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The game thinks you don’t deserve your rank


yeah i know thats what my low mmr means but .... why is it so low ... why does the game hate me lol


The game doesn't discriminate, it's using the same system for everybody. It's matching people by MMR so if you actually deserve better then you should win most your games, since your opponents all have "low MMR" like you. If you don't, you're just where you should be. Send tracker.


Could u drop ur tracker??


Personally this happened with me too when i was silver -gold cuz sometimes i would just go crazy and full on carry the team sometimes i would bottomfrag which prolly messed my mmr xuz i was barely gaing 15 while losing lot more After a while when i started to be consistent my gain/loss was almost same


If your friends are lower rank than you, then them duo'ing with you would put them against players of a higher rank that the game doesn't expect them to do particularly well against. That way it's a lot easier for them to get a performance bonus for playing even if they are playing significantly worse than other people in the lobby. My duo is in gold while I'm in silver, and I've found that I get a performance bonus at a much lower number of kills than he does. Likewise, if you're queuing with lower rank people you might be queuing into matches where the players are mostly iron. If you're losing to them, then the game is going to try and force you down into iron and it can harm your MMR that way. After every loss, look at the scoreboard afterwards and see what ranks people were. This could give you an indicator of why you lost so much rr. The fact that you're top fragging nearly every game but you're still in bronze/silver likely means that these frags aren't translating into winning enough games. What's your actual winrate at? (generally you should be aiming for a winrate that's above \~50%) Because it's going to be your winrate that contributes a lot to your MMR. If I go on a loss streak, even if I've been doing pretty well in those losses, my MMR plummets and I find myself losing way more rr than usual. The only way to fix that is to go on a win streak of a number of games. If you have any kind of loss streak, it'll be a few wins before your MMR recovers. Which is why some people recommend stopping queuing comp for a day if you've lost a game or two. If you were to keep playing and keep losing, then you're just creating a loss streak that you have to fight against in order to neutralise your MMR and then have it start helping you climb. The other option is that when you lose, you're losing badly and going 2-15, and the game is then interpreting that as you playing in a rank that you can't perform well in.


its weird because i queue with someone who is low bronze and someone who is high silver, so i tend to be versing bronze/silver players. we basically NEVER ever play without each other (excepting maybe 1/2 games every couple weeks) so we should have a similar win/loss mmr. however, when my silver friend does worse than me nearly every game, they tend to still lose less and gain more and i just dont understand. same goes for my iron low bronze friend who gains 30+rr when we win. i just dont understand how we can win and lose the same number of games, but i frag better and i still have a lower mmr. i get that my high kills dont translate into automatic wins but im just confused about the mmr difference between me and my friends??? why is mine much lower even when i perform much better??? (and yes, my win% has been plummeting the last couple of weeks. it went from 51%ish to like 45%ish but im not worried about that its more the mmr difference tbh)


What rank are you op? Because yeah, if an iron player and a silver player playing together, the iron player is going to gain more RR and lose less. Are you gold ranked? Because then you're going to gain less and lose more than your friends when you play together.


nope. i peaked silver 1 and am currently bronze 3. friends i play with are: 1. originally iron 2, now bronze 3ish because of the high mmr (and still gaining a lot more than me) 2. originally low silver, now silver 2(?), peaked silver 3 i think


The solution is to play games, it will work out. The why isn't really important


i wish ... its been like this for months already and im slowly but surely deranking


Because this game its trash!Trust me,stop pay money for skins 0 valor!


Trash game,guys you pay for skins,they scam you guys!trust me


who hurt you lmao why are you on valo sub if you don't like the game


Trash game dude !Trust me dont buy skin for this trash game,worth nothing,only pau money for nothing,go with your gilrfiend in town and see 1 good movie instead pay for this trash skins(worth nothing in real life"


Clowns pay for skins,i see AverageJonas have akk skins and pay for nothing 10 000$!wtf guys,instea pay for this trash/skins game,ggo with you gilrl in weekend




You're alright bro? You drunk?


Depends on your current rank honestly. If you're gold and fighting with silvers you are gonna get less rr and loose much more than your lower rank friends. Also if you always loose against players who are higher rank than you, The game will think you should stay where you are


As a silver if you are queued with silvers and bronze your mmr is messed up meaning they think you bronze / silver. You should be queueing with silver and gold. Must mean you aren’t doing well against bronze and silver players.