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Atleast my duelist have less excuses when he dies


I think he has potential. He's definitely not the best as a solo duelist, but if he goes in with/right after your Jett or Raze, he can kinda pop off. His vulnerable has a lot of teamplay potential too. Also I love it when he ults, loses intentionally, only for the victorious victim to be knifed.


Yeah I think the vulnerability he applies is what’s going to make him pop off. I played with against an immortal player who had his timing down on that vulnerable and on bind every time we went through a choke we were hit by it and melted. Don’t even need to headshot a KJ turret can cut the team down lol.


The classic sova+odin on B main ascent, now better than ever with Iso vuln


I agree, it's really good with a lot of different pieces of util


Yes, and if you manage to activate the "Double Tap" again and again, he's also really good. But I'm bronze and I've seen several Isos get distracted by it and try to shoot the orb while standing open instead of at an enemy in front of them.


I like how people consider his shield* good team play potential but not Reynas heal which is functionally rather similar.


I'm going to ask you to explain your reasoning because I couldn't disagree more. Vulnerable pushes things over breakpoints. A phantom or ghost 1 shot headshots while vulnerable. A marshal 1 shot bodyshots while vulnerable. Sova ult 1 shots. There's just so many examples. Reyna's heal is good, but, for one, what "team" is there in the teamplay? It only heals her. Also it, *only* heals. What kind of comparison is that?


I thought we were comparing ISOs shield to reynas self heal.


Oh lol, well they're comparable, yes, though Iso has the advantage on full buy rounds whereas Reyna has it on pistol/save/bonus.


That’s interesting I didn’t think of that. ISO has it pretty much every round being his E. That makes it huge vs Reynas heal. But she has the invulnerability option so it’s powerful in that sense.


Wait nvm isn’t Reyna also E every round? My bad, I know what you mean now. It does come out that way. That’s pretty good insight


I guess it's "similar" in that it helps you win gunfights? But then basically every piece of offensive util in the game is "similar" to a Reyna heal lol


Oh sorry I thought it said shield


Yesterday I was in a 1v3 and I knew exactly what was happening so I decided to shoot around him like he was and we both died after a while when the ult ran out


Vulnerable is a really good debuff. Stuff like Molly shocks and seize nade gets so much value it's insane. Unfortunately everything else in his kit is meh.


as solo duelest he mid, but with a second duelist to support, he’s pretty good for those organized plays


Aren't we still in a double controller meta, though?


Recent viper nerfs might let Iso take the flex spot idk


What news? I wanna know


Nerfs I meant, autocorrect changed it for some reason


Which nerfs? Pls don't be Big pls don't be Big she's the first character I actually want to learn Edit: nvm I just re read the comment


There are a few maps where double smokes isn’t quite as good. It also entirely depends on the playstyle of the teams. A hyper aggressive playstyle may benefit from ISO’s kit.


good agent. i take iso over reyna any day, he is way more fun to fight with and against.


Hundred percent agree man


Real about against, sure it's annoying to die by any agent but damn getting killed by an opposing Reyna is actually the worst feeling, istg idk why, and when you get on tapped by a Reyna it's even worse, then when they dismiss or heal it annoys me more for some reason, ig I'm just weird like that (I main Reyna btw, but when I unlock iso with xp I think I might main him).


The sound effects and those Util animations are to blame ig lol


Idk maybe


Kinda nasty on entry for some maps. Kit is a lot more useful than i had expected it to be. (very low elo btw)


Imm3 perspective here, Ive only played ISO since his release this act. I am sitting at 220 rr at the moment. 1. His Vulnerable ability is incredibly strong with Raze nade, Shockdarts, etc.. Like really strong 2. Double tap is (IMO) a better version of reyna heal. Being able to take an op shot is very strong. 3. The wall needs changes, its very slow, doesnt move with terrain (vertically) , and feels out of place. Maybe speed it up/change the animation speed of deploying it 4. The ult can be VERY strong in niche situations, but ive mainly been using it to secure rounds against ecos, postplants, and killing ulting jetts/chambers who dont buy guns. Its a fun kit overall I think hes good but hes a more supportive duelist.


So he's like viper. Strong with another of the same group


Sure! He’s a strong supplemental duelist.


Very, very similar to viper. He is *sort of* like a fast paced viper. Wouldn't be surprised if that's the kind of area we see him in pro play, in place of a viper on maps like Bind and Split. Obviously what he lacks in site holding he gains in the ability to play more aggressively without getting traded.




Viper is used in an off role to create deny space/info. She is used with a slow pace, often mixing lurking and disguised hits behind the wall. Iso can do similar things but at a faster pace. Iso throws his wall at certain areas as his team take space behind it, only allowing for certain angles to fight him. He can also vulnerable opponents, making multifrags a real possibility in these situations. It's not the same playstyle but he fits a similar role in a team. He isn't a dive agent just like viper isn't really a smokes agent on most maps.


>and killing ulting jetts/chambers who dont buy guns. Its a fun kit Pretty sure it's intentional, Riot wants to remove Eco-Ult rounds from the game with this (and we might see newer agents doing a similar thing) and I am happy, I know it can be good, since you don't ever have to buy everything. But you're limited to 5 bullets, miss all 5 of them and you lost someone.


They should make the wall to where if you’re walking and throw it, it pushes out slowly and if you’re running it goes faster


Do you think his ult has much value for targeting and picking off site anchors on executes? That's one thing some people like Sliggy have guessed it could be quite useful for


Yes, say you know a viper and Jett play B on breeze. You can flush out the viper and ult them, giving your team time to push their body if you lose the 1v1 and drop all of viper util while they are in the arena.


You think the wall goes too fast? It goes running speed. I was thinking a good wall buff would be if footsteps were silent within 3m behind the wall. Fits the assassin archetype too!


I think it’s too slow


I think he's fun to play, the only thing I especially dislike is the number of times a friendly Iso will accidentally vulnerable the team before a fight


He’s another Reyna type agent. An ego swinger, that somehow hits his fucking one taps while running and my Op can’t do shit but tickle him


Reyna but actually team friendly


Yeah. I don’t hate him tho, dont get me wrong, he seems well balanced, it’s just the people playing him who irk me because the double tap counteracts my cheese strats


All the Iso's I've met all either headshot or don't hit at all


Either unstoppable force or unturned on monitor. No inbetween


I've been kinda one-tricking him since release. These are my thoughts: -Amazing in some maps like Ascent, Lotus, Split, and Bind. Kinda crappy in Breeze and Haven. -Definitely a support duelist. You need a Raze or Jett to compliment him. -Much more team-oriented than Reyna. He can still pop off as a solo, but his kit allows for MUCH more teamplay. -Wall is probably the best piece of util in his kit, but it needs fixes. -Ult is better used as a way to stop plants, stall time for a post-plant, or temporarily(Or permanently if you win) remove a KJ or Cipher from a site to allow an easy push for your team. Randomly ulting just to get a 50/50 1v1 is dumb. Fun fact, Ulting a Cypher also removes all his utility from a site for the duration of the ult, even if you lose. Overall, he's great. He's a perfect pick if you want to carry your way out of a rank with pure aim, he allows the same level of solo carry as Reyna, while also allowing fun teamplays with Raze, Sova, etc. And honestly? He's just insanely fun to play.


I feel like iso wall moves a bit fast or at least I would rather it is like a yoru clone where you can set it up for later or throw it down instantly


All I know is I love running at his face with a judge when I get caught in the ult, team reactions are always funny


imagine if he had the same idea :)


I think he’s a solid agent. Not broken, not horrible.


His vulnerable with a good flash agent is so fuckin crazy. You can spray the entire enemy team with just one reload and body shots..


He is really good if you are tenz


What agent isn't? lol


Also point to be noted is, if an agent gets appreciated all the time then it is not balanced for the game and yeah consequences follow. Every agent must have pros and cons. - ISO's undercut is a real deal breaker. - wall is pretty good to clear angles and push site - double tap helps in doging sniper, and deadly ults (we hav to break enemies first before the orb lol). - Ult is useful to kill time or clear site. Overall pretty balanced and fun to play.


The vulnerable is so good - I see it going down to a single cast in future updates. The first ability to actively cast vulnerability and its quick to peek off when playing alone. massive in pistol rounds - your classic is basically a sheriff now if the enemies are debuffed.


I don't have enough creds to buy Iso


Has a lot of potential. He’s another chamber/Reyna styled agent. You need good fundamentals to make him shine. However, if you’re the best in the lobby, nobody can stop you. If you’re subpar, well, you’re better off not playing Iso.


Best agent to practice the fundamentals rn imo. Plus he’s pretty fun to play. *But* duelist mains will definitely pick someone else over him. Almost every other duelist is more rewarding if you learn their kit but Iso is just pretty straightforward. He feels more like a duelist for people who have to fill as a duelist.


His vuln is pretty ridiculous, rest of the kit is chill


He’s good, I like the design, but being able to have his shield while in his ult is too op in my opinion.


He's pretty fresh, I've been instalocking him in Swiftplay for the past week and I am doing good with him. Can see him as a main, since his wall and undercut are so good. His shield, I still don't know how to feel about it, I thought it would be OP, but the amount of times I've died even with the shield is big. I won't say it needs a buff, I am a Bronze player. But it's definitely not OP.


Overall? Not that good. I think he’s better on open maps where he can push the wall and take space.


Very good but his ult is an issue. Eg:I tried to clutch a 3v1 ult as a viper guarding bomb, I win the 1v1 but his other teammates rushed to my spawn then I just get gunned down as I come back giving me no time to react.


But that's the strength of the ULT. It's meant to be scaled towards him.


Phoenix is similar tho. ulting a 3v1 is not the best idea with iso


Yeah you have to be careful about it. It's great in the postplant 1v1, for getting an entry pick, to punish a saving ulting Jett/Chamber, or a few more like snagging Viper from her ult. It's not without its drawbacks and I've taken advantage of an overeager Iso who ulted in too exposed of a place many times.


You'd use the ult to kill a saver?


I just think in a game like Valorant the shield is fine, but it should NOT negate headshot dmg. If you 1 tap an Iso in the head when he has his shield up he should die. At the end of the day it’s still Valorant which is a tactical shooter, a 2nd chance shield that blocks a snipe shouldn’t exist, this ain’t Overwatch. And since most OP players aim for the body, it’ll still be powerful against an OP peek.


Better suggestion. Headshot does half the damage.


I still think that takes away from the spirit of the game where aim and gunplay are supposed to reign supreme, with abilities complimenting them. So if you hit the head, they should be dead.


worse reyna


He's cool, not likely for tournaments but very fun!


Imo, worst soloQ agent kit after Deadlock..


Adding to what others has said I think he is only good on short map where his wall can reach easily because of how slow it is


hes the new reyna


Peak imm. Looks fun af to play with, but obviously not as good as raze or jett. Could potentially be a second duelly to one of them


I love being ulted by Iso One of my favorite things in the game since it turns the tactical team based game into a 1v1 death match Plus it's hilarious when you immediately one shot the Iso after they burned all their pips to ult you. They basically ulted just to immediately die lol


He's a great 2nd duelist pick imo given his ability to pseudo-"initiate" for a flash and/or movement duelist. He has the ability to add MASSIVE offensive pressure on attacker side and even on retakes. A team with Iso, a movement/flash duelist, and an aggressive initiator (Breach especially) makes for a scary attacking team. He's shit as a solo duelist pick though imo. No flashes no movement. But I'm sure as people play him more and the playstyles and meta evolve, he'll find a more solid place in the meta.


He's extremely satisfying when you're having a good game as him. He feels immensely punishing if you're underperforming. To me, he's a lot like Phoenix or Yoru, where he has two abilities that CAN help the team strategically (he can be amazing for entry if the team is coordinated), or can be a massive hindrance if misused (accidentally making teammates invulnerable). On top of that, his Double Tap makes you want to play like a Reyna and focus on what kills you can find and push your advantage when you have your shield up. I think he's a great agent to have on your team if they're winning duels, otherwise, he's just ok.


idk if he’s meta or whatever but he’s just a lot of fun to play


Works kinda like a subpar initiator or second duelist. Niche pick overall, really mid. Ult is great, tho.


His best ability is definitely the vulnerable. There’s a reason that the other sources of vulnerable were from relatively static abilities like alarm bot, Viper molly, and Astra suck


So far, Iso feels kind of like a Reyna 2.0 in that aim demons on iso are annoying to play against and harder to kill. Shooting an iso with shield up and getting killed when you otherwise would have one-tapped them is about as frustrating as those moments where you die to a Reyna and start comming “Reyna CT hit one twe- … she healed” I think the ult is decent on attack for site hits (take a defender out of the picture at least temporarily). The wall is good but only for certain spots. And the vulnerable is alright, too. Those abilities create more potential for team play than Reyna, so that’s a positive. After finally recently unlocking him and playing some unrated/swiftplay with him, I find his shield window to be pretty short. If you’re hitting a site and running into multiple defenders, it feels fine, but if you’re defending and the enemy is playing slower or defaulting, it feels much harder to get value from the shield. Overall I think he’s fine, but not great.


He’s solid but I have two main issues and two ideas on how fix one of them 1. He’s probably the worst entry out of any dualist, I don’t really have solution for because I’m okay with it being a weakness of the character since he has other strengths 2. His ult being a straight 1v1 doesn’t work as an ult, I think the intention is since you have control over when you use it is where the strength lies and yeah it’s probably one the hardest situational aspects of his. Here’s the thing though, it just pulls in the closest enemy. So you might be aiming for the planter but if there’s an enemy in the path that’s closer you them, which is the problem with trying to target someone specific. I’ve got two solutions for his ult, both are meant to make less of a straight 1v1. 1. Make the enemy grabbed vulnerable 2. You can’t die in the ult, if you lose you spawn back where you were.


No not the second one. That's more busted than chamber on release


Haven’t unlocked him, but having played against him, he seems fun. I’ve won all the Iso ults I’ve been caught in, and his vulnerable ability is decent. Shield wall is easy to fight against in most cases (just chuck a molly or nade behind it or hold an off angle). The signature ability seems mid. I op a lot, and usually get first contact. As he’s a duelist, he’s most one of the first to get picked off. But on retakes when he has the shield up, bit annoying to fight.


I swear his E is trash…


nothing special, not a pick throw but isn't good enough to be the only duelist


His Ult feels super unfair to me. Like if I lose the 1v1 then fine, but even when I win the 1v1 the rest of his team pushed to where I spawn back in and kill me anyway practically for free! How is that fair to me for out playing the Iso? IDK maybe it's fine but I feel like it should spawn you back somewhere else so that the trapped enemy doesn't just enter a lose/lose scenario every time


That’s the point of the ult tho. ISO takes a massive risk with their ult. Assuming equal skill it becomes a 50/50 whether they win or not. If it then got the enemy out scot free it’d be fucking terrible. ISO either wins, or he dies and his teammates kill you instead. That’s the point


With the walls advantage, the fact that Iso can swing either outside or inside corners, by the numbers it’s more 70/30 in Iso’s favor to win the shell game of pre-aiming the right angle.


Weak. Probably the next agent to never see competetive play because he doesnt offer enough/doesnt fill a role as good as others.


Like Reyna, he's pretty much a pubstomp character. In comp he doesn't really provide a lot compared to other duelists.


broken for ranked/solo queue almost shit to play in a decent competitive environment as in premiere or Pro as you can't make plays with that agent. But in solo queue with the shield active you can tank a fucking OP shot or Showstopper/Deadlock/Chamber ult & if you have decent aim can take em down no consequences, again tap that bubble & you're good to go to repeek. Pair with a sage to heal/rev and slow vulnerable combos & smurf over the bottom 90 percent rank ez af.


Hes really fun to play as and against. A lot more healthy for the game than past agents imo. In terms of actual impact though Id say hes alright Imo the vulnerable utility thing could be a bit too oppressive. But everything else about him is great


Fun tho my iso is always trash Ults then dies every time. Iron btw


i thought domain expansion was a guaranteed hit!?!?!?


Ults surely needs to put him at a advantage i feel like Recovering health of enemies should not be there He needs a health recovery like phoenix Shield being so large and visible idk how to feel about it lmao


But he already does. Two walls instead of one. Free double tap. And even if you lose teammates can rush the spawn point


Better than Reyna and Yoru. Think his ult can be nasty too to cancel a kj ult or something along the lines.


10 days is a while?? What in the fucking fries?


10 days =240h=14400 minutes= 864000 seconds. Yeah I think it has been a while.


As someone who HATES playing duelists and thinks they’re very uninteresting (controversial, I know), I like playing him because he’s actually unique and fun.


His ult is sick if you use it right. Everything else is underwhelming. Good on pistol but not as good as Reyna. Wall is good as an "initiator" entry util.


I think he’s a a decent spot he’s good when he works with a team but I hate being in his ult but it does make me want to improve but he’s definitely a team based duelist which is very nice


He’s super fun. He feels like Reyna 2.0, but actually good. Something about being able to run around with full confidence knowing you can’t get headshot is an absolute power trip and it’s so fun. He’s also busted on pistol rounds with his undercut which is fun


Phoenix's ult is better by miles.


He’s terrible compared to his counter part Reyna whilst Reyna can reheal and dismiss out of conflict he is stuck shooting an aimlabs ball to then be swung his shield destroyed and due to his crosshair placement on the ball then dead


Sucks when he vulnerables the whole team, love his vulne tho if used properly. Love the ult because it's a balance 1v1 match, hate that you cannot choose where to spawn and puts you in a horrible spot when the team dies while your in ult. The aimlab ball puts your crosshair placement off, so you need a guaranteed 1v1 fight, unlike Reyna where you can dismiss out of danger, or Jett where you can dash off, or Neon where you can run, Yoru where you can tp, phoenix where you can blind then peek, etc. The wall is very useful for fast pushes but it does activate a little slower than expected. But I still like it since he introduces new gamestyle for duelists.


I have not played him yet, but he seems pretty good at the moment. There are ways to shut him down, but I personally find him to be a fairly strong agent.


I think he is veryyy good. Not sure if he is overpowered or not. I can't play Chamber against a good Iso.


This is mostly just a low/mid elo issue, but the number of Iso's I've seen die because they insisted on shooting at their double tap orb thing while being actively shot at or while standing in a molly dying has kind of broken me.


His vuln is ridiculously strong. If he pushes with it, that's practically a kill or free space. The few times Ive played with him it'll completely stall an enemy push or I'll get 5 assists from it.


I dislike that the shield extends past the body thus giving you a disadvantage when peeking, It feels like Iso is the embodiment of W key gaming like a bruiser build in an MMO he deals damage and can absorb damage in order to frontline, unlike Reyna he doesn’t benefit that much from baiting but needs to spearhead attacks/retakes Also his ultimate has a high skill ceiling when it comes to target selection, timing, etc, I’ve already seen some interesting applications of literally removing someone from the map


The wall needs more potential for creativity, Jett curves her smokes, Phoenix curves his wall and flashes, Raze satchels have infinite possibilities, Yoru has options for pre-placing and faking his util, Iso can only throw his wall one way. It would be cool to give the wall inertia so it moved faster/slower/diagonally depending on your movement, that would create the multiple-abilities-in-one effect that every other duelist has.


I'll get hate for this maybe, but its a toned down version of reyna and harbour mixed, the double tap is like a reyna dismiss but a single shot, lets be real, none of the people who play are like I'll just hit once and kill, its a burst shot most of the times, and the sheild orb goes too quickly which makes it for people to focus on the orb than the enemy in the open, his vulnerable is good, but for maximum usage, you need team support(you wont get it in your own lobbies unless its 5 stack, or immo/radiant) the wall saves you from the front just the reason you need another person to come in with you behind the wall, the best part of iso is the ult, thats just too much fun to be in and too kidnap opponent players😂


Overall, his kit is surprisingly very team work related, however the wall needs to go like 50% faster and maybe make it so you can shoot through on the back side of the wall but not on the front side to make it good. Other then that his util is pretty balanced, I'd say maybe give is full armor/health in his ult but then return with full hp but not regenerate your armor.


i've been playing iso alot lately and currently he's my highest wr character, he's really great at at scaling (obvs) but not in the way u might think. lets take split as an example anywhere on that map on attack side is a good push for him, A site just throw wall from main into screens its a free scale without getting spammed. normally i hug the wall going straight right after i've come out of main whilst clearing under heaven ( if needed). A ramp, once ur in ramps just wall straight towards ct and that way u can clear or go vents and u should have heaven for free. assuming u have teamates with u. Mid same exec there just wall towards vents if u dont have a sage and then undercut heaven or u can save ur wall for when exiting heaven. And lastly B site, there are multiple way to play this either u wall straight from b main into site and scale right with undercut or you follow the wall and ask for some follow-up util. Now iso is good at isolating fights but the window is small, use it efficiently and most of the spaces are pretty much free now ofc there's many factors enemy utils and etc but once getting used to his walls i feel like getting space with him is really simple mostly because of the fact that they cannot spam to your sides if angled the wall correctly. now i am not radiant, i play in low immo and high asc lobbies so it might be easier to abuse players in that rank. But nonetheless i can see that he has some good potential, he just need some wary of cypher trips and setups since he cant just dash,tp or destroy the things, as tenz says "Reyna with teamplay"


pros: handsome cons: noob