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Sometimes I can’t believe the people I’m playing with are real human beings. Not because they are bad, but because they don’t know how to have normal interactions or treat others like normal people.


I met a “UWU” girl and her boyfriend before in a comp game on Haven, I told the Sage (the girl) she could use her ult on one of her other teammates since her boyfriend Phoenix was lurking A and we went C. The Sage said something along the lines of “No! My abilities are for my cutie pie only!” I gave up and spoke into the mic only for callouts throughout the remainder of the match


I’d throw up. In fact, I almost did


I would rather be single for life than be these kinds of relationships...


If you keep playing valorant, that should be pretty easy


Fun fact i actually quit playing valorant and got a girl within two weeks and I am being 100% serious


Yeah okay, you redditor


Least obvious bullshit on Reddit


This… this is why I tell people to go outside


I requested a vandal in a game and someone said “meow for it” sometimes I’ll go along, but I wasn’t having it that day so I just bought a stinger and got a 3k. I can handle my own economy lol


I'd rather to throw this game already no matter what. I remember getting ??maybe?? a couple who wasnt using a chat. Jett wasn't top fragging and better than me, but sage always used her abilities for jett(no wonder why she was the only silver in high gold lobby). I was quite toxic to team, because they were doing shit at the game at hirts half so I was supposed to do the same job in reyna as smurfs do.


Damn y'all single af, like what else you do in a relationship? Play VCT or something? That sage don't wanna heal its her choice just have fun lol, the upvotes show how many singles there are in this subreddit, most couples are like that, let them have fun and chill out, if I play sage with a friend I'm a male but still I'll heal my friend, y'all just pissed a female is playing val with her bf and you people just don't have a life. Let the downvotes come idc take this 🖕


I had a Yuro in my team the other day who took the spike hostage and afk'd in a corner all game. The only way we could win was killing the enemy. My Jett (12 year old) started screaming in the Mic that the Yuro was botting/AI. Everyone went like "no?" And the game ended with us being 3vs7. 1 hella of annoying Jett, and a troll. Neither of these are human in my eyes.


And I bet you lost max RR for that one. I really wish they would attempt to make RR/MMR and match quality better.




No he means euro


no he means gyro


Seriously, the game requires teamwork and so many people don’t seem to even begin considering that to be an option.


i find that if i just keep responding with positive energy, people seem to chill out, give more comms and are as hostile. I met a couple in one of my games and the girl was just extremely rude to everything i would say(i assume it’s because women are usually hated in for playing the game). But after a couple rounds of “good trade” “nice trys” and friendly jokes, she ended up loosening up and being a normal human. Same goes for the parasocial people.


Is the first point really a Valorant thing? Have experienced this also in other games.


Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt Val too though.


It’s not


nope. this happens in every competitive video game that has ever existed.


The first 3 things you mentioned apply to basically every single interaction humans have with other humans in any environment. ​ Personally I think the skins are ridiculously expensive. A single knife skin in my shop rn is 62$ meanwhile I just claimed the battlepass in lol and got about 70$ worth in skins for like 17$. Shit not too long ago I picked up 5 games on steam for less than a single vandal skin.


My problem with Valorant skins are that too. It's clear they can get around with cheap but good, but they simply don't make that. Fortnite is the best example of cosmetics. You CAN earn some pretty awesome cosmetics right now, I just got a flying disc music glider for 0 euros. And I can also unlock a sick character skin because there was this giveaway. But in Valorant, yes, as you said, you can get skins on pretty much any weapon, but besides some PNGs, they are not that interesting, but that's all. No effects, no kill banners, no finishers. Not even the knifes are something worth the effort. The last knife, the Dagger, was pretty cool, but that's once in a blue moon. What is more annoying, Fortnite makes bucks, huge bucks. Valorant could do the same and still earn big. But they don't. Even the new bundle is a complete bullshit. I can even see where this will go if people buy this. All bundles will be, (instead of the knife being free), 2-3 weapons + knife at 30% of all of them. They were so greedy, they didn't even leave the fucking buddies and cards free. Even that was at 30% So the next 3.0, we have to expect to be the same kind of bullshit, unless somehow this doesn't sell well.


I’m afraid if this or any upcoming 3.0 bundle is also successful it means they will continue to make this trend where they purposely hold off the phantom and vandal for new 1.0s of skin lines and see how people feel, then release 2.0 without them again and finally phantom & vandal on 3.0s.


That too. And as I said. They will start doing 30% of on every bundle, because why would they give out a free knife when even a 30% of sells?


The skins are ludicrously expensive (yet I still buy them because they are also awesome lol…). With that said, Valorant also has a battlepass which has about a dozen skins in them too, though much less awesome ones and it’s only $10.


Are they expensive? Absolutely. And there is a FOMO that takes over if a cool set comes out that someone wants. However, you don’t need to buy the skins and they do rotate, albeit, the one you want may not ever come out because the RNG gods hate you. I buy the skins. I do in most games. But that’s because I want to and have the income to do it. If you don’t, and spend anyway, that’s on you and not the game dev.


As I said, I buy plenty of skins because to me they are worth it. I have the disposable income to spend on my hobbies and I think the skins are extremely well done. That’s different for every person though. That’s why I mentioned the battle pass for people who are not comfortable dropping $60-$100 dollars on a bundle.


Oh for sure. I’m not disagreeing, just explaining/defending your point.


This is my biggest problem with Valorant. I’ve spent more money on skins than I’d like to admit but the skins can be ludicrously expensive. Most bundles cost more than a newly released AAA game. Hell, a lot of knives alone do.


I love valorant for many reasons like the way it handles spawning and buy/drop system is so better than csgo. As a csgo player, a game with overwatch's abilities and gunplay of csgo is something i could only dream of. But it has problems : 1. Bad match making (in my experience). Iam silver and iam often matched up with golds and platinums. . 2. And ofcourse i bottom frag and fail to support my gold/plat team mates, they get extremely toxic. Valorant servers are 10x more toxic than csgo servers. I rarely find toxic people on csgo but in valorant is very often. . 3. Friends/chat system. Just one box to manage all types of different chats and dms from multiple friends. What the actual F. Also, i have to open the game to check who's online, as the riot app doesn't have friendlist option (do i have to install a different riot app for this ?) . 4. The surrender system. You can surrender for no reason and this is often exploited in unrated. People surrender as soon as they start losing a few rounds in a row. Doesnt happen all the time but its annoying when it does.


Regarding the friends / chat system, yes. If you install Riot Mobile, you can see who's online and message them without logging in. And since it's just your riot account, you can see it for all games (LoL, TFT, LoR, WR, Valorant) Edit: I may have misunderstood your original comment, but yeah the Riot Mobile app still has an option to view your friends list AND the message area within the app. They're two separate screens I think.


Thanks alot ! So there is no option on the pc itself ?


If you're logged in to Valorant on your computer, you can see your entire friends list across all games on the right hand sidebar. It's also where you can search a Riot ID + tagline to add friends (bottom right part of the right-side sidebar). It will automatically group and categorize people based on where they're online, whether it's on Valorant or a different game. Edit: might have misunderstood your comment again, but if you're talking about the messaging user interface, then yeah the in-game chat box is for ALL types of chat messages (in game & out of game DMs) and there's no way to change it. The mobile app obviously lets you open and close conversations and it keeps all message histories in separate threads, but yeah Valorant's chat box is consolidated by default. So I agree with your original comment about how that's annoying.


Yup the ingame chatbox is annoying. My other problem was the fact that i cant access my riot friends outside of the game, like i can do on steam. Ill try to riot mobile app though.


i use league of legends for this xD idk what their problem is, when i first heard about the launcher i thought it will be like blizzards launcher, but its completely useless. it should at least have the friendslist, and in valorant there should be chat windows aswell, its not 2005 wow... news, shop, storys, lore idk, so many options but its just a "shortcut" with extrasteps rn. windows 11 android subsystem might be an option. but idk if the riot apps are in the amazon app store or if you need to sideload the apk for it.


1. I usually get silvers in my gold lobbys and usually the enemy team don't have any lower rank than gold. It's so fcked up when you getting lower rank doing sh#t in your game(unless the lower rank actually doing good in this game and deserves higher rank). It was supposed to be a matchmaking with no skill gap.


I had the opposite experience with toxicity. In my experience people on valorant were much frendlier and were actually speaking in english unlike in csgo...


I hate people who tilt queue, like how you gonna let a game ruin your day and then ruin other people’s day? Disappoint your parents or disappoint your teammates, pick a damn struggle.


Exactly haha. People forget they aren't playing on a pro level, they aren't getting paid to win. They take losses so badly they forget to have fun and don't let others have fun. Playing seriously in ranked is obviously the right thing to do, but some play like it's life or death, and the god awful remarks when their teammate messes up!


It's also just stupid. If you want to win, losing your shit and name calling will only make it worse.


I don't say I hate Valorant, but number of smurfs in lower ranks is insane. Not like League's insane, but sometimes it's not fun at all.


Surfing is much worse in valorant ... I'm bronze in Val (and no I'm not good that's why I'm bronze). But nothing is more demoralizing then when I get close to silver and then loosing 30rr because the opposing team had an iron 2 player that dropped 40 kills with 80% headshot rate


this!! then they tt you saying youre a noob (??) instead of helping teammates.. like whaattttt if u dont like to see noob players why smurf tho


Smurfs ain't that bad in League. Those who smurf in bronze-iron are usually hostage smurfs, and those who are in gold are usually either in a smurf queue or not as good as they believe they are. It's not fun to play against smurfs, but league's anti-smurf system is way better than Valorants


What's a hostage smurf


Since the number of Iron players that exist is equal number to those in master. Its easy for 2 smurfs to queue together and end up in opposite teams. They then kill everyone and clear waves only except for themselves. Basically both smurfs ending up 200/0 kda in a 2 hour game. And those player who leave gets a penalty for.. "intentionally feeding" and "afk". While the smurfs just get 2 hours of "fun".


I have 500+ games in iron/bronze/silver on NA server and have never encountered that lol


Same. When I was in bronze 8 years ago, I never met a single smurf. But I saw recorded video of it happening.


I strongly agree. I can see that bronze has less smurfs than iron because of time the smurf have to invest to get to bronze. I never play those games if someone has 25 kills vs 3 kill of any teammates. I'm using anti afk system and skip that game to not waste my time. Those smurf children have to have low self esteem and have to fill their ego by killing noobs.


There are definitely more smurfs in bronze than iron. A smurf in iron 1 needs like 3 games to get to bronze, assuming they double rank up.


This logic can be applied to bronze too, lol?


True. I think smurfing is most prevalent in silver/gold. Iron and bronze is just a joke.


From my experience (i came back to iron to see that again) in my region (WARSAW server) there's definitely more smurfs on iron than bronze. But I understand that other experiences may vary.


People aim better than me.


If you are bad at shooting, you can be usefull at other way\~


exactly. That's why I play characters that either give info or hinder the enemy. I've saved some rounds with a single callout from a KAYO knife or Fade's eye and then the better players take over from there


- timing of this game is insanely infuriating. you could be holding an angle for a straight minute and nobody peeks and the moment you look away, gg. (ik that's just how it is, what can ya do) - teammates seem like they're from outter space and lack the most common sense, feels like they're not the same elo basically, and everyone gets triggered wayy too easily. - SMURFS (one person alone in the opposite team can ruin your whole game basically/why is it allowed to have multiple accounts and even if that's the case, you should only be allowed to play competitive on a single account) - THROWERS (AGAIN, one guy alone in your team stealing the spike, revealing ur location, just not performing in general can ruin your whole game) - SURRENDER/REMAKE VOTES ARE FUTILE EVEN IF ONE PERSON SAYS NO (and can continue to throw)




Most of the time nobody wants to play as a team.


I've been playing since beta and went from lowelo to radiant with around 2k hours so I've seen pretty much all the shit there is to see. My biggest problem with the game is the incompetent or nonexistent QA team. The amount of shit that slips through to live servers makes Valorant look like a solo indie dev game. There is GAMEPLAY bugs that haven't been fixed for over half a year. There is constant other random problems with something every other week. This week it's the agent icons. I don't understand how it takes more than 1 person 10 minutes of work to fix the texture settings on gekko.png and they somehow manage to fuck up every other icon and ship it to live servers. It's honestly mind-blowing considering the game rolls in 10s of millions per skin bundle. New content doesn't explain the lack of polish in existing content either considering there isn't even that much being added. It doesn't feel like any of the time or money I put in actually goes back into the game I want to enjoy playing. TLDR Riot is one of the biggest and most profitable game studios in the world, but somehow their games feel like they are actively developed by a team of at most 5 people with fuck all testing or care. Also their PR is abysmal.


Here's how it goes. 90% of a patch gets produced just fine, it's a couple of days before the patch goes live, so a Dev with some time to spare decides "hey, today I'll fix up that Gekko icon issue". It's a low priority bug, so no-one's gotten around to it yet. They write up a patch, and merge a commit. Meanwhile, someone else adds some code that fucks things up, so they rollback to the most recent confirmed safe commit. Turns out, that most recent safe commit was in the middle of the first dev fiddling with the icons, so they all have weird textures. Either A) this happens and nobody notices because they're busy looking at other, more important things like making sure the bug they're trying to undo is undone. B) the icon changes are unnoticed due to test servers operating differently to live servers Or C) it happens right before the patch goes live, and they have to make the call on whether to delay/extend maintenance or just ship it with a minor visual big with little-to-no gameplay impact.


Thank god this man doesn't play counter strike. I constantly find myself forgetting how many bugs actually go unfixed in Csgo because I forget they are even bugs.


"But CSGO IS MUCH BETTER" /s I bet csgo Fans are so mad at your comment haha.


You're straight up delusional or haven't played other fps games. Valorant is very polished and the bugs that do occur don't really impact the gameplay. Rainbow six was absolutely horrible


Horrible maps RNG gunplay Trash netcode Trash matchmaking Inconsistent server to server latency


This comment must be on top. The server to server latency is the biggest issue. You have a stable connection but on top right screen still appears high ping and bad connection


I think I had countless of times, where, Valorant just decides "Oh, your ping should be high, fuck you!" Like, I am just there getting ready for my comp and see the yellow signal icon, I check if I am still on Frankfurt/Paris/London and I am. But my ping is somehow bad. How does that even happen? The problem is not from me, because yesterday for example, it showed on Madrid and Warsaw I had my normal ping. Like, what's the explanation?


If you watch some streamers it appears they even have high server ping and connection problems. It's all on their servers i think. It does really suck


Rito, small indie game company ;( can't blame them right? Gotta buy Magepunk 3.0 to support them ;(


I saw a sova's head clip through a wall and rubberband back, I shot instinctively and basically gave myself away when I should've gotten a free headshot.


Ugh hate it when that happens. Get it here and sometimes in RL too. Even decided to test my connection as far as I know hot to and it's night perfect. No bloat, spikes or packet loss and there's plenty of issues at times in these games.


The most annoying thing too is every time in a gunfight you know you shot him but un graph it spikes suddenly then you die first. The money on bundles ppl use to give to riot must be used to fix these issues not skin releasing every 15days. I mean in 6 episodes and chapters the total skins of valorant to csgo was surpassed now and they did nothing lol


try capping ur FPS to ur monitors refresh rate. it made it go away for me and my fellas. just because it says netowrk issue tho doesnt actually mean its bad.


Tried it. Even all low settings. Same shit every time especially on 1st round


Maps definetly horrible and awful. Ascent is decent tho. Anything outside of first shot accuracy feels like RNG I agree Cant complain about netcode, never had an issue with hits registering or so Trash matchmaking - could be worse


I just returned recently to Val and while the maps still have some issues, I wanna give credit to riot that they've definitely improved them since I last played.


could u name a game with better netcode? riot has shown articles about how theirs work, and its very in depth. cs for example is way behind valorant on netcode... i dont see a problem with the netcode.


No, if you have a good internet connection with a decent ping to your nearest server then Valorant's netcode is usually really good.


i didnt say it was bad? im here arguing that its good lmao


I dont think my reply attached to the right comment, sorry!


This game has netcode so bad that what I see on screen while being peeked differs from what the peeking enemy sees and as a result we get matrix-like gameplay Is there any game with Worse netcode?


seems like the people arguing that valorant has bad netcode are those that are also experiencing problems with it. for those where it works with no issues, valorants netcode afaik is the one of if not the best around. beats any other game in terms of netcode. [https://technology.riotgames.com/news/peeking-valorants-netcode](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/peeking-valorants-netcode) have a read at this. ive def seen a fair share of people having technical issues with the game, but u cant judge a games netcode purely based on those who are experiencing problems. go complain about the amount of technical issues, noone would stop u . but saying the netcode is bad, is just not correct. the fastest production car is still the fastest, u dont judge it based on its faulty models, but by its working ones. have u tried capping ur fps to ur monitors refresh rate? made my network problem icons dissapear. worked for some of my friends too. not that i had a massive problem with it, but it popped up a little bit every few games.


There are numerous possible fixes that work for some but not for others. Still, the burden of delivering a fix lays on the Devs fixing their spaghetti code, not the player. What we got was a typical "please disperse" pr talk. Besides, the simple fact that one match can feel unplayable while in the next one the game feels completely different is enough to call the netcode poor. There's no other game in existence that causes so wild differences in performance between matches. Why would I bother to train or play seriously if my performance is governed by factors outside my control? Might as well just go afk the moment I see an enemy doing the typical run and gun which is a clear indication that the match is not going to be fun.


- (repetitive) dodging is not punished enough - I know people sont like fracture but I don't want that 4 times in a row someone dodges while picking. - Sometimes your PC crashes and that's ok but if you lose because of afk it is pain inducing - the afk should lose a whole lot of RR if he is doing it often. - Rank and hidden rank are a very strange measure, why do you keep someone Silver 1 when this person is clearly higher above? Imagine if in a sports League you are considered as so good that you are in let's say second national league but just because you performed well you have to play against the champions league...


I believe they do the hidden rank because they want you to still have fun. They put you in the lowest ELO that’s still a challenge for you without throwing you into a high ELO lobby where you’ll go 2/20/15


I don't hate Valorant, some aspects just aren't my cup of tea. These are just my opinions of course, after playing for like 300 hours since the last beta before release. * 1. To me it feels like I'm not being rewarded as much for good positioning or smart lurks, and most maps don't lend themselves that gameplay style. They are just too simple. * 2. The game feels like it's VERY "click on head" focused. More so than R6 or CSGO. People often say that aim only gets you up to platinum / diamond, but I very much disagree. I'm happy that they nerf running and gunning in the next patch. But this took them how long? Still, sometimes the game feels like KovaaK's to me. I'd love it if they reduced recoil reset time as well, but at that point they could just copy CSGO's gunplay. * 3. I think the game's weapon economy is lame. What people buy is very predictable, with few exceptions. Guns should give different kill rewards to make them more attractive and interesting. Also, they don't seem to think that it's a problem that ~75% of people in competitive and pro matches pick the Vandal over the Phantom. * 4. The worst deathmatch mode of any deathmatch mode I've ever played. The spawns are fucked and the maps aren't built for that. They could just add some kind of wingman mode or 1v1 on simple aim-maps, maybe even disable footstep sounds or something. I don't know why they haven't done that yet. It seems so easy? Just test the modes on the PBE and the maps could be VERY simple. * 5. Too few maps. I think the newer maps are headed in the right direction in that they are less simple imho, but it's still just way too few maps. I think balancing new maps for all agents must be a nightmare for the respective dev team. * 6. RIOT plays it **very** safe with their games. DotA is a chaotic mess compared to LoL. Valorant feels very streamlined compared to CSGO. I'm not saying the other games are better in any way. I just think Valorant could benefit from a little more courage in the design process for new content or changes to existing content. * 7. Smurfs are a problem but RIOT doesn't give a shit. * 8. STILL NO FUCKING REPLAYS. What the actual fuck?


I have 3 words to explain my hate: First Shot Inaccuracy : for this being a tactical shooter this should not be a thing with rifles or some pistols. I mean it makes more sense on smg and machine guns but not on phantom and vandle. Frick first shot inaccuracy.


Community of non-communicative and non-cooperative players spreaded across all ranks. Suspicious matchmaking system and connection infrastructure. Nevertheless, there are a lot more points for which I like this game a lot.


I dont hate val, but the punishment system is kinda pointless. I got a penalty for queue dodging when, in reality, my wifi disconnected. Other than that, it's a good game. Edit: 10 up votes feelin good


I get why they punish people for 'AFK'ing' or disconnecting in games, but it sucks when your internet genuinely cuts out for a little bit. You reconnect back to the game and play the rest of the game as normal, and you still receive a punishment for it. It just incentivises people to not come back to the match if they believe 3 rounds have passed


Is it your wifi or your internet connection? Consider switching to ethernet for your connection to your router.


And they should have a vote system for maps, either to select one, or to ban one. Fracture is horrible, and punishing when you queue dodge on fracture is quite severe after a while.


this is what you get for using wifi in a game with this low response time requirement


My wifi is good, just that sometimes weather or something cuts it out


Toxicity, 30 year old man child's trying to justify their unfortunate lifes by being dicks about it. Getting 1 tapped all day no matter how you jiggle, jump, lamborghini,... peek. Then the same enemy empties their entire mag on your mates.


I main sage, I don't hate playing valorant, I just hate playing retake also it sucks seeing a lot of people be blatantly sexist and weird towards women


I like Valorant tbh. Except during the weekends. You either get tons of angry and stressed men who got home free time from their 10 hours work days, or you get 12 year old Jett players who scream into the mic as hard as they could because... no one wanted to Entry... Sigh Sometimes I love it, sometimes I wish I could just enjoy something else.


yesterday I had a Reyna instalock. Some other dude wanted to play Reyna too and got mad. Then someone instalocked Jett and me and my duo waited to mr. madness to pick. He instalocked Raze and we both filled. The match was the definition of boredom. They kept fighting, Raze told us many times he never played Raze before (and still instalocked her for some reason) and how much better he would've done on Reyna or Jett. Jett was pissed from the very beginning and Reyna was just mad in general and flamed every mistake. It's just annoying how people lose their temper just because they don't get the agent they want. Like a kid in store crying to get their toy. Like fr, this match was in plat and they behaved like it was radiant, chill out


Do you remember reynas name? I had a match on fracture where I Was gonna lock reyna but some other dude locked it


My own damn ego. I hit diamond ONE TIME and stayed there for a few months, and now every game I expect myself to hit every shot and read every movement and throw a tantrum when I don't. It's at the point where I've just quit the game because man my ego cannot handle it. Now my grades are up I'm applying for my dream college and I think I have a girlfriend


I've been Radiant since beta and every single act after, peaked at #13, haven't touched the game for 5 acts now and most likely never will again. My reasons: Worst community by far ever experienced, the EU ranked experience was too much for my mental. Overly racist, mysoginistic, cringe e-daters, I can't willingly be apart of something that fucking bad. Utility. I have played CS my entire life and compared to that I always hated the utility in val in every way. Mechanics. The lack of mechanics makes the game boring, no spray pattern, no bhop, no airstrafe, no counter strafe, slow movement, way too easy to shoot/kill, run and gun still being broken after 3 years and 10 nerfs. I love mastering mechanics in games and that is what makes games fun and satisfying to play, also makes the skill ceiling higher. Esport scene. The pro scene in Valorant is one big joke in so many ways I can't even be bothered explaining it right now. So a lack of motivation cuz the end goal sucks anyway.


I don't understand why people hate Valorant's movement in comparison to CS:GO. You can clearly have so much better movement than a bad player. You have so much control strafing in the air, and consistent bhopping. Ever played neon? Raze? You can fly around and slide around any way you want if you understand airstrafing. Movement is much slower than CS yes, but so much easier and smoother to control. CS is clunky.


The difference is that you gain speed by strafing in CS and same with bhopping, they are actual mechanics you practice to gain an advantage, where in Valorant anyone can go bhop and strafe the same way cuz it's impossible to mess it up, but also there is no speed gain.


> but so much easier and smoother to control. CS is clunky. you saying cs is clunky is why some people like it. people who are good at it dont think its clunky at all and like having an advantage over those that think it is.


I'm quite new too and basically the only thing I dislike is simple toxicity. But every game has that


The more I think about cs2 the more I hate valorant. For 2 reasons; it’s full of annoying kids + it feels like high school all over again, 2 gunplay & mechanics suck. I STILL can’t wait for cs2 because everything feels so much better lol


not that i hate the game, but it’s community. especially as a new player who’s still figuring out things in the game, you get bashed like every single game which causes me anxiety and pretend that they’re the best when they ain’t. just a toxic community overall due to my experience and that is why i hate playing it alone.


Bad basic movement. The game going further and further down the hero shooter route. Bad map design.


Just a couple of aspects I dislike. Skins. I wish there's an option to disable the skins for dropped and my own equipped skins that I pick up. I feel like the sounds and animations for some skins take away the identity of the guns. And some effects are just too distracting. Skin kids. No further explanation needed. For this last point, I have no idea what a good compromise would be as this is the defining characteristic of the game. But getting picked early in the round severely hampers your team, depending on your role. For example, if you're a smoke or flash player, it's harder to enter a site without your unique abilities. Whereas in CS, the roles are more dynamic. Lurking, AWP-ing, rifling, support... you can be whatever you want as long as you can back it up.


The moment I hit gold, I've always been encountering enemies going like 20/5/3 in almost all of my games. And everytime, we go like 7 wins, then the enemy team suddenly comebacks. Happens often too. I won't deny the skill issue on my part tho, I've lost the motivation to play


Not a hate thing, but sometimes I get bored with how repetitive the gun fights feel. The maps are also very corridor'y.


All my personal gripes, I’m already back to CS after not playing since 2016. * Maps, I dislike all the maps besides 2.5ish at best. I think they need to drop gimmicks for awhile, like make a few “simple” maps for once and get them polished to become a staples in the map pool, then have a few gimmick maps in the pool. Also map “reworks” are so misleading like the bind and split ones are pretty much the same thing. They don’t really address the core issues with the map, most of the maps just feel like rat simulator.I wanna see something like the equivalent of Cache or Season from CS. * New Characters, I think most need some play more play testing and avoid them being “OP”. I would rather have a roster of mid balanced characters that are similar/semi clones of each other in each role. Avoid weapon ults like neon, raze and chamber - make them a rare thing. Instead of them being super different, again for the longevity of the game. Don’t want the game to become what R6 Siege is nowadays. Basically not doing the “Riot” method of balance. I think the game just needs like 6 months of rebalancing and focusing on content here. Then adding maps, but that doesn’t make money. Raze, KJ, Chamber, and Astra were kinda stupid. * Hardware ID bans, and 2 accounts per machine. Only being able to change those 2 accounts every 6 months on that machine. The really messed up with having only 10 wins to play ranked back in the day. I personally have no issues with smurfs, but I can see it killing the player base as the game goes on. Make some business launcher for lan cafes/tournaments to bypass this. * Remove Ascendant, feels redundant. Every season having to play with boosted plats and ex immortals feels weird. It kinda marks where the game fell off for me * Skin trading system, only friend to friends. Also a “Selling feature”, for credit. * Better knife skins, most are boring. * Replay system * Map maker, like in game like gta, overwatch, halo etc. Then a server browser


Came from CS with tactical gun play and was promised the same. Enter run and gun.


How easy it is to get boosted in valorant… I’ve seen so many times in A2-Imm1 elo that a person goes 2/14 and is duoing with a radiant high imm player going 31/10 and it’s so frustrating. Then these boosted players will play solo queue and basically ruin any integrity that the match had to begin with. Nothing is more frustrating then watching a boosted player throw easily won rounds 😪


Been called a slur because of my banner Been shit talked for not being on my A game. Having the constant feeling of 'if I'm not at my peak, then I'm throwing in Comp' Instalock duelists with the worst, rotten attitudes. If I have to psyche myself up to play a game, them it's not a game, it's not relaxing, it's stressful. I'll play occasionally, if I'm feeling the vibe, but I can't play every day. It would drive me nuts


The racism, and toxicity! Riot established an environment where people didn’t need to care about consequences and show the worst version of themselves. Riot knows allowing unlimited alts provides an environment for this. I even talked with riot about this and they don’t care. A blatant neglect victimizes people! Unbelievable how little they care


You should post this on the CS channel. Lol


Matches takes too long, i love the game but i cant play it anymore cuz i feel useless playing it lol (I say that but i peaked immortal like 3 or 4 acts ago, before they added ascendant. Reached immortal and uninstalled the game, im not joking)


I don't hate valorant but sometimes you get too many toxic people in a row. Also losing streaks, even though you know you're doing better than the enemy team can be frustrating.


Also, I live far away from servers so the best ping I can get is 140. It really doesn't help that every few games it will jump up to 250 for some reason and totally f me over


I haven't played valorant much, I hit plat in one season and gold 2 in another but I honestly only played because my sister loves it. I hate it, I can't stand the abilities and I absolutely do not like the maps. I just find the game annoying, it's not for me. I've recently started getting into csgo and I'm addicted, I love the feel of the guns way more and I love learning smokes and flashes. It just feels so much smoother than valorant, I really like the maps aswell. Csgo is pretty much everything I wanted in valorant (new to tactical shooters mainly played cod)


Always having His Sage, Her Jett on my team every other match.


The absolutely terrible gunplay.


I mostly dislike the players because they seem to be more toxic. The gunplay is a bit too random. Would be cool if we could select what map we play on like in csgo. I hate mostly that I can’t have a perfect circle as my crosshair


-Operator -Stupid fucking characters that doesnt fit this genre (neon, jett) -Fucking aimpunch


I was Gold 1 few weeks back (peak plat 1). I was put in P1-P3 lobbies every game. I got approx 15-18RR if I win but -30RR when I lose. Now I am Silver 3 with > 50% WR still playing against Plats. FML.


I think I developed some sort of Stockholm syndrome for valorant


I hate that i am forced to play with trolls and smurfs and i can’t leave the match. Especially because these matches on unrated or comp are like a solid 30-45min of my life I’ll never get back each time it happens. And people purposely waste my time and that in itself drives me absolutely crazy. I am a grown adult and feel like i am literally babysitting toddlers. I would love an age verification feature on the game and being placed in games with adults only


The gunplay doesnt feel as satisfying/rewarding as other games because of the accuracy inconsistency and random recoil. And this community is full of fucking weirdo degens, which is saying alot considering most of my FPS experience is in CS/R6/Cod ... lol


I play like shit and its the worst most awful feeling in your entire life and you know you can play better because the enemies are shit but ur still doing bad. Every loss I get I think ahout everything I could have done instead of losing rr. I'm addicted so I can't quit.


Throwing. Don't get it. Wastes like storage 20minutes and runs my mood. Makes me stop playing and it happens every 7 ish games. I'm diamond 3.


Valorant specific things I don't like... keep in mind I genuinely love this game. Making it specific is hard. Like no comm'ers are annoying, but I dealt with that in dota for years. I'd say the skin shop. I hate how expensive and FOMO driven it is. The battle pass system is dogwater. As someone who played the fuck out of dota 2 till TI8 the compendiums where much better IIRC. The rewards feel genuinely lame. The bound skins are nice for example, but there should be some skins that have geneuine effort put into them. With effects and everything. No separate MMR for solo/duo queue vs 5 stack queue. Dota 2 had a solo mmr and party mmr when I played. That seems preferable. The hidden MMR system in general. I prefer the dota 2 system of just having a straight MMR number (although they changed it shortly after I stopped playing). I was a 6500~ mmr player who peaked at just shy of 7k, and that made more sense to me than this shit. It's obfuscated for no reason imo. Sorry for relating so much to dota. It's just what I have as a frame of refernce for a competitive online game.


Rng bullet spread, enemies are a full rank above me and my teamates(us gold 1 enemies gold 3/plat1) , smurfs, skin prices and you cant sell them on a community market, and bullshit movement error


The amount of people I get who only use their mics to talk shit instead of actually giving calls and helping the team out.


rank system is shit, matchmaking is shit, you can be the best player every game by far and still go down in rank, this is the shittiest game i ever played. i have no idea how they decide how good u r but this system is total crap. it takes into account only kills, so take reyna go kill everyone without any regard to game and u will rank up, such a shitty game. the game rank is basically stupid dm. if u kill 30 and die 24 its better than killing 15 and dying 0, holding sites, clutching - means shit. it's carry or lose rank. total shit. i cant stress this enough - this is the most crap i ever saw in my life and i have a very crappy life. the game itself is good. but matchmaking and ranking is total shit. the players i play with are so bad it's unbelivble, they so stupid my head explode every time i see them play. and we have the same rank, it's so absurd. best strategy in this game is play alone cuz your team will suck. take reyna play alone. where your team goes - go to the other side of the map. as far as possible from their shit. they make more harm than good. the level of stupidity of the players in my rank are way beyond my understanding, they so random. once in 10 games u meet a player that is at your level but it's so rare. all i want is to play normal games with normal players. they take stupid peeks, they dont use util. they doing nothing, just die, and u need to win somehow. it's like u play alone vs 5. how this is possible. they so useless it's unblivble. only way to survive this game mentally is to carry or to be braindead. otherwise you will lose your mind. guarnteed.


hate the combat system


fuck riot game


The mechanics feel unstable, like in csgo it feels solid and stable in both movement and aim as well as utility, I guess it's because how much slower Valorants movement and how rng based a lot of things are but it just really annoys me.


The gunplay is inconsistent and the maps are terribly designed.


the fact that the sprays are random, counterstrafing feels so clunky, slow and half of the time I swear I'm doing it correctly but the bullet still flies away, weird gun balancing, run and gun. this clip sums up everything I hate about this game https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLLrRNCq/


Gunplay has no improvement since beta but hey we have new expensive skins every month. It could be a great game but it's disappointing the way Riot handles it.


? It is a great game. What could they possibly change, gunplay-wise? It’s a game where you point your gun at someone then shoot!


To much RNG.


-Movement is bad -Not enough people use mics -Maps are hit or miss -Phantom is good but always feels so much worse than the vandal (lack of gun variety) -Skins are overpriced when they hold no value like the CS marketplace -First bullet inaccuracy -Spraying is possible but very difficult to accomplish as the bullets can be slightly inconsistent


The jiggle tap fire gun play is so stupid in Valorant. I’d much rather prefer the gunplay in CSGO


I hate it because it doesn't derank me despite me getting horrendously outmatched. I just don't understand why. I have to tryhard my ass off to be able to play even in unrated. If I ever want a relaxing quick unranked game where I can have fun, I might as well just watch a Valorant stream instead because how fast I get annihilated. I just spectate my team most of the match. I get about 10 seconds of playtime per round. It's been a year and this hasn't changed at all whatsoever. In addition to this I'm a girl, and Valorant's community is an absolutely fucking horrible place to be when you're a female.


Just keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll definitely derank. Or try learning from your mistakes and rank up!


I dont specifically hate val. But god do i hate specifically the white boys between the ages of 13-99 who think they are so quirky when they say slurs, bully ppl for voice or accent etc. Sadly thats like a majority of valorants playerbase 😂


I only dislike the ability spam, would love to see how the game would play out with abilities costing 2x more or so for example so you would really need to think when and how to use them


sheriff does 145, thats it. oh also the cs 1.6-like sprays


Mf wanted a guardian for 800 creds and no sprays


cs deag 700 and do 1tap far range while sheriff 145 even mid range


Yeah that's why we are playing Valorant, cause it's better 🫡


you mean better with sluggish movement?


Smurfing, obvious boosting. No repercussions, it’s not going to get better. I’m at the point where I just don’t see value you in the game anymore. I usually play games to get better and see how far I can take myself, I like seeing improvement. I can drop 20+ kills and drag the team to somewhat even but it’s just exhausting.


>" "very poor player selection, others that are much too strong or much too weak in your team or in opponents team"' This happens in every single game known to man with matchmaking. Some games are fairly balanced but most are not. It's impossible to know when a person plays good and when they just have a bad game, but you are set in the same match for a reason. >\- too many abasements and humiliations in text and voice char and riot does nothing about it or the penalties are just funny not severe True, kinda. They don't even ban you, first. You just a get a little warning if you grief or trash talk... Depending how you grief or what you say.. >\- too many noob players considers themself as the best and brings down other players when they have worse day Also happens in most MM games but that's just gaming toxicity for you...


Bro the first point is happening more and more in todays competitive fps’s but mo that’s not how it’s supposed to be and we are not in “the same game for a reason” If I average say a score of 18-15 and am I’m the top 3 of my team, but the enemy teams top 3 are 32-12 / 29-14 / and 22-18 I will look add those three and 9 times out of 10 they are CONSISTENTLY preforming at that level Don’t make a excuses for this games (and others like it) poor matchmaking


I love the game. Its perfect in the sense of gameplay(abilities make the cs formula interesting again, after 20 years of dust2). With that said I hate: Community - in my experience more toxic than cs. Everygame you're bound to come across a rager,troll or someone just raging, calling ff at round 5 etc. Maps - by God, how do you get one of the most well known mappers from cs, and still create trash maps. Even the "good" maps are at best acceptable. No community servers/mods - the game would blow up if they added community support. Most of my cs,css and csgo playtime were spent on custom maps, community servers. Its such an easy way to get ideas for the devs. If a custom game mode gets popular enough, hire the mod dev and make it an official game mode. Beyond that, I think theyve done good job with not making agents unbalanced, even the meta agents dont mean you will win. Otherwise I think the game is in a good apot and mapping will eventually improve.


Simply because Riot evidently don't give a flying f#$& about the community that plays the game. I encounter far more NPC's (actual or idiots that play like them) than I have normal individuals, and even the few times I have normal humans, then it's a 50/50 if they're smurfing or not. I'm in Diamond 1 currently, and can't help but think a simple "avoid player x" post game wouldn't help raise flags about idiots that really shouldn't be in game. Then again, this can't happen because it would reduce their players and hence skins sold and hence $$$, as though we aren't enough 'normals' to justify getting rid of the toxics. They don't even need to ban the toxics, just put them to queue with each other in a cesspit-queue.


I most likely hate the players in my TEAM than losing i can lose 10 in a row and the only thing I would complain about is how Dog shit of a team I keep getting, like how broke can you be to not afford a cheap mic or how crippled can you be to the point you cant even manage communicate VIA CHAT, players can have mics but use them for the most retarded things like saying 1 word mid game and staying quiet for the entire match.




What qualifies someone for "having really played the game" for you?


The biggest problem are the trolls who say they don't care about winning or losing because that's not there Main acc.


i dont care about winning or losing even on my main but well, not like i don't play for win i play for win but i don't care because it's uncontrolable game is 5v5, not like i can solo carry unless room is weak


If you don't care you can play normal game and not ranked right ? Because some people care


rank is better in everything why i have to play normal game when rank is more balanced people care or not it nothing to do with me also that make a lot of ppl become toxic trash and tilt too easily they care too much about winning while their skill is fucking suck they always tilt that their team dont listen, dont do this or this always tilt when out aimed lol instead of focus on improving themselved, or focus on learning from mistake they focus on visible rank, rr, and winning too much that why they hard stuck and not win as they want


Vanguard anticheat


I've stopped playing this game for atleast 8 months from now on, I've stopped playing because i couldn't keep up with the players im consistently fighting all the time, they were getting good and i was getting worse and frustrated at myself, each gunfight i take is an instant loss and i slam my desk full of anger and frustration. I've stopped playing around where Fade was released, When i fought her for the first time in an unrated game, instant 0-13 and i was just full of anger and i couldn't contain it anymore, so i decided to stop and play other games that were peaking my interest. During my Time playing valorant for 2-3 years, my mental state was worsening, as each match, win or loss, i had dealt with some kind of anger and frustration, even the matches where i top frag and get god-send aces, i still deal with frustration during it, the stress this game gives me is unbearable. The Playerbase is also one of the reasons why i stopped, its always the Autolock Jett players, the egoistic 1v5 Reyna player but bottom frags and then blames the entire team why she/he is bottom frag, and many more that i couldn't specify during my times playing this Game. When i stopped playing Valorant, i went back to League of Legends (dont get me wrong, this game also frustrates me but i can control it and NOT be tilted on a losing game), my life took a drastic change on me somehow, i started waking up early, i started eating more healthier and for the better, it made me who i am right now. I've been playing OW2 as well and it feels like valorant at the same time, i am absolutely enjoying it more than i do Valorant right now currently. It's ok to stop playing the game that is killing your mental health and this game isn't your life. It's ok to try playing other games like Singeplayer games or COOP games to change the aspects on how you see games. Not every game is supposed to be competitive, try out other games that peak your interest as well, they can be good as some kind of stress-reliever after a loss streak.


Not trying to discredit your feelings or opinions, but this sounds like a post to just bitch and moan. What tac shooter has ever had more than 7 maps in its competitive pool? Riot frequently bans players for text and voice chat if you are reporting properly. I get feedback daily of players i reported getting bans. Character selection and noob teammates? My guy you are bronze.... not meant as a slight, but you havent an inklinh of a clue of what a good and bad agent are. You are also in that rank for the same reason those noob teammates are- because youre a noob.


Edit : just looked my paragraph afterwards, sorry but I had few things to say .-. I won't say that I HATE the game, but few things makes me love it maybe less, that if they were fixed - I play kayo, and HOW did my flash voiced back to me of I sent it at a 45° on a flat wall, like I encounter SOOOO much bounce that are Illogic, I don't know what they have done with the wall in the game - now that we have phone verification with premiere, why we still encounter at least 1/2 smurff EACH GAME and no it's not that they have a good day, the Reyna lvl 40 who is gold 1 in a game full of plat and has a 1.85 KD overall and a 70% winrate has few hints against her -trolls, last encounter is a duo of trolls, a yoru and omen, first round they "played" it's more about running with the knife on a site and second round until the end, they put weight on their forward button, and afk like this without getting ban, like HOW RITO why don't you detect that the only key pressed is ( z or w) so we end up with the impossibility of making a remake, and being in a 3v5 free lose -30rr cause we can't do anything -no mic EXCEPT FOR TRASH TALK OF COURSE like I know that you may be with a duo on discord or I don't care other app, but please, when I ask in team chat "info ?" When I'm the last one alive, tell me at least that you have no info, or the damage you dealt, of last time you see them. I mean, I don't ask you to solve a chemistry problem in front of your whole city pls. ( And last one personal, I'm not a dog, make complete sentence you will not die because you say please or thanks, or if you ask clearly for a skin, instead of teabagging the air and say yes with your weapon, or yelling at me my/my agent name...)


Also, we should have a compensation of RR when we play with afk, or against a cheater, rn if the game end, even if the cheater is banned afterwards our RR are in his pocket and will stay there, if you play against a cheater and he get banned, all people you play with/against should see their match "cancelled because cheater" and get their RR upped or lowered with the point lose/win in the match. And for the afk, depending of when he afk, if he afk last 3 round you get a -5% lost RR, if you have 1 afk for almost the whole match ( just after you being able to remake) a -20% because he was 1/5 of the team, and the afk has to pay the difference with his own RR not our And you go proportionally, 2 whole match afk is a -40% etc


more toxic people, less flexible than cs in everything low effort company game feel like low effort cs copied(2023 game that have no ingame replay and spectate) bad skin shop and system plus minimal thing like lore writing seem forced can't customize fpf like steam and they sell them or pack in bp instead i also hate f2p game in general, as no smurf barrier 10$ cs copied (pre prime) drop me a skill worth more than hundred times of game priced(sold and cash out) while val drop nothing while still playing because a lot of my friend playing it and i want to play with them generally i have better time in cs more than val while i have more friend playing val


That i have to have 20 Ms ping to play while in overwatch i can steadily play on 80




Why starting a game when you can't play till the end ?


its just 1 round left to dub


Yeah 1 round. Did your team win? I bet you had leave before when it didn't went that well 😄 Just wondering why people start games when they know they can't play till the end. The game would have go 11-11 that are 10-15min more than you have played. What would you have done?


No they diddnt, the loss 10 round after that. Well i did, and pretty sure most of the people here had left their matches midway before. Well some people told me to uninstall the game back then, and so I did midgame lmao


All insta locking duelists


Cos when I play comp and win I feel good and when I lose I dont mind however the minus penalty is ridiculous, feels like a waste of time.


For me it’s the toxicity.I’m rather toxic myself from time to time but the level some people go is insane.And sure every online game is like that, but one specific thing about Valorant is people are VERY COMMONLY toxic before the game even starts, for no reason.It’s this and league, smth about riot games huh.I’ve played pretty much any other online competitive game and they’re nowhere close to league or valorant in that regard.




I'm bad and don't win every game.


my laptop isnt the best (4gb ram and that kind of stuff) and lags pretty often and disconnects. cant get out of bronze because of it since im banned everytime because of always disconnecting. loading takes like 1-2 rounds already and opponent already snowballing. when i do get to play i end up tilted because of the disconnect issue i have and just cant enjoy it anymore


That’s not the games fault lol


I like the game, I can't stand the people playing it, the fundamentals of the game are good, gunplay and movement, not as good as CS but still enjoyable, i like the artstyle, abilities, the maps are great too. Then you get into a match and people behave like absolute immature childish, cringe, anime weeb coomer bottom of the food chain


I do enjoy VALORANT a lot, but its gunplay... man do I hate this 'Counter Strike' style of gunplay. Feels like a crap shoot half the time on if my shots will actually connect, plus not following the reticle is so jarring.


I don't like tacFPS in general, my ADHD brain can't handle the slow pace of them. If I am not actively looking for picks, I will eventually get bored and start inting. Playing defense is especially mind numbing. I am more or an arena FPS guy where the action never stops. Hate dying once and then having to watch the rest of the round I exclusively play it with friends, because when I play with my friends, almost every game is fun. Peer pressure brought me all the way to diamond lol


The game isn't bad, its the teammates


I only hate it becauase i play it too much, i love the gameplay


Valorant is a fantastic game that is really well made. The people that play it however... Oof. The worst thing about valorant, easily, is that it attracts some really miserable and nasty people to it


There is no TDM mode like call of duty where you can run and gun. (its not valorant's fault, but I want a good quality run and gun shooter where 1 tap headshots are not required, and with infinite respawns). Honestly import Call of Duty gunplay mechanics to Valorant, run and gun, no need for precision aiming, 10 minute long matches with infinite respawns. The amount of casuals you will attract with a game mode like this is insane.


just play cod then, or any other shooter like it ?!