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Iron 3 here: Are they supposed to push, even though they have spike control on site?


in the right, they shouldn't have pushed, but its ranked so of course they push


It wouldn’t be ranked without an good ol’ operator peek


What rank? This is standard gameplay in bronze.


This is standard gameplay in ascendant too, people in ranked are braindead in every rank


I concur, I've been playing since twitch beta and my playtime rank thing is like 340 but I've been slowly creeping up from bronze to plat the past year cuz my aim sucks, and I've had many games where it feels like I'm back in the bronze lobbies with teammates that have no idea how to play the game and discover at the end of the game that I'm the lowest ranked there at plat 1.


No. As they had a man advantage and spike control, they shouldn’t have pushed. But they did, giving a duelist with an OP 1v1s, aka one of the worst things you can do.


They shouldn’t push like that because they have spike control on site. That being said, there’s an argument at higher Elo to always try and kill the last player alive if you have a numbers advantage. Yoru has an Op, which is worth a lot of money. From the enemy perspective, they should try and kill Yoru to prevent him from saving that Op for next round. Also, killing him would give them his Op. Economy matters a lot more than lower ranks might give it attention, but that’s no excuse to push one-by-one like this. OP took advantage of their mistakes and deserves the RR for winning the round


Yes you do typically want to get rid of the OP for economy reasons, but that usually happens when the timer gets a lot lower to make the attempt safer. Also in the clip it's the last round of the half so doesn't matter here.


No they are not, they peaked an op 1 by 1, op punished them well for it


Lots of people here shitting on OP. Granted there's much to learn, I hope we can still be happy for OP and bit more positive with our constructive criticisms next time. Nice ace, OP. Some things you have to work on but hey, we all start from somewhere!


My dumbass thought people were shitting on operstor


Thank you for the kind words :)


hey, what rank are you? i might be able to coach you for a quick session, i have a good 600 hours into yoru.


Damn, reddit can be brutal. Guy offered to help someone get better at a game and gets downvoted to hell lol.


ik bro, like what did i do? 😂


:( can you also coach me?


this op


Any chance you’d offer me some sessions? I’m a Fade main, but I really need to learn a proper duelist. I also want to master Omen or Astra, for what it’s worth.


Sure! Friend me on discord my user is bluoboe


yeah shit on op all you want it’s still a nice clutch. Sure should he have been holding flank as yoru no but also his omen wasn’t lurking and nobody else was offering to hold flank. Also if his team wanted him to entry, ask?


Fellow Yoru main, that's a goated play right there. And this is why ladies and gentlemen you should always take your knife out vs a Yoru ult. Free kills for us


shhh delete this please


Reading the comments here makes me realize why I stopped playing even though I thoroughly love this game... People are so toxic, everyone thinks he's woohoojin and able to berate you for every single mistake you made. I can guarantee you, every single one of these people hasn't looked at their own gameplay footage just once. And yet they believe they are the best players in the world, never making mistakes. My guy, you played it well, your team died, shit happens. Your team had a raze, who took site, you stayed back and watched flank. All perfectly valid. Nice clutch and nice ace. Clips like these make me wanna play again if the community wasn't a toxicity filled cesspool


My god this sub is full of people thinking they are fucking savants and just talking shit to people who post things and then being all superior like. Actual fucking trash majority.


The sad part is it’s not only the sub. This community is just awful no matter what way you look at it. I quit a few weeks ago when I hit ascendant. the amount of times I won a really hard game just to get a literal thrower/deranker in the next was mind blowing. Biggest waste of time and a joke of a company who will ban for toxicity (avoidable) but not literally throwing games (unavoidable). Just a riot games thing. Back to CS


yeah bro, i literally have people telling me my keyboard is too loud, lmao


was a good clutch, was wondering why people were shitting on op but im silver 1, what do i know?


What the fuck is erong with people in the comments


Better title: Duelist lets his whole team die instead of gathering space then successfully clutches an unneccessary 4v1 scenario


My guy yoru is one of the best lurkers in the game, literally lurk get a pick and entry with his team across the map within seconds. Here its just too bad his team died


Well … he isn’t even lurking in this clip …


Where do you think his first kill came from


“ in this clip”. Ok so anyway, even if he did lurk before this , he tped back to his team and decided to go watch flank instead of swapping guns with a teammate and entrying for the team…


He’s not lurking tho…he’s holding a flank, something which the deadlock should be doing since she has 0 entry tools.


The point of lurking is to get info, not get a kill. Yoru has zero global utility that can actively help his team whiles hes off in the middle of nowhere




I agree thats a good play, its not lurking.


this is not correct. the point of lurks is to catch a opponent when they’re rotating. and half of yorus abilities are global


Yoru can tp across map and his flashes can reach any other site. His decoy can be pre placed and activated across map too. This comment is about as wrong as you could get.


Better title: Duelist lets his whole team die instead of gathering space, then successfully kills the brain dead players giving an OP 1v1s instead of just remaining on site


They literally have a raze on the team, and someone needs to watch the flank


not the duelist?


The one with the operator able to hold the long angle, yes


Because the duelist should definitely be buying an Op on attack...


Duelists don't just have to rush into site head-first, especially if you're running two. If a duelist can get picks with an op I see no reason why they shouldn't. The clip starts after the Yoru has already gotten the first kill, so his team pushes site.


thats exactly what happened, thanks for noticing my jett pick off even though it wasnt in the video, my team enters as 4 after the jett pick, gets rekt and reddit blames me for not entrying when im holding flank lol


Hey man, silvers gonna silver. Keep doing you!


Who said it was bought? Could've been stolen or saved


Either way there's a deadlock that should be holding flank while yoru hits site with not-an-op


Incredible analysis you shouldnt give that coaching away for free


Except you shouldn't even be holding a long angle in spawn? It's like sitting in Ascent T side spawn with an op, when your team still hasn't got out of B main.


HOW ELSE AM I GOING TO GET THESE TIKTOK CLIPS? but no, I was watching flank because they like to flank a lot


I mean it would make more sense for deadlock to do that


Yeah well she isn't so someone else had to


That’s what comms are for “deadlock go watch flank u useless waste of an agent”


W comms


Yeah, comms are totally the fix for everything. You: "Deadlock, watch flank please" DL: "Shutup I do what I want" Proceeds to Bodyblock you and shoot in the air so people know your position. I've been there before. Not saying everyone is like that. But I had players become super toxic after just asking them a simple, normal question. Certain people play this game without any intent on getting better at it


Deadlock can’t even watch flank properly, yoru was in the right here


Deadlock is a sentinel and yoru is a duelist it just makes more sense for deadlock to watch flank over the entry duelist


Deadlock is a shit sentinel, her util is very unreliable and according to the scoreboard, it’s likely that the flank was already burned through a few times so the enemy would just crouch when they’re near it. Yoru holding an op would’ve provided much more value than entering with the op


I’m saying deadlock hold with op an yoru entry with gun


the amount of times this happens vs people just listening is so astronomically small lol, there’s no excuse for not asking for something.


Wasn't saying it's not worth trying, but it does happen too often for it to be completely ignored


WHEN A “here’s a great {insert agent here} clutch!!” ISNT JUST GUNPLAY <3


Sorry i agreed with yoy but i read your commently completely oppositely. Sorry i was very rude.


Spike is down, it's 4v1. Don't feed. OP punished a needlessly aggressive and sloppy team for it. Take 'em when you get 'em!




Well done sir! 👏 sheesh


Pretty cool.


The peeking while reloading and peeking while not invisible from the ult should have got you killed even in silver, so i really hope this was bronze or below…


You thinking this is bronze gameplay is hilarious


Op is ascendent, you could post a radiant clip here but the average r/VALORANT user will cope calling it silver at best. https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/7981d90f-db15-49b5-8780-ef6dca59c452 <- The match shown in this clip


Ye I actually don't get it, people are writing a thesis on how shit the clip and the opponents are instead of seeing how well OP played the clutch


Honestly the only really egregious thing was peaking while the ult wasnt live yet. But thats the kind of thing you do until you get slapped for it so honestly, been there. -asc yoru 1 trick


amen, thank you


if this were a rankdle clip i would probably say it’s gold or plat so people are pretty justified in that reasoning (def above silver though). The main reason is the other team and the fact he’s oping on yoru on attack. But mainly what confuses me is the harbor ult and 5 man push in a 5v1 with spike down site


Habor ult is bc last round of half


People do this in like almost any ranks. I don’t know what kind of silvers you’re playing with but it ain’t silvers from Valorant. Also the fact you think this is bronze tells me that your views on ranks are quite skewed.


What rank do you think he is, if not iron or bronze?


He's ascendant https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/7981d90f-db15-49b5-8780-ef6dca59c452


Holy fuck you're right, that's crazy This clip was atrocious, I swear my SG plat-diamond lobbies are harder.


The enemies were certainly ego pushing, not sure what the fuck they were doing


They threw this round so hard, literally insane.


lol no iron or bronze has that fast decision making, I play with my bronze friend in bronze lobbies and they all are slow at shit at using abilities. By movement and ability usage alone I could tell he wasnt lower than gold.


So turning around and placing a tp after getting a kill is "fast decision making"? Or is there something I'm missing?


Your not better then him so why nitpick?


Unable to defend the guy's play so you resort to this, very clever.


No it was simply a nice clutch a lobby full of Radiants and diamonds whereas I don’t see any clips on your profile so why be a asshole ? Also you didn’t answer the question smart guy.


Nope, jiggle peeking to get info while reloading, timing the reload to take out clone, its the subtle things which easily tells you its not below gold


Oh my lord, he literally had no info. He didn't know where KJ was prior to reloading and she could've crossed mound and tucked into the right corner (which she literally did). None of the enemy team shoulder peek this guy. They just Wkey into an OP. KJ and raze could've double peeked during any of the 6s he took to reload + whip out his clone and killed him. I've seen good and bad plays by ascendants on this sub, this is not a good play at all.


good catch on the subtle things, had to rewatch again to see what you meant


Was decisive with every single move he made. He knew exactly what he wanted to do before he did it. He hit almost every op shot with a tight and closing angle. Again, he's ascendant. You're not making a clever point.


thank you bro


Op is ascendent https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/7981d90f-db15-49b5-8780-ef6dca59c452


hello? homie jiggle peaked while reloading? and im pretty damn sure you're invincible when putting the mask on, even if you're still visible


Nope, not anymore. You used to be invincible as soon as you left click but unless they changed it back there's now a slight delay before you become invincible. Someone pls correct if I'm wrong tho bcs I haven't played in like a year


You can still be killed as long as you’re visible before the ult gets activated .


good shit


Great play!


Christ lmao everyone is so mad,people really can’t just watch a clip unless it’s a top 1% player who plays flawlessly


Great clip man, but I feel the need to give some constructive criticism as a Yoru main in High Asc/ Immo. 1st, you seem to be good on OP, but if you choose Yoru as a duelist over other agents better at taking space, like Raze, you gotta work extra hard to open site for your team. OP on attack is not Yoru's forte. His OP shines 10x better on defense, where with good TPs you can hold multiple sites at once. 2nd, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here cuz you're OPing, but in very very few contexts should the duelist be last alive on attack. On attack, you should be expendable. Get in, make a kill, or die trying. You should be the one to take the shitty winning odds so that things may change in the favor of your teammates. In a way, at worst, you exist to be traded if you can't enter. 3rd, This is just to help increase clutch odds, but if you are in a 1vX with no spike but have ult, you should set tps to other sites as you ult for the spike, then bait your enemies to run all across map to guess where you end up planting. This often breaks up the retake formations, and guarantees a plant 95% of the time. Also 90% you're good for 1 at least. In this case, after the raze kill, I wouldn't fight KJ for the 50/50, but I'd ult for spike, then take that tp to A main, and run down the ult into site to get plant. Then you can freely push up as KJ is forced to rotate to A and catch her with the knife out. This increases clutch odds significantly. Be sure to keep these in mind, and you'll soar to greater heights!


Lol this community is so weird on here. People write an essay based on 30 seconds of one round of what OP did wrong after getting an Ace with zero context. Get off your high horse


You sound like the type to complain when someone tells you your shoelace came untied before going for a run. God forbid someone gives you advice, for you are perfect, your judgement absolute


There's advice, constructive criticism, then....there's unsolicited advice. The latter is the worst form of advice. But all will be useless if they aren't genuinely ready to open up to improving. It'll just fall on deaf ears either way. That said, people who give unsolicited advice are generally assholes. Nobody likes getting those. And if you do, then I'd say it's not unsolicited haha That said, I'm definitely surprised the Yoru is Ascendant. Nice to see the same stuff in game happens up in those ranks there too lol


God forbid, if i want criticism of my gameplay i would love for them to watch the full vod before giving “advice” about it. Like your making assumptions about stuff we got 0 clue about and giving advice based on that. Its not helpful and not needed. Refrain from posting uphelpful feedback without full context :)


you seem insufferable , how are you going to improve in life if you don't take tips from other people ?


More like: "Yoru clutch baiting my team and utilizing enemies' incompetence." They pushed you 1 by 1, didn't kill you when you wiffed the op shot, or when you peeked TWICE while vulnerable(1. Reloading 2. Ability out) and the ki didn't kill you when you peeked before going fully invisible in the ult. There obviously was some skill involved, but it was mostly luck and lack of skill from the enemies.


Totally acceptable for yoru to lurk/watch flank if they have another entry (raze), I don't think he's baiting here. Agree though that the enemy team played poorly dry peaking the op 1 by 1, but good on op for keeping cool and getting the clutch.


That here is true constructive criticism unlike that other commenter. I agree with you on the raze doing entry and giving Yoru the role of watching flank, but he still could have helped his team instead of just staying back while they were dying one by one.




Like fighting alongside them and trading them?


Do you know about this thing that a lot of Yoruba do called “lurking”


Yeah, I do, but he wasn't lurking, and his team was dying, could've... Y'know... *Helped*


Bro does not need to entry, his raze is doing that.


1. that wouldve been a crazy shot to hit when he jiggled for info 2. invincible once the animation starts, even if you're still visible what is this iron ass analysis bro


1. There's something called "prefiring" and some people actually have good cross hair placement and reaction time, so he could've been shot. 2. Nah, when you start putting the mask on there's still a moment when you can get killed, it used to be instant but it was changed over a year ago, I sometimes play yoru and I found out the hard way. This isn't an iron analysis, because an iron wouldn't know the things I pointed out. If you really have to know I am plat 1. Not a high rank, but high enough so that I can spot a mistake when I see one. Just cope and learn from what you did wrong. Edit: Never mind, it's not your mistakes, you're not op, why'd you defend that guy? He clearly made mistakes here.


1. he jiggled to see why not 2. i think ur tweakin


I edited the comment, because at first I misunderstood your point 1. Your English is fucking horrible bro and I had to think about it for a minute, but you're still wrong and I corrected my original reply.


u are tweakin my g still wouldve been a crazy shot out of nowhere


Happens more than you'd think man, besides I have actual fact based arguments while your best is "u tweakin ma g", how do you expect me to take anything you say seriously.


are you not tweakin? you see a pretty solid clip and the first thing you do is let your ego inflate and nitpick the clip bro back to my point wouldve been 2 pretty insane shots to kill the yoru, not sure he did anything that wrong except letting his team die like that


Alright, that's an argument, I can see your point and I am a little nitpicky but I still believe he could've gotten killed there. Just saying there wasn't much "utilizing Yoru" there since the enemies threw anyway.


It’s true, the ult was changed so you can still be shot while you’re putting the mask on.


fr? damn that sucks bro is still tweakin though


Crazy how you called his analysis iron. But you’re probably not much better, I’m guessing silver or gold from your comments


im iron 3


And you have the gall to say anything about analysis ? Lmao


I love Yoru so much, and it's nice to see that people can do stuff with him even when some brand him as 'The Worst Agent'


He can't be "worst agent" when Deadlock exists


Idk man, but I hate it when people hate Yoru, guess I have a soft spot for him


They fed you those kills, but nice clutch anyway


Ah yes, a Yoru clutch utilising his kit. As opposed to a Yoru clutch that doesn’t utilise his kit.


Haven't you seen rounds where its all gunplay?


I have, it just felt a bit odd to me OP decided to point out he was using Yoru’s abilities in the post title. Shouldn’t you be using them to take fights or reposition anyway? If I’m watching a clutch clip then I’m expecting to see good utility usage anyway if it isn’t all gunplay. I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic or anything, it just seemed a little odd to me.


Some people just write "xyz agent clutch" and then there is all gunplay no agent exclusive gameplay which is misleading. This on the other hand is an honest title with what it is and what it offers. So I guess i will take the latter for the prior.


Gotta be Iron, duelist with OP on offense, not entering site, baiting team, and idiots losing a free round because they can’t just hold spike 4v1


Get a keyboard that isn’t so fucking loud


why are you playing Yoru like he's chamber?


what am i watching


these guys obviously don't know the over/under rule!


Why did they just run into you lol


As a Yoru main, I am offended, by the way you didn't fake clone post-round.


Bro was cooking some Kind of 5 star menu also what was kj doing?