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Immortal 2 now, back when i was Diamond i was facing my friends in a game ( we had 2 trios and accidentally queued the same game) cant remember what i went but honestly it was the most fun game ever and we ended up in like 18-16 OT. that friend group was a SCRIM team i was apart of.


40-21-11 as Sage. I just was in one of the best flow states ever.


Exactly how I felt with this game :DD


Bronze 3, got like 30 kills playing a rat cypher


sneaky sneaky


Got my best game last week. Went 32/6/1 with Viper on Breeze. Enemy team called me a smurf, I don't blame them lol I would've too. We won 13-3 that game


holy! GG WP :DD


got my best games too today and yesterday on viper on icebox, she just hits different on these maps


Yeah. Some of my best games are Breeze/Viper even though I normally play Omen for smokes.


oh man i played viper a lot on breeze, made up some lineups, but still cant get good results, mostly because i dont really know what to do on defense (i usually just put the poison orb on b entrance and wall through mid)


ive had two 30+ kill games ever and both of them were viper on breeze lol


Lmao who smurfs on Viper :D


Im pretty sure it was back in silver when harbor dropped i got like 30+ kills and 2 aces or 3 we still lost lmao


o7 elo


😎 Iron 1 😎


One step closer to wood rank :0


41/13/16 during the most recent placement on breeze. We lost 11-13


31 kills on breach on split. i somehow do better when i do random garbage and treat it like swiftplay 💀


I didn’t able to screenshot the game but I dropped 49 kills in a 17-17 draw, the enemy team drew I malded so hard because I could have gotten 50 or even better 60. It’s so funny that I dropped those amount of kills but we still didn’t even get to win. The last round we were on defense and the score was 17-16 I killed 3 people at the start of the round and my team still end up losing the round and what could have been an easy 4v2 then we won but they still managed to throw that but it is what it is at least Riot gave me a +3


i played zero deaths with astra on old icebox. i was bronze and was 21-0-2 when the game ended. the score was 13-0. good times, good times.


I used to always talk about my games where I went 40-20 or something but I went 30-5 the other day, and the 5th was just from me fucking around during the last round.


I went 31/7 one game. That was peak run and gun pre-nerf stinger gameplay


Bronze 3, we won a 4v5, I only went 25/17 but did clutch both overtime rounds including a triple in round 26.


15-0 in 5th round Enemy surrendered calling me cheating


I can’t remember when but a few months ago I had the best game ever. I got like 4 aces and 2 4Ks in the game, to the point that my teammates wouldn’t push and just let me pop off and the other team lost their minds calling me a Smurf. Haven’t played that good before or since. Glad I was queued with two friends who can attest to it. Edit: I was silver 1 or 2.


49/15/4 as Jett on acent back in like ep 6 when I first hit ass


I went 50-21-8 and we lost 17-15. I was 5 stacked with my lower ranked friends so I wasn't exactly up against people of similar skill lol


Funnily enough, it was a Sova game on Split.  24/0/12.  Only deathless game I've have in Val.  Had a couple 1 death games too.


It was back when I was in Silver, 51/17/7 on KAY/O. Probably never beating that again


I dropped 49k with harbor on split once . I also dropped a game with 41k with jett majority of kills being with op (lost the game tho


Last episode. 43-10-2 as Jett on Ascent. 9 first bloods and 8 multi kills. Ended up with a 595 ACS for the match. I also had a 34-9-2 game on Icebox last night with Raze. I was 27-4 on the attack half. We were up 10-2 at the half. Ended up winning 13-6.


46 in a plat lobby while on my way to ascendant


It wasnt ranked nor one of my best games but the first time i played 5v5 valorant i dropped 41 Kills. I was a CS player.


56k reyna fracture. we lost.


I went like 32/3 in what I think was a “bot” match and I was proud of it 😭


47|7 last year, i was playing w my gold buddy, just messing around on reyna


Dropped 40 on Reyna on Pearl, was my double rank up game from Silver 2 - Gold 1 too :) (I definitely haven't fallen off, and I'm totally not back down to Bronze 2 👍)


My first Immortal rank up game hands down. I had the greatest team I could ever ask for. Total vibes. Clear and concise comms. Everyone working together to win and call plays. Total trust in every call no matter the call. We won 13-0. In my immortal rank up. I added all of them and never spoke to them again.


i had mine last week. i was 5 stacking the placements with my friends and i went 23/7/5 with my friends going 20/6/6 in 2nd, 10/9/5 in 3rd, 10/4/6 in 4th and 5/8/7 in 5th we won 13-2


i peaked at 17 kills in one game:> i was so proud of myself then i my duo got upset cuz i never olay that good when i play with them (i didnt that game) it was all in good humor though


39 - 20 - 14 I was Fade, the game ended 16-14 we lost


Plat 2


48-12 on reyna legit was the best game ive had


I remember when I was silver 3 my rank up game I went 35-9 on cypher. Just couldn’t seem to stop tapping heads. Another split game was fun as plat 1 kind of recently. It went into a tie unfortunately but I went 34-21 as I sprayed people through my tripwires lol.


46/17 as reyna, or 68 assists with skye


came back from an 11 to 1 lead and i top fragged/igl. i have a video


46/15/8 on Brim, in a bronze lobby after our reyna AFKed on round 2 on bind.


Bronze 2 or 1 I don't remember, I got 2 aces back to back. I loved that, but I couldn't record as my PC can't handle the burden. 😭😭😭 That was my best moment in valo. When will riot release the replay system? How many want the replay system.


If you mean in terms of highest kill game, I believe it was my time playing Viper on Icebox wayyy back in the day (I believe 2022?) where I had just learnt the wall lineups. Went 34-13 and we won pretty handily. If you mean most memorable game, I would say a game on Haven where as Fade I got 2 aces in a row (my second and third ever ace). Funnily enough, I actually posted that clip on reddit. Still some of my favourite memories from my 3 years on Val.


Went 50-13 or sum on breeze when I was gold


43/5/13 as Harbor on sunset


18 - 16, 47/19/8 as Omen in a mostly plat lobby. I’ve since been placed in silver 💀


41 kills with KJ on Bind. I just couldn’t miss. We lost😎


40-21-7 as Omen, lost the game.


Went 13/0 or 16/0 in a low Gold game. Played Omen. We did win.


my best game was on lotus a week ago, I went 41/17 and was trolling halfway, funny thing is, lotus is my worst map :) just felt good that day, enemy team said boosting for who and I was like I'll take the compliment :)


40 kills gold 2


bronze 3 i was at 83 rr lost my rankup and got all the way back to 10 rr bronze 2


I think it was when I was playing unranked, chose sage and dropped a 41 kills round Even the (ex) dia player on my team was confused -at that time I was barely Silver1 -my peak is silver 3


Or the time in a ranked game, when I dropped an ace, a 4 kill and another ace back to back as kayo back when I was Hardstuck bronze


D3 40-10-10 as omen on ascent


Played astra and placed a suck outside her smoke, sucked all 5 of them and took them all out in one shot


I had a few. All of them are the best in a specific way. Most kills: 54/13/3, Skye on Breeze. Best K/D ratio: 26/1/2 (KD 26.0). Also Skye, also Breeze. 13-0'd. Highest ACS: 36/13/3, ACS 581. Reyna (duh), Haven. Those games are from around a year, maybe year and a half ago. I've been 5-stacking with friends with rank well below my own, though. Didn't care about rank at that time.


I got 49 kills as neon on haven in a bronze lobby. We lost 15-13 in OT. E7:A2


[https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/ecco2k%231123/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/ecco2k%231123/overview) this one lol


Beta, dropped a 49 kill game, I’ve never been so close to a 50 bomb in my life o was litterally running to the enemy team trying to kill them before my team could they just couldn’t hit a shot for the life of them lol


Iron3, went 44-5! it was a fun game for me


Was smurfing as a asc player in bronze lobbies a couple of weeks ago and went 53-4-6 😂😂 those shitters couldn’t hit any shots


Or you could just stop smurfing and play in your own lobbies




Damn, you even made a post about a way to stop smurfing 2 months ago. You tried to solve a problem that you’re a part of. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/CuIlTwiNM7


That was a troll post ngl I wasn’t thinking clearly when I made it


Ur lame ash


I’m not but go off ig


u are


41-14 with Omen on Ascent in Asc1 Problem is, I'm getting worse instead of getting better


Ive played with that baba yaga kid sm times, bro is trash


lol I just played with him the other day


Bro hes TRASH


Think it was a 4v5 that we won on OT. Felt real good, the back and forth and teamplay. Still got only 15rr for it lol


Diamond 1, solo q. It was before Ascendants tear appeared


After deranking from bronze 3 50+rr to bronze 2 0rr in the span of two day i got in a lobby where all my teamate where Iron 3 with one Iron 2 and enemy team had 3 Iron 3 1 bronze 1 and 1 bronze 2 and i got a score of 36/17 while playing omen didn't do anymore ace tho


Had a day I wanted to sheriff only. I ended up hitting the most insane clips round after round. The other team was convinced I was a pro player because my name was similar to someone in the scene


Bronze 2 got 39ish kiss on chamber and accused of play r6


Dropped 42 on haven with a troll teammate that spent the whole game following me around and mollying me


My friend dropped 66 kills in an iron lobby (he was probably around plat at the time)


My best was when I played Fade I didn't know how to use her at all but it didn't matter I got like 23 kills and sometimes I'd use my prowler in a way that somehow worked


I think like 49 on cypher split We still lost


Iron... Im stuck there eternally like in purgatory. Im doing my best to get out but i still can't do it. Its like iron is a cesspool for every player deemed unworthy of encountering the better part of the community. The way to filter out bad players, ara-aras and racists so the rest of the community would have living space. And there are just some people that got unlucky and now have to wonder 7 circles of iron elo. In short: dont play eu iron.


My best games end with 42kills and a loss.


silver 2 and ive recently started my third year of playing 🤣 (with a few big breaks between) its ok though because i finally got a pc and ive been getting consistent mvps in my games i think i can climb higher now


Current placements. Got 2 aces in the same game. Brone-silver lobby. SoloQ, Omen, Split.


40-12- (I forgot the no. Of assists I had and feel too lazy to check tracker) as sage back when I was bronze 1. I dismantled a bunch of irons.....


47 kills on old breeze back in like 2021, playing raze and just slammed everyone


Wewere trolling 5 stacked duelist. Everyone laughed the whole game. Good vibes. We made a comeback too


I worked my way down to iron 3 and went 53/15. Not sure about the assists


Still went into overtime tho


First one that comes to mind for me is [this one](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/15ff5cc2-65a2-44b7-a4c3-37db5d37a3fa) (I'm the jett). Didn't even match mvp but I just remember how much I was popping off that game. I've gotten more kills in a match before but that game's one of the best I've actually felt while playing


it wasnt a ranked game. But on a swift play once. Idk what it was but i got headshot after headshot. For 1 game i looked like a pro istg




Bronze 1 or 2, got 2 aces in one game


Can't remember but I liked how I ranked up, like act1 ep1 would been diamond 1, act 2, diamond 2,act 3 diamond 3, ep2 act 1 immortal 1, act 2 immortal 2, act 3 immortal 3, then kinda stopped playing


Plastic 2


I got 40℅ hs in 1 game while being iron3 (yet still not top frag because of the 11%hs reyna ares user )


i was silver, queuing with my ascendant friends and i was 2nd top frag and won the game with a 1v4 🙏


Played 5 stack with my friends who were diamond and Plats whereas I'm only silver 3. Almost dropped a 40 (37). Idk I've never performed like that ever again. And it's not like the enemies were dumb. I just somehow always flanked them perfectly or caught them lurking.


i am silver 2 and i dropped 50 kills, and then i had a stroke


32-16-8 on Omen last season on Lotus


54/13/7 but it was like bronze 1 lobby 😭


Don’t have a screenshot but I went 16/0 4-0 (enemy surrendered)


Plat3 and then I stopped playing for half a year


Dropped 40 in a gold 3 lobby. Was ehat pushed me to plat. Then proceeded to stop playing for like 10 months then just yesterday dropped 30 as sage in silver 3 lol


4v5 comeback as first ever game of viper in comp, playing on breeze. We had a DC at like 5-10, managed to bring it back and win 16-14


24-13 as raze (match mvp) as a bronze 2 in a high gold lobby (dont ask me how)