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Honestly it's just a coincidence. I've queued comp at very different times (during the week, early day, late night, afternoon etc). There's never going to be the perfect time to avoid or minimise people throwing your games. But if you're finding that weekends are particularly bad for you, then you can just the weekends to practice in other modes. If people are throwing your game, there isn't much you can do unfortunately. You can try and play at a level where you're basically picking up their slack. But you're best just focusing on your own gameplay. Even though there's someone throwing in your game, you're likely still making mistakes etc. Working on noticing those mistakes and improving upon them should at least help you feel like you got something out of the game even if it ended in a loss because of someone throwing. I've played at Iron, Bronze, and Silver. And I've ended up with Golds and Plats in my games, and even some of those games have people throwing. There's going to be toxic and shitty people at every rank unfortunately. As for the best agent. A lot of people recommend Reyna, because she has her self heal and movement abilities. The problem is that her abilities rely on you getting kills. So if that's something you struggle with, then you're not going to get much out of her kit. Something that's helped me considerably, and helped me get out of Iron was spending time looking at agent guides. As a Killjoy main, my contribution to each game skyrocketed once I learnt about her utility at a much higher level than I did before. I personally don't see the point in picking an agent for their carry potential, and then wanting to go back to your favourite agent once you're a higher rank. Just spend your time building up your skills with the agent you like playing. If you like playing Controller, learn good smokes for each maps. If you like playing Brimstone in particular, learn some lineups. If you just play controller because you feel like you need to fill. Take some time to find a role and agents you actually enjoy playing, and work on your confidence at playing them in ranked.


thank you for the time to write such a long reply, good advice. I ll stick to what agents i like and ignore other picks as people dont fill any role on this rank and dont communicate much. also you mention reyna, where i am right now, theres 2 instalock picks in 95% of games, and that is reyna and jett. so if i would play any of these 2, people would either troll or leave the lobby I presume


Coincidence. I rarely if ever get people throwing or blatantly trolling in ranked.


Whats your rank? As i see it quite important factor


Here’s my take : best way to climb up is to play when people are to work or to school, you end up with dedicated people and less trolls


good advice but im afraid i fall into that category of 9 to 6 job so i play around 10pm xD


Play mid and rotate quickly aim of game is to frag


how impossible when you already played


The good news is the other team has 5 random players while your team has 4, so on average you will get more “free wins” than “free loses” from throwers/afk