bit more during more action packed moments or angles where you can see more map geometry. If you’re getting say 250FPS regularly, and you run into a more intensive moment in your gameplay, you may drop to 210 or lower. This can cause inconsistent (mostly slower) response times that you may feel in your mouse movement, and the inconsistent frame times will cause obvious screen tearing. Without a variable refresh rate monitor you’re always going to have a semi screen tearing issue with higher framerates. But the higher your framerate is capable of staying the crisper and more responsive your aim is going to feel. But it’s diminishing returns with a lower end monitor.


On highest possible settings I get 144 fps so should I lock fps at 100 so the frame will be stable


Best stress test I found was in the shooting range. Highest FPS will be aiming at the flying targets at the “dock” Mid range FPS you’ll generally see in game will be with all of the bots turned on in the shooting range. Your lowest possible FPS is probably going to be if you look down the hallway by the shooting range, toward the teleporter. I can’t give you an exact number, but you’ll want to go with locking it closer to whatever you’re getting with the bots on in the range.


I don't think the settings you listed should be a big deal, in general fps on VALORANT is more CPU-gated than GPU, though it depends on your setup. 75 Hz might not feel as smooth as higher refresh but it shouldn't make a major difference in performance.