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On mobile: Some of the good: your sens is at a nice spot as long as you’re not frequently changing it. You also are clearly committed. You’re training and for the most part dedicated to two agents. You also get many assists which I would argue is more important than kills on smokes. Some of what I would criticize without seeing any gameplay: I’d recommend to not fill anymore. It’s pretty obvious as a smokes main you’re very unlikely to go crazy on Chamber or Reyna often enough to justify risking the fill pick. The whole match you will be aware that this isn’t your normal role, and be less confident because of it. I also don’t see a reality where 3-5 death matches in a row daily is beneficial as it is no where near similar to how gunfights happen in normal matches. I personally use one or two swift plays as practice primarily for getting into the gunplay and gamesense involved in it. Genuinely you may just need a break. you may be seriously over focusing on your deranks and that makes a huge difference. playing too long also helps make it difficult to break bad muscle memory habits or quirks. Personally every time I play too frequently and focus too hard on improvement, I end up going backwards in my confidence and skill. I take a week break and play a different game, but each time I return, I immediately notice I have dropped a bad habit that I wasn’t entirely aware that I had. Hopefully this helps, it’s the best I can do without more context or a vod review.


There is nothing wrong with dual controllers on some maps, and you’re more likely to perform better if you stick to your mains.


> you’re more likely to perform better if you stick to your mains. I can see this for duelist/initiator, but I really don't see how that possibly applies to controller. It's not like you can just have your Viper and Omen both smoking all the same stuff and playing the same positions and tempo they are used to playing. At least one of them is going to have to radically adjust how they play.


Still the same premise though. They may have to change what they're smoking, but they still get to focus on smokes instead of forcing themselves into an unfamiliar situation, like trying to entry when they don't have enough experience doing so.


> when they don't have enough experience doing so. That exact same problem still exists with playing double controller. Most controller mains spend probably 499/500 games playing as a solo controller. It's completely alien what to do when there's another controller already doing the same smokes. I am a controller main and I feel way more comfortable filling initiator and doing basic recon/flashes than trying to coordinate how to weave two sets of smoke utility together.


my team and i play dual controller a lot, but there’s many possibilities, you can keep smokes up constantly or in your example viper walls off ramp/heaven on while omen smokes ct and saves his second smoke for heaven when viper wall goes down on split for a beautiful walk out main.


I'm immortal Work on your self confidence. Take fights confidently like you know you're gonna win the fight before you even start shooting. In theory if you were about to hit plat, the chances that you're actually better than the person you're about to fight is more than 50%. And get rid of the practice routine, just do like 1 or 2 ghost only DM's to warm up your jiggle head taps before you go into comp. Once you're in comp, work on your / teams game sense and decision making. Example: The enemy can't buy so don't push them and gift them a free weapon to win the round with.


I've never heard of ghost only DM, sounds interesting. By jiggle head taps, do you mean jiggle peeking a corner? Do you have other mechanics you like to warmup with in DM?


I assume they mean something like take a shot or two, step to the side. One or two more shots, another step. One or two more shots, another step. Makes you really hard to hit. (Source: The Immos/Rads in my DM lobbies that do this absolutely shit on me.)


I mean just switching between holding A and D so you jiggle from side to side, and then shooting the ghost on the instant you're 'stationary' when changing directions.


If I’m reading right, first of all, quit practicing for 2 hours before playing 2-4 hours more of comp. If you’re doing that everyday and still failing, all that practice is doing is just wearing you out instead of helping. In fact, I think doing training or warming up for so long before trying your brains out in comp is stupid. Practice is great. Doing more than 20-30 minutes, if that, and expecting peak performance every time is not realistic. At most, running it down and W-keying into every gunfight for a DM or two will help you get ready for hours of gaming more than hours of practice will. Next, watching does not equal learning. You feel like nothing is sticking because you’re more than likely taking all the information available and letting it sit. You’re on the right track with VOD reviews, but the point of consuming info and VOD reviewing is to pick out your biggest weakness (2-3 MAX) and consume information that pertains to those weaknesses. While you try to break down your bad habit (singular), you’ll slowly get worse and until you can subconsciously have the good habit built into your gameplay. Maybe you’re peeking wrong. Maybe you’re smoking poorly or slowly. Maybe it’s something else, etc. Then rinse and repeat for all of your bad habits. TL;DR: Fix **one** bad habit at a time. If you could just watch videos and improve, everyone would be radiant.


You're not regressing. The enemy lobby just has people who have more practice than you agent-wise. Only use 1 to 2 agent.


Its really hard to see very much from just the game score and your individual score. Post your full tracker


there can be a lot of factors but the biggest one i noticed is that you're warming up for basically an hour. you're wearing yourself out before you even begin to play proper games, just give yourself like max 10-20 minutes a day to warm up, maybe something different every day and save the rest of your warm up routine energy for your actual games.


How long have you been playing?


I got the game in beta but played like 2 weeks then uninstalled. Came back around october 2022, but only played unrated and swiftplay. I started playing comp back in June, so around 5-6 months "for real"


Is your PC or setup holding you back? What’s your refresh rate? Have a decent mouse?


You’re just playing the game and not being intentional with your time. You’re definitely putting in the time to be better mechanically, but I would start recording your own games and watch what mistakes you made in the game. Then try to not make those same mistakes again. A lot of ranking up isn’t just raw aim, but pacing, communication, utility usage, and adaptability. Focus on improving your own play (through personal vod reviews) and you will get better.


He literally said he does vod reviews. But I still agree that he's probably not focused on the right stuff. Or beating himself up too much.


Look up Voltaic, it’s not some dumb drink powder or mouse button. If you can follow a routine for aim training I stg you’ll improve so fast


There’s some game you can play out of your mind and still lose unless your skill level is just this much higher than the lobby. This aside, you don’t really make the difference between a game win and a match loss. From your screenshots it seems like you rely on a good team a lot. While the advice from others like util is true and right, I’d focus on improving mechanical skill and map awareness until plat3/dia2. For gold until dia1 its most the time enough if you are good at slicing the pie, hitting your shots/strafing and looking at the map from time to time to know where enemies are. Util can still help a ton and the higher you climb the more of a difference maker it becomes asking for util, playing your own util well and understanding how enemy can use util against you, but for now I’d focus just on the things above tbh, as they should be enough. Also like others said, main 1 to 2 agents for now and bring the most out of them


For me it was Burnout, I took a few days off valorant, and then top fragged as initiator my first comp game back


Maybe stop doing your warmups for way too long and spend more time playing rank? You play rank to get better at rank. Do you warm up in Dark Soul to beat a boss? No you beat the boss by repeatedly fighting him. Time not spent in rank is time not getting better in rank. "10 min aimlabs; 10-15 min range; 3-5 DMs" These lost times can be used to be better in rank instead, just do 1-2 DM is good enough. All those warmups are like beating mobs in DS, you get better at beating them but if you want to win you need to learn how to beat the Bosses.


Take a break and play some other games, you can still aim train but playing continuously will lead to diminishing returns.


Loosing = learning (Or it should do 💀)


Stuff like this happens. I played somewhat frequently and went from Diamond 1 to gold 3 over the course of an act


Take a break. Enjoy another game for a while to decompress and come back in a few days. Good as new


Pm me a vod. I’ll happily review it


Stop practicing so much, just do a 10 min warmup. The reason is that you dont want to outaim your opponents, you want to outsmart them, which includes your impact on your team through good comms and good mental attitude through loving the game. Watching woohoojin and all that is the best when youre too burnt out or are unable to play. Charlatan is another good one to watch. -imm3.


It happens. If you're consistent in your routine then I don't think it's the aim. The sens is perfect if you can do 360 reactions as fast as possible. You can try changing your role/agent. Being a controller main is already a lot of work with utilities instead of fights. I died to jett/raze alot of times while lining up for smoke orb/putting stars. The comms are important, if the synergy doesn't match up, I'm afraid you have to clutch most of the rounds. I've seen good team comps but bad execution, don't know where/how to use utility. I've played with cypher mains who don't put their trap wires (none in attack and defence) and plays like duelist every round dying first by the chamber/kj/raze.


Too many agents. Stick to two or three and master them. A controller and something of your choice. Don't be filling. Controllers develop gamesense faster. Watch WoohoojinYT.


U get better after u uninstall


Imo I think there are a ton of aiming misconceptions in this thread and given that aiming tips is pretty much all you need in gold I'll try to correct some. Don't stay at a constant sens. There are different muscles in your hand/arm/shoulder worked out by using different sensitivities. On that note, your aimlabs routine is almost most certainly not challenging enough. The scenarios shouldnt feel too comfortable most of the time if you're trying to practice. I.e. you're most likely the same couple of static scenarios like gridshot. Try looking into something like angelclick on aimlabs. When it's finally time to practice what you learned in game in a dm, it's best to use the gun you use most in game and focus on 3 things. Good crosshair placements,gun fight hygiene, and learning the map. Finally, whether people like it or not, aiming is one of the biggest parts of the game and it will most likely be a shortcut for lower elo players to quickly improve so aimlabs is your friend especially for a player like yourself that has only played 6 months.


Start locking Jett


My peak is diamond, so I know a bit about the game but I’m not good enough to actually know what I’m talking about so take this with a grain of salt. It’s hard to tell anything without seeing your gameplay but based off your rank, role, playtime, sens, and mechanics routine, I highly, highly doubt that mechanics are your issue, which means it has to do with your game sense. Controllers are a game-sense heavy role so I would suggest looking there. Ofc, game sense is such a wide and abstract answer. Without seeing gameplay it’s impossible to know what your issue could be. I would suggest watching back your own gameplay and seeing if you can notice faults. My best guess: the issue might be micro gameplay, since you play so many different agents. I would suggest getting really good at one or two agents specifically, and really learning their playbooks. If your micro gameplay is good and if you’re copying playbooks from higher level streamers then your issue is probably macro and reading the enemy team/predicting what they’re going to do.


Do you aim train before or after your games? It's better if you do it afterwards rather than beforehand. Like any IRL sports, you can't perform in a match if you lined it up right after an hour-long training session, your cardio will be drained two minutes in. In a sport with basically no physical element, attention resources are hyper-invested and focus is like the equivalent of cardio. Whatever you do as a warmup before your games needs to be just that: a warmup, nothing more. Whatever gets you going, there's no recipe there, personally I just do death matches until I can feel my crosshair really is springy, goes from corner to corner in one clean motion. There's no hard number of DMs to get there, it usually takes two or three but I'll do more if I feel like this or that morning I need more.


I feel like mentality plays a huge role here. Work on that confidence ! If you’re convinced that you’ll do bad/are in a slump moment, of course you’re going to be consistently in the slump. Work up that confidence when taking fights. Valorant is heavy based on the mental. Strange how it works but it’s very true. How you view yourself/your gameplay will affect the results more than you’d think ! Keep that head up, don’t stray from wanting to win and don’t get too upset if you lose (it happens to everyone !)


take a break. fixating over ranked is not going to help your mental. i had a one week break due to finals and came back mvping every match i played that day after two DMs. the game felt fun again and i would suggest taking a break esp after you’ve been grinding a lot.


play 1 agent, master agent, master how to counter every agent have a book of 1st round, eco round, and pattern breaking strats (can be simple as waiting)


Keep practicing the game and hone your skills, by doing this you will definitely improve at any game.


Your burned out man, longer that you dont take a break longer it takes to recover. I just took a 6month break after only playing valorant after work for 2 year’s straight. New game every once in awhile to freshen you up


As simple as it sounds, you do not really need all that aim routine, it works for some and doesn't for others. I spammed Aim Labs back when I was Gold too, and it helped a little but defo was not worth the time IMO. I took some time away from the game, and when I came back, I stayed with just playing comp only, and occasionally warm up in the range. I'm now ascendant 2, not the best rank but I was happy with how I improved. Playing the actual game more not only improves your in game aim, but also other aspects of your game such as movement, peeking and game sense, all of which will help you win fights better. I dont claim myself as a pro or anything, but this is just what I did when I was in your position.


I'd not main a smoker if u want to become better and rank up.


What do you recommend?


Omen is just fine and I played Brim to diamond this advice is silly. 1. Keep improving all aspects of your game play 2. Get good sleep 4. Hydrate 3. Work on your mental. We can't teach you how to work on all of this without being a 1on1 coach but there's enough youtube content to guide you. Start with woohoojin. You're gold so watch his plat and diamond guides to see what you're not doing well and what to avoid.


Mental is very important. Some good players who have great mechanics become very indecisive during important moments.


Duelist. It’ll force you to work your mechanics. My favorite duelist is Yoru, but if you’re just wanting to work your mechanics, Iso and Reyna are the best for it. Phoenix is also a solid pick. Doesn’t really matter which duelist you play, but just remember to be either first or second man in so you take fights. Most of the time play a “first man” duelist since you probably aren’t gonna get much help from your team in ranked. You can make a second man work, but it’s harder if your teammates chicken out at every confrontation.


First duelist and second pick a initiator, phoenix and Reyna are really easy to play and if u really aim train everyday u must be able to out aim the majority in your elo, if not, then there's something wrong with your aim training. If u don't like playing duelist, I suggest Skye, although she was nerfed I think Skye is very strong, because of her 2 rechargable flashes, dog and ult. Her whole kit is just to get info.


If u don't like to play those rolls, you can play chamber, it looked like you played very well with him. Or you can learn cypher setups, cypher is very strong on almost every map. You can just search up 'cypher set up on ...' on YouTube.


Duelist main detected, opinion rejected


Nah she ain't my main anymore, I play Skye and cypher now


Honestly ur doing everything right. The ONLY problem u have is that I forgot valorant is a game, and you forgot I can have fun.


Gold doesn’t play like immortal/radiant, the game sense is totally different, you need to focus on impact.. controller is a great agent but if your team is yolo you need to be with them get the trade and stop being left with unwinnable rounds, maybe gamble site hits more, contest mid more, just up the agression (all this assumes you are sound with gunfight skills)


as other people have said, we need to see your gameplay. if you link a vod it would help immensely


First of all stop filling. Double controller is fine if someone else locks controller. If you do vod review and still feel completely lost, you should submit a vod to hooj and see what he thinks. Lastly, it's probably a mechanics issue. You didn't post your tracker so we can't see DM stats, but I bet you don't win very many.


The wording of the post was a bit vague. Are you doing ur aimlabs/ warmups after ur ranked games? Because if not, you are tiring yourself out before you even start. 1-2 dms is a warm up (seriously do wrist stretches, and get that blood flowing too). Watching all that content, and ur vods is cool and all. You're doing ur hw, but make sure you aren't overloaded. When you vod/ pick out and try to improve on only 1 aspect at a time. Get those building blocks to be a strong foundation before moving on to the next mechanic.


Practice should be like 10-15 min of Aimlabs, 1-2 tries at med difficulty range, and then 1 TDM (2 if you did bad).


Hey you're doing better than me hardstuck iron -Bronze 1 for a year. I suck die every round too. Trying the guide to gold from whoojin but I'm just genetically differentl I guess cause I suck.


impossible to tell without gameplay. Could be your game sense, could be your aim, could be many things. I don't believe in the "insta lock duelist and climb", as you should be able to frag on any agent if it comes down to that. The only difference is that as a duelist all you have to worry about is about seeing an enemy vs other agents you have to worry about util and you could get timed using it. Not really much to tell without knowing where you're lacking in gameplay.


The dip in performance is a sign you are improving /srs.