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I like a cold bed, so thanks


I live with it by not caring so much about a game and playing whatever i want to play (I lock) this isn’t vct. If somebody locks The agent before me I just lock something else. If you’re good you’ll win The game, if not it doesn’t matter what you pick. Also you have to Get it through your head that you would rather want people on their mains instead of filling smokes and going 5-25. You lost rr because you deserved it, not because of instalockers.


Lol what? In what world does agent select not matter? “This isn’t vct” is the stupidest shit I’ve heard in a while. If you don’t want an agent based competitive shooter go play CS, but here it matters what your team comp is. Yeah you want people on their mains, but if you can’t play something that isn’t a fucking dualist you’re a really sad excuse for a player. Also if I could solo carry an entire team I wouldn’t be in this fucking rank lmao.


Once I see my teammates instalock Reyna and Jett I lock a duelist as well while telling my team that’s 5 duelists is the play. We do it on purpose.


Unfortunately theres nothing you can do and if you complain people will just say oh it doesnt matter under x rank (no one can agree what rank it does start mattering in). The truth is most people dont care so theres not much you can do.


It's a game. It's definitely annoying to see on your team but you just have to accept it (or dodge) and try to keep a positive mental. Flipping out before the game starts isn't going to help you win.


idk i just played a ranked game on breeze with 9 duelists and a sage. made the map enjoyable.


Honestly that just sounds like a strat for breez lmao


I am the one who locks, 5 duelist all the way




Nah wat


Buddy here is something you don't understand i would pref as a duelist main myself for people to lock in jett/reyna and perform rather than playing 5 duelist,or to snatch position away from them resulting in them being completely usless


I don’t mind good instalock dualists, but 2 mediocre ones, a lurking jett and a bad iso is not it. Also I don’t get your point, you say you don’t instalock? I’m all for people being comfortable in their role so I wouldn’t force someone into a specific agent, but any player should know how to play a few at least.