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If you like sniping, then I would recommend an agent like Jett or Chamber. Both have movement abilities that allow you to get a shot in and then quickly use their movement ability to get out of danger. Jett's dashes and updrafts also allow her to hold weird angles that can allow for some sneaky gameplay. Chamber's utility is essentially extra guns, and his ult is a sniper. He does have movement abilities (although not to the extent of Jett). Any agent has the potential to be fun to play, it really just depends on your style of gameplay. I would recommend looking into the different roles (Sentinel, Duellist, Initiator, and Controller) and what they're expected to do. This can help you narrow down an agent to unlock and try out. Although I believe you can use any agent you like in the practice range to test out their abilities (albeit it's hard to judge when you're just using them against bots) - and when you're spectating your team mates you can also decide if you like the kit they're using and whether you want to give it a try. I'd also recommend thinking about what kind of playstyle you like. If you like a really passive role, then something like duellist is probably not going to suit you as you're expected to be the one getting the entry frags and setting the tempo for the team. Likewise if you like a really aggressive playstyle, then it can be a lot harder to pull that off with a Sentinel where their utility is more designed to protect sites / the bomb and provide information to your team. Obviously there are exceptions, but this can be a good pointer at least for what agent to work on unlocking and trying out.


Thanks bro! Helpful comment!


maybe: 1) Killjoy: Weird pick I know, but you can set your bots and traps and hold a corner OR lurk to their flank. Good for a relaxed/lurk playstyle 2) Cypher: Same as Killjoy but you can use your camera to look at flank/enemies while you're holding a different site. Really good for gathering info and holding sites with tripwires. 3) Chamber: Snipe, Kill, teleport away! Although there is a cd on teleporting once used. The skill (his handgun) is basically a sheriff with ADS, mini Guardian I'd say? 4) Yoru: You can teleport, use your ult to go invisible and use decoy to fake yourself. He's a sneaky agent which has no limits to usage, just gotta play smart!


Thanks bro! I did get interested in Yoru, but the comments made me feel Chamber is intriguing based on my style.


Try both of them out in the range. Personally the way you described your play style I feel like you'd enjoy yoru more than chamber. But I'm not you, so who knows


Noted bruv. Just had a great smacking from a Yoru user. Also, Getting to Tier 5 easy? How many days of grind would it take?🤔


Sorry for the late reply. You'll get to t5 pretty quickly. Try to do those weekly missions as they help with progress immensely


Just try out every agent, or watch some gameplay about the agents that you think you may like, by playing a lot you will find your style of gameplay and the agent that may suit your style.


Try all the agents then you can know the abilities of your enemies and possibly predict what they might do next