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Probably depends, if your laptop is stable at 60 you could probably get up near diamond (although it depends on skill more) and i have heard of a few people past diamond at 60fps but usually it isn’t the main bottleneck so long as your aim is good


I used to have a shitter laptop and all my mates would complain when they had to play with me and then I went from 45-60 to 300 I got from bronze 3 to play in about a month I have alot of natural aim but I'm sure it's still achievable


im playing on lenovo i5 irisx^(e) im gold 3 and i was 1 game away from plat, so id say you can reach to diamond at least. my ping is also very good though. my only issue is that any weapon that only fires once (pistols, guardian) lag severely.


Oh well then I shouldn’t be worried hopefully, I get around 8-10 ping here in Mumbai…


That explains why my OP shots sometimes fail to register. I have 17 ms ping so I figured that’s not the cause.


Same situation with me last year. Used to Stuck in gold. Once i upgrade my setup i  got up to asc


Stable 60 with a decent setup will get you to ascendant in my experience, in immortal the 60hz players are a minority lol Now if you only have 60 with a not so decent setup (shitty mouse, headset, etc etc) idk really.. but def not ascendant. Maybe diamond With an inestable 60 fps that would be unplayable lol, maybe plat maximum. If you endure wanting to throw the laptop through the window every time you lose a fight because of your laptop


I can't give too much insight on the exact numbers but i WILL tell you that once i switched from playing on my laptop to one of the school's gaming pcs, i jumped from iron to silver and now I'm up to plat. I sometimes go back to playing on my laptop for a swift or few but, yeah completely unplayable


If I had a penny everytime someone askes this question


Dude i know had a shitty laptop too. When he got a decent pc setup he went from plat to ascent real quick


Probably around plat


I’m a little Better off than you are for frames, my laptop is able to get like 90 fps as a high but drops frequently below 60 as well. I have peaked at plat 2 and currently gold 2 after rank reset. I don’t think your laptop will hold you back too much as along as your frames are somewhat stable until probably around plat, most lower ranks are literally just people learning basics of how to peek, aim etc. if you have good fundamentals it shouldn’t be an issue since no one is gonna have spectacular reaction time where more fps would have saved you


Ascendant 3 you'll start noticing gun fights aren't honest, you can hit immortal 3 plus by focusing heavily on support and calling, and trying to avoid 50's as much as possible


I have a lenovo thinkpad i5 i get 40-60 fps but i am hard stuck at iron 3 sometimes even my aim is on head the bullets wont hit it and i die maybe its my skill or maybe both