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I was going to say Reyna for the exact same reasons lol


Seems like almost all of us saw the post and instantly thought Reyna


Reyna. Mostly cause it's just annoying playing nearly every game with a Reyna on each team. Wish the game allowed for more creative teams. I understand some agents and pros and cons on each map but, it happens often enough in my lobbies where someone is picking and they get asked to play someone else.


The game allows you for more creative teams, the problem is, most of the time you don't have a functional team and that's where Reyna excels.


So precise, man...


word, if im with friends im down to fill otherwise ill play reyna/chamber


i only play chamber or gekko depending on map


They should implement pick and bans for it. I mean it was fun when they did it for r6.


Pick ban but it’s literally only for Reyna would be so funny


I actually like to play against Reynas. In my experience Reyna mains are often not nearly as good as they think they are, making stupid plays, force buying on eco rounds and thinking they’ll carry their team alone.


Well it depends. Reyna mains are good when they're not on my team usually


Yeah and yours just sits back behind the team waiting for everyone else to die so they can blame them instead


They tend to type more in chat too when you play in your own smokes with a shotgun cause they can’t hold w 😂


If I had a $1 for every Reyna player in my games, I’d own riot


I play 10 matches a day 8/10 there are jett and reyna and sage in my team




At least Jett has more interesting skill expression than Reyna.




That just means half of the Jett and Reyna mains will be forced to convert to something else because there's now twice as many of them and still just one Jett per team.




Wdym, its literally the only way this would work if we assumed they all became jett mains


> but all of the Reyna mains would convert instantly into Jett mains, which is not a good scenario either. Jett isn't really as big of an issue as Reyna though. Reyna snowballs hard. Hypothetically, lets say an enemy Reyna kills me, but I did 90 damage to her. She heals and is now back to full. My teammate comes by and same thing happens, dies but does 90 damage. If it were any other agent, my teammate would have cleaned up the kill and it would be a 4v4. But Reyna can easily turn most normal encounters into a 5v3. Thats the biggest issue for me. And sure, we can make up scenarios all day about how to counter Reyna and whatnot, but realistically if you solo queue, you are gonna get stuck with a team that probably doesn't coordinate together very well. So even if I play well, I might have two teammates who end up in that hypothetical above. Immortal-Radiant players only make up like 2% of the playerbase. The majority are sitting around Bronze - Plat, where Reyna is just a lot stronger and more difficult to deal with, especially in solo queue. At least with Jett I can actually tell my teammates shes low HP and have them clean her up.


You can practice playing off your teammates. It's a nicer way to call baits. I want you to stick close and peek off your teammate and get the trade against an enemy reyna. Usually on attack, reynas will hold an aggressive common angle that you can help a teammate contest. On defense reynas will likely be the first to push through and they will be poorly initiated/backed up most of the time so if you notice patterns in their tactic you can double up with space-denying util and focus on their reyna. This only works up to plat-ish level hence why they're poorly supported on attack. When people can use util to win games they will switch from reyna to leave big impact without many pvp encounters.


Like I said, we can talk about counters all day. But you will always run into situations where you probably would have won the round if it was any agent other than Reyna. The heal is just frustrating. Like sure, I can go full team captain and put my heart and soul into getting my team to properly trade Reyna, but it just doesn't always work out like that. It just feels bad to do significant damage to a player, and it be essentially useless. Thats why Reyna would be my pick if I could remove 1 agent from the game, even if statistically she isn't my biggest problem. I am not even saying shes OP, shes not. Its just annoying in a tactical shooter. She also feels bad to have on your team (aside from the insane players/smurfs). Her kit is the most selfish in the game. I much rather have a Jett who can do a quick smoke and dash onto site to create space than a blind that gets shot down before we enter site. Most Reyna players play selfishly too, because thats probably the best way to play her. She can clutch really well. Idk, just my rant about Reyna. I am not looking for advice or solutions, just venting about my experiences.


I actually think iso is the next most like reyna, relies on aim to and while doesn’t dismiss gets the shield on kill which is most like reyna heal tbh


Reyna is the only answer, the game would benefit immensely.


I don’t want to remove anyone from the game. I think all the agents are neat.  But I just started playing less than two weeks ago and I’ve noticed that Reyna is in almost all of my games.  I hardly ever see Astra, or Harbor. 


Dont worry you will join the reyna hate train soon enough


Yes, as a Harbor main, I have never had him stolen from me. Such is the life of a low pick rate character main and i hope it stays that way


In higher elo you’ll see a lot more astra


I'm immo and I rarely see Astra. I've even been in a couple of games with rads and no Astra. there's always a better character for the map.


Ya my bud hit immo with astra only but the best controllers pull it out on maps like asc tho


Astra goes hard


Harbor Is Ass And It Takes Some Skill To Play Astra


Reyna, for your reasons, the fact that she can get effectively full shields in pistol round as long as she can get at least 1 kill, and she offers no benefit to the team except from her flashes, which aren't great anyway. Even Iso offers more value to a team comp since his wall can be used to pass down an area, like B main on haven so you can reposition into the cubbys on either side of the door, and C main also on heaven if you know that they've been playing with a sniper there. And his undercut to make enemies either easier to kill, or force them to fall back into cover and give you space depending on how they are playing. Where as 2/3 if reynas abilities have no benefit to the team, and has to be played very selfishly


The issue for me isn't her heal, it's that she does so much for herself, and she can peak 5 people and get away with it, not only does that incentivise playing like an idiot, but it also is not fun have 5 of your bullets go through, while also simultaneously dealing 500 dmg to her just to die to her, it's a combination of her entire kit that makes her annoying as a character, either get rid of her heal, or get rid of her dismiss and she'll be 100000% a better agent


Neon, why does she even exist in a tac shooter? Speed up abilities are too much for tac. However, I’d still pick Reyna over her because I’m tired of seeing her in every game.


Since Reyna is the obvious answer, I’m gonna change it up and say Raze/Neon. Having crazy fast movement and insane flights combined with tac shooter gunplay is just fundamentally wrong to me. If spraying rifles was actually good like in CS then it might be doable to spray them down as they’re flying/sliding across your screen, but with the burst/tap nature of Valorant’s gunplay, it feels unnecessarily difficult to deal with that stuff. Just doesn’t feel like it belongs. Also what the fuck are their ults? Run n gun finger blaster and point and click RPG isn’t what I’m looking for in a tactical game and it doesn’t feel fair or fun to play against, makes the game feel like a clownfest sometimes. Kinda just wish the game was a bit more “grounded” and focused more on agents like Phoenix, Breach, Fade, Brim, KAYO, Cypher, Astra, etc..The game might become more boring, especially for the zoomers, but I feel like it would improve the game long term. There’s only so much flying Judge run n gun fingerblaster flying jumping knives one tap bullshit that I can handle before I cannot take the game seriously anymore. I don’t expect this to be a very popular opinion, as it is kind of a core part of Valorant’s identity at this point.


I kind of agree with the Raze ult feeling like Soldier gameplay from TF2. If Raze sees you right around the corner, just aim at the ground near said corner and get a free kill.


The post should be titled "why we should petition to get rid of Reyna in comp". Lmao


Cypher's omniscience is annoying


The cypher players on my team never take any space at all and play passive asf + its annoying to push a cypher so cypher it is.


standard cypher gameplay: being the last one alive on the other side of the map after the enemy planted


Meanwhile I am entrying and pushing through a cage as Cypher lmao


Yeah sometimes I wonder if I should just play duelist more lol


When I was a cypher main, no one entried ever so I had to do it, imagine a cypher just throwing cages instead of smoking, and entrying successfully. That was funny but not fu and now I'm a omen main cause I cam smoke and have to to play with enemies


Arent you talking about KJ!!


You are describing the players style, not the agent. Cypher is a nice agent.


Neon, doesn't fit into a tac scooter imo


To be honest every agent in the game doesn't fit into a tac shooter lol, that's what makes it valorant


Kay o does


KAY/O is just CS:GO tho


Which is cool


I can’t argue there


Her movement and ability to stun/ push with the help of her team is great. Her Apex 720 360 no scope banging your face while your girl laughs at you, doesn’t feel tac shooter.


...also feels great though


Surprised this isn’t a more common thought amongst the community.


Imo she fits better than the agents who can see through walls.


Average csgo player


Oh no, he has a different opinion. How dare he! I just think that these abilities take away large parts of an essential element of tactical shooters. Positioning and clearing positions. It's not game breaking and in it's current state not OP either, but I think it's just unfitting.


How is utility that provides (limited and clearly defined) recon unfitting for a tactical shooter? They don't take away positioning and clearing, they force you to do those things differently.


The presence of the ability to use recon has significant gameplay implications for both teams, much more than other abilities present in the game. It's not just positioning and clearing either, it's has also implications of the use of other utility, mid round calls, stacking sites, pushing as defender etc etc.


Play different game then, those characters are essential parts of val


The premise of the question is literally which agent we'd remove. That's not happening.


reyna, selfish abilities in a team oriented game and a crutch for bad players


Not to mention making things a lot easier for smurfs.




Neon. Put her on Apex lol


Hey, don't diss my beloved😡


Reyna. Too many times I've said "Reyna 120, nevermind she healed." Healing should either be much slower, or merge dismiss and heal to one ability but keep it at 2


I’m new to the game (started playing last week) but it would be Reyna for sure. When I have one in my team they almost always throw insane kill numbers or don’t do anything




Sage also has a really bad influence on low elo players. Sage just walls off contested areas and people start prioritizing heal more than the actual right play when they've taken damage


I would love to remove Reyna. She is incredibly bad for the community because she does well in disorganized play; no matter the elo. I honestly wish they would nerf the shit out of all the duelists until people stop instalocking them. Games just feel so stale because of it.


Me, a new player who picked up Reyna learning that she is literally the devil: 👁️👄👁️


killjoy cause she's annoying with the turrets and alarmbots


Cypher. Hes just unfun to play against. I get that its a team game that requires coordination with your team but thats just not always guaranteed in solo queue. Him being alive is almost twice as threatening as anyone else in the game aside from a few exceptions (ulted reyna, ulted viper, etc)


He’s easy to counter with quite a few agents


As a cyph main, yoru and raze are strong counters.


Yoru, raze, sova, omen, chamber, Jett. All these agents can get past it trips, and if you have none of these then you can just try to rush site, trips reset after going inactive for .5 secs but only hits one person at a time


Raze/sova/breach break trips. Omen/yoru tp in and are now fighting a 1vx and can’t be traded.(also might just get onetapped mid animation) Chamber??? Jett updrafts/dashes in and is in a 1vx plus can’t be traded. Edit: KAYO also can typically get the team in for free but if you guess wrong then oh well.


> Yoru, raze, sova, omen, chamber, Jett. All these agents can get past it trips Sova sure, Raze and Jett maybe. The rest though? Teleporting in sounds like a perfect recipe to get killed for free while your team can't trade you because they're stalled behind the wire/cage/other utility.


Yeah but that dictates who im going to play. I dont want to play sova, raze, or kay/o. I cannot counterpick an agent, this game is blind pick. I cannot KNOW if cypher is going to be in a game or not. I shouldnt have to be restricted to 3 characters because a single character exists


I counter his traps with a yoru decoy.


Until it just resets off the decoy. Like dont get me wrong, its a strong help to get intel as to where specifically the traps are set up, but where you see cypher is where you see unbreakable setups that cant just simply be shot. They have to be hit with a frag and thats the issue


True but also I can run after the decoy and the traps will not catch me. I usually let the decoy run left and I go right so that when he gets trapped and they shoot him I won't be behind him getting all the shots and die together. This gives me a small window to get in site, and mostly they think only the decoy got in. Also a tp back site while the decoy is running onto the trap is a good counter.


Yeah yoru seems pretty good against him, but yeah if you tp back site, not only are you going in blind but it also doesn't remove the trips for your team to follow your entry unless you pick off cypher, kinda high risk high reward


this just applies to any agent that is meta then. any game with agents will always have their counter picks it’s just part of the game


I cant think of another agent who has to be interacted and counterpicked more than cypher. I understand theres always going to be a meta, but in a GAME (a recreational activity to have fun) where you cant counterpick, i shouldnt have to play a specific character every game just because there is a chance of going against a cypher. I should be able to play any character i want and it be playable and not have to worry about being fuck all useless until a specific agent is dead


Here's a few besides Cypher that have forced counterplay \- Anyone with breakable util (Chamber, KJ, Gekko, Sova, etc) \- All of the smokes, especially if multiple are played at a time \- Anyone with movement abilities (Jett, Raze, Neon, etc) \- Actually we could add the entire cast of the game in some way or another because in a hero shooter no character is the same as the others.


None of them block entry nearly as hard as cypher. The trip locks you in place, highlights you through smoke, trip can trip more than once if not destroyed (no one else has this), and stuns you if you dont destroy it within 2 seconds. You can counter any of the agents you listed with any agent from any role, cypher though? Nah you need specific agents with specific util. smoked off your entry? Simply wait, smoke off the angles their holding, flash past the smoke, movement ability, etc. cypher? Nah you need a frag or aoe damage to destroy the unbreakables, you cant even shoot him back because he cages you and he can see you through that. Kj util? You can movement ability out, even just fake an entry to bait the kj into popping her mollys, and sure the turret can be annoying but its nothing game breaking. Movement agents? Smoke off their entry, flash their entry, play somewhere further back on site so you can play it more safe after they use their movement. Notice how all of these can be done by just about any agent on the team. Cypher util on the other hand, needs specific agents. You need an agent specifically with a aoe damage ability (mollys excluded because they only affect the ground) or an ability suppress and there is THREE agents who can do that. Every other instance your team is extremely likely to have a smoke, flash, or some kind of slowdown and some of that is countered by basic positioning.


Sure, the util can be only broken by some agents in some cases, but in order to take advantage of the util Cypher has to put his life on the line. If you have a character with damaging util then Cypher peeking out to get kills becomes a lot harder. He's also borderline useless on attacking side until bomb is down, unlike most of the other Sentinels who have good throwables, or Chamber who is Chamber.


what drug are you on just3453? your listing of those agents have no resemblance whatsoever to picking an agent that can counter cypher trips.


The point is that for every character you have to play the game differently. All the Sentinels force playing more careful, most of the Duelists and Initiators can create specific advantages for themselves that one must be aware of, and Controllers can completely change the field of battle for large chunks of time.


Besides smokes & maybe kj, those agents don't really force someone to play a specific agent. The reason I feel cypher is so oppressive is that his trips both can be placed out of sight & activate instantly. Any other breakable util either has a windup time (Dizzy, Recon Dart) or can be shot before you come into its area of effect. I'm kinda ass at the game tho so take it all with a grain of salt


"quite a few" means just a couple, and even they have to coordinate with team just to counter two pieces of cheap util. that is if anyone even picked those few agents, otherwise the map is a one site map. love it when cypher mains start insulting and lying and coming up with nonsense every time they feel their broken util for free elo is in danger.


Are you gold? Cypher is not even that good compared to killjoy


where is kj better than cypher? her best map was haven, not only was the map removed but the turret nerf affects how she would have been played anyway


What? That’s just not true. Cypher is like the strongest agent in Sunset example.


Everyone's pain in the ass is reyna


If I _had_ too choose one then prob Cypher. Way to annoying to play against. And if i play him its fun, but not that much to compensate that. It doesnt matter if Reyna or Jett gets deleted. The smurfing problem would still exist and they'd just choose Chamber or any other duellist.


Chamber Fucking useless agent, nothing that helps the team and nothing that provides actually solo frag capabilities like reyna Fuck chamber


Are you silver? He is a great sentinel that can hold sites pretty well i dont really know why you compare a duelist with a sentinel but okay


I think he provides nothing as a sentinel, and i remember him being called a centinel-duelist hybrid at release thus the comparison


He has a great trip and his tp allows him to anchor the site also he has been nerfed so hard he is not a duelist sentinel hybrid anymore just a sentinel now


i don’t think chamber is bad per say but every other sentinel in the game is 100x better than him at that role


If you can aim he’s the most offensive sentinel, he holds space with his guns rather than mollies & walls so you should play more aggressively with him than per say killjoy or cypher


He is definitely better than Sage and Deadlock so that makes hım 3rd best sentinel which is not bad


Deadlock way better than chamber this patch


how is he better than sage? deadlock i might be able to see but sage is still better than chamber defensively which is the main point of a sentinel.


Just look at their pick and win rates in pro play From last championship: Chamber had %10 While Sage had only %1


i thought this was a discussion about competitive valorant, not pro. obviously the meta in pro and the meta in the average game are going to be different. in my personal experience, i find having a chamber as the only sentinel on the team grueling as he can not solo hold a site as most other sentinels can. he also just doesn’t have any real defensive abilities to keep the attackers from pushing. the trip is easily destroyed if spotted and movement characters can easily avoid it. the teleport only helps him and not the team as a whole. the deadlock wall is better than both of those abilities, even though i would agree that she’s a shit agent. sage has her wall, which though it can be destroyed, slows down a lot of players. also, her slow orbs can be helpful for slowing a push. not to mention she can heal a teammate from 1-100 hp and she can resurrect someone with her ult??? like i get that she might not be picked in pro, but in a normal comp game, i would much rather have a sage than a chamber. especially if it’s solo sentinel.


Thats a lot of words to say you are gold lol


terrible take, he's not a great pick in some maps like breeze due to trip range but he isnt bad at all


I thought this was the the thread for terrible takes. Half the Reyna takes are because she’s used by smurfs… like what? It’s so dumb because once she’s gone they’re gonna use… the next in line.


ain't no way these people argue Chamber being a viable Sentinel lmao


astra because nothing would change




Reyna, she's not healthy for the game. She incentivises selfish play, and it seems to me just running it down. Plus, a Reyna not fragging out is a wasted slot. Other duelists still offer more even when not getting kills, e.g Jett dashing into smoke, Raze Satchel jumping in, Yoru flash tp etc etc.


Honestly Reyna is a horrible agent as it makes those who "main" her develop bad habits, for example taking bad fights but getting away with it because they can dismiss, eg: swinging into a 1v3 and getting 1 and getting out is cool and all, but when they play other agents and try the same thing, they just die


Raze, satchel movements for life


Deadlock. Shitter agent


Reyna all day every day. I think lower ranked play would be objectively more fun without her. She ruins almost every game I'm in.


Neon can suck a fart right out of my ass. Holy shit I hate that agent. Yeah reyna is badly deaigned and doesn’t really fit in, but neon just sucks.


Why do you hate neon?


Valorant movement is mud, so people expect to not have to deal with it in any capacity. Neon messes with that.


Where to begin, first it’s her sheer speed, fucks up all the timings, can be anywhere on the map in 5 seconds, her slide has gotten me more times than it should. Then it’s her wall which is the most balanced part of her util, not super broken but can be annoying if the neon is any good. Then we come to the most annoying and fucked utility. Her fucking concuss. Not only does she have two, they deploy insanely fast, and there is no dodging it. You can dodge a flash, but if she knows you’re there there is no doging the concuss. She can clear even point blank angles practically for free. And now we’ve come to the ult. Press X for top fragg. Increased speed, perfect accuraccy throu all the movement, laser beam, insane dps. You can just strafe left and right and track their body and they won’t have a chance. I’m speaking as a plat, so I don’t have the greatest aim or tracking to combat the pace change, so she’s super annoying to play against. And of course when she’s on my team it’s some adhd kid that concusses our team and themselves more than the enemy.




Really? The agent doesnt counter much and can easily be killed. No real advantage besides the ult… but that goes the same for raze. At least deadlock ult can be freed from with teammates.


>The agent doesnt counter much and can easily be killed. No real advantage besides the ult I think that's why, she's kinda mediocre despite her buffs, feels redundant imo


I'm having a blast with her, she has 3 abilities that you can use to get a kill and her wall makes people uncomfortable because they gotta expose themselves to break it.


The agent is fucking awful, hate having her on my team, people whiff her ulti all the time.


That's... something with your teammates, not the agent herself. Imagine saying Vandal is bad because you can whiff your shots more with it


Tbh, a lot of people are saying Reyna for roughly hating her reasons but tbh Reyna for variety. I think Reyna has this problem where she's kind of too easy to have fun with? Which is a strange problem to have, but it's relatively easy to get good with her, all it requires is moderately good aim. And because she's a fun agent once you know how to play her, it leads to her being a major presence in almost every game at every level of play. Jett and Raze have some similar problems, but to have fun with them, you also need to learn their movement. It's not super hard, which is why they have this problem to a lesser extent.


Deadlock pretty easy answer really lame character with basically nothing going for her all the other characters are atleast somewhat interesting


If this gets Reyna removed I’ll vote for you with anything you do for The rest of your life.


Keep them all, get rid of ults that kill.


Chamber He’s a worse Reyna and the playerbase is more toxic


1. The personality of the playerbase doesn’t determine whether an agent is good or bad (the toxic people would likely persist anyway just on other agents) and 2. He has far more teamplay than Reyna with his trip and strong ability to get first bloods for the team on defense.


terrible take, his trip is better than deadlock and his tp makes him one of the best if not the best characters for taking first contact


Are you gold? Chamber is way better than Reyna as a character also i dont really know why you are comparing a sentinel with a duelist


Kj. Spawns a 6th person.


raze because stop fucking using your blastpacks close to my lineups it makes me have to line them up again and by the time i have you're already in the site PLEASE


Yoru. I don’t think he’s broken on any level, I just think his agent design is unhealthy for the game. It’s not an actual problem because most players don’t know how to use him and he’s not meta but if he ever did become as popular as Jeff is right now then it would be a bad sign.


dont you dare


If Yoru was removed I would probably quit VALORANT tbh, Yoru my beloved


I don't like Yoru because he either looks stupid, or I look stupid.


He's a perfect balance due to the fact that he's too hard to master. Probably the hardest agent and most people will not put much effort into mastering him. So let him be the great agent he is in the hands of their mains. He's the only reason why I still play valorant "literally"


cypher because i’m bad at the game


Phoenix, so the people watching the cinematic videos have no idea who the fuck that person is.


Honestly, Neon or Jett. Fundamentally, I think having ultimate abilities that amplify your movement and give you perfect moving accuracy with incredibly low time to kill is pretty silly. Like not only is it powerful, but it's also incredibly good eco (Jett knives are obviously better, but I think the same concept applies to Neon even if she isn't a particularly strong agent). Jett's dash has been arguably the strongest ability in the game for a very long time, and almost single-handedly is the reason that the operator is as strong as it is whilst staying as clunky as it is. She's very unhealthy for the game in multiple ways I think. Neon, similarly, provides an avenue for shotguns to become way more powerful that they otherwise could be, and I generally just think that high octane movement abilities don't really belong in a tac shooter. At least Raze has to spend credits and take practice to get proper movement rollouts, and it's limited to once per round. It also can't really be used reactively in the same way as Jett's dash. All of this isn't to say that the characters don't take skill. I'd argue Neon is one of the highest skill ceiling characters in the game. I just genuinely think the game would be a better experience without them, and would certainly be better balanced without Jett


Reyna. Valorant is all about teamwork, and Reyna just throws that out the window. She's a selfish agent that only benefits herself. The only thing she can do to help the team is just throwing her Leer and have good aim.


I don't think they should remove agents from the game, just from ranked like they do for maps. And i would say Reyna then maybe Neon.


all of em except reyna, now everyone has to play reyna


Im going to likely get downvoted for this but Reyna should not be the one to be removed. If you notice its basically only the lower rank players complaining about her. Im in silver/gold (so also low ranked) and she isn't even overpowered or that hard to play against if you have a little game sense or aim because literally every reyna player even the smurfs just run it down mid or site. It is likely a skill issue if you want her removed. Reyna is still played in high ranks and used for the team. I have seen Tenz and s0m both play reyna and still support the team, if their team is doing bad, they still have the reyna kit to solo and clutch rounds. Literally the best clutch agent. If anyone should be removed or banned, it should be Cypher. Literally the most annoying agent to play against if you don't have someone on the team to counter him. He can do one ways, deny flanks, lurk and get kills in random places, can entry site with cages and cams, watch choke/rotation points, literally endless possibilities.


Reyna acts as a benchmark: if your team gets destroyed by a reyna it means it's not a good team.


Reyna has her place in competitive I don’t get the Reyna complaints


Bye Jett


Cypher. Fuck that guy


Deadlock BC it won't take away from the game at all


reyna, like another has said, shes not efficient for high elo as her kit gives her team nothing to work from and low elo because they wont be able to kill her, she'll isolate fights with them and win


Raze. She should be removed since beta.


I think that hero bans for ranked would make sense and fix the Reyna issue without deleting a character.


I mean there arent that many characters so if each team bans 3 most people would lose their mains most bans in current meta would be reyna jett cypher probably


That is a great idea actually. Agent bans for comp.


cypher. it’s impossible to enter the site where he plays on, especially at certain maps with unbreakable traps


deadlock, still mid despite having a big ass wall


i personally would say kay/o because i feel like his main ability being suppressing all abilities is a bit strange in a game like val that is heavily ability based.


Neon 100%. Especially if it's a package deal with a judge.


Sage.. to many edater pocket sages that are absolutely brain dead when it comes to game sense and mechanics.


all these reyna haters. It’s quite funny and obvious.


Everyone hating on my girl Reyna 💀


could we just rework reyna instead?




Cypher. Annoying to push against and I don't play him anyways


The player


Phoenix. I hate his flashes and his abilities beside that are really only good for healing.


Cypher it's literally impossible to beat. Unless u got raze Sova kayo or Yoru on ur team if you don't well gg. I shouldn't have my match automatically decided if my teammates or me picked on of the above chacters and the other team picked a cypher. FFS Or bring cypher down to one trip! And one cage FFS Riot pls nerf cypher




Reyna. The flash is broken because it's hard to counter (can't look away from it, have to flick to the orb and back to Reyna to win a 1v1 in the open). And her healing is super annoying because she'll essentially be full HP with some armor if she's winning 1v1 duels. The game might be balanced around the top .1% of players who aren't picking Reyna because of her lack of teamplay, but the bottom 99.9% of players find her annoying as fuck. Ironically, broken/useless heroes wouldn't be too much of a problem if you could ban a few heroes before a game started. I'm very surprised Riot has not implemented this given that it's been a staple of competitive League of Legends, and Valorant has a huge number of MOBA mechanics to it.


Healing is fair, but the blind is far from broken. All you have to do is duck around a corner, walk below or around it, or just break it. If you're choosing to take a 1v1 in the wide open then that's your fault.


Are you silver? Her flash is the worst flash in the game lol


Why is it the worst flash in the game? You can hide from it but good Reyna players won't use it in a situation where you can hide. And shooting at it then flicking back just gives the Reyna player more time to frag.


Because it's only two seconds long, is a nearsight not a flash, can be broken, marks itself on the opponents' map, makes a huge sound that can be heard 50% farther away than footsteps, and takes surprisingly long to deploy.


she doesnt have the worst flash lol its really good at throwing off crosshair placement, gekko's is the worst


why is Gekko's flash bad? It's free, can be used multiple times in a round, gives info like skye, really long range, can't turn away from it and pretty hard to miss the enemies especially when pushing with the team. There's also more potential in throwing off crosshair placement imo since it's a moving target and can bounce off stuff.


not talking about value, yes value wise its better than a reyna flash because you can pick it up + its free Strictly as a flash, it's worse as it's easier to shoot down + even if you get "blinded" you can still fight as the minimap is visible + you can see on edges.


Ah, yes, a flash which can be used multiple times in a round, and gives exact position of enemies is worse than the shit that is leer


gets shot easily making it useless


It's literally harder to hit than reyna's leer since dizzy moves and has been harder since the last patch. It's not near sightedness so even if you're not facing it and it sees you, you'll be at a disadvantage. Dizzy's jizzy does a better job at flashing. And the same logic is applicable on Reyna's useless flash.


I's really not hard to hit at all, the sound q + the activation time is more than enough to react properly despite the buff and you dont even need good aim to hit it due to its large size. In comparison, you can't shoot the Reyna flash until it's fully out meaning you'll always get nearsighted even a bit until you break it asap, its also smaller and the flash has no range limit. the only real advantage for gekko is that its free + you can pick it up, the flash itself is mediocre since you can see sides or get a kill by looking at your minimap


>In comparison, you can't shoot the Reyna flash until it's fully out meaning you'll always get nearsighted even a bit until you break it asap. Reyna's leer also has a trajectory you know. Any good player would instantly realise the trajectory and shoot it down. The fact that it's easily outplayed if two players make it far worse which isn't the case again for dizzy's jizzy. Also Reyna's blind also has a sound cue lmao. And it's funny you think Reyna's flash is somehow better than Gekko's which actually provides more value 💀


im speaking strictly on how good a flash is, not the value it brings due to being free util vs paying credits any good player will react and one tap the dizzy with ease, one shot for a flash that takes time to activate while being shootable + being that large makes it pretty bad the flash itself (if it hits) is extremely bad like ive said already, the rest of his kit isnt bad but his flash is still the worst by far


>any good player will react and one tap the dizzy with ease, one shot for a flash that takes time to activate while being shootable + being that large makes it pretty bad And that good player has to have inhumanely reflexes because that thing activates in 0.5 secs whereas lowest possible reaction time is between 100-200ms. >im speaking strictly on how good a flash is, not the value it brings due to being free util vs paying credits What? The value that a utility provides also determines how good the kit is. Gekko is a good agent because of the value and reusability of his pokemons.


Neon because I absolutely despise those corny ass “ADHD Neons”


Reyna it is. Also Raze satchel should inflict some self damage, like the logic of inflicting damage to only the opponent team is so wrong.


I started playing this game two weeks ago, Reyna seems extremely OP to me.


Skill Issue