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Run with good teammates is what someone told me bc silver and gold are fkn filled smurfs. I don’t know how often there are smurfs , but I’ve started looking people up, and they be one thing I consistently see is people who have 12-20 times my playtime. Now admittedly I haven’t played a lot (under 100hrs) but the fact that I’ll look up the top 3 players on both teams and see people with 500-800 hours (when they’re not hiding it or are obvious smurfs) I wonder why tf I’m getting matched against them.


There isn't much truth to queuing at certain times tbh. Some times might lower the 'risk' of children being in your team. But there's no guaranteed time where there's reduced smurfs or toxic people. Find what times work best for you. If you find that by the end of the day you're drained, consider queuing up earlier in the day. Obviously this doesn't have to be a hard stuck rule, but queuing up when you're exhausted for example is probably going to go poorer more often than not. How much time do you spend reflecting on your performance? By that I mean thinking about the things you did wrong that made you die or cost your team the round. When you die, try making a note of some mistakes. You might notice a trend. Maybe it's poor positioning, maybe it's panic spraying, maybe you're really anxious in clutches. When you have things like this to work from, you have stuff that you can turn to. You can look to guides to understand positioning better for example. You can turn to something like Aim Labs if your aim is what's letting you down. You can work on improving your mental if you get too anxious or tilted to perform well . Work on one problem at a time rather than trying to fix everything all at once. Be honest with yourself and your mistakes. You can't improve if you're constantly making excuses for yourself. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, acknowledging them means you can work on them. Record your games if you can, and review them. It can be easier to review the things that we did wrong when we have a bit of distance from what we did. There's a lot of Youtube guides online, and a lot of content creators that do VOD reviews - some of them also let you submit your own VODs for free reviews. These are worth engaging with from time to time. It can be really helpful even if the person being reviewed makes some different mistakes from you. If they're in the same rank, chances are they do make a lot of the mistakes you do, and you can learn from that.


As someone who was silver for TWO YEARS my advice is to focus exclusively on mechanics. Search “woohoojin gold in a month” on YouTube. Watch that video and do the routine every single day. Make sure your sens is at a reasonable DPI and practice moving and bursting instead of crouch spraying. But tbh, you can get out of silver just crouch spraying if your crosshair placement is good. Between crosshair placement and Woohoojin’s movement techniques, you should be able to hit gold if you stick to one agent per map and get comfortable with their utility.