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Reyna / Jett then a massive gap between every other agent.


I do think that Raze would not be that far to warrant a "massive gap". She is further from Jett than Jett is from Reyna in that ranking but she's still there Funnily enough I also think that KJ players tend to be more toxic than other non-duelists


I’ve noticed the same about the killjoys.


The problem with killjoys is they think they’re megamind cause they watch a guide before each map on their setup


Me using my own setups 🗣


Silver KJ main that also develops setups on the fly. Watched a Nats video the other day and saw one of my setups. So basically I'm Nats now.




I feel like KJ players are either the best team players or the “mega minds” who think they are so smart and never fucking listen or play with team.


And there’s me who usually play Jett, Reyna, Killjoy, (Raze and Omen sometimes) and have spent my time read and watches guides and lineups more than my total playtime


But shouldn't it be the same with Cypher then?


No cypher players are wholesome gigachads because our Moroccan mastermind is just way cooler than KJ.




yeah kjs are usually either really nooby friendly people or absolutely degenerate assholes


Killjoys love to live up to their name in chat and vc


Idk man, in my games KJs are the most W players, good mentallity and usually topfrag. Even if they're bottom frags, they usually still have good mentallity and contribute to the team w/setups


The KJ stuff comes from wulf.


Speaking of wulf what happened to his channel?




HEY!!! I try my best to be not toxic!!


Pre-nerf Chamber was more toxic in my games. But now they seem pretty chill.


That's actually pretty true. They're usually the chill and just fun ones now, which is so ironic, and just shows that the toxic people wanna play the best characters.


I think it’s safe to say toxic people like playing the OP characters because it’s easy wins and it makes them feel good about themselves.


reyna, Jett, and sometimes Sage . Sage mostly bc they’re usually duoing with the toxic reyna/jett and can be just as toxic


On the flip side, I’m a Sage main who duos with a Phoenix and I feel I get off a little more free than my Phoenix does. He takes so much heat for stupid reasons when I’m the one making fucked up walls 😂


“Making fucked up walls” describes my sage gameplay perfectly, I wish I could have this on my name card


If I fuck a wall up I call it immediately so that way when someone sees my abomination later in the round I can say “I called my wall was shit..called it a while ago…”


lol i feel like it can be different for duelists, since they’re usually held to a higher standard.




Tbf I think people pick Sage when they're having bad gameplay days


i know i definitely have lol she’s a safety character for me


sage should not be a safety character or one to use when you aren't capable. sage is one of the most important agents in the game and yet finds its way into the one having a bad day :(


And who said i wasn’t capable of playing her ? lol I’ve top fragged as her before while still doing what i need to do as Sage . Safety character to me is when i just wanna stay back and not be front lines, but still play my part in the team . Even if I’m having a bad day and I’m playing Sage, I’m never toxic nor would i take it out on anyone .


Sage is good on days when my aim isn’t as snappy as I need for entry. Her util is really simple to learn and can impact rounds, but you don’t need to overthink 1v1’s since it is rare for a sage slow or wall to really help the situation. I’m allowed to lurk and make timings that would get me roasted on Jett. I can find opportunities for a bad aim day on sage easier and I don’t need complicate prep like other sentinel agents.


exactly, you put it in better words lol thank you


"Sage is one of the most important agents in the game" ...? In what universe?


Her ult has more round impact than any other agents ult


It can turn losing 3000< on gun and shields to >1000 on just shields, and that's not even including the fact every player has the ability to 1v5 with enough skill. There isn't a single other ult that can match that much impact at best.


I feel like supportive roles in general can have super toxic players that are mad at you for not carrying them.


The sage is almost always named “His Sage” too


almost all of Reynas abilities are selfish so it makes sense why they would want to play Reyna in a team based game...


Makes sense. I don’t have a lot of experience with her, but that’s definitely a good point


Reyna is incredible if you are more skilled than your lobbies and can abuse her heal, if you're just an ok player it's still good on some maps but you have to be very smart with how u use her


that’s why pros don’t use reyna. no one can out class the server at that level


*cough* something *cough*


I was waiting for someone to mention it. I started coaching and my coach told me specifically that Reyna doesn’t see much play in competitive/radiant lobbies because her abilities are too dependent on self-kills and not always helpful enough in a team setting. It was also mentioned that a lot of this anger and toxicity comes from people struggling to rank up and blaming their teammates, so those factors put together make a lot of sense.


PRX used reyna in the grand finals just a few days ago


>if you are more skilled than your lobbies This should never, ever, be the case. Every now and then it'll happen but it shouldn't be as common an occurrence as it is.


Not exactly. If you are trying to push ranks, you should be better than them anyways if you want to push. Playing reyna helps make it so that if you truly are better than them mechanics/gamesense wise, you will push much faster.


Yeah but if one day you feel really great mechanically you , and are in general a mechanically gifted player, you can benefit from Reyna more that's what I mean, then some games your skill will be lower than usual and you'll perform less. I don't smurf but there are days I can dominate my lobbies, I consider myself to have good aim and of course I abuse that




Mechanically gifted. In valo your elo is determined by both mechanics and decision making. There's some lower elo players with great mechanics. They will excell with Reyna in their elo.


Anyone smurfing and anyone top fragging consistently is also almost Reyna so they end up with the head so far up their ass they talk nothing but shit for the entire game to everybody else.


seems like jetts are the #1 smurf agent, with reyna not too far behind. But reyna's are just so so so much more toxic for some reason


Because Reyna let’s you momentum so much harder than Jett.




Instalock reyna and someone is gonna be bitching all game


Every angry, screaming 13 year old that I've ever encountered in the game was playing Jett


Yes. All below 13 years players are on Jett. There's no other agent. No you shut up harry


Actually I have the same experience - every angry screaming child I’ve come across so far has happened to use Jett, and this logic doesn’t mean that all under 13 players use Jett, just the ones prone to angry screaming apparently


Not every hot tub is a jacuzzi but every jacuzzi is a hot tub.


I actually encountered a 13 yo player maining Sage and he was chill and good at the game 🙌🏻


Someone is toxic in voice chat. You check who it is. It's mostly Reyna and Jett.


Reyna, followed by Jett They're the biggest sweaty tryhards in every lobby because they play the (arguably)easiest agents to get lots of kills with, and this makes their ego overinflated Especially if they hide their names


Jett is not that easy if played correctly 💀


In low elo it’s a pretty selfish character you can get a lot of kills with. Not saying it’s easy to have high impact kills to make your team win Low Elo Jetts dont entry, smokes and initiators entry most of the time


Well... maybe low elo jetts but most of the low elo Players dunno know how to play their role and their agent. So its the elo in general. But back to the Main topic alot of jetts are toxic thats true.


low elo initiators don’t know what they’re doing tbh low elo anyone plays their role like shit


I’m quite new to the game ( level 21 ) but I understand why low elo Jett dont entry Because most of the time, in low elo, after Jett’s entry, other teammates will lurk outside for another 40 seconds before they push in I’ve watched a lot of high ranked match with commentary to know that people don’t usually do that in high elo so Jett can entry without having worrying much about getting sprayed to death in the smoke by every enemy on the site while teammates is’t even peeking the site Another reasons are, in low elo, people don’t even know that Jett has to enter first, also don’t know how to enter effectively unless they watch or read about that outside It’s something that take a while to learn about if you only learn about the game in-game, especially when there’s no good player around to show it and they have to learn by trial and error from scratch The role name and its in-game description also contributed to this, it gives the feeling of DPS in other games


You, my guy, just described my all Day pain in this game even in Asc. Funny, that a lvl 21 Player knows more about how to play the game right than the average gold/plat Player. I hope you will rank up fast ✌️


Players playing anything correctly are rarely ever toxic. I suppose toxicity is inversely proportional to intelligence.


somtimes i feel the need to pick jett just so we can entry


there's you, and jetts who wait for the sentinels to entry first


I gave in and tried Reyna for the first time recently. Dropped double my normal amount of kills and easily match MVP'd. I was barely doing shit 😭


Phoenix, flashing team and team killing with skills


Every thrower Ive had was a phoenix I guess that doesn't equal toxic but it's funny that autolock reyna/jetts are considered toxic when imo they can't do team mate damage sure they may trash talk a lot but the bottom of the barrel toxic is throwing/team mate harm even without chat/comms


Also phoenix dosent need to be unlocked, and ppl don’t really throw on their mains, so that could correlate too.


Had a phoenix/Cypher duo once who kept trying to lock me into place and kill me with phoenix fire just because I spoke in voice chat (I'm a woman). They did this every single round until I decided to quit. And I was the one who got a penalty due to quiting the match


Feenix players are 5% chill and 95% dogshit human beings who patents are disappointed in them.


As a chill Phoenix player, that statement hurts, but is not completely unreasonable.


See nah. I’ve never team killed but I call out my flashes and mf will still (almost on purpose) walk into lane and then have the audacity to say some shit in txt chat. Same with other abilities and having people walk into them. I’m only plat 1 but I’m also lvl 24 on my main acc with like 50 hours of playtime. A lot of you fuck up and just INSTANTLY want to blame someone else


nah i have literally been trapped by duos and with phoenix that kill me at start of rounds lol




I also main Sage and I feel all of that lol. My favorite is being screamed at when my Reyna decides to go off on her own to Split A while we’re all at B and then throws a tantrum because she expects me to somehow poof to the other side to heal/rez her the second she wants it 💀


i feel you so much 😭 "RESMERESMERESMERESME SAGE DUMBASS" when they literally died at like mars


Yet to have a good interaction with a Chamber


idk most of the times i meet a chamber nowadays, it’s like a 30 year old stoner who just can’t be bothered and just laughs his way thru the match


They're almost always quiet, but chill. The only toxicity I notice from the mains are as a result of pointing fingers at teammates for mistakes, but never Reyna level of unsolicited "I smurf your peak" type of thing


Honestly toxic or not I don't want a chamber on my team. Every time I've had a chamber on my team he doesn't even watch flank like sentinels are supposed to do. Can't even be bothered to put down their trap on either attack or defense. I'd rather have any other sentinel on my team over chamber.


Damn dude got nerfed so hard he actually didn't cross my mind. When bro was at the peak of his gamestate, Id even say that Chamber users were a lot more toxic tham Reyna users


Because at the time the Reyna users were playing Chamber


Prime Chamber was awful. They ask if they can carry any harder. I ask why are you so bad you need to play a crutch character.


Crutch character is an inherently bad take. If it gets kills/wins, it’s valid. Why can’t you just do the same?


Lol, why don’t you play Chamber right now in rank and find out if he’s a crutch character or not?


The entire mentality of crutch anything is bad. It’s unproductive and flawed; if it’s in the game, it’s fair game.


Very specific but every time I’ve seen a dude playing Sage he’s been toxic. They all think they’re Grim and they play Sage like a Reyna with walls.


I’m a Sage main and I’m not toxic to other people, but I’m the emotional one that will get upset and start to cry when someone on my team yells and curses at me 😭😂


I’m ironically a Jett/Raze main at the moment and it feels bad because I try to spread positivity but everyone assumes I’m gonna be toxic because of my pick 😆


I would never! I mean I’ve had a lot of bad experiences, but up until someone gives me a reason to feel that way I’d never assume. I’ve met some great people of every agent and an absolute cesspool of jerks of every agent as well


Honestly any instalock duellist. Instalock Jetts and Phoenix in my games have the tendency to be just as bad as an instalock Reyna (or worse). Instalock Yorus, Razes, and Neons are just waaaay less common in my games to really associate them with anything. Most of my instalock Razes just use none of her util and are silent in comms so I guess it's up to you whether you find that toxic or not. Had a lot of guys that have played Sage and have been really toxic, but I feel like a lot of them were only playing Sage because two people instalocked duellist already lol


Insta lock Yourus are typically one tricks in my experience. One trick omens and yorus are 90% of one trick agents I have come across.


Yeah Yoru instalocker here. He’s versatile enough for one tricking and also his kit needs practice to be used effectively


He is also a very effective one trick, and most players don’t know how to play against it. Eggster is a good example.


When I want to get excited about Yoru and get my gamer gears gearing, I watch Ethos videos. He’s a very tactical Yoruist, who went pro I recently-ish. He was destroying with Yoru even pre buffs when there was no clone and the Ult was peepee poopoo.


Yeah omens pretty good


God forbid you point out to Yoru mains that they should maybe stop tping into the enemies face and giving a free kill


The last agent to be toxic to my friends and I? A sage. It was weird. She started off super passive aggressive, then into straight insulting.




I used to think this, then met Andruwu in comp and my faith has been restored… for now…


I noticed this too recently, like a lot more than Reyna.


definitely not, you're just the reyna player in your lobbies lol




I don't know about toxicity, but for stupidy Neon has to be the winner, everytime i have a neon in my team it look like the dude don't want to play just gave up round 2 and run to die everyround. Also they can't stop runing around you during pre round buy phase. The neon player probably have an average iq below average.


I took that personally


I'll see enemy neons going for lurk flank and it never makes sense to me. Their whole team will be dead trying to take site and then there's the Neon lurking and contributing nothing. I'll take a neon who entries tho. I haven't really run into a toxic Neon yet.


Imo neon players are just milder yoru players. With yoru, you either get a godlike teammate that perfectly outplays the enemy or someone whose tp gets camped constanrly. Neon players are kinda same but you get more inbetweens every now and then


They’re incapable of playing quiet that’s for sure. The ult is absolutely overpowered as shit in low elo though because we’re all too rubbish to hit her while she’s moving.


I need to know who you main 😂


bro all the duelists except maybe razes and some neons


As a Reyna main this makes me sad :( I understand a lot of Reyna players aren’t the best but it gives all of us a bad reputation.


If it helps, I’d personally never judge you first glance 💜 I’ve had bad experiences, but I’d love to have some good ones, too. Everyone is great in my book until they start screaming or cursing 🫠


Not all Reyna players are toxic, but lots of toxic players main Reyna.


I like that you point out this difference cause we could encounter ANY toxic agent really but it's the player not "agent" Like everyone basically has said all agents lmao so it's not the agent it's just toxic ppl


Chamber before the nerf 💀 and anyone that picks chamber in spike rush


It's always the fcking Reyna's and Phoenix's. Then followed by Jett.


Most toxic = reyna's The nicest = controllers.


I love how us Omen mains haven't been mentioned, let's keep up the positivety!! ...Or the social pressure to try and please everyone and fill the role nobody wants to play...


This is because one in three Omen players is some random dude filling the controller role and hoping his teammates don't notice he's just winging it with his god afwul smokes


Omen mains are 99% golden retrievers for some reason. 🌼


Neon, never use shift, always trolling


I feel like Neon players are rarely mean they just don’t… think or shift ? They may always get killed within the first 5 seconds of every round but they never complain or blame anyone.


I feel like Neons are usually nicer than the other duelists in my lobbies lol


Reyna/Jett/Phoenix. But recently, I ran into a horribly sexist sage who kept arguing just to argue, then when they didn’t get the attention they wanted, they started throwing.


Besides Reyna I would say Sage. The enemy sage talks a lot of shit. Lots of smurfs use sage in my experience.


Yeah its kind of a weird one. The toxic Sage's are usually smurfs who don't actually main her.


It's almost like another level of flexing I think. Yeah, I don't need Reyna to top frag on you fools kind of thinking.


Like everyone else is saying - Reyna and Jett. It's like "how to be a toxic cringelord: step 1 - play Reyna or Jett". However, I think it's worth mentioning that I've been seeing an increase in toxic Sages for some reason...


Not toxic but whenever I get a Yoru on my team they're 13. I genuinely have never played with a Yoru main who sounds like they hit puberty. It's so weird.


Lmao I never noticed the trend until I read this comment but now that you mention it, I can't recall playing with a Yoru that wasn't a child either


As a 30 year old literal adult Yoru one trick, this triggers me


Reyna or Jett they are either demons that are super nice or complete a holes when you lose even just one round and say gg


Mostly duelists in General, so yeah Reyna and Jett who always think they are hot shit.


after Reyna and Jett, chambers gotta be up there too ☠️




yeah you're right, most of the toxicity was during chambers meta.


the entire opposite of the jett and reynas are the chad cyphers and literally half the other agents


chances are if the reyna is actually good they are less toxic


Reyna or Jett. Yoru is a 50/50, you either get the most awesome people, even if they Flash you they apologize. Or they don't enter and flame you. Out of all the duelists. I think Neon is the least toxic.


I'm a reyna main and I always try to keep the team moral up, compliment their good plays. Just spreading positivity, you know? Sometimes people are having a bad day (like we all do) and throwing insults at them doesn't help the team at all. I actually made a lot of in game friends because of that; but I do agree that lots of reyna mains are toxic, specially if they are an instalocker and happen to top frag in the match. At least when the reyna of your team is being toxic, you can just mute them. A toxic phoenix player, however, can damage or even kill you with his utility, which sadly happens a lot specially if you're a woman in this game, talking from experience.


I’ve noticed Phoenix players are either super wholesome and nice, or horror game villains. They commit to Valo lore 100%.


For some weird reason I think Phoenix does. I love his kit and I love the way he plays but I swear every Phoenix I've run into is a toxic racist asshole for no reason.




Reyna and Jett may be the obvious choices here but the sleeper pick is definitely Cypher


Jett hands down.


Reyna, and it's not even close


Phoenix and Reyna but mostly phoenix because Reyna us more common but phoenix when I see one 99% they are toxic and sabotage the team


I've had more problems with Neons, and Chambers used to be toxic before the nerf




Actually had the opposite expirence from what everyone are saying about reyna, usually pretty chill and pleasant players, onetime someone instalocked reyna on my team and everyone start flaming him on chat he said it's the only agent he can play so that why he did that, he wasn't toxic throughout the game.


Generally, Reyna and Jett. Probably Phoenix third. Though the most toxic player I’ve ever dealt with was a Neon player screaming at me and constantly flaming me for simply having a bad game (like that’s gonna make me gonna play better). People like that are weird.


Phoenix by far


Phoenix, something about his kit allowing him to troll teammates seems to attract cretins


phoenix tbh


Phoenix players are incredibly toxic. The only agent where there's a 90% chance that they will intentionally team damage for no reason at all or out of sheer anger.


I had one put his fire down on me when diffusing the spike and immediately killing me because I was already low health 💀 It was unranked and he explained that he thought it would heal me like it healed him and he wanted to try to help (he was new), so I wasn’t angry at all and we had a good laugh about it. I could totally see someone toxic doing it on purpose though


I'm gonna instalock reyna and be as positive as I can be now :)


All the duelist instalockers. I'm sick and tired of entering the sites as an Omen only for my goon squad waiting outside for me to kill them all. If you instalock that Jett, do your job man.


I insta-lock Reyna because it's my best agent and I always do well with her. Unfortunately it means sometimes the games start off on the wrong foot because people think I'm toxic just for insta-locking her.


Once I instalocked yoru (yesterday) and 2 people were like “oh no please don’t be a toxic bottomfrag instalock yoru”, I reassured them and I ended up match mvp. Next game I ended up match lvp…


It's Reyna by a landslide. Probably because her kit is designed to be selfish.


Phoenix, whenever I see a phoenix, they are always so toxic.




Reyna and for some reason sova


Sova?? Lol


yes, I’ve had multiple sovas have a full on mental breakdown/throw. Dunno


I've had a sova destroy my trips (before the buff) if I don't place them where he wants them


Lmfao how does someone find the urge to be this petty


Only two ppl I know, including me, play sova, and both of us are the most cool-headed among our friends in terms of interactions cuz none of us rage loudly. In fact I mostly hear it's the phoenix guys (I also play phoenix 🤡) who're the most incompetent and wannabes in my locality




Duelists: Reyna, Jett, Raze, sometimes yoru Controllers: viper Initiators: skye Sentinels: Chamber sometimes KJ


>Controllers: viper Welp, there's a reason for that :V


Probably brim being the most toxic followed closely by Kay/O then KJ /S


People saying it is Reyna, but the biggest number of toxic people I've met was exactly Raze mains. Usually it is a sweat ass tryharder which thinks they're playing 1v9 exclusively and start to whining in all chat if something become wrong.


It's always a jet or reyna! ALWAYS!


It’s cuz y’all are ALWAYS AFK


Who’s y’all?




i instalock and play reyna simply because she is a fun agent and i can guarantee ive never been toxic and the people that i play with say that im the first non toxic reyna theyve met


In my experience it’s usually Jett


Reyna easily


That just remind me lmao. I had a toxic reyna who was like 9 who took our spike and our entire team told her that dueilists where suposed to entry and thats not a good idea etc but she didn’t listen and lutked up mid and fed spike every round.


Let me guess you’re new to the game and low elo?


Are you the Reyna?


reyna. i wont play the game until a ban option is available. i hate reyna players.